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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54257552 No.54257552 [Reply] [Original]

From the beginning, every part of this project was designed to suck away your money and discourage you from holding ETH, BTC, and a handful of crypto that makes you 8-figure millionaires. The breadcrumbs carefully crafted, the marketing to "smart anons", the lack of publicity to normies. This was all a psyop.

>assblaster posts from supposed Blythe Masters
>Constant hinting of Sergey working with Facebook, Libra, Diem, sending Dimitri to IG as a plant
>Creating and owning a L2 (Arbitrum) with the same logo but turning out to be a metalayer psyop that paid VC's
>Crumbs with every high finance group in the world. BIS, ISDA, SWIFT, S. Korea Banking Consortium, BSN China, etc.
>SIBOS appearances that the ETH's and BTC's of the world never get
>A supposed http level protocol that every entity on Earth would use
>Stealth operations and rare appearances by the co-founders
>A connection to SAP, Oracle, Docusign that would usher in enterprise level blockchain connections
>Staking that would pay godly amounts of yield by collateralizing trillions of $ worth of contracts
>Working with the biggest exchange in the world on their L2 but subtly posting about it
>Crumb posting about every institution that matters in finance running a node
>The early ICO days where the graphics show every institution connected through Chainlink to other instutitions

Psyop that actually worked. Look at the hypnosis from /biz/ 2018 posts and compare to now. People were sure that Chainlink would have an ETH run from $1->$600 and that it was a sure thing. Instead, while holding LINK from $1 to $50, BNB had that very move. The psyop wouldn't be successful unless they cratered the price of Chainlink while everything around it mooned. Dogecoin was infinitely more successful without assblaster posting about it

>> No.54257561

Daily UncleOldFag compulsive fud thread

>> No.54257602

Throughout the past six (6) years, there have been more sagas than Dragonball Z

>The Arbitrum saga
>The Oracle Corp. saga part I (startups program)
>The Oracle Corp. saga part II (blockchain integration)
>The DeFi saga
>The NFT saga
>The rug pull saga (Celsius, Bancor)
>The Facebook saga (Diem, Libra)
>The staking saga (lockups, yield, small amounts)
>The Baseline saga (Provide, Wolpert)
>The FAANG saga (Google blog, Yorke Rhodes, Microsoft Cryptlets)

This is a psyop. All of these were posted by people selling you a dream of $500 Link tokens. Instead, you should've been "dumb" and bought BNB or QNT which had 1/100 of the sagas, posts and larps

>> No.54257604

it's low quality spam by schizos, pajeets. Never bougt it never will, but pre /biz/ I thought it's a normal utility token and then when I dmor I realized it's just a pre-mined ponzi scam, like eth but at least Vitalik doesn't dump on holders on daily basis and his utility actually pay itself. I hope a final rug happens and these faggots kill themselves.

>> No.54257611

I don't blame myself for falling for this, I do blame myself for not looking into other projects while holding it. I can't bring myself to sell but nastyslobs demoralization talks the same day as iso20022 coming out had finally fuck my head completely.

>> No.54257650

I bought at $5.80 and I’m now up pretty well I don’t see the problem honestly

>> No.54257677

The question is, why? Why was /biz/ attacked? Reddit wasn't shilled any of this shit. They bought shiba inu and made a fortune. There are 2017 og's here today with 120k Link that are waiting to become millionaires. The Nexo/Zeus saga proved that /biz/ was targeted, why did they choose the /biz/ coin to fud instead of the 900 other cryptos? This was all planned out carefully.

Cuban and the VC's made arbitrum leave the link frogs in the dust. Joey Krug made sure that Chainlink didn't benefit from early DeFi integrations. Vitalik hates the project and its people, as does Charles H. CZ continually builds a rival oracle and shorted Link to $0.001. CNBC never gave it any spotlight. Cathie Wood never thought oracles were important in ARK's blockchain thesis, as did most other popular crypto evangelists. This was a psyop and /biz/ got played

>> No.54257703

Not him but debate the topic, do you believe holding at $50 was the right thing to do?

It was more sinister I'm afraid


He made enough to retire in his mid 30's, he couldn't care less. He was sent as an agent to destroy /biz/. The chosen /biz/ coin performed worse than shiba inu and binance coin, think about that

>> No.54257812

It’s real because the crumbs stopped all of a sudden. /biz/ is no longer a link board

>> No.54257813

With all this fresh unironic fud we might actually be at the bottom here

>> No.54257852

>your dreams will come true and you will be wildy rich just put all your money in this magic internet token and sit back and do nothing for 20 years since you already won ;)

>> No.54257861

How is what he posted fud? It all checks out

>> No.54257865

buy an ad

>> No.54257904

I didn’t care to read all of it to know how fearful, uncertain, and doubtful he felt

>> No.54257914

Go ahead and leverage your stack then

>> No.54257937

Why are you lying? Almost no retail got rich off shiba inu, it was a whale coordinated pump and dump project, conversely a ridiculous amount of retail bought link early and made bank. Yes they ate shit if they held through the bear market, so did anyone else who didn't sell in summer or Q4 2021 regardless of the project. I understand a lot of you probably did buy in the past 2 years and got rekt but what is the point of blatantly lying about the situation? The reality is its one of the few projects in crypto where a shitload of retail got in early, rather than VC's/insiders, and actually got to see the early profits.

