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54299809 No.54299809 [Reply] [Original]

I would have already made it(late 20s) if I never touched the green jew in high school. 14 years an addict. Just the money I spent on it alone or the energy I would have had, I would be worth 7 figures, without a shadow of a doubt. If I could have just kept either one of those things I would have made it. Also I would have been the opposite of an incel, I would have been giga Chad. The worst part about this is that I'm not coping, my wasted potential dur to weed is an objective fact

T. 6 figure salary, eating 200-300 mg of edibles a day

>> No.54299816

>I've been an incel my entire life, but if this one thing changed I'd be a gigachad!

>> No.54299828

Ye. When u smoke weed like ciggarets from 14 years old.. I've had a few sober streaks lately for the first time and litteraly everything got better. I managed to make it to 1:30 am today and only ate 50 mg, gonna try to quit again to.orrow

>> No.54299833
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>always has money for weed and food.
mans gotta eat

>> No.54299868

i feel you mate. I started smoking it at 16 and basically wasted my entire 20s smoking it. eventually stopped because it was just giving me paranoia every time i smoked. oh believe me i didnt stop smoking it because of the paranoia, i still smoked it for years while it made me paranoid, eventually it was the realisation that "why am i even doing this when it feels horrible" i still miss it and i would smoke more given half the chance but i havent smoked more than a few puffs in the last 5 years and my life has moved on in leaps and bounds.

you'll just have to literally stop smoking it and remove yourself from the environment where you habitually smoke it. move to another country maybe where weed is super hard to find.

>> No.54299883

lmao how did you have weed in highschool but managed to not get pussy. almost impossible

>> No.54299889

i dont disagree that weed holds some people back, but not me lol im rolling off like 1000mg right now OP is a fag

>> No.54299895

Why don’t you stop then? A few days of weird dreams and irritability and then you’re back in the real world. Throw it away and don’t look back, it’s actually easy if you have something else to distract you

>> No.54299901

I only made it because of weed.

>get into weed early
>have good connections so always got the good weed and plenty
>have tons of friends in school and all the girls want to hook up with me because I always got drugs in my pocket
>later grow weed myself and sell to friends
>make a ton of taxfree gains that way
>funnel that weed money into crypto
>portfolio blows up to over a million in not even 6 months
>eventually stopped consuming weed because I got really busy getting my pilot license

>> No.54299903

i'm in the same boat OP. i smoke every day and it really just zaps all the energy out of me, not to mention is a big hole in my wallet. i really would like to stop. i cut the tobacco out of it, i think i can stop weed too

>> No.54299914

Im glad at my highschool nobody did weed we all just drank

>> No.54299934

STFU randy

>> No.54299947

You would have found some other shit to wast your life away.Sorry dude not everyone is a winner, financially speaking.

>> No.54299950

Weed makes me anti social
I have done meth multiple times and didnt get hooked, smoked a 5 sack, jacked off and put it down. Know countless people who never put it down.. addiction isn't black and white. Quitting for me means I got to deal with some REALLY heavy existential shit which would be fine until I get to day 5 sober and litteraly haven't slept a second and just want to rest at that point

>> No.54299955

Okay I look like this, say things like that, and do things like this

But one thing I don't fucking do is eat at McDonald's, I might smoke weed but I am not some fucking slop eating faggot

>> No.54300008
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Devil’s lettuce

>> No.54300038

t. Retarded weed head poorfag. Adults are talking. Please go back to Tik tok or whatever you 15 year old pothead virgins do for fun

>> No.54300047

>pilot license

vaxxcuck alert. Pot smoking during early development AND the clot shot? Double risk factor for crashing your plane into the sea

>> No.54300062

Is it a requirement now? He could be getting it to fly his own plane or in a small comapny..

>> No.54300100

get a vaporizer if you spend too much on the flowers, it's probably 10x more efficient than smoking

>> No.54300115

Jack in the Boz is so fucking nasty, the sandwiches are so fucking greasy and every one I've been to, even in other states, has a bunch of niggers working behind the counter.
Always try your best to not eat goyslop, I nearly caved to the temptation today but made myself a hearty meal of beef potatoes eggs and peppers instead.

>> No.54300345

Fpbp. Chad was being chad by nature when he was just a boy, effortlessly. It’s much better when you accept this reality.

>> No.54300361

never had or needed any vaccines

>> No.54301744

>200-300mgs a day
Bro what the fuck

>> No.54302055

If you can't get laid smoking weed through highschool then there's literally nothing that will help you.

>> No.54303197

Regret is cope, full stop
you’re an actual insane person, time only marches on. you make six figures dumbass, that’s better than millions of americans already. Get your finances straight and use your excess income to your advantage. Your stoner brain rot has clearly set in but if you just stop right now you’ll be well on your way to “making it”

>> No.54303277

He probably meant his Private Pilot Certificate.
I can't imagine a stoner ever showing up somewhere on time, let alone to fly a plane commercially.

>> No.54303297

Lol to those excuses. You are weak. Thats all.

