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54298495 No.54298495 [Reply] [Original]

They are starting to listen and fucking do something different. take away from this podcast:
>Acknowledged Sergey's CCIP lie in 2022, admitting why, what happened
>References many times how they want to increase community interface, give updates, be transparent and keep people involved in more details.
>Says they read twitter and whatever. including criticism. they are seeing, and it is having a positive effect
>couldn't talk about token economics due to SEC eggshell walking, but did mention multiple aspects about it indirectly, like how they will/are taking down dons which provide too little value and are just a bloat on resources(not enough demand for curryswap price feed for example), and do not geenlight more nodes because they want to ensure profitably for existing players at this point.
>wants to do it again, and continue to be more transparent and involved with community feedback

Do not listen to any faggy cultists. this is your investment, our bags are heavy, and Chainlink will finally fucking listen to valid criticism and make positive changes. in return, they get the free memetics and marketing they benefited from for years. if it wasn'tfor complaints, these changes would not have happened, and further wouldn't either.

>> No.54298508

Congratulations, you saved my bags by being a gigalord faggot, I don't know how to repay you

>> No.54298519

Link fuds itself now
pajeet tier

>> No.54298532
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Preaching to the choir, we're all gonna' make it

>> No.54298538

Imagine the kind of illiteracy you need to have to think that chainlink is not the pinnacle of crypto.

Ethereum and Bitcoin would literally be nothing without chainlink. Everything you do goes back to these oracles. How the fuck do you think you're typing on this forum right now? Do you even understand how TCP/IP works? Fucking retard you are.

Even down to just basic numbers, LINK has over performed everything except a few shitcoins with weird volume. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.54298545

Buy an ad

>> No.54298548

>over performed
I didn't see that coming desu

>> No.54298552

remember when the team owed us nothing and the institutions were going to pump our bags?

>> No.54298569

kind ser pleaz have seat in my street shitter very over performer

>> No.54298590


>> No.54298591

We know that. its management holding it back somewhat. shitty narratives like "token not needed" and "team dumping" would not have taken hold so firmly had they handled things differently.
it may be dumping WITH everything else in the bear, but it should never have slipped back from rank 5 to fucking 25-30, and still be there 3 years later. a correction back to mid teens at worst would have been understandable after a multi-year expansion.

This is the start of improvement and exactly what is needed to rectify that weakness.

>> No.54298615

Today I will buy 200 more LINK.

>> No.54298653

I didn’t fud to save ur bags, faggot. I want it to die

>> No.54298658
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Haha holy shit link fags can't detect sarcasm.

What a failure of a project and community. The stakecucking has really risen estrogen levels of linkcels,

>> No.54298720

>they're listening to people who have never written a line of code in their lives and seethe about price action
kek, they don't care about *your* criticism, they care about technical feedback

>> No.54298810

when rich though

>> No.54298897


>> No.54298909

Chainlink not needed, we can get oracles from somewhere else, from more competent team

>> No.54298975

buy a fucking ad

>> No.54299021

Praise Vishnu you are right my basterd

>> No.54299053
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sers do not redeem the fud

>> No.54299074

The problem is that Sergey is not here nor there. Let me explain:

> Charles hoskinson? He’s older and knows how the world works, he’s buddies with people in high places and probably offers whores to his friends in exchange for partnerships that benefit all parties

> Vitalik? He’s a legit genius math autist that had been working on bitcoin scene for a long time

> Sergey? He’s a philosophy major that tries to follow woke trends like hiring overpaid roasties, caring about not wanting to anger work from home faggots (see zoom comments), and not caring about the price of the token

Bitch nigger, the price is EVERYTHING! You know how you get a network effect? By pumping the price and allowing normies discuss the project. Developers will jump into the hype bandwagon after that.

You stupid retard, why isn’t Schmidt ceo yet? FUCK!

>> No.54299108
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>i'm a needy faggot that must be told i'm special and my opinion matters on at least a quarterly basis or i will throw a very public tantrum
>once these conditions are met i will be a good boy and use my magic powers to pump the price

>> No.54299200
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oh my god
chainlink = shit tier now
what have i done
why didnt i sell
i could have had 500k
i just... i cant even anymore

>> No.54299296

yes but buy an ad

>> No.54299898

That was before they built a billionaire treasury by leveraging retail buy pressure

Anons are the true shadow CMOs of Chainlink, always have been

>> No.54299933
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>if it wasn'tfor complaints, these changes would not have happened, and further wouldn't either.
Delusional fudtranny thinks he can influence what a big company does by screeching at the 50 or so readers of this board

>> No.54299997

>cant tell the difference between currynigger and other mental ill spammers and legit critisism

>> No.54300025

mentally ill bulgarian tranny here with legit criticism

why dont you just buy a fucking ad???

>> No.54300040

>over performed

>> No.54300058 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54300262
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If the fudders are still clinging onto naive fantasies where the brave oppressed masses rise up against the corrupt elite, led by a titular hero riding in on a white horse, you need to come back down to reality, if only for the sake of your mental health. You are not up against people; you are facing what has since become a fundamental force of nature.

The powers that be are here to stay. You are subject to the perfect enslavement machine honed by generations of economic and military research. The arrival of the digital age has heralded the point of no return. There is no going back. Every contingency, and every last deviation has been accounted for.

Revolution, by any means, is impossible. Any would-be dissidents are subject to all-encompassing surveillance at all times, with data fed into precognitive AI run on quantum supercomputers that can identify an individual's threat level based on the very most trivial habits. They will know your secrets that you haven't told a soul to and planned to carry to your grave. If you have any qualms against the agenda, no matter how slight, they will know.

