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File: 594 KB, 1000x668, divorce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54272055 No.54272055 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking?

>> No.54272063

Don't get married

>> No.54272067

Don't get married.

>> No.54272079

Don't be born male.

>> No.54272100

>Quietly liquidate as much as possible into monero.
>Lose keys in a boating accident

>> No.54272106

>financially speaking
put the majority of your assets in a cook islands trust. it has legal precedent for protection in exactly this scenario.

>> No.54272112

Just be up front and say you think marriage is archaic from the start and raise a family together with out any state sanctioned marriage. This doesn't work in everywhere though, depending on the laws she could still be entitled to stuff

>> No.54272126

Marry a good woman. I got divorced and my wife didn’t take a penny. She really was too good for me.

>> No.54272132

Marry a trans girl
Then the court will make her pay you

>> No.54272208

This isnt an option I already put a baby inside her. I dont think I have a choice but to get married for the child's sake

>> No.54272237
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Don't get married. If you're too late to do that, get a postnuptial agreement. Keep your standard of living down as much as possible. Put your wealth into offshore trusts or companies if possible (you're unlikely to be rich enough to be able to do this). Inflate your needs by getting diagnosed with as many health conditions as possible. Make your wealth as illiquid and difficult to break apart as possible.

>I dont think I have a choice but to get married for the child's sake
Why would you have to get married? In pretty much all western countries there is no relevance of bastardy in the modern day. If you're not married, don't get married. If she is richer than you and you don't expect the marriage to last, marry her and then inflate your needs as much as possible (assuming you're in a less paternalistic jurisidiction like Australia or Scotland)

t. lawfag

>> No.54272254

1. don't marry an insufferable cunt
2. get a prenup
3. don't live in a cucked place that doesn't honor prenups

>> No.54272433
File: 396 KB, 820x836, E295BF45-6047-4033-88D1-239D764C6574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done with mine, here’s some tips (may vary from state to state and country to country)

As you probably already know , I’m this femcentric society we live in, females will 99% of the time have the upper hand in court, now assuming your shit is amicable enough and you have no kids, propose to get a separation agreement so that the divorce can proceed cleanly and you don’t have to pay the bitch any alimony for a fuck ton of time

Here’s where it gets tricky, alimony is granted in most states almost automatically for AT LEAST half the time you guys were married, or longer if the judge dens it necessary. You might be thinking now “well she has a fucking job why does she need alimony?” Doesn’t. Fucking. Matter.
Femcentric society remember, assuming you’re a guy, you have less value in court than a fucking dog.

Play your cards right, do whatever is necessary to have her sign separation paperwork (where you both renounce distribution of wealth after it’s signed), and yes this might include stuff like:
You have two cars, give her one
She’s out of a job right now, give her some sort of payment every month so she can be somewhat happy
Just please her enough to sign the damn paperwork

You do NOT want to have a judge handle your finances and decide how much you’re gonna have to pay her and for how long

Good luck

>> No.54272770

This. And don't get married. This isn't a shitpost or mra soapbox "le oppression olympic" either, the courts actually openly fucking dispise you for having a penis. You can't just marry someone who has more money to avoid this, because all that means is she can get a good lawyer and rape you twice as hard.

Don't be a retard OP, but if you do get divorce raped make sure to kys cocksucking faggot. I know you'll do it anyway, because you're weak.

>> No.54272826
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Marriage not needed retard.

>> No.54272948
File: 5 KB, 242x209, 1676843859074327s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to avoid being raped just lube up your asshole and make it as easy as possible on the rapist
>oh and dont forget the tip!
You people are beyond retarded, jesus.

>> No.54273013

There is no longer any financial incentive to get married.
It's now actually a major liability to involve the State in any of your personal relations.

>> No.54273077

Marriage has tax benefits and other rights.
Note there is also common law marriage which means you will be treated as married for divorce rape anyway if you live long enough together. So the incentive not to get a legal marriage for benefits is even lower if you live in a common law marriage country.

>> No.54273260

Life is literally so easy

>> No.54273283

>There is no longer any financial incentive to get married.
Well, there is if you're poorer than the other party. Some countries also have slightly preferential tax policies for married couples, but this is nowhere near what it used to be.

>> No.54273304

In most states, any assets you had before marriage are protected, so keep that in mind. Also don't marry someone who makes significantly less or nothing since you'll pay alimony. You won't have to if you both make roughly the same.

>> No.54273381

Any idiot that gets the government involved in their lives and marriage of all things deserves to get raped by both them and their wife.
Why get married you idiot?

>> No.54273470


>> No.54273634
File: 94 KB, 957x869, 1646760331038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get married

>> No.54276161

You have no idea what a judge will do to you in court and it shows
Calculated risks like that can save you thousands if not more, in a situation like this
Stay in your room kid

>> No.54276283

don't get married

>> No.54276715

Get a prenup. Include an infidelity clause. Don't live in a pozzed state, like California, that doesn't enforce infidelity clauses.