>> No.54303310

literally me except i dont smoke weed or get food delivered

>> No.54303374
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What's the point of amassing wealth if you deny yourself any form of entertainment? If you don't want to spend any money on anything beyond what is strictly necessary for your survival then you might as well just sit in a box whenever you're not earning money. That's a fucking boring life and time is by far your most valuable asset.

>> No.54303834

This guy gets it. I tried living an extremely boring and frugal lifestyle for 2 years to save up some cash, nearly went insane. I'd be sat in my living room replaying some shit game because "at least I'm not spending money". Meanwhile life passed me by, I started drinking heavily (not cheap), my health deteriorated, all my friends fucked off, I became extremely negative depressed and was suicidal. Not worth it to save a few k a year. You have to do something, anything that you genuinely enjoy in life otherwise you may as well be dead. I ended my depression by buying a shitted gt86 and doing track days. Nothing serious, but I fucking love it. Find your 86 anon x

>> No.54303879

Fair enough, go without if your saving for a mortgage deposit or NEED the money, but doing it just to get more numbers on your banking app for the sake of it, nah mate, go have some fun (but don't piss it up the wall on degenerate shit) blog over, love you cunts, sminem bless our gains

>> No.54306105

Everyone’s got an excuse for why they’re not successful. If you’d dropped the weed you probably would have just found that you’re a shiftless bum, which is why you got hooked on weed, and not done anything anyways.

>> No.54306176

Some of us make decent money but aren’t into frivolous forms of entertainment or buying cheap garbage, with the result that we end up saving a lot of money.

>> No.54306295

right? imagine these retards that NEED to consume such high amounts to function. fucking try meditating or sth. taper off with CBD if youre a pussy. oh you cant because you are a SLAVE to it!

>> No.54306470

>He unironically believed in the Jewish "weed is harmless for you bruv" meme
Anything that changes your brain chemistry will fuck you up retard lmao

>> No.54306712

Join a Muay Thai gym

>> No.54306859

same story for many people. first i was cool and feeling of high was amazing then it started turning me schizo in public to the point I came to a party and all was good and I had to get the fuck out of there 10 minutes after smoking. also fried my brain down to 0 IQ. I quit because I couldnt take being so fucking retarded in discussions with my family anymore. I felt like a complete brain damaged sperg. my mom never said much and I was able to see whats happening fortunately. somehow being high as fuck a part of me still could notice my cognitive decline. Thank God I got the strength to quit cold turkey. I also quit cigs and hard RC drugs at different times. those things took so many opportunities and nice things away from me between 17-24 holy shit now that I think about it again I wanna kms. but the feeling of listening to favourite music and cumming on weed were amazing in the early phase

>> No.54307129

I'm sober from everything, even nicotine for the first day in half a decade. Don't chew gum if you are trying to quit.

>> No.54307534
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>pretend I'm broke but always have a supply of burgers and mountain dew
>make dank food combos every day
>my car hood looks like that
>my cash looks like that
>my hair and skin are oily for some reason
>I love McDonald's and taco bell
>I say "uuuuhhhh"
No wonder people think I'm a stoner despite me never smoking anything in my entire life

>> No.54307544
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>14 years an addict

>> No.54307545

the thing they dont tell you about nicotine gum/etc is that the sugar will rot your teeth

>> No.54308175

eat less fast food / sugary crab / simple carbs == your oily skin will vanish.

>> No.54308228

same story as me dude
I fucked with meth for 8 months, kicked it and never looked back
Opiated for like 6 months, quit and never again
Weed Ive been trying to kick for 3 years. Its just so easy to smoke and still be base level functioning while zoned out and numb. It doesnt get in the way of your life until months start going by and your still working a part time entry level job and your grades are tanked from 2 semesters ago and you start forgetting names and faces. Fuck man

>> No.54308301

I used to smoke everyday too. First smoked when I was 14, only ever on occasion. Then I started smoking daily 16-17, quit for a year when I was 18 and for some retarded reason started smoking again for 6 months when I was 19. I've quit now, sober for a month and a half. I managed to scare the shit out of myself with the whole blocking of cannabinoid receptors leading to potential brain damage, after that rabbit hole I knew I had to quit or become a literal retard in my adulthood. I'm more pissed off with myself for doing it for so long but hey ho, you can only change the present no point in lamenting about past mistakes. Anyone who smokes weed should quit, especially if it's a daily thing. I know Joe Rogan smokes but he's also a multi millionaire, he can afford to be retarded, we can't. Any bullshit about ''anxiety bro, man I need to chill, helps me relax dude'' is brain dead cope and you know it.

>> No.54308308

>tfw 140 IQ mild autismo with severe ADHD
>tfw smoking weed increased my grades charisma and sex appeal
>spend all of college fucking hippy chicks and acing every test
I have plenty of money now, shit, if things weren't so fucked with the housing market my 140,000$ salary off of the business I started and run with 0 employees + the 250,000$ i netted during the last bull run would even buy me a house.

