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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54260882 No.54260882 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best way to profit off these miserable creatures?

>> No.54260892
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Being happy.

>> No.54260913

Unironically start an interracial or sissy hypno porn website, these chuds are projecting heavily when they say they are against this material. Studies and data actually show that the majority of the sissy and interracial porn viewed is from the most red chud flyover states.

>> No.54260915

> Miserable
We are really fucking bullish on being bearish and with a good reason so.

>> No.54260933

trooncord woke up

>> No.54260940

i'm just tired of seeing 85 IQ people use the word "hyperinflation" to refer to 5% annual inflation.

>> No.54260942

I own gold and silver and i hate fucking retarded schizo /pol/ chuds who took over /pmg/.

I'm not prepping for mad max scenarios, im prepping for a soft collapse and correction to a new system. Society will keep on keeping on, and ill have precious metals to buy back into the market when it hits rock bottom

>> No.54260945
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>> No.54260988 [DELETED] 
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>I own gold and silver and i hate fucking retarded schizo /pol/ chuds who took over /pmg/.
>I'm not prepping for mad max scenarios, im prepping for a soft collapse and correction to a new system. Society will keep on keeping on, and ill have precious metals to buy back into the market when it hits rock bottom
>i'm just tired of seeing 85 IQ people use the word "hyperinflation" to refer to 5% annual inflation.
>>>54260882 (OP)(You)
>Unironically start an interracial or sissy hypno porn website, these chuds are projecting heavily when they say they are against this material. Studies and data actually show that the majority of the sissy and interracial porn viewed is from the most red chud flyover states.
>what's the best way to profit off these miserable creatures?

>> No.54261033

sell guns, low value land, fake gold/silver and perished canned food to them

>> No.54261061
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>slipping this hard

>> No.54261187

sell them gold at 200% markup like everybody else
it seems to be a crowded trade and you have to use 30% of profits on marketing constantly but there is a never ending supply of retards

>> No.54261223

Start a right wing grifter podcast/channel. Sell them "self improvement" shit like books and supplements, they are all STEMoids with money to blow and they genuinely believe consumption = politics

>> No.54261248

The guns and ammo part is the funniest. Burgers have never used their weapons since the war of independence hundreds of years ago lol. And these retards larp daily about “overthrowing” the government

>> No.54261271


>> No.54261303
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>> No.54261325


>> No.54261328
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>> No.54261379

>governments of the south controlled by agricultural capital
>governments of the north controlled by industrial capital
>internal contradictions form over slavery
>southern GOVERNMENTS split over it
>fight between two governments ensue
Individualist boomer-burgers can do nothing but larp, buy T-supplements and do individual spergings that will just get called false flags by other boomer-burgers. Individualism is antithetical to mass action

>> No.54261387

design and sell freeze-drying equipment

>> No.54261390

Trust the plan. Goyim. I need a bank oh my gawd

>> No.54261468

lol state congresses in the confederacy directly issued money that was essentially fiat because you couldn't redeem it for gold. "It was all about banks" is the ultimate in historical illiteracy, every retarded idea on this website is usually undergirded by "muh banks"

>> No.54261679
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when people talk about "hyperinflation" they're usually speculating about the future. Is it really so hard to imagine that we would see hyperinflation as the fed continues to print its way out of every problem?

>> No.54261741

Well yes considering the US' geopolitical position it can literally force other countries to hold dollars to use for trade which will drive demand. That and the US doesn't have a huge war debt foisted upon it by treaty so hyperinflation is unlikely unless New Development Bank/SCO gets off the ground with its own trade currency

>> No.54261767
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>> No.54261781
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>> No.54261948

Based. You just triggered chudlets.

>> No.54262169

>Well yes considering the US' geopolitical position it can literally force other countries to hold dollars to use for trade which will drive demand.
We're already doing this and I think our ME allies are getting tired of it. Look at how the saudis are trying to strengthen their relationship with iran for example. OPEC poses a massive geopolitical risk to the US right now and the saudis could play a massive role in pushing OPEC to make moves that could harm the dollar. If Opec either raises prices or decides to start transacting in non-usd currencies, the us is screwed.

The only way to really control the ME is with another war (likely against Iran). This will be massively inflationary and will require the printer to run at full speed.

This ME scenario is just one example of the myriad of issues that the US faces today. Our geopolitical position is more precarious than it has been since WW2 and I think we could easily slip into hyperinflation if we don't correctly address every challenge we're faced with

>> No.54262254

True, but ammo has been a great investment for the past couple decades.

>> No.54262276

(((Studies and data say)))

>> No.54262407

Someone doesn't understand the idea of deterrence. But more importantly, the guns aren't for me to kill a Senator, once the shooting starts. They're so I can kill people like you.

>> No.54262439

Yes of course, shoot your fellow man instead of the people responsible for the collapse. Kys redneck chud

>> No.54262899

convert your fiat to gold and silver, rural property, and guns+ammo. number go up

>> No.54262992

>miserable creatures
Asked by a subhuman that doesn't even know how to profit in a crisis. If you have to ask, you are the miserable creature left with nothing.

I've been long on cfds worth of 9k in gold spot for a month. Thanks for marking up the price 200% bro. I'll be selling 13% of my equity in it with you, leaving the rest to nest as it's always been. You really think you're going to change anything in the precious metals market, a market that's historically proven itself to not only hold stable price but increase it signifficantly? Everyone here loves to talk shit about gold but nobody here owns it and nobody here will make a big profit off of it.

verification not required.

>> No.54263802

go all in on 10 year us treasury bonds anon that will show the chuds.

>> No.54263890

You faggot jews have been doing this for decaded if not a century

>> No.54263899
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Oy vey you can't leave society goyim!

