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54263574 No.54263574 [Reply] [Original]

DIDs and VCs: The Building Blocks of Self-Sovereign Identity
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs) are crucial components of self-sovereign identity (SSI) protocols. They empower individuals and organizations to own, control, and share their digital identities securely and privately without relying on centralized authorities.

DIDs are globally unique identifiers that are created and controlled by the identity owner independently. They are registered on a distributed ledger or a blockchain, ensuring immutability and tamper-resistance.

VCs are digital attestations of certain attributes or qualifications issued by a trusted party. They can be cryptographically signed and verified, allowing users to share and prove specific information without disclosing unnecessary personal details.

Both DIDs and VCs are integral to SSI, as they promote privacy, security, and user autonomy in the digital world, reducing the risks of data breaches, identity theft, and unauthorized data sharing.

> Upcoming Regulatory Changes: eIDAS and MIDAS
Two significant regulatory changes—the revised eIDAS (electronic Identification, Authentication, and Trust Services) regulation and the introduction of MIDAS (Market Integrity Directive and its accompanying Regulation)—are expected to impact the identity and crypto industries.

eIDAS is an EU regulation that establishes a legal framework for electronic identification and trust services. The updated eIDAS regulation will include provisions for decentralized identity solutions, which will help streamline digital identity management and enable secure cross-border transactions within the EU.

MIDAS aims to create a comprehensive regulatory framework for crypto-assets and their service providers. It will impose stricter requirements for identity verification, anti-money laundering (AML), and countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) measures, which will affect digital identity and crypto-asset businesses.

>> No.54263580
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>DID infrastructure Projects
DID Projects with tradeable tokens.

The cheqd protocol provides a decentralized, privacy-preserving digital identity solution. Its native token, CHEQ, is used for governance and to pay for identity-related services within the ecosystem.

KILT is a blockchain-based protocol for issuing and verifying credentials in a decentralized, self-sovereign manner. The KILT Coin (KILT) is the platform's utility token, used for staking, governance, and transactions within the network.

>Centralized Verified Credential issuer Projects
VC issuers with tradeable tokens

Everest is a centralized platform that combines biometric identity, a digital wallet tied to your phone #, and a cryptocurrency. The Everest ID token (ID) is used to pay for services, stake tokens for network security, and participate in governance decisions.

tldr; DID/VC is needed in order for DeFi to survive the coming regulation. forced, government-driven adoption = 1000x narrative this cycle.

>> No.54263778
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Walt ID and cheqd just announced their solidified partnership, meaning cheqd is fully integrated into their suite of products. "Why should I care?", my wonderful sub-80IQ friends on this wonderful Malaysian Seal Clubbing enthusiasts forum may ask.

Because Walt ID is fully integrated into EBSI Decentralized ID methods. This is the form of Digital Identity which the EU is developing, which will become the standard way in which identity is issued. Walt ID is incredibly well-placed for this audience.

Cheqd now have multiple different interoperable solutions and have made it super easy to integrate. The fact they are creating payment rails means they are producing something that is desperately needed in the sector. They apparently have companies from many different sectors, from corporations to crypto companies to governments asking them 'wen payment rails', and they are coming THIS FUCKING YEAR.

>> No.54264194

Man imagine enslaving all of humanity forever because you let jews develop an advanced chatbot and let browns get access to your technology and now they're using it for fraud.

>> No.54264220 [DELETED] 

everest very good coin 4channels

do no sleep on it., just pick up big bag of everest coin

>> No.54264254

everest good moonie moon coin for did block chain technologys , real hidden gem of project for block chains

>> No.54265012
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identitychads dont have to imagine

>> No.54265038

everest vey good coin 4chennels, . this coin is set for moonie moon mission. ignore the cheq scam posters

>> No.54265175

Cheqd is the only ToIP Layer 1 public utility with a governance framework designed explicitly to evolve from permission to permissionless. Add to that cheqd’s commitment to interoperability across all SSI ecosystems and its unique focus on SSI-based value exchange, you are looking at the most exciting project in SSI today.

SSI DID VC interoperability will be the 1000x narrative in the coming bull cycle, just like how DeFi and ICO craze was.