>> No.54277065

hey quagmire

>> No.54277338

Don't talk to women. Problem solved. Works for me, I'm only a poorfag because retarded.
Otherwise there is no escape from Divorce Rape Smaug. The courts make zero attempt to be fair, and you'll get screwed. Cop it like a man I guess.

>> No.54277374
File: 296 KB, 1440x1038, ab05de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How sure are you that the baby's yours?

>> No.54277376

with hair like that he deserves it

>> No.54277599

>marry a virgin
>make sure this virgin is not crazy
>no tattoos, addictions, personality flaws
>has a good mother and father
>make sure you can get along with her really well
even then there is a very small chance she will divorce rape you

If you want to avoid it completely don't get married

>> No.54277646
File: 15 KB, 323x323, 162937401750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why of course, saving on crypto kek, lawyers and lawfags can't fuck with your wallets, no cap
Try buying some obscure shit like HAMI, you won't get a cent bailed out of you and you will be investing into a fucking good coin

>> No.54277672

We are fucked, but also will have the most fun we had since Nixon took us off gold standard. Invest in alts now, before moonseason starts


>> No.54278895


Which of these aren't pure dogshit?

>> No.54278913

You’ll still get divorce raped in many cases where common law marriage is a thing

In Australia, 6 months of cohabitation is deemed a common law marriage. it’s treated exactly the same as an actual marriage.

>> No.54278940

>In Australia, 6 months of cohabitation is deemed a common law marriage

Yikes, they only have to fake it for 6 months then turn on you and take it all.

>> No.54278955

Then again, there is no automatic alimony like it seems to be in the US. If it’s only been 1-2 years and you have no kids together, they would take that into consideration and you would both probably walk away with what you started with.

>> No.54278994


What kind of cuck feels the need to invite the government into their personal relationships? There is zero reason to get married by the state these days.
>mmmm govern me harder daddy, love that boot!

>> No.54279105

Divorce varies state to state
In Texas there are steeper requirements for a wife to get alimony. But god damn do I get raped in child support payments.

>> No.54279139
File: 339 KB, 3464x3464, 39vojr0kaby51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont get married, and if you want to cohabitate look into which states have common law marriage.

preferably dont cohabitate tho

>> No.54279578

>>to avoid being raped just lube up your asshole and make it as easy as possible on the rapist
Why not, if rape is unavoidable. Maybe even try to enjoy it a little.

>> No.54279625

Detective Peepo raises a REALLY good question. In case you didn't know OP, over 20% of dudes are raising kids that aren't really theirs. And that's just the ones that got paternity tests. Lord knows how many dudes got tricked into being beta providers for some roastie whore's kid from Chad.

Get a paternity test.

>> No.54279730

What do you know about common law marriage and cohabitation? I will never get married but I do want kids. However, I want to make sure my assets like my property are protected just in case things go sour.

>> No.54281445

Marry a good woman, but keep a vial of poison hidden somewhere just in case.

>> No.54281531

don't have that stupid haircut

>> No.54281542

If you get married, be poorer than your spouse on paper.

>> No.54281618
File: 20 KB, 420x420, 1631250575079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incel chads stay winning

>> No.54281656
File: 11 KB, 219x230, 1631147845009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You might be thinking now “well she has a fucking job why does she need alimony?” Doesn’t. Fucking. Matter.
A million seething trad larpers can try to gaslight me into falling for the marriage jew and I will never fuckin do it. You hear me, fagits? Never

>> No.54281676

Whats her body count?

>> No.54281715

Nigga just drop out of your job, ditch your friends (assuming you still have any after being married), sell your cars for cash and move somewhere else.

>> No.54281800

I once made this mistake of saying to relatives that I won’t marry because divorce can rape me and they all just started seething irrationally. One of the dumbest things I did.

>> No.54281906

This wtf

>> No.54281979

Being married changes nothing about your life or relationship. So its a risk you take without any reward.

just dont marry.

If your gf insists on being married that just means there is a high chance you would get divorce-raped and you should break up immediately.

>> No.54285099

Unironically kill her
Whatever they charge you with won't be worse than what the divorce court can do
Just make sure you get rid off everything you own and go hard on privacy coins first

>> No.54285121

Prenup, or make sure you're marrying a woman that earns around the same as you do and that she's doing her part in wealth creation.

>> No.54285130

Why isn't it an option. The child doesn't give a shit if you're married or not. DO NOT GET MARRIED

>> No.54285135

Are you a man? Then you're fucked

>> No.54285238

A real pre-nup and post-nuT. With lawyers involved and in writing/video of the bitch not being in duress or an emotionally disturbed date 6 months before a wedding. No sooner.

>> No.54285260

*disturbed state
*closer to the wedding date

>> No.54285300

Be nice to your wife