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54280324 No.54280324 [Reply] [Original]

literally every non-physical job is ethically diverse, woke and feminized. nobody speaks freely and everyone walks on eggshells. This is no way to live. What the fuck happened bros

>> No.54280341
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Anglos offered no resistance to the jews and even helped them to take over the rest of the west

>> No.54280360

Then get a physical job, faggot bitch cuck beta. We can say and do whatever the fuck we like in front of our boss as long as we do the work. Any male who doesn't do a physically demanding job is a faggot bitch in my eyes.

>> No.54280374
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>> No.54280399

It must suck to be anglo white

I live in America as well but I'm a slav, so I only go to jobs with other Slavs and all Slavs are generally criminal in nature and form tight connections with those of their own kin because it's the only way to ensure trust

>> No.54280468

>Any male who doesn't do a physically demanding job is a faggot bitch in my eyes.

I will not lower my tone when speaking to you

>> No.54280476

>Wahh why can't I distract and bother my coworkers with sexism, racism, religious garbage, homophobia and transphobia
If you want to be an asshole for fun go to a bar

>> No.54280486

>Any male who doesn't do a physically demanding job is a faggot bitch in my eyes.
Poor hands wrote this.

>> No.54280490

work hard faggot, I'll work smart.

>> No.54280509

clean my toilet, hard working fella.

>> No.54280517

Yeah this is one of the reasons why I dont have a job. I will not be a good boy I will say nigger and faggot.

>> No.54280518

you know he's right

>> No.54280524

cope, poor subhuman.

>> No.54280526

You have to go back

>> No.54280531

I know he's broke and without options in life. That's what I know.

>> No.54280533

My part time labor job pays a lot more than my part time it job

I can literally tell when someone hasn't labored a bit it shows

>> No.54280575

I've actually worked in my life, lol. Even did the stereotypical McDonalds gig for years as a kid. Factory work too. Being broke is fine, but his vanity can't handle it, so he has to rant about what "real men" do. That's fag shit.

>> No.54280593


>> No.54280641

And when you refuse to partake, they fire you because not a team player.

>> No.54281293

a fucking foid started at my cushy male only physical job today should I quit

>> No.54281300

Is this non physical job in the room with us right now?

>> No.54281315

Jews happened. Enjoy ur tikkun olam goyim

>> No.54281568

Just stop walking on eggshells. There is no other solution. Just live like it's 90s. Just stop walking on eggshells and see how your mental health improves. Do not fear the conflict.

>> No.54281574

> You disagree with me? That’s an ism and 2 phobias

>> No.54281594

Based fellow slav

>> No.54281600


>> No.54281606
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To avoid problems I reduce interactions with female coworkers at a minimum

I refuse any form of physsical contact just to be sure, other than shaking hands.

In the US touching the shoulder of a coworker is treated as sexual harassment.

>> No.54281660


>> No.54281684

slavs know they're criminal? huh, guess i didn't expect that

>> No.54281687

>In the US touching the shoulder of a coworker is treated as sexual harassment.
only if you're not hot

>> No.54281745
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Even if you're hot.

If the girl in an unpowered feminist she will just post about this "traumatic experience" on social medias and do everything in its power to get your fired and squeeze you dry.

>> No.54283225

>just be a slave mate. We can say what we like

>> No.54283292

It’s why I don’t hire females, they destroy the comfort and genuine environment, and try to turn it into something that works for them, I.e resource providers and male security and attention. Currently raping a femoid in court who is crying about discrimination over this.

>> No.54283466

Anglosphere was first used to defeat their enemies, and now they are destroying their host cause they believe it is the only real enemy, they think everyone else is manageable. It is quite simple really.

>> No.54284537

My wife is Slav. Shoplifts constantly and is always super proud of herself for doing so.

>> No.54284640

I can’t wait to move to slav country to bang slav pussy. The language will be hard to learn, but unfortunately I look like slav so I will blend in physically.

