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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54258682 No.54258682 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be 22
>born into poor east europe country
>born into family that is poor even by east euro standards
>no gov support cuz the system is corrupt and shitty
>no financial help from mother cuz she's poor
>no financial help from father cuz he's an alcoholic
>can't find a good job cuz college and high unemployement rate
>surrounded by shitty zoomer "friends" from middle class families who's biggest life problems are their fuckin tiktok view counts

Honestly anons, what would you do in that situation? im open for some real advices or at least some fren support, poverty is a swamp and holy fuck it's difficult to get out.

>> No.54258726

probably just get into low level criminal activity like selling drugs or fencing stolen property, or guns and ammo if they're illegal where you are.
then try and save money from that in order to start a legitimate business like a carpet cleaning company or buy oriental rugs and sell them.

>> No.54258766

crypto if you are willing to wait 5 years

>> No.54258773

holy fuck man, you don't even know how many times i've been inches away from turning to crime for money, made me relate to niggers a little more but those ape fuckers at least get neet bucks
Would probably do it but im 100% certain i'd get caught cuz im not some street kid with connections and would only dissapoint my mother more

>> No.54258783

Enlist in the military

>> No.54258791
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this or enlist in the military

>> No.54258797

yea, i only got into crypto like 6 months ago so im neither confident nor experience enough to make any good investments
It's even worse when i take into account that im so poor i can barely afford to throw maybe 10$ into saving account every month so it's not like i can benefit from crypto that much anyway
But yea, i was thinking of just throwing a litle bit into it and letting it stay in the wallet for 5 years, i just need to know which coins are worth it

>> No.54258821

poland has good military options for young people, the "territorial defence" is basically doing cardio and sitting on your ass every 2 weeks and getting good money from it
That's how i've been making money for the past 6 months, i cannot however go full time into it cuz of college and i have some serious chances to get a scholarship (which would basically double my income next year)

>> No.54258835

Try being bald.

>> No.54258862

>what would you do in that situation?
Kill myself lol

>> No.54258884

Nice anon, hopefully you get it, military (although it sucks) is a good way for many disenfranchised men to find their way (if you play your cards right and get a decent military occupation)

>> No.54258885
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>> No.54258897

i'll let you in on a secret - nobody cares. do what you want with that information

>> No.54258916

Move to the US

>> No.54258926
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AWS gives out free vouchers for 100% off their cloud certificates if you finish their free online training (aws solutions architect is ~60hrs).
That can get you started, also you can learn python/javascript.

Knowing basic coding AND having cloud certs will get you a remote job

>> No.54258948

buy ftm

>> No.54258958

get a remote job and make 6 figures

>> No.54259083

Get airdrop farming. You should be getting thousands for free every year. You need to be shitcoin maxing.

>> No.54259116

Get the fuck out and never go back. It’s going to be hard but it will alleviate most of the feelings you have right now in regards to your situation and will remove parasitic mentality of your “friends” from your peripheral. From their good luck, find a niche and hustle, scam and live of NEETBUX, wage, literally anything Anon. Don’t rely on NEETBUX though, that is going to be gone by 2030, likely replaced by UBI.

>> No.54259127

Unironically - learn to code.
I'm in a similair situation, growing up as a poorfag in eastern europe.
Learned to code at 19, started an internship which paid really shitty.
Change job every 2 years, 7 years later I'm making 6 figures in USD working remotely.

>> No.54259137

I'm sorry for you anon and hope you can keep your spirit up. If you are in EU you can always move somewhere else and work. If you can learn coding and get a remote job you can make it very quickly since you have low cost of living.

>> No.54259180

Start a course on JavaScript/Python/Java/C#.
Build a portfolio web project - for example a twitter/4chan/reddit clone app.
Go to local companies which offer internships to people with no experience, this will probably have shitty pay but at least it's something.
Work up in local companies until you're mid level (3-4y experience).
Create your personal LLC, apply to remote contracting jobs.
You can have multiple jobs at the same time if they're chill, you just have to lie to your employer.
Congratulations, you're not poor.

>> No.54259246

Are you remote working from your country for a US company? How did you manage to get a six figure offer? The offers from US companies in my country pay about 15% more than the local ones for the same position but you have to work on shitty schedule most of the time

>> No.54259259

It's called go to Germany and do knee busting manual labor. Even if you live paycheck to paycheck at least you'll have your rented one room shoebox and a measure of peace.

>> No.54259289
File: 1.60 MB, 896x1344, 06703-1832203260-lineart, sketch, (masterpiece_1.1), (highest quality_1.1), (sharp focus_1.2), (looking at viewer_1.25), (colored_1.3),_(sanpaku_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make $70k/month selling AI Art to Coomers.
how the fuck is poverty even real?

>> No.54259340

I'm working for two companies currently, both remote, both think they have me for 8h/day.
Realistically I work for each 3h/day including meetings.
When you're a contractor with their own LLC you can work as many as you like.
If they're happy, they'll keep you. If not, so be it.

Yes, each salary is not six figures. Combined I make around $100K/year, but cost of living here is much lower than in the US.

>> No.54259355

I'm a senior dev so my work is pretty independent from the rest of the team.
I take big tasks and work on them for at least a week, so I don't get micromanaged and don't need to consider other people's schedules, I can work on my own time.
Also the $100K is net, but taxes here are quite low, aroung 15% of my total pay.

>> No.54259371

Use gpt4 to do rewriting or
>big brain move
start your own "blog"
monetize it through whatever, adsense I guess

>> No.54259443

>It's called go to Germany and do knee busting manual labor
lol if you can speak russian go to germany and register as an ukrainian refugee who lost his passport. Preferably in Berlin since they have the laxest laws, during rona they paid out 3 months of gibs in advance no questions asked

>> No.54259666

I thought about doing that too but my government doesn't allow people to work 2 full time jobs. Even if it can be easy to lie to your employers how do you justify your 2 incomes when paying taxes?

>> No.54259689

Russia will put you out of your misery soon anon, there's too many just like you and you'll be the first on the front lines.


>> No.54259733

You set up an LLC and invoice your working hours to the two employers.
The income you get is an income to the company, not personal income.

>> No.54259752

these two OP, join the army and put all the money you get into effiriumz. just don't fight for russia and you'll be fine.

>> No.54259763

Do you have access to a vehicle? Wageslave until you can afford a good chainsaw and an axe, cut up fallen dead hardwood trees deep in the forest and split and stack the wood in a hiding spot of your choosing. Sell the wood on Facebook marketplace or put handmade signs up all around town. Go door to door begging for work. Offer to clean up peoples property and try fixing things. Don’t touch drugs, alcohol, and don’t jerk off. Keep your clothes clean and your hair cut to stay looking presentable.

>> No.54259792

Fight for Russia as a mercenary. You'll get to kill disgusting world economic forum stooges