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54306694 No.54306694 [Reply] [Original]

Bitshitters actually exist

It's actually brilliant that the banks and governments will control and crash it

Subhumans deserve pain

>> No.54306708

That’s a jew

>> No.54306709

Why do cryptobros get so much hate?
Why is crypto even political?

>> No.54306737
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*votes for regulations and CBDCs*

>> No.54306767

>institution current year man says dont buy monero
smart because they control all points of exit, unless you're buying drugs you'll never be able to take cash out and will be buying giftcards

>> No.54306781

and he can't handle monero
bitcoin isn't a crypto

>> No.54306810

>bitcoin is not a cryptocurrency
certified retard

>> No.54306836

not fungible so not a currency, pretty simple

>> No.54307122

What practical difference does it make?

>> No.54307240

you can't be persecuted and targeted politically for your purchases because they can't be traced to you, and all units of currency are identical and not "tainted" as bitcoin is

a pretty simple question that anyone with over 90 iq should be able to understand with even cursory browsing of this website for a week

do you happen to be from twitter or facebook

>> No.54307390

What are the serial numbers on banknotes reddit spacing narcissistic faggot?

>> No.54307421

no one is talking about bank notes you retarded facebook niggerfaggot

>> No.54307477

also the serial numbers of banknotes you exchange at your local liquor store aren't recorded in a transparent ledger, every banknote you deposit into your bank account doesn't have the serial number recorded either

when I transact in banknotes with serial numbers that aren't recorded anywhere it is impossible to trace it to me

where as with bitcoin you control the keys to your address and only you can make transactions from that account

>> No.54307504
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serial numbers would make banknotes not currency according to your retarded definition clinically narcissistic npc

>> No.54307536

the only case in which serial numbers on banknotes can be traced to you is if you rob a bank that has received a fresh batch of dollars from the mint that are sorted by serial number

which is a rare occurrence, otherwise if you go to the hardware store and buy 10 2x4s with that cash, then the money is washed, you could even wear a mask to hide your identity if you did rob a bank and the serial numbers were traceable

there is no mask mode for bitcoin, it's all transparent

>> No.54307542

Anyone with the key can make a transaction, not only the owner of an account newfag. If a government has interest in someone they’ll track the money and cards he uses.

>> No.54307561

No one gives a fuck about your $100 bucks in savings poorfaggot. If it’s a large sum it’s not easy to wash it.

>> No.54307563

if banknotes could be linked to your identity then they would cease to be currency

since almost all of the banknotes in circulation are not being traced then it fulfills this purpose

but if you just robbed a bank, that kept track of the serial numbers of the specific batch that you robbed, then it would still be possible to conceal your identity anyways, which is not possible with bitshit

>> No.54307582

but you are the sole owner of your bitcoin account baggie, I'm sorry, any transactions made by that account are from you bro

>> No.54307599

Banknotes can be as much linked to you as your crypto. The bitcoins you have have been owned by others in the past retard.
>it’s easy to wash money after bank robbery
>you can’t wash bitcoin
narcissistic npc keeps digging his hole

>> No.54307615

Where does it say a wallet belongs to me lmao
This is what happens when a retard tries to pretend to be smart, gets caught and starts spamming posts to look like he wasn’t exposed as a midwit

>> No.54307647

Anon, you do realise currency doesn't necessitate fungibility, right? It's just "any standard medium of exchange"
The fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.54307698

only if you literally just robbed a bank can the serial numbers be traced to you, but they would have to know you robbed the bank which is unlikely

>> No.54307720

it does even if the fedniggers serialized the notes, which aren't tracked yes it is shit tier but it's still better than your bitshit, obviously these are all inferior to monero and gold but you dumb fags need to change the subject from that, to cope on this other layer which is quite pathetic

>> No.54307744

it's your wallet bro, you kyced, you were forced to, and you reported it, and feds are sniffing out your shit opsec, because you're a bitcoiner

>> No.54307785

They can also get a statement where you withdraw money, where you use card, etc. if you’re trying to make an argument against bitcoin based on those grounds then you failed.
You proved to have no clue on what you’re talking about. No one made the case that bitcoin is better than monero or gold. You’re just a narcissistic npc who came here to act like a faggot. Do better.

>> No.54307813

>all bitcoin wallets require kyc
>most crypto wallets require kyc
>some crypto wallets require kyc
stop posting, just stop

>> No.54308078

kyc faggot
cash is fungible, obviously you're a niggerfaggot bringing up a card which is completely unrelated

no one will make a case that bitcoin is a better currency than gold or monero because bitcoin isn't fungible and doesn't work as a currency

>> No.54308163

>XMRies think their fedcoin is going to be safe from DARPA tech

>> No.54308209

it is, darpa will collapse in 5 years

>> No.54308250

I unironically can't tell if I'm way too high to read this, or if it's actually just schizo ramblings.
This makes literally 0 sense. What the fuck does any of this have to do with currencies?

>> No.54308547

read it again, fucktard

>> No.54308637

Don't bother with this retard. The Monero maxis are Mexican schizos. They're about as likely to make it off Monero, as they are to suddenly become white.

>> No.54308663

bitcoin can't save you shitskin

>> No.54308868

>he thinks even a minority of bitcoin wallets are kyc’d
>just walk around and make transactions with tens of thousands of dollars like it’s spare change
the levels of cope npc midwits will reach kek
but it’s probably a bot

>> No.54308898

they are kyced, retard, and they are transparent so when you do decide to cash out of the sinking ship you will be hunted down

yea, with 10s of thousands of dollars you can eventually spend it in things called stores, to buy goods and services, you ever been to a store before

>> No.54308981

Post hands. I know you're a beaner.

>> No.54308998

bitcoin isn't a crypto currency, and you're a trapped rat

>> No.54309120

>concealing identity with bitcoin not possible

what is coinjoin
what is teleports
what is lightning

congrats, you are both retarded and ignorant.

monero is an opaque FBI honeypot and there is nothing you can say to change my mind.

>> No.54309139

none of those things work

monero works

>> No.54310501

You still haven't posted your hands. I'd like you to admit you're a dirt-poor beaner. You're just seething that you missed out on Bitcoin. I bet you probably hold silver too.

>> No.54310535
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>Fbi honeypot
Certainly ser, lets review the many arrests based off the tracing of monero.... Oh t-th-there are none?

>> No.54310737

*taints your bitcoin and blacklists you*
nothin personnel kid.

>> No.54310762
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Bitcoin maxi's are literally just moonfags with no alignment to what bitcoin originally stood for. Now that the project is failed and coopted they just want their bags to pump so they can buy le lambo. Fuck all of them. They are spineless subhumans with no ideals.

>> No.54310858

L2 is cope