>> No.54265257

poor post street shitter everest is far superior coin and tokenomic back up as demand for block chain identifications make everest a lambo moonie moon coin

>> No.54265456
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>Talking about eIDAS and MIDAS and not MiCA
Being voted on in a month and only Everest meets the standards to provide regulation as a service.
>Every crypto service will need to verify user Identity
>Every crypto service will need to run KYC/AML
>Must have a custodial license or utilize one via proxy

>> No.54265484

good post everest teammates. very organic postings. good meme too! community love good memes.

>> No.54265510

let get more organic discussion in here 4channel, . so no miss out on hidden gem like everest it is MICA accredited by government of india

>> No.54266209

most of the companies affected already do KYC, such as exchanges

it is bullish DID/VC though as it may affect DeFI applications too and they will need ZKPs based on DID/VC to do KYC privately on chain. As far as I know its unkown wether it will affect DeFi

>> No.54266225

good bump everest teammates

let get more organic discussion on here about everest good moonie moon coin

>> No.54266248

4channels do no sleep on this hidden gem., as you can see,, everest team working very hard in this fourm to promote coin lovely project many hard working developer

>> No.54266380
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I like cheqd tho

>> No.54266460

leave this is everest fourm

4channels ignore these paid shills for cheqs

>> No.54266518
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>> No.54266528

4channel everest is very good coin. lovely community and big moonie moon potential

>> No.54266615

lol let get another bump in here 4channel everest is very good coin., am buy big bags with lovely community surrounding it

>> No.54266681

Yes let’s not talk about eIDAS, the regulations coming in which will demand that EVERY EU citizen will be using verifiable credentials.

Let’s not talk about how cheqd is partnered with Walt ID and is primed to be the network managing a data marketplace used by governments and corporations (product manager mentioned yesterday that governments are asking for this feature)

Let’s instead talk about the Micah regulations which are irrelevant to Everest since the app is completely unusable.

>> No.54266699
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>most of the companies affected already do KYC, such as exchanges
Yes, the big ones like Binance/Kraken will be able to handle this on their own, they'll just need a custodial license + more diligence on transaction monitoring, though if they aren't already they will also need to verify user Identity. (Only providing user Credentials is not verifying Identity)

>As far as I know its unkown wether it will affect DeFi
It will, Europe just passed the Data Act which will extend legislation to Smart Contracts:

Most Dapps are not ready to adapt, (and most DIDs aren't ready to provide the full suite needed for them to adapt)

>> No.54266711

get out paid fudder no one will ever use your shit cone everest have good developer

where is your code? you have none,. everest code fully audits in githob

>> No.54266723

How much can I get paid to be an Everest shill? I do this cheq stuff fur free

>> No.54266739

good post, 4channel community love pepe frog. everest have good memes. good bump everest teammate

>> No.54266770

you can reach out to everest on reddit or twitter ., pay very good and everest is very good project

everest try to make fourms every six hours on 4channel business to promote

>> No.54266807

Cheqd partnerships manager recently told the community in a closed discord call that they are working with major credit rating agencies and defi protocols to allow the creation of credit ratings and therefore uncollateralised loans.

>> No.54266814

let get some good bump in here and get back to organic discussion on everest token

everest just like climbing mountain everest it hard, long. but it worth it- speak volume of good project like this moonie moon

>> No.54266858
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Verus built better ids, no compromised vc money, fair launch, fair mining. completely decentralized and zec private, dev is microsoft cto

>> No.54266880
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>uncollateralised loans
Does Cheqd verify user Identities?
Does Cheqd have measures to prove users are Human & Unique?

If not; Do you want mass Identity Theft Fraud? Because that's how you get mass Identity theft Fraud.