Look at this kvetching lmao

>> No.54263923
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>> No.54263970

LMAO embarrassing thread. Just terrible. I'll be leaving it and not returning, work on your material

>> No.54264102

true, the empire will never fall. Just look at history. Check mate, retards.

>> No.54264147

Gassing filthy hook nosed kikes

>> No.54264169

Sell guns property and ammo.....I think you are retarded if you had to ask

>> No.54264172

>it was real in my mind

Captcha: GAS

>> No.54264176
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>> No.54264182


>> No.54264338

>Studies and data actually show
Are these studies and data in the room with us right now?

>> No.54264401

Hey, there ya go. I don't own any precious metals or commodities like that but I think this is the way to go about it, perhaps I'll invest in some.

>> No.54264456

Crypto niggers will never understand being comfy, they lose their hairline bit by bit looking at charts, meanwhile my shiny rocks bring me joy.

>> No.54264469
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>noooo you cant just defend your property with weapons in the impending ideological wars

>> No.54264471
File: 9 KB, 411x718, 006CE55A-0EBD-41AD-BE97-72F646D9E277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything went to shit
>chud ventures out of his bunker to check his rabbit traps
>unsurprisingly caught one due to his superior craftsmanship learned on /diy/
>hears rustling behind the bush in front of him on his way back
>grabs his AK-47 and uses the Schatten Stride to sneak up on The Enemy
>goes through bush
>tfw it’s not The Enemy at all
>tfw it’s a maiden twirling in the wheat field
>5 years on NoFap fills him with confidence
>Chud: “Beautiful day eh, my lady?”
>maiden admires chud’s based weapons
>Maiden: “Oh…yes. Me and some friends are out here enjoying the sun”
>Chud: (displaying perfect trigger discipline) “Friends? But I don’t smell any other pheromones besides yours. C’mon let’s go my place. I will provide for you and you can bear me many children. You certainly have the hips for it heheh!”
>Maiden: “They’re with my boyfriend looking for shelter”
>Chud: “B-boyfriend? B-BOYFRIEND!?”
>chud read about this shit test before
>playfully runs after her
>Slut: “HELP! HELP!”
>chud throws his gold bars to the ground to move faster
>Chud: “You will do as you’re told!”
>chud will finally get his trad wife
>Bitch: “Chad! Do it now!”
>chud falls down
>hears “God, what a fucking freak!” before he dies
>it’s over

>> No.54264472

Isn't it more like 12%+?

>> No.54264688

>niggers live in alabama
>alabama is flyoever state
>niggers love being faggots
>wow goyim look, it's actually trump voters that love gay sex

>> No.54264791

Sounds like we should give up on the dollar, US hegemony and the Fed. That would not require constant brrrrrr and endless war

>> No.54264890

Have all your wealth in USD cash while living in inner city NY

>> No.54264989
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>> No.54265065

>we should give up on the American financial system
Yeah, you guys should be careful. You are reaching knowing levels that will trigger the NAFO redditjeets to enter the thread.

>> No.54265088

Nice bait
I could see the mask slipping though.

>> No.54265170

Goodness, fuck. I hate Caleb. This guy fucks half of the trashy whores he "interviews" in their NYC apartments.
You can tell he smashes some bitches before he "meets them on the street" for the "first time". He films himself hooking up and then does his tour for his 60s videos.
None of the flats he goes to are worth the money either. You could never pay me to live in NYC.

>> No.54265843

having humility. best of luck lol

>> No.54265888


>> No.54265920

>niggers love being faggots
>gay/trans rights is a plot to exterminate the whyte race
pick one chud

>> No.54266043


>> No.54266594

I'm glad someone else feels this way. There's hundreds of posts on /pol/ right now unironically panicking about now having enough guns and ammo. I've watched my fair share of /k/ adjacent content and it really feels like justification for a weird hobby. Having knowledge about guns is cool, being able to shoot a whole clip accurately is a great skill, but stockpiling ammo and praying every day for civil war is fucking lunacy.

Like look at this guy, if he isn't shitposting what's the intent? Literally no different from some faggot saying something along the lines of:
>In a zombie apocalypse, I'd be on the rooftops sniping anyone who crosses my path... Even you, if you turn... *snickers and lights a cuban cigar*
You're not even LARPing, you're playing with action figures in your head while you watch youtube videos and play Counter-Strike.

>> No.54266803

jewish magic spellcast

>> No.54266894

cant really. most consoomers of goods (but especially services) are in the cities.

>> No.54267135
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Save money.
Invest in stocks, bonds and crypto.
Roth 401k max.
Dink (double income no kids).
Job hop as much as possible.
Don't do anything online or offline that goes against the mainstream establishment.

Do the opposite of what these snakes are doing. You WILL get rich as shit.

>> No.54267230

What a stupid example. Aren't they in prison for aiming guns at nigger lovers?

>> No.54267258

your shinny rocks have the same price as the last 10 years imbecile minus selling arbitrage you are at a loss

>> No.54267458
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The other anon already mentioned a deterrent. Also see
>kenosha kid
>texas church handgun man
>numerous other webms in a self defense thread on gif or wsg
Also, a glowie got glassed in the pic rel atory

>> No.54267578

>fellow man
You trannies are part of the problem that caused the collapse.

>> No.54267645

>the banking system is collapsing....because of the trannies!
the fact that /pol/tards actually believe this just demonstrates that people will never be free from central banking fuckery

>> No.54267660

Sell them gold, silver, rural property, guns and ammo.

>> No.54269096

There are 55k - 80k defensive handgun uses every year. I know you are mentally challenged, but try to keep up.

>> No.54269177
