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54308347 No.54308347 [Reply] [Original]

Its time we addressed the elephant in the room, and its sad it took this long to see the obvious point. BRICS will not last lonher than 10 years because its will be run by niggers, poo’s, and chinks
Dont tell me you think brazil will magically become a same non pozzed environment that reduces its corruption and nigger tier savages. this is insane along with thinking that india, with its shit filled streets and mass gang rape will also become morally sound nations that will not be corrupted and uphold free market ideas and not use the new BRICS system to oppress peole even more with increased corruption. I get it, USA turbo jew is corrupt too, but do you really want to be in a system that includes brazil and india? Just think about it!

>> No.54308364

whitecel cope

>> No.54308387

Yup, it will fail in 2 more weeks.

>> No.54308410
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Sou brasileiro e gostaria muito que a moeda da América do Sul fosse a Kaspa.

>> No.54308479

What will happen is globalization will die, and the world will split in two economically. However both sides will say they are better than the other but it's not true.

>> No.54308662

Currently, the five countries of BRICS make up 40% of the world’s population, 30% of land coverage, 18% of world trade, and 25% of the global nominal GDP. Moreover, these countries play a large role in the world’s global food supply: Russia is the largest wheat exporter in the world, Brazil is the largest basedbean exporter and the third-largest corn exporter, and India is the largest rice exporter. Similarly, Russia, India, and China’s influences on the global energy market are significant, as Russia is the largest oil exporter and second-largest natural gas exporter, and India and China play a substantial role in the transition to clean energy. Furthermore, China and Russia have expressed a large interest in expanding the coalition further. Specifically, China recently invited Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Egypt, UAE, Indonesia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Thailand to join the group, and Iran has applied for membership.

>> No.54308719

gostaria que você fosse tomar no seu cu

>> No.54308734

About Brazil we here say the following about wheter we will ever make it:
"Brazil is too big to fail and too big to succeed"
"Brazil likes to peer into the abyss and then take two steps back. Argentina jumps without thinking twice"
At least volatility brings opportunities you don't see elsewhere as long as you are good enough and has the stomach to do it.

>> No.54308740
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>Runs the most power country in the world

Come on man!

>> No.54308783

As a Brazilian, I think this is the kind of thing that will only benefit China. They want the yuan to become the new global reserve currency, so they can print it out of thin air like the Americans did with the usd in the last 70 years or so.
Brazil should try to stay neutral, and continue trading with the whole world.

>> No.54308839

BRICS is the only way to stay neutral actually.
Being alone Brazil will inevitably become a vassal state of American Empire.

>> No.54308875

culturally and politically we already are. we mimic their politics and import their social pathologies

>> No.54308900

Prefereable to being China's dog

>> No.54308905

Then it's time to change the direction.
American Empire is toxic these days.

>> No.54308956

Time to name one.

>> No.54308972

Honestly, as bad as it is, i agree. better the devil you know, i guess
the choice really stands between a rock and a hard place. it's too late to apply to become a british settlement colony, so we're out of luck

>> No.54309009
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>blockades the Hormuz
>you run out of energy
>economy collapses
>50%+ of your population dies in a peasant rebellion [again]
not my problem

>> No.54309046

It's hard for us to imagine how do you have to hate your country to wish to become a British dog.

>> No.54309076
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>> No.54309085

I mean, based on how their other settlement colonies turned out to be, globohomo aside ofc, it looks like a good choice. afaik canada, aus and nz are pretty nice places, as was SAF before the 90s
that said, yea i do hate it

>> No.54309106
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Calma, Cleitim

>> No.54309108

america seems to be run by niggers too :/

>> No.54309127

BRICS is intended to be a cooperation group between non-NATO/North American/Western European countries. Russia, China and India may have regional/world domination ambitions but Brazil and observer/associate status want mainly strong economic ties amongst third/second world states and technology transfer maybe. No one is expecting first world nations to join BRICS. Also, Brazil is not as bad as you think it is.

>> No.54309144


>> No.54309171
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Go back to >>/pol/ stupid tranny Glowie
Nobody cares

>> No.54309185
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>> No.54309186

It is nothing comparable. China is pure evil. The comparison to zerg or a horde of locusts is not too far off. I went there and witnessed how shit it is in person.

>> No.54309222

No doubt about it, i know gooks are soul-less dog-eating insectoids

>> No.54309224

90% chances that anon he's not black/native if he's saying this, but some whitoid from the Southeast/Southern states.

>> No.54309255

That's why I said before that's really hard to imagine how much he hates the people of his own country.

>> No.54309280

Who cares about indios, that being said being a globohomo puppet is the worst outcome for non-black brazilians

>> No.54309322

my friend used to go there for business and the sick bastards would tell him things are cultural traditions and serve him boiled cockroaches etc. the moment he quit playing their game they shunned him as a bigot. Beyond all the other insane shit in china that was objectively cruel and manipulative, endemic of their way of thinking in regards to others

>> No.54309378

yes. and you touched on an important aspect of their deceitfulness - they play the west's victim game, where they accuse whoever of being x-ist or x-phobic, whereas they themselves are han supremacists. the chink is the jewish stereotype taken to its most absurd extreme. and they also dont have any regard for human life in general

>> No.54309582
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>muh gorrillion ruskie rotten nuke warheads on paper
>the amount of warheads is 50x greater than the amount of missiles left
>all of the can be intercepted by the US

>> No.54310456

Actually only American Empire still have no Hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) nukes neither in development nor in deployment among world superpowers.

>> No.54310613

It'll be ran by Chinks, Russians and Arabs in that order.
Poos are a weak middle management race, useless at fighting, uninventive and subservient. Niggers aren't even capable of middle management, without whites babysitting them they'll be returned to farm equipment status. Russians and Chinks are hard people who had centuries of hard times, they won't put up with any bullshit, Arabs have had black slaves since the beginning of time, they'll probably go back to castrating them.

>> No.54311665

I view that brazil and india will be even worse due to lack of western standards, they are already hyper degenerate, but with brics, they may become Venezuela tier, maybe thats what the chinks want? A slave race right below them? HAHAH Those maccos will be scream to comebacks when they find out what those chinks have instore for them!

>> No.54311914

>A slave race right below them?

Yes, but not only the chinks but also the globo homo.

>> No.54311935

typical slave ship owner outlook which is why brics is already halfway there