>> No.54266893

good bump everest teammate

4channel love pepe frog image

everest have best community lovely, team

>> No.54266919

check your posting instructions everest teammate. you made a few mistakes in your post and it dont look organic enough for 4channel discussion

it look like you cut copy and paste from word

>> No.54266950

let get more bump in this thread everest is a great project with many good line of code on githob

that community very active on 4channel and is top five coin due to block chain tokenomic

>> No.54266978
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>> No.54266984

good bump teammate.

wow, a lot of organic discussion about everest today this coin must be pumping like langsat be very tasty fruit

>> No.54267092

bump 4channel business !

here we come now say moonie moonie !

everest very good coin

>> No.54267127
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You will never be a real identity provider. You have no biometrics, you have no regulatory approval, you have no ongoing monitoring. You are a credential sharing platform glorified by buzzwords about blockchain into a crude mockery of true identity.
All the “validation” you get is misunderstanding and non-compliant. Behind your back people mock you. Your peers are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “users” implement actual solutions behind closed doors.
Institutions are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of KYC and AML have allowed institutions to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even DIDs who “verify” through soul bound tokens and ZKP won’t be accepted. Your lack of biometry at the base level is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get green check mark NFT, any serious clients will turn tail and bolt the second they gets a whiff of your failure to acquire a license.
You will never be compliant. You wrench out a fake verification every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the regulation creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy $ID, run a VNO, stake your tokens, and comply with regulations. Your clients will find you, relieved that they no longer have to risk dealing with the authorities. They’ll delegate their tokens to a VNO with a better reputation than yours, and every Everchain observer for the rest of eternity will know a superior solution is used. Your project will decay and go back to the dust, or you will be sent to prison and get butt raped daily by Tyrone and his gang.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.54267156

fren good bump, . but no one reads these

this is bad post, good ID switch though. kind of organic but not helpful to promote everest

>> No.54267188

let be better bump

4chanel have you stopped scrolling and look at everest id coin?

>> No.54267198
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Kill yourself

>> No.54267325

top kek and many pepe frog! 4channel love pepe frog meme

but you need to be more organic and less rude when promoting everest token

>> No.54267887

cool will add to OP list on next bread

>> No.54267925

good bump everest teammate

we having very good organic discussions today 4.channels come learn about everst DiD block chain coin ! wow many moons

>> No.54267979

Tell me more

>> No.54267987

>can’t read
>pretends to be pajeet is actually pajeet
nice try vc shitcoin shill. faggot.

>> No.54268053

this coin is decentralize and open source for block chain technologys. it is grass root and rely on 4channel and community

>> No.54268058
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based reverse reverse psychology everest shill

>> No.54268102

Friendly, but smug reminder that Cheqd, Kilt, Ore, Sparks, etc are all glorified credential sharing platforms and not true identity. It's mindblowing their shills can still be in denial about the difference between identity and identification.

>> No.54268109

please stop disrupting everest thread

>> No.54268124

let get more bump in thread

everyone ignore paid fudders., everest is only legitimately project being talk about here

>> No.54268161

The 1000x winner in identity will not be someone who makes KYCs which were countersigned by nothingburger entities available.
Instead it will be whoever successfully connects VC-issuers which have actual authority to on-chain usecases (think Governments, Banks, Credit-unions)

tldr; not Everest

>> No.54268191

Everest works with banks and governments and has an MFSA (soon to be MICA too) license, you poor, ignorant, dunningkruger.

>> No.54268207

ok piss off , you are disrupting everst discussions everest have no vc or capital connection

>> No.54268237

check and kek ! you tell him everest teammate

everest is MICA complaint in india

>> No.54268396

Gonna be very comfy when you have to watch CHEQD implement Everest's identity for their glorified credential sharing platform, assuming they don't go bankrupt first

>> No.54268430

okay cheqd pajeet you can leave no one is buying your scam, everest is better choice with first move advantage

stay poor

>> No.54268541
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>have actual authority to on-chain usecases (think Governments, Banks, Credit-unions)
>tldr; not Everest
Firstly: LMAO

MFSA license MAKES Everest a licensed, global On-chain Credit Union:


Few others:


PDF on their PoC they ran with Asian Development Bank/ Indonesian gov & ID2020:

>> No.54268602

good post everest teammate.! you are rock star when it come to coin promotions

everest is going to moonie moon! do not sleep on this coin!

>> No.54268661
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>> No.54268681

oh wow indonesian bank and everest? this token is going to go lambo land. people will stay poor if they sleep on good coin and partnership with indian banks

>> No.54268719

please leave rose shill , this thread is for everest token only !

this coin is easy 10000x do real hidden gem 4channels

>> No.54269139
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kek baggies

>> No.54270478
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Truly impressive you people can be so self righteous in your incorrect stupidity.