>> No.54284658

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.54284713

>this is the guy destroying his health for shit wage to keep my sewer working

>> No.54284786

>Um actually my political beliefs are extremely relevant to this hamburger flipping job, I'm being oppressed
Kys my man, you are a distraction in the workplace and nobody wants to hear you repeat bad jokes you saw online

>> No.54284810

Good point, it's actually good business practice to let the new guy harass my trans employee because Ben Shapiro told him to

>> No.54284841

Hard work =/= jobbing
I agree that a man actually needs physical activity but not in form of working
I go hiking, hunting, weightlifting or do gardening as hobbies
I help my family members on their farm as hobby which keeps me fit and healthy but I wfh because that pays me more than anything

>> No.54284861

>its good business practice to have a trans employee
Men will always swipe left of your bumble profile.

>> No.54284918

>posted on a phone using ARM architecture invented by trans woman Sophie Wilson
the trans women at my job are actually really competent at what they do, i wouldn't want to see them driven out because of some politics obsessed retard. if you can't see why making jokes about women going back in the kitchen and trannies being men are not appropriate for a place of business your autism is terminal

>> No.54284987

Trannys don’t even belong in the kitchen. Std-filled faggots might put monkey-pox in the food.

>> No.54285000

Just convince everyone else to ignore them and stop talking to them.

>> No.54285019

I don't socialize at work.
Problem solved.

>> No.54285090

Troons are capable of tech because they are men with autism, but due the their wicked and vindictive spirit they will still manage to destroy everything around them. As for feminism, every civilization throughout history that became feminist has eventually collapsed. This is why China will overtake the west.

>> No.54285108

>be anon
>new office job, first day
>walks up to tranny
>hey sir, nice to meet you, you're a very strong man
>walks up to gay
>lol what's up faggot don't touch me lol i don't want monkey-pox
>walks up to latino
>nice to meet you beaner, shouldn't you be cleaning to the toilets? are you even here legally? lol
>walks up to woman
>nice tits slut
>gets fired
>i'm being persecuted....the west has fallen!!!

>> No.54285113

The gentile uprising of 1939 was crushed.

>> No.54285160

Based centrist.

>> No.54285227

>office of 50
>hire liberal woman for hr
>tries to fire someone over their opinion on the vaxx
>40 other employees agree the vaxx is a psyop
>boomer owner fires hr roastie instead of losing the entire office
imagine if people stood up for one another against this shit instead of keeping quiet

>> No.54285304

America is much too cucked to women for anyone to ever stand up to them. They are all henpecked to their very fat shrill wives.

>> No.54285382

>calling a tranny “sir”
You also didn’t specify whether it was mtf or ftm. Don’t want to call a small woman who cut off her tits a man, she might find that empowering.
Also, look at that office:
There’s no diversity hire nigger there.
But if there was, it’s a nigger.

>> No.54285472

just get off the internet lol

>> No.54285485


wow, now this is art

>> No.54285555

That's what you get for putting rich people in a pedestal. You wanted an environment of subservience and deference to your CEO because he's a "job creator", well, you got it. You reap what you sow.

>> No.54285563

>hiring women, mentally ill men or people outside my own ethnic group or kindred groups
I like making money not lighting it on fire.

>> No.54285680


They've even go you talking like one as well.

>> No.54285966

Unironically this
Average slav breaks 3 laws just by waking up

>> No.54286339

I literally just had a harassment training seminar where the jewish lawyer giving the presentation (Cohen) told us it was a violation for a fellow jewish employee to make a jew joke with him.

It's over.

>> No.54286711

There's nothing inherently wrong with being criminal in nature
Goys don't understand this sentiment and that's why they become perpetual victims to steal from

The life of a slav is a constant battle against the government

>> No.54286859

I blame Christianity and greed. Christianity because of their virtue-signalling over charity and meekness, bending over backward to cater to others often at the expense of themselves, and they're proud of it too. Greed because they use those Christian morals as a shield for their own profit, eg letting in immigrants, forgive crimes, etc.