>> No.54257947

You actually wrote this all out just for me to laugh at you.

>> No.54257955

Another michael thread

>> No.54258066
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based and meanwhile ponzimarines will wait on ccip to flop same time next year. They say link will moon out of nowhere as it bleeds sats for years now. Partnerships were a lie, smartcon was a joke, new tech is always delayed. HR roasties paid 400k/yr to do nothing. Linkpool rugged and sergey hires the rugger to the team, what happened to all the linkpool shillers, absolute radio silence, but i mean people like me and unc were warning you idiots after it go found out that mat beale the confounder of a ponzi token ontop of a ponzi token was a coked out retard who immediately dump his entire linkpool stack moments after being terminated. Moab rugged to zero after sergeys scrubbed tweet, chainlink funds managed by khater a literal pornwhore. What the fuck was king bigmax thinking kek? Oh thats right, quantitative eating kek! Adelyn failed at marketing. Celsius partnership was cataclysmic, didn't anyone ever listen to the podcast with flannelman and mashinsky? Sergey was shilling celsius like there was no tomorrow and guess what celsius rugged, took everything and ran just like the plan was from the start. Sergey even had SBF put on shilling how great a guy he was topkek. Notice a pattern here? Sergey shills scams they dump and he shills another scam and they rug yet again. The psyop was from the start to shill this to biz to keep his own personal dumps afloat. Now why was biz targeted, well sergey is jewish and hates all the antisemites here so obviously he would want to fuck over anyone here he can, look at how many jews he's partnered with and exitscammed, and the ponzimarines here won't notice any type of pattern whatsoever, but if that same pattern is being deployed en masse in a shrewd way with muh secret coin that will skyrocket because of fintech usecase heres some breadcrumbs then the ponzimarines will gladly take a swan dive off the rooftops to bag up on more useless tokens that have been cratering for years. ICO prices eoy

>> No.54258565
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How's that ED treating you pal?

>> No.54258614

>bought at 17 cents when Chainlink first appeared
>made it when it hit 4 dollars
>it kept pumping later on to 50
>took profits along the way and reinvested those into DeFi that uses chainlink
>made even more money
>now I'm multimillionaire and retired

wow such a great psyop lmao

>> No.54258649

I'm sorry for belitteling you and uncle oldfag. I had a literal burn out after linkpool rugged. I sold my remaining linkstack to hunt some new gems only to get my metamask hacked and $50k lost.
I couldn't get out of bed for weeks.
I'm starting to get better and starting to see the scam that chainlink is.
How the fuck were I so deeply brainwashed?
I got 10k to my name all in crypto and I will make it the next run, I will sell the next one. I will treat every coin as a shitcoin.

>> No.54259203

>suck away my money
>still up 10x against btc

>> No.54259252

Duuuuuude-poster is Michael the Chink aka Uncle Oldfag

>> No.54259302


>90% down against eth

>> No.54259336

Schizo post. It has just less hype than other projects, so less hysteria when it comes to price. It’s something for people who like less drama. Hold and wait and do something else with your life in the meantime.

>> No.54259373

That's bullshit! But I believe it jpg

>> No.54259385
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>> No.54260288

Chainlink is an r/thedonald election tourist coin. That's the whole story. Redditors lived the super secret club breadcrumb vibe, bought, and much like the current iteration with gme, they're never selling. THE END

>> No.54260434

Pretty sure you can throw Schiff in there too

>> No.54260445

lmao why have i seen "down 90%" literally thousands of times but this is the first time in all that time i've seen someone post my actual returns.

>> No.54260469

nooo you didn't sell the heckin top like 95% of the crypto space so your gains don't count nnnooooooo

you can't just hold and do nothing for 5.5 years you are supposed to sell and buy and literally time the tippy top even though the top was 50 cents when LINK first came out

>> No.54260531

You missed the top in sats and the top in usd. Both pretty obvious to as clearly demonstrated by the charts (literal weeks to make an exit in green). Tough times. Good luck with whatever gme tier "trust the plan" cope keeps you holding.

>> No.54260557

i remember when the top in USD was a dollar kek, for a whole year

>> No.54260577

Still not selling

>> No.54260593

lol buy an ad. you can just buy an ad that says chainlink bad. then you wouldn’t have to post this daily.

>> No.54260614

thanks for being so interested in my financial well being anon.

oh btw the first sats top was right before sibos, guess I should have also sold then. or the one after the google announcement when LINK finally broke $1 2 years after the bullrun?

shitcoins like btc/eth/whatever are for trading, LINK is for holding. the easier you learn that the better.

t. sold BTC at 62k after buying at 3k during the corona crash

>> No.54260946

>less drama
>completely ignored the entire post

Biz is nothing but adhd retards now isn’t it

>> No.54261082

I think Chainlink is a good project

>> No.54261288

Checked, surprised you didn’t mention
>my guy at JPM says the SEC will arrest the team any day now
Anyway, safe travels on your imaginary flight!

>> No.54262694

You thought this was going to catch on didn't you

>> No.54262866
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>> No.54263515

>interested in my financial well being
Zero interest. Just reminding you that you either don't know what you're doing, or forgot you were supposed to make money on "investments".

>> No.54264206

I'm literally up 70x but again, thank you for your concern

>> No.54264974

Your lies don't concern me at all. Link is back to mid 2019 in sats, and down 85% in usd.