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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54310812 No.54310812 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, fuck the Fed. They're the reason for the ridiculous rate of inflation the U.S. has been going through for years and now they're acting like they're trying to fix a problem that THEY CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE in order to fuck the working class and make the elites richer.

>> No.54310828

blame state and local goyverments enforcing economic shutdowns

>> No.54310832

Business as usual.

>> No.54311095

Do you think politicians would ever elect a fed chairman that WOULDN'T prop up a technically insolvent government with ZIRP and QE?

"Just enough, just in time" + two crises was just the spark that lit the powder keg. Blame soft money, fractional reserve banking, your politicians and keynesian economics. The whole thing is massive, massive scam.

Guess we need another war to fix the economy!

>> No.54311141

it started at bretton woods and was intended to make America powerful. it worked. but now it's all fucked up and they have no clue what to do

>> No.54311315

You said it yourself. They’re acting like they’re trying to fix things, but they’re not that dumb. They know what they’re doing- bringing the current system down so they can usher in policies which will give the government more control and allow for more surveillance.

>> No.54311341

Interest rates and the cost of money should be set by the free market (i.e. a commodity backed currency with inherent scarcity) but of course amerifats decided that it would be a good idea do CENTRALISE the power to decide the cost of money lmao


>> No.54311372
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Also fuck Congress and their failure to cut government spending which they print all this money for in the first place.

>> No.54312491
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Yes. This is the 'soft' cudgel to beat labour back down. The hard cudgel is the militarised police that have become omnipresent. Unless unions become strong again, the middle class is going to be demoted to poverty. The United States economy runs on the blood of the desperate. The Republican and Democrat parties fence over identity politics distractions while workers are ground into products. Blue collar work is the transacting of ones' bodily integrity in exchange for currency, white collar work exchanges ones' mind for currency. If any person feels as if they give neither for the currency they're paid, then they're exchanging their soul for currency.
The only way to cause a true upset is if a significant proportion of people cease desiring currency. This will never happen again.

>> No.54312528

>Unless unions become strong again
A little late for that after the factories have been exported kek

>> No.54312543

Brah they said inflation was trans unironically

>> No.54312765

This. OP is also right though. FED could have flipped Trump the bird and said no.

>> No.54312942

>giving the biden administration a pass

>> No.54312997
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The war with China means the US doesn't trust their enemy with their industrial capacity. The Fed wants to slash wages so they can bring back factory capacity without having to pay a decent wage — or just shove them into Mexico again.