>> No.54270506

good post everest teammates ! good bump from page 8., you teach that paid fudder a lesson

4channel do not sleep on everest it very good coin

>> No.54270526

let get another bump in here 4channels

come in and join everest fourm! we discussed good token for digital id stop scrolling and come talk to everest team we mooning!

>> No.54270583
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>Protect against duplicate attributes
So on Sparks: Identity Theft is not only performable, it's a feature

>> No.54270606

good post everest teammate
4channel love cute anime girls

very organic, let get back to discussing good token everest

>> No.54270651

great post fren! top kek and many pepe frogs to you.

everest have good community and memes! wow. just going to pick up big bag because this community so good!!

>> No.54270775

It's unfair just how far of the "competition" Everest is. These guys are just discovering they can attach a rock to a stick, meanwhile we are exploring new galaxies.

>> No.54270814

good bump everest team

let keep up the discussion on everest and good did tokens

feeling very organic in here good community :) good token!

>> No.54270855

wow everest is going moonie moons today! do you see this business and finance fourm? stop scrolling and checking digits and join good talk about token!

>> No.54270917

They're only trying to discover anything because the regulators are forcing them to, Everest was preparing for this half a decade ago.

>> No.54270934

everest is very good coin 4channel

stop scrolling and DYOR or you stay poor!

>> No.54270966

just pick up
Big bag of everest coin myself from wazrix exchange good prices fair deals

>> No.54271030
File: 184 KB, 731x486, identitynodes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one else wants to create an actually working Identity solution because that would go against the decentralization they want.

Like Gitcoin Passport: 'Just attach enough Sybil-attackable profiles together and that makes a Sybil resistant Identity because 20 wrongs makes a right.'

Cognitive dissonance.

>> No.54271060

good pepe frog post , 4channel loves pepe frog jpegs. very organic posting in here today 4channels

>> No.54271103

good bump fren but you need to possibly switch ID you are making too many posts defending everest, doesnt look organic

4channel is smart community and can see through it

>> No.54271514

>DIDs are globally unique identifiers that are created and controlled by the identity owner independently. They are registered on a distributed ledger or a blockchain, ensuring immutability and tamper-resistance.
ORE is multichain and the best

>> No.54271564

get out of everest thread paid fudder

>> No.54271632

Urbit is superior to all this crap

>> No.54271650

DiDs are based but this is a fucking paid shill thread.

>> No.54271652

get fucked nigger, don’t want any digital id

>> No.54271732

warning everest team, lot of paid fudders in here today

>> No.54272893

based and DID pilled
With DID no central database needs to keep your data

>> No.54272911

good bump everest teammate, from page 9 .,

4channel stop scroll and come look at everest coin it is moonie moons good

>> No.54272930

do not miss out on this project ! you will stay poor and not have ticket to moon and lambo land

>> No.54272959
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>> No.54273017

4channel you are miss out on everest id token.. , do you no you need to have it for block chain id ?

>> No.54274613

Bump for Bob "The Mob" Reid

>> No.54274628

good bump everest teammate

4channels do not miss out on good coin!

>> No.54274658

do no sleep on everest moon coin., U will FOMO !!

>> No.54274717

The point of sparks anyway is not KYC ID but credentialing. Assurance without breaching privacy but can carry most aspects of targeted data. Infinite potential imo, people saying you need biometrics are braindead.

>> No.54274745

get out this is everest fourm go post your spark scam else where

4channel ignore the paid fudders in everest fourm today, lot of paid FUDDERS here tonight

>> No.54275071

Urbit is kinda based ngl. It seems a bit bigger than just identity though

>> No.54275084

get out , this is an everst fourm. paid fudders are disrupting actual block chain coin discussion

>> No.54275101

Anyway cheqd is based and Everest is cringe. Kind reminder they speak a lot of babble but have no interesting EU regulatory connections. Check the OP, pic very much related.

>> No.54275118

piss off scam artist , everest have first mover advantages in block chain id . you are spammer who steal everest github code

>> No.54275257

They're licensed in Malta, the EU is copying Maltese crypto regulations and will grandfather companies who have MFSA license in to EU banking licenses. You just aren't smart enough to understand how banking and KYC/AML checks work in finance so you talk about eIDAS, which is basically a docusign/e-signature standard for EU countries.
