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File: 580 KB, 1920x2671, Crypto scams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54295695 No.54295695 [Reply] [Original]

Will cryptocurrency ever overcome its chronic scam problem?

>> No.54295717

No regulation = scams everywhere = dumb people filtered

>> No.54295718

It's a feature not a bug.

>> No.54295745
File: 114 KB, 531x471, Absolutely Halal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? This is the future that replaces fiat, a currency you either have to hide like a crate of gold buried in your yard, or trust to some 20 yr old Jewboy and his goblin girlfriend hiding on an island.

How can a system like that NOT be the future of finance?

>> No.54295746

bitcoin don't have this problem, but those random scams only appears because some journalists decide to talk about it, you would wonder why

>> No.54295794
File: 52 KB, 685x567, Int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but those random scams only appears because some journalists decide to talk about it
So if they stopped covering the rugpulls and crook exchanges, it wouldn't happen?
Is this the Schrödinger's Pajeet theorum?

>> No.54295819

Op’s mother sucks cocks in hell

Captcha: VAX 20R

>> No.54295964

that's not what I was saying, do you have comprehension problems?
why aren't why talking about the infinite scams happening in state currencies all over the world?

>> No.54296479

There seems to be more crypto scams than conventional currency scams relative to their popularity. Crypto seems to be a technological wild west where nobody knows what they're doing and it's way easier to get swindled. There are more sound security measures people can use to protect their conventional currency assets than their crypto/blockchain/NFT assets. At the very least, you generally have more recourse if someone steals your real money than if someone steals your crypto.

>> No.54296744

why aren't we also talking about the fact that billions of savers are getting their wealth stolen silently by people that can create money and debt

>> No.54296759

Buyer beware. I’m currently stuck in long con crypto scam called BAT

>> No.54296805

Unless you live in a third world country, the rate at which inflation eats your savings is generally far less than the rate at which you can replenish it. Also bear in mind that inflation makes it easier to pay off debts over time, so your savings loss may be offset to some degree by the value of your debt decreasing.

>> No.54296879
File: 564 KB, 1288x619, forbes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54296909

please stop defending a system that devalues silently the savings of normal citizens, favors wealthy people that are granted large loans to gain even more wealth, while having their debt lowered over time, while having their assets gaining value, also while benefiting from the cantillon effect in the process, this may be dangerous for you if IPs are tracked and stored and the citizens decide one day that they want to track down everyone who defended such system

>> No.54296916

The guy who bragged about dropping hard Rs scammed some people? Not surprised

>> No.54296945

>hard Rs
go back

>> No.54297017

I'm just saying that inflation (generally) isn't as bad as the shit that goes on regularly in the crypto space. Crypto's volatility alone makes it a less trustworthy reserve of wealth than conventional currency.
>this may be dangerous for you if IPs are tracked and stored and the citizens decide one day that they want to track down everyone who defended such system
lol is this a threat?
>The guy who bragged about dropping hard Rs
Who is that? Jake Paul?

>> No.54297084
File: 225 KB, 701x424, 1583595590032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kleros courts will single handedly bankrupt trillions of villages. also Subjective oracles are the final piece required for the DAO (Uber, Ebays tier smartcontracts) Boom to commence. Dont fall for the price suppressing liquidity sandwich attacks and fud campaign, they are simply afraid they cannot stop what is to come.

>> No.54297129

inflation in the real economy is certainly a large order of magnitude worse, bitcoin may or may not solve this issue long term
but I'm saying that for you, because inflation is responsable for the revolution that I hope will not happen, but if it happens I totally disengage myself from this (I won't take part in anything, would just watch)

>> No.54297237

>inflation in the real economy is certainly a large order of magnitude worse
This is kind of true, but the devil lies in the details. Firstly, inflation by itself is not necessarily bad. If wages increase proportionally, price increases will, for the mot part, cancel out. Secondly, we also need to to consider where exactly the inflation is occurring. If game console prices increase by 200% in 5 years, big deal. People will just have to settle for older consoles or not get one at all. But if rent increases by 200% in 5 years, then people are really going to struggle. Thirdly, we need to consider relative scales. Cryptocurrencies comprise a much smaller part of the economy than conventional currencies do, so, in general, they are going to have a much smaller impact on the economy regardless of what they do. We have to evaluate their impacts relative to how widely used they are. Cryptocurrency in general doesn't seem to add much value to the economy, and mostly just functions as a speculative asset. It does nothing at best, and adds more volatility to the economy at worst.

>> No.54297263

it still devalues savings silently. bitcoin grows. see again >>54296909

>> No.54297322

>bitcoin grows
Sometimes it does, sometimes it goes way down. Early adopters win money, later adopters lose money. You can't expect the value to keep going up forever, as eventually you'll run out of new investors to put more money into the system. Ultimately, bitcoin and other currencies are simply too volatile to prove a reliable source of wealth.

>> No.54297357

you have no idea what you're talking about. bitcoin grows based on its 4 years halving cycle, trending up, always. this is possible because it has the property of money and fixed supply, which is actually impossible to change and requires an astronomical amount of electricity to stop. and also because the money it's compared against have infinite supply. the dollar will always be inflationary. the aim is to replace and devalue the dollar and every other currencies. volatility lowers over time, also lowers as volume grows. bitcoin grows.

>> No.54297367

I miss this coin like you wouldn’t believe. The rape case on the blockchain was pure kino.

>> No.54297393
File: 18 KB, 531x412, 1669851833326940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chronic scam problem?

>> No.54297438

>that English

>> No.54297442

Right, so different from fiat.
I love hiding my money in my mattress or give to safeguard by kike goblins bankers