Federal surveillance and infiltration has made organizing and training impossible. Any poor individuals consumed by their vain defiance to lash out at the system will never become martyrs thanks to the nigh-absolute control of the media and its narratives disseminated to the masses. Any organized resistance that does manage to form will be doomed to be crushed and swept under the rug.

Why am I telling you this? For your own good. Denial is only going to degrade your already fragile mental state even further. Don't throw your life away in vain trying to fight a force beyond the scope of mortal man. The truth is excruciatingly painful, but all in all you're better off just accepting it and letting go.

>> No.54300266

Even if/when the criticism is legit, voicing it here has no effect on anything

>> No.54300283

This is probably the worst coin to trade if you don't have time to monitor your position 24/7. It doesn't matter whether you are short or long, your biggest tp will ALWAYS get frontran and after that it sends to the opposite direction. LINK MM FUCK YOU lmao.

>> No.54300297

>calls someone illiterate
>claims chainlink has over performed


>> No.54300327

>Sabotage a man's life work repeatedly and at every opportunity.
>The victim tries extra hard to apply damage control and salvage the situation
Should have shorted as soon as I identified you retards, no project can survive with your support

>> No.54300370

>dumps billions on his community bringing link/eth and link/btc back to pre mainnet levels
>g g guys please stay positive!!!

Kys chainnigger

>> No.54300377

>fund a mans life dream
>wait for 6 years, marketing for free
>get betrayed

>> No.54300406

>life work
What exactly has he been doing?

>> No.54300425

cope and seethe useless eaters

>> No.54301179

Eating well

>> No.54301221

>trust the plan
>cabal in control

>> No.54301411

lmao fpbp every single time

>> No.54302240

Hey, your discord formulated phrase isn't funny, ok? Yeah, you can stop posting it now. Thank you.

>> No.54302453

Ouch, so the Chainlink advocates were deliberately lying when they kept guaranteeing CCIP was coming out last year even though they knew it wasn't? No wonder they didn't want the call to happen.

>> No.54303904

>Acknowledged Sergey's CCIP lie in 2022, admitting why, what happened
what happened?

>> No.54304781

He says they were too ambitious. They dont want to be the "first to the market", they want to be the "most secure to the market".

He also says CCIP is being beta tested. 14:38

>> No.54305064

>announcing the imminent release of CCIP in January of 2022 for the current year
>15 months later CCIP is in beta
that is sheer incompetence, nothing more.
>w-w-we were too ambitions guys!
the absolute state of this shitcoin

>> No.54305117

>cuckold manifesto
Let me remind you the price ----> $7

>> No.54305201

How long did you take you to release your interoperable protocol?

>> No.54305243

>thinks his fudding tranny crap is influencing Chainlink's business model
jfc, off-the-charts wishful thinking kek

>> No.54305402

No company has ever missed a deadline before, chainlink is the first

>> No.54305823

>excusing lies and incompetence
so its a cult

>> No.54305884

You must be heavily invested in link if you care so much about product delays.

>> No.54306072
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so cathartic watching link crash and burn

>> No.54306115

>admits to a product delay
>crashing and burning

>> No.54306131

So whats the fix? Why cant sociopath sergey be the one saying that? Instead he sends his errand boy to say it in a chat room. Color me unimpressed.

>> No.54306149

So we’re back to this? Sad. Youre a cuckold

>> No.54306199

It has to work. They aren't going to release a broken product.

>> No.54306319

>resorting to ad homs because no actual argument
Sad! So we’re back to this?

>> No.54306332

well he didn’t announce one and keep delaying the release that’s for sure though

>> No.54306344
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people only care about the price

the token is trading at --------> $7

>> No.54306354

>former head of Google's tensorflow
The errand boys at chainlink labs sure are over qualifiied

>> No.54306409


This is what he said.

>but we decided ultimately to extend the process to make sure that we're being the ultra first secure to Market. We know we throw all these big numbers
all the time but I believe last year over 2.5 billion dollars worth of breach hacks happen so I think that's a good reason to take security very seriously. Another reason has been if we want to build the true interoperable play, there's so many different use cases that we want to build in a way that's very generic and that's very easy for developers to use. So those were the two main reasons why we took more time now I want to acknowledge that I think our level of communication to the community could have been better and I think we've been you know in hindsight maybe a bit too ambitious and that's why we're doing what we're doing today we want to.

Imagine complaining about a company because they delayed a product. What kind of loser are you?

>> No.54306496

>I want to acknowledge that I think our level of communication to the community could have been better
Well that's something "fudders" have been pointing out for years.
>and I think we've been you know in hindsight maybe a bit too ambitious
Which is another thing "fudders" have been calling out, proof of all these ambitious claims that the team and its supporters were making.
Looks like Kamal is actually agreeing that the fudders were right.

>> No.54306506

I remember CD Projekt Red shipping Cyberpunk 2077 in time. It built a lot of confidence and trust in the company!

>> No.54306613
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They shouldn't have announced it at all then. It was made to sound like they were putting on the finishing touches but in reality all they had was a fucking whitepaper with ZERO ACTUAL REAL PROGRESS towards anything that could vaguely resemble a working fucking product, you fucking fucked up fucktard fuckos. fuck you.

>> No.54306888

yo if you read what you wrote youll realize how retarded you are.

>> No.54307366

>They shouldn't have announced it at all then.
How much did you buy on the announcement? Why fud your own bags then if youre clearly worried about price action?

>> No.54307435

thanks. yea the bridge needs to be 100% secure. we speculated here that they wouldnt wanna rush it