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54275180 No.54275180 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of you are pretty fun and probably rich. Why don't you these attributes to get a gf?

>> No.54275189

cause I'm not rich

>> No.54275190

Looks(genetics) are more important in the hypergamy era

>> No.54275200

don't forget not fun anon

>> No.54275208

30 year old kissless virgin here
I literally don't know how to talk to women

>> No.54275224

look up insecure attachment style, external locus of control, and their related personality disorders. voila, imageboards now make complete sense.

>> No.54275244

I'm 5'9

>> No.54275262
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Because it's a waste of time, believe me I tried it.
Not worth it.

>> No.54275267

i refuse to get a gf until i find a good girl that i'm attracted to and that she is attracted to me
most girls are fat, not fun to be around, smell weird, shit style

>> No.54275272

Why do ppl on here act like girls are so difficult to get with? It’s not that fucking hard. Just accomplish shit, use those accomplishments to form a positive self image, say yes to any and all social opportunities, and don’t act desperate. Getting girls is so easy. I mean shit, most dudes I know who are total fucking slobs with no money and no accomplishments even have some slam pig gf. For Christ’s sake guys

>> No.54275283

I'm poor and have a huge tiddie gf, I will focus more on crypto now. Women are depreciating in personality and social norms so its best to lock one in sooner rather than later.

>> No.54275297

I'm not rich but I'm doing well (decent fully paid off house in a safe area, no debts) but I'm pretty much a shut-in and I'm certainly poor in terms of the looks department. No real desire for a gf though either, I don't even have any friends since I keep to myself.

>> No.54275309

getting girls is easy, finding a good girl that's worth isn't it
not saying i will give up or anything

>> No.54275389
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i hold XOR, pretty far from being rich senpai

>> No.54275411

you're right lol

>> No.54275419
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I'm done with women unironically not even sex I don't want to even touch women anymore.

>> No.54275425

dude just hire a hooker at that point

>> No.54275430

Never heard of it and since I miss everything good you are probably doing fine.

>> No.54275431

because my wife hates that
fuckin true

>> No.54275477

Living alone is easier, and I like to cook. Too old to be in the dating game now, it's just sad at my age, so whores it is for me

>> No.54275565

traditional masculine capabilities (being able to provide) are dead because women are in the workplace and directly competing with men now. the only thing that matter is physicality; you can see millionaire hollywood celebs getting shit on when women find out they're below average or average in height
i don't really care about it too much though, i went through one very long term relationship only to conclude that women are not worth the effort

>> No.54275578
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Cause I'm not fun or rich

>> No.54275582

If that's my only option I'd honestly rather die a kissless virgin

>> No.54275779

wait. how old homie? now I'm afraid to get divorced

>> No.54275783

I don’t know if I can pick my ass up off the floor these days. I’m deep, maybe at rock bottom, or not. Whatever.

>> No.54275812

it is your only option and you will

>> No.54275818

I'm not rich and i'm honestly pretty boring on most days. But when I was fun, I landed a hot ass girlfriend. These days she's the only thing that keeps me going but its a bit of a catch 22 - taking care of her and the pets full time as the provider is taking out enough of me that I don;t have neough energy to do anthing else

>> No.54275834

>just be yourself, works for me
thanks chad jr
your personal experience is surely applicable to everyone

>> No.54275839

I'm way too batshit crazy for a stable relationship.

>> No.54275850

women prefer batshit crazy they 're addicted to the drama. the issue isn't being crazy or not, its whether you have the right kind of crazy (anger issues mostly) that women find attractive

>> No.54275906

Most of us here because we are all waiting to make it. It’s literally a waiting room to make it. Most wagies just want to stop waging. Most NEETs just don’t want to rely on bennies. The Coomers must be purged.

>> No.54275993

checked, I'm definitely boring, but I'm okay with that and that's all that matters.

>> No.54276087
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I am too short to get a gf.
Money doesn't matter to women these days because women can get money through Onlyfans and welfare.
Its all about height, you can be a broke guy and still get a 9/10 if you are 6 feet or taller.
Does anyone know how I can get taller?
I am worth several millions and would spend up to 3 million to be 6 feet tall.

>> No.54276501

There arent any around and I got 0 matches on bumble and tinder although some mire me in the gym but those have bf and are in small numbers

>> No.54276540

Peach cobbler is pretty good but God damn if you don't get sick of peaches after a while.

>> No.54276570

5'7 here,
wear lifts and go out to clubs or bars, going stag is difficult but doable. if you have friends it helps a lot. just fuck around for a bit man.

>> No.54277287

The only fun thing about me is my shit life. Peak comedy for whatever faggot of a god that is out there

>> No.54277321

How tall are you ? Send me 420.69 ETH and i will help you

>> No.54277343
File: 386 KB, 380x285, 04c3d1508dc75fe0f980879964341135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez only 420.
I'd be happy with 4.20 kek lower your standards man.

There's a fine line between being a parasitic jeet beggar and a man of fine taste.

>> No.54277372

You assume women who say they want those traits actually mean it.

>> No.54277377

>lower your standards
Nah i dont sell my self short(pun intended). You on the other hand be my guest kek

>> No.54277412

You have that much money go to Pattaya or Dominican Republic.

>> No.54277454

I surrender myself, now I'll become a sage

>> No.54277464
File: 276 KB, 750x1624, FE3E10B3-AED3-4FA6-A554-EBE2A436912D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do TRE (Trauma release exercises)