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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 420 KB, 1644x3096, million token baggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54279960 No.54279960 [Reply] [Original]

Which coins have the most dedicated bagholders?

>> No.54280007

The Standard.

>> No.54280011


>> No.54280016

pee chuds

>> No.54280062


>> No.54280072

Pennies. Who the fuck wants a penny in 2023? You're holding onto that shit for the rest of your life.

>> No.54280073

GRT because we are delusional

>> No.54280078

In for a penny, in for a pound. Remember that.

>> No.54280094

Dogbat, its not even a contest.

>> No.54280135

Unironically BTC based on on chain data.

>> No.54280175

United States Dollar (ticker: USD)

>> No.54280185
File: 60 KB, 1024x577, 1677199451218295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're the best bagholders in the world goddamnit,

>> No.54280549

it's so old now that the mental state of the bagholders have deteriorated to "pretending to be schizos so it looks like we're based and not a bunch of morons who fell for an affinity scam"
this is the only thing that beats ripple
>world reserve currency
>forced to be used when trading oil
>on every bank balance sheet
>largest economy in the world
>down -99% from ATH

>> No.54280666

BBBY baggies have moved past entertaining to just kinda sad recently.

>> No.54280720

Dash digital trash

>> No.54280734

UniPower. Telegram is so depressing

>> No.54280764

I think everyone should own a small bag of grt.
You really dont know the feeling of it being over until you've owned a bag of grt.

>> No.54280769

Link. Lots of down 90% retard tokens from last run have a thread up at all times.
Link always has 10 threads up and its in the same flatlined category as rose, grt, icp, etc.

>> No.54280810

BTC. It's been ten sad years for these chuds. Zero adoption. Go into any thread and ask about ending the FED and all your going to get is some cope about big numbers and get called a stupid slave
>go consume more government energy dumb goy
end quote.

>> No.54280811

Looking at the telegrams that a still active I never left from the BSC casino days give me a weird anxiety.

>> No.54280906

I miss digimarines

>> No.54281026

It's definitely xrp. Behind the thin veneer of self-deprecating humor they have all squandered one of the greatest and easiest class mobility opportunities of our generation willingly and they continue to do so while flip flopping between narcissistic arrogance and suicidal ideation.

>> No.54281583

Well after atl after 30 years they may have the worst chart ever

>> No.54281597

Not true its not down 90% and its clearly not the best bagholder cult by far

>> No.54281638
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>> No.54281724

Is this real autism?
>Aktschully it's only down 90% in sats; it's barely even down 86.972245% in dollars! Take that tranny!!!

>> No.54281750

thusly. not selling before 10b mc.

>> No.54281755


>> No.54281824

Yes, I'm seething uncontrollably at the third generation of link marines buying the top in usd, and holding to the bitbucket. First gen marines, 2016 reddit election tourists, learned how to read a chart in sats and knew to sell an alt at btc peak. The second gen coming in from covid at least knew to sell the top in usd.

The new kids are literal fucking clowns.

>> No.54282453

Someone had to buy at the USD peak in order for the 2nd gen to cash out. What do you expect from them? We're basically all here because we want/hope/believe/need crypto to go up (again), aren't we?

>> No.54282469

>Buying a literal chink scam coin
>From a chink who lost millions doing commodities trading and who's wife left him

Do people really?

>> No.54282481

The fact people were making Truebit threads long after that abysmal rugpull made me kek really really hard

>> No.54282526

The GRT holders aren't delusional or schizo enough to be a part of the most dedicated holders. They sound pretty sad most of the time

>> No.54282592

Kek... I don't give a damn. I'm holding crypto that will get bags filled.

>> No.54282792

What a bunch of retards.

>> No.54284170

Does GME count?