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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54260513 No.54260513 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you fags done Hustlers University?

>> No.54260536
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I think it's for free on JewTube. But no, I didn't spend a lot of time listening to a half nigger lecture me on how to run a business. Plus, I am not into kidnapping women or being imprisoned in Romania.

>> No.54260561

nah mate, im not retarded enough to spend thousands on advice you can get for free on YT

>> No.54260656

The only people talking shit have no idea what it is, as usual. It is basically access to a dozen discord servers covering various topics such as copywriting or Amazon FBA. The crypto server actually provides a solid educational foundation and teaches you how to set up an aggregate indicator system based around MPT. The community and signals are particularly useful. Worth 50 bucks a month to me on the returns alone.

>> No.54260734
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Yeah, you forgot to post your affiliate link so you can get your 10-15% kickback from retards buying into this shit.
Seriously, nigger, consider necking yourself.

>> No.54260804

i can't afford it. i've been going to a local hustlers community college instead.

>> No.54260844

Not interested in affiliate scams, I'd rather learn a valuable skill set and build wealth organically. OP asked for opinions on HU which I objectively provided based on my experience.

Why don't you actually apply yourself instead of whining online like a cucked faggot

>> No.54260885
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I don't have the time to listen to a half nigger lecture me. Moreover, I doubt he'd tell you what you need to know, and even if he did, it would fly right over your head.
I actually build stuff to make money, if anyone was to tell me how to run my business before I built it, I'd listen but it would go into one ear and out the other because the information wouldn't be relatable.
Just do what you have to do, figure it out as you go along and stop telling me I should listen to a faggot that, in all likelihood, is getting raped and extorted by gypsies in prison as we speak. I don't know about you, but that's not where I aim to end up.

>> No.54260917
File: 49 KB, 597x510, TateSoGay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, no.

>> No.54260952

Proving your ignorance, yet again. Tate isn't even in HU, it is run by "professors" who are independently wealthy experts in their field of study.
Figure it out as you go along may be the worst advice you've offered yet. Why wouldn't you learn from a mentor who has already made the same mistakes?
I'm out, nothing to gain arguing with room temp IQ imbeciles. Don't forget to watch your daily dose of CNN and stay ignorant and poor faggot.

>> No.54260958


>> No.54260974

>shilling for your mulatto master while he's (still) sitting in a romanian prison
good morning sir

>> No.54260987

not a chance. i'm old enough to remember tucker max. this grifter is terrible and they're playing politics with his imprisonment.

>> No.54261010

>all these mad women on biz

>> No.54261089
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>it is run by "professors" who are independently wealthy experts in their field of study.
Those guys don't have time to teach anyone anything unless they directly gain from it (i.e.: mentoring an intern). I know because I have done it. They also lose money in the short term by doing it. Again, I fucking know because I have fucking done it.
>don't forget to watch your daily dose of CNN
How the fuck did CNN get brought up in this?
You are high on the fucking spectrum, aren't you, snorkels?

>> No.54261099

if this is your role model for a man you didn't grow up with a father

>> No.54261105

they dont allow virgins to apply

>> No.54261132

No shit. You already know this. Even many people who grew up with a father really did not. There are no mentors these days.

>> No.54261217

>Worth 50 bucks a month to me on the returns alone.
Damn bro, you left a small area without sucking in Andrew's left nutsack. Consider kys self, ffs

>> No.54261290

Went from making 1.1k a month waging to making 4.7k/mo waging plus Amazon FBA.
People are arrogant and claim you can find everything on youtube for free but then dont prove it or actually take any action.
Say what you want about Tate but I'm literally making more money than doctors in my country after 6 months of FBA.

>> No.54261453

You have to, like, sell stuff. Alpha! Make sure you find a dumb market. Power! Make them pay top dollah for the absolute shit you're peddling. Get money!

>> No.54262470
File: 882 KB, 736x1309, earthworm jim (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man, collecting that info would take you a couple hours. if you can't find that shit without paying $50 per month you won't make it.

>> No.54262556
File: 168 KB, 1400x1400, 305584040_593219852253284_1433462744626161173_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heyyyy woah, easy now. tates had a father, they lived in a car with him.
what country?
>and it's literally all free homie

>> No.54263265

So long since I've seen talk about this guy I'd almost forgotten about him, what's the latest on him, he still in jail?