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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54277881 No.54277881 [Reply] [Original]

Get a job

>> No.54277973

i was thinking about it, but i know that i'll get hired and they'll start no shit printing again and it'll just be a waste of time

>> No.54277989


>> No.54278281

Nope. Have fun with that though

>> No.54279744

I just did anon

>> No.54279893
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He definitely worked a 9-5 80 hours a week to get where he is.

>> No.54279911
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>> No.54280845

I love how mike rowe makes the leftists here seethe with bloody rage.
He's 100% right and you have no argument lmfao

>> No.54281024

Fuck Mark Rowe. I admired the guy til I looked up how he actually got where he is, and then realized how delusional my belief in him was. Sweat pledge my ass, he's just a shill to convince people to grind their noses off on the stone for the banker's dollar. I pity the people who work their asses off thinking anyone is gonna reward them properly for the effort but themselves working on their own.

>> No.54281041
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I'm my own master now.

>> No.54281048


Never working for Jewish usury.
They drop bombs on children.
There is no world we're I will ever work for fiat

>> No.54281375

Usury is unironically good though
and neetsoc incels deserve to be shot

>> No.54282170
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Jews rape kids

>> No.54282199

>you have no argument
No Pussy No Work

>> No.54282218

this guy went to college, studied drama and has been working as an actor ever since lol

>> No.54282315

>every single jew EVER in history rapes kids

schizos polcucks get a bullet to the head

>> No.54282316

if you know anything about opera you know how hilarious it is that he couldn't hack it as a tenor when the industry has a constant and crippling shortage

>> No.54282327

>this guy went to college, studied drama and has been working as an actor ever since lol
When did he claim otherwise?
Why do you leftists pretend this is an epic own?

>> No.54282337

don't reply to me without addressing my point you cowardly faggot

>> No.54282343

you had no point


>> No.54282388
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>> No.54282412

there are leftists on this board?

>> No.54282429

Most of /pol/ is leftists.
Natsocs are left wing.

>> No.54282461

I am Left Leaning Libertarian and I hate communism because it tends towards a cult of personality

>> No.54282506

>I am Left Leaning Libertarian
this can mean many things
you're either a socialist, or a right-Libertarian who is left wing on social issues.

>> No.54282558

What's it called when your liberal on economics and conservative on social issues?

>> No.54282568

>early life section.

>> No.54282575

work, by definition, is compulsory. if it were optional, it wouldn't be called work, it would be called something else.

>> No.54282590
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You're a Libertarian.
Start reading Mises and getting into Austrian economics.
You're gonna make it.

>> No.54282600

he's not even a jew
lmao you leftists are grasping at straws

>> No.54282602

Basically, what should be considered rights, under the 'right to work' laws, are in fact, privileges. Because 'working class' people have never exercised their 'right' not to work, they have never been denied these privileges.

>> No.54282630

you can not and never will own your own home when the government issues unlimited capital with which to purchase your home, because the inflation from home loans insures you will never be able to pay back your mortgage on the salary you are provided with. Only people with access to unlimited capital can profit from this system.

>> No.54282652

and of course, this means that only people from the issuing agencies, i.e. banks, the treasury, senate and house of congress, can ever build and inherit an estate. The majority of wealth in America is inherited.

>> No.54282662

Only losers get jobs

>> No.54282663

so if you are not a member of such an organization, or somehow adjacent to it, continually receiving funding from them, then it doesn't matter how much money you make, because your debt will always exceed your means to pay it back.

>> No.54282685

Is it true these welfare families are making 40-50k?

>> No.54282689

im airdrop farming

>> No.54282696

thats as simple as I know how to make it. If you can't understand that, you are beyond hope. Because the majority of americans do not understand how fiat currency works, they will spend their entire lives toiling under a debt they inherited simply by being born, believing they 'owe' the state a debt.

>> No.54282790

this is not a 'new' system. it has been in place for over 2000 years. its not going anywhere. but you should be aware that you are being saddled with a debt that is, in effect, a blood tithe.

>> No.54282803

earlier cultures were much more honest about people being born into servitude, they did not need to deceive themselves.

>> No.54282815

i don't pity the servant who knows hes a servant, i pity the slave who thinks he is free.

>> No.54282816

Has anyone looked at his career trajectory? College, opera singer, media personality. That's it. Maybe he knows what long hours are, but he has no idea what hard work is. He can appreciate the work ethic of people he met on his tv shows, but that doesn't make him an authority on labor issues. He's just a larper trying to tell people hard labor is the key to society while he's getting millions sitting in luxury jets and shit. Fuck that guy

>> No.54283185


>Rowe sang professionally with the Baltimore Opera.[9][40][41

>> No.54283470

No. Back to work wagie.

>> No.54283497

you sound like a commie.

>> No.54286286

>Austrians apply Austrian economics
>Barry Goldwater shills Austrian economics
>Volcker attempts to implement it, fails, backtracks, economy has been on a slow decline ever since

>> No.54286321

yes communism is when you notice things, the more things you notice the communister you are

>> No.54286326
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>> No.54286376

Mike Rowe born Michael Silverman is 100% certified jewboy hired to tell goyim to work harder for their masters.
I can hate communists and kikes at the same time, they serve the same master.

>> No.54286417

>get a job
>haha mike rowe makes you seethe, here's me making tens of posts explaining why

>> No.54286882

Nobody is actually hiring unless you are among the top 2% of applicants or are a desperate retard who will work for pennies. Most job postings are a scam

>> No.54286997
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>>Austrians apply Austrian economics
This has literally never fucking happened lmao
Do you think austrian economics means the economic policy of austria or something? lmao

>>Volcker attempts to implement it, fails, backtracks, economy has been on a slow decline ever since
Volcker saved the US economy from runaway inflation. He wasn't even an austrian.
Holy shit you're retarded.
Why are you people such compulsive liars?

>> No.54287009

Mike Rowe does make you seethe though

>> No.54287147

While the anon you replied to is wrong it's worth noting that Austria did, partially, implement austrian economics.

Mises was the economic counselor to Dollfuss before they killed the austrian manlet dictator. During the 2 years he served under Dollfuss he did help curb inflation.

Mr. Dollfuss by himself was not like Salazar and other Natcon dictators, while he advocated for a traditionalist state he did support the austrian side of economics and the school of salamanca's ideas.

>> No.54287166

Having said that, austrian economics really helped Austria during those two years and bankers didn't like that despite what pol and marxists say about Mises being jew

>> No.54287223

Mises himself confessed that those 20 years of nationalism before ww2 saved Europe from ruin and collapse but only delayed it

>> No.54287648

>Austria did, partially, implement austrian economics.
Only by not going full communism.
That's all mises managed to do, convince him to not go full communism.
Their economy wasn't even close to austrian econ.