Instead I'm meditating and smoking daily, reading philosophy and not allowing myself to be characterized by one of my chemically induced recreational activities.

The true brainlet is the one who blames external factors for personal failings, with or without weed.

Let me guess you're a born-again Christian too.

>> No.54308437

Entertainment is kind of cheap for me, mostly just electricity and internet bills.

>> No.54308709

Not same story as me, I would only smoked 2 5 sacks a year only after I passed my exams. It was like tradition, did it every semester

>> No.54308747

U probably don't consume nearly as much weed as me. I'm glad that u can find success with it, I'm making 105k a year while being a weed retard. U can function on it, it will just rob ur potential. It robbed urs but u can't tell beacuse u think 150k is good money.. Also hippie chick's are the ugliest lol, that's why they became hippies in the first place

>> No.54308805

>It’s much better when you accept this reality.
So when are you starting HRT?

>> No.54308950


Had the same experience. Being addicted to something that makes you feel like shit is a weird experience.

>> No.54309327

Literally exact same story minus the pilot shit. Shit is so hard to go from being a pot dealer making 6 figures back to being a wagie, I miss selling every day. OP you might just be weak willed I’ve managed to kick heroin and cocaine addictions as well as quit smoking pot daily. Shit I quit weed for almost all of 2022 and now only smoke on weekends. If I can do that so can you. Maybe start meditating and avoid the people and places you would associate weed with.

>> No.54310027

Literally same. I’m 28 and have been smoking since I was 14. It’s a net negative. My life would’ve been so much better without it. Still gonna keep smoking, though. The trick is to smoke only at night.

>> No.54310053

What strain?

>> No.54310057

>just move to North Korea bro

>> No.54310066


>> No.54310654

>Cue high rate spike and panic attack

Honestly I don’t get how people are addicted to weed.

>> No.54311044

This, there were a couple of chads in my high school who smoked weed constantly (not stereotypical stoners at all)

>> No.54311107

>How'd you [X] but not manage to get pussy
Answer's always autism or schizo spectrum

>> No.54311777

Only drug that's worth taking from time to time is speed and only if you can get it in its pure form as an oily paste.

>> No.54312046
File: 308 KB, 1142x674, 5B54FB99-0B70-4CEA-8A9F-2CBC3BCFE479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came into this thread to announce I am quitting weed for good. My first child will be born in 6 weeks and I need to be a better man for her.

Good bue Mary Jane, hello Charlotte.

>> No.54312102

>Blaming a plant for your own decisions.

>> No.54312839

>be me
>use weed every day
>legal where I live so it's cheap and easy to buy
>never use or carry cash
>never order food, make my own
>don't have netflix
>no dandruff
>car is in great condition, just washed it today
I'll give you the red eyes though
t. 32 year old stoner

>> No.54312895
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Weed has unironically made me a Nazi who's had an easier time cutting out degenerate things and focusing on what truly matters. It's not solely the weed fren (albeit it may be a sizeable part for your case) it's (you).

>> No.54312900

Yeh and most of them are legitimate. What do you actually think it does to ones mind going somewhere they hate, depise and only go to because their told to or the alternative is living on the street? Do you want to be an NPC faggot? Because that's where we are right now, its always been except most didn't know why it was happening. They thought it was how it is and simply the way the world worked. 2020 woke up a lot of people anon, and they are pissed.

>> No.54312933

How the fuck do u guys take so much? 10mg is a good enough amount for 6 hrs if you weigh around 160

>> No.54312932

i fucking hate mcdonalds
the worst 'food' in all of goyslop land

>> No.54313313

What are you talking about, 2020 made normies double down on their NPC syndrome.

>> No.54313588
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I quit 10 years of smoking about 4 years ago. Soon after I stopped cooking my food and eating healthy, going outside, having sex, having friends...

>> No.54313615

Haha, I went through a similar thought around that age. Quit for like a year and nothing got better, didn't suddenly have any extra energy to get shit done.
Also lol at you wouldn't be an incel if it wasn't for the weed, not a chance. I know tons of stoners to get laid all the time. Also a gf can be even more time/energy/money draining than weed by far. Better to not get laid than be divorced and paying child support.

>> No.54314057

Being freindless is the worst, I would get alone with people so much better if I wasn't always high

>> No.54314078

Holy fuck I can only imagine what it looks like. I once did REALLY pure meth and I was able to fall alseep on it, no comedown at all

>> No.54314088

But it's making us dumb and it took away so much of our lives thst even if it started being good for us then we should still quit it on principle

>> No.54314158

weed is for niggers

>> No.54315268

>weed is for niggers
I'm southern italian and smoke weed every day

>> No.54315432

Only acceptable answer

>> No.54315549

the fuck is this shit meme?
>nigger music
>fast food
>spending income on weed when u can grow it for free
>autistic boomer rock
>hoodies and pajamas
>long hair unwashed hair
>using a lighter ever
kek i get stoned everyday and literally none of these apply