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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54312790 No.54312790 [Reply] [Original]

Hey bros, back again to spread the good word.

REMEBER, devote yourself to god and he will deliver. Devote yourself to god and the gains will come.

Anyways, just want to give a reminder. Jesus says that hoarding treasure will only attract blacks to rob you. No anon, you don’t need 50 Rolexes, a closet full of Gucci and 100 pairs of Jordans. Instead, when you make it, build a homestead to raise a family.

>> No.54313248


Bizfags are just as bad as kikes. They all worship wealth and their sins will find them out

>> No.54313272
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>> No.54313294

I've lived a life of poverty by choice most of my life, it's not easy to try to be good to people, there's a reason why money tempts so badly.
But I wouldn't wish this life upon people, I get visions and prophecies due to it but nobody listens to me because I'm poor.
It's just a catch 22, but believe me if I could turn back the clock I would have focused on myself instead of believing god would provide for me, he absolutely did not.

>> No.54313304

Using the old testament to justify greed isn't wise or even smart, also using an iphone which is literally a product of satan says enough.

>> No.54313318

Here's my own Christian/buddhist take:

Learn to not give a fuck about anything. Getting into Buddhism and meditation might help you achieve this state of absolute not giving a shit. You get angry a lot less, laugh at things in life a lot more rather than get angry. Great benefit. I also had a near death experience and saw the white light, and man, it made me laugh. The light told me this world is mostly a big joke. But, you do have to overall be a good person to go to the white light. There is a dark red hell, in equal size to the white light. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Love your enemy.

>> No.54313329
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>> No.54313333


>> No.54313343
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Here buddha man

>> No.54313344

you're literally using tech as we speak, dumbass LOL. Also, YOU'RE being disingenuous with the interpretation. No, the goal in life isn't to live like a homeless person. It is to not become a slave to consumerism. End of the day you NEED money for a roof and food and the jews purposely make it difficult to obtain to keep the masses in control

>> No.54313357

i will hear your prophecies, what dost thou sayeth?

>> No.54313379
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I invest so I can start a nonprofit someday

>> No.54313381
File: 549 KB, 666x961, 09184DB3-BCB5-48AC-A2F4-838087B01B7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel burns and its bloodlines are purged worldwide

>> No.54313401

yeah i already knew that one, gimme a fresh one

>> No.54313403

I'm using tech I built, there's a massive difference and I didn't pay for any software because I'm not a dumb nigger, you buy iphones that literally the logo is the apple of creation being bit into.
you're a satanist through and through I saw you rampaging earlier today, still at it I see.
Demons never sleep.

>> No.54313410

I don't speak among demons, purge the faggotry from this board and I will give you gods word.

>> No.54313413
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You ask and shall receive

>> No.54313416

>I'm using tech I built,
You're going to hell for being such a lying sack of shit. You didn't built your phone and you didn't build the towers needed to get internet. Even if you magically did (you didn't), there is literally nothing satanic about doing trades i.e. cash for a product.

>> No.54313502

>Dedicated to Fresh
>Supply Chains
>Technology Driven
>Temperature Controlled

thanks, i'll be investing in all of those markets

>> No.54314189
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>> No.54314702


>> No.54316092

what's the /biz/ consensus on calvinism?

>> No.54316097

logical conclusion of Christianity opposed by midwits

>> No.54316315

cringey /pol/cel thread