>> No.54286908

What happened is American Psycho.
I work in finance but I work from home. But whenever I have to get together with the office for restaurants, happy hour, activities, etc. about once every 3 weeks, it's the dialogue from American Psycho. You just sit there and listen to some idiot talk about social issues or the weather for 3 hours and go home. It's incredibly boring and dumb but ultimately just part of the job.

>> No.54287008

Bolshevik social engineering.

>> No.54287026

Ethically or ethnically?

>> No.54287028
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>Any male who doesn't do a physically demanding job is a faggot bitch in my eyes.

Soon they will have no choice.

>> No.54287158

I quit my office job during corona because they were going to force me to take the vax. Now I work at a lumber yard. Honestly I am much happier. I lost a ton of fat, gained a bunch of muscle. I have a nice little White trash girlfriend who is pregnant and treats me like I am some sort of genius. Sure working outside kinda of sucks most of the year because of the weather, but the guys are work with are great dudes and I look forward to going to work most days. I get to smoke on the job and actually say what I think without worrying about being fired because some femoid or nigger gets offended. Best of all when I get home after work there is a hot meal, cold beer, and warm smile waiting for me instead of some microwave goyslop in a shitbox city apartment where the only sound that greeted me was nigger neighbors chimping out 24/7.

>> No.54287213


I enjoyed listening to some late 20s coworker tell me how her and her to be husband were doing another kitchen remodel. I guess the cabinets from three years ago or something weren't working out?

They got a little laugh when I said I live in a box I can't give any professional advice and I got to enjoy hearing how some new couple was going to torch another $10-$20k in another set of cabinets


I think I want to make cabinets now

>> No.54287489

>nobody speaks freely and everyone walks on eggshells
That's a funny way of saying you just want to say 'nigger' in public.

>> No.54287511

Enjoy your four decades of taking pain killers

>> No.54287896

you can try the sales profession for yourself

just an observation of mine, there are couple of guys with a decade and more experience starting in entry level positions at that job

>> No.54287960

You find your white only refugees in Sales and in Financial services companies. In sales team cannot be politics. Numbers decide not a diversity manager. Get a sales job and stop complaining

>> No.54288065
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>form tight connections with those of their own kin because it's the only way to ensure trust

Umm, based?

>> No.54288409

You seem upset.

>> No.54288465

We need to restructure the entirety of western economies back towards manufacturing and labour. No more 'marketing consultants' (whatever that even means) and these other bullshit office jobs. You WILL get your hands dirty and actually produce something for a living. This will also solve the problem of women outside the kitchen.

>> No.54288482

Or just don’t work wagecuck

>> No.54288539
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>> No.54288615


>> No.54288736

Same but Italian

>> No.54288764

Supremely based. Now just purloin scrap wood to build a home with.

>> No.54288769

Based as all fuck.

>> No.54288908

Based. I'm >>54280360 and I also work on a lumber yard and everything you said applies to me as well. NEETs and WFHfags are clearly upset by my post.

>> No.54289484


>> No.54289785

The amount of cope in this post is unreal

>> No.54291315

>all Slavs are generally criminal
>form tight connections with those of their own kin
hahahahaha if only

>> No.54291828
File: 103 KB, 680x879, A6DC0705-1D05-4E63-8C66-F4A06A178367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, 6’4” /fit/ Chad jawline
>raised mostly by mom so give off gay vibes
>have had three-ways with Stacey’s in college
>work from home and don’t talk much about myself
>HR troon assumes I’m gay
>get special gay treatment
>never correct them
>post troon ack memes here in my spare time

Is this winning?

>> No.54291846
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>Any male who doesn't do a physically demanding job is a faggot bitch in my eyes.

>> No.54293468

In the future this people will be the upper class, techies and other white collar niggers will be in line for UBI while the blue collar chads get UBI + their chad work income. It's OVER for you, white collars. *spits*

>> No.54293479

Why wouldn't they use divide and rule tactics against the native populations, they've been doing it since time immemorial.

>> No.54293495

Find a really small box. Put your power level inside the box. Hide the box under your bed or somewhere where nobody will find it.