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54255881 No.54255881 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: I answer all your questions about getting rich with billboards

>> No.54255897

How do you get rich with billboards?

>> No.54255926
File: 82 KB, 836x872, 1_nGJX16gMiJjzMjTUgG71TA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here fren. Tell us how it's done.

>> No.54255927

coffee posting irl

>> No.54255942

I want to start with the billboard biz, I'm an europoor, enlighten me.

>> No.54255952

I hate that the doors were the first to do this fucking psyops, to brain wash civilians.
Fuck Jim morrison and the doors. Fucking feds.

>> No.54255971
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Fuck off billboard asshole
I hate the antichrist

>> No.54255975

Anaheim Angels owner ?
Is that you Arty ?

>> No.54255979

Do you own the land, or pay the landowner a fee to construct one, or do you buy one from the previous operator and then take over the contract?
Also median price (yrly) vs median income (yrly).
Is there much competition for ads or are there often standout top-offers?
How do you determine how far away it should be from another billboard?
Double-sided vs single-sided?

Thank you if you actually answer all that shit anon.

>> No.54255995

Good question.

>> No.54256005

Bro OP is long gone, probably made at least 10 other threads by now

>> No.54256039

>1 post by this ID

>> No.54256048

It was made less than 15mins ago faggot

>> No.54256059

Ok newfag

>> No.54256071
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Take your meds schizo

>> No.54256127

Hi guys OP here. A guy sold me a billboard and now hes not answering my calls.

>> No.54256149

1 post by this faggot. Op you better fucking deliver

>> No.54256174


>> No.54256177

At least make a good larp of it op, then write it down here.

>> No.54256190

2nding the newfag comment
It's painfully easy to predict 1pbtid trash threads
>insider here
>how do I do x
>what should I do with x
>is x longterm?
>j was the to start x, any advice?
>I run x, ama
If the thread starts like this there's an extreme chance anon will never reply unless 6 gorillion anons call out his faggotry, then magically OP will show up to call us chuds

>> No.54256464

For those wondering:
Billboards are generally leased by largescale companies. Getting rights to the land to advertise on means the city granted it for some special exemption, IE they get a cut or it benefits the community in some way. Only (((richfags))) have the power to convince a city, sorry. They're incredibly expensive; some in the millions. Friend's boss paid $200k for one. Tops, you get $5k a month to rent one out, and are responsible for hiring the people who print the ad and post it, which eats into said rent.

>> No.54256497
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Wasn’t expecting any replies lol sorry for delay

Basically what you do is look for fixer upper signs in your community. They’re cheap and easy to fix. Cut all the trees around them to open up the view. Then literally just start calling businesses down the road from the sign. The most lucrative kind of billboard are the ones that say like “Arbys next exit”

You can build your own too

$5,000 for a wood structure
>might only make $5k a year
$25-$50,000 for a steel monopole
>might only make $25k a year
$500,000+ for a digital
>will generate $300k+ per year

And that’s only with you being the sign operator

You can also trade in easements or be a broker selling signs to others

>> No.54256544
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This is incorrect generally. Kind of true in SoCal. You want to look for signs in areas where there are lax state and municipal ordinances pertaining to signs. Like Florida for example.

>> No.54256550

Start calling businesses down the road from me sign? Huh?

>> No.54256556

Stick to the subject anon

>> No.54256590

1) own a billboard
2) rent it to the retarded MBAs on the marketing teams of rising midcap companies, who think billboards are positive ROI

>> No.54256620

> hurr how do i drive along a same road a business owner uses on their way to work (hint: it's the road you put the billboard next to)
> hurrr how do I use a phone book or just go to their business and get their number durrrr

>> No.54256627
File: 148 KB, 500x218, BCB32AA4-90A6-4730-B731-BADB65612E4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to start out

Determine your budget

>call it $100,000

With this amount you can do several things. You can buy small existing signs in the 12x25 size area. Maybe you’d be able to get 2-3. Might be able to get a 14x48 in a smaller market. Or you can build your own signs. Going to ignore the last bit for now since it’s a real hassle and dependent on where you live could be next to impossible

From here just start making money selling the advertising. Advertising pays for itself and smart people know this so you’ll be able to sell it. Look up the rates that national operators are charging in the area and set your ask price in this range.

Keep making money to buy more signs

Once you have 10 or so you’re looking at being able to quit your job if you have one. And what’s more, now you have negotiating power with the local authorities

>> No.54256670
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Owning more than just a handful of signs means you now have “inventory”

And as the city planning zeitgeist is “anti-sign”, municipalities have an interest in reducing the overall number of signs.

Here you can negotiate. Offer to remove 3 signs in exchange for a digital permit. Either way you do it, upgrade your inventory. Bigger signs always make more money. Digital boards are ridiculously easy to operate and can make upwards of a million bucks a year in some markets.

>> No.54256755
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The physical sign structure and relationship flow chart

Typically, the sign operator owns the physical asset. The asset is secured by a ground lease with a property owner. The operator deals with the advertisers and the landlord, who never have any contact with each other.

In terms of lease payments, try to avoid any revenue sharing agreement if you can or keep it under 20%. That said, rev share arrangements are common in the 25-30% area.

>> No.54256810

>buy sign
>call every business down the road
>you want to advertise on sign?
>well fuck

>> No.54256856
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Selling out

You want to have a solid revenue history before you decide to sell your signs. The multiple you’ll get will be between 5-7x gross revenues.

>> No.54256866

my budget is $1,000 how do i get into the business?

>> No.54256884
File: 2.84 MB, 480x480, time to loot a new tv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Digital boards are ridiculously easy to operate and can make upwards of a million bucks a year in some markets.
and how much does insurance cost? you do have insurance against niggers throwing rocks and spray painting your $500,000 tv right?

>> No.54256909
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You’ll be able to sell it. Advertising pays for itself and intelligent brick/mortar business owners know this. You want to start out with them because those are the most effective and therefore profitable signs. If for whatever reason you can’t, try doctors real estate agents and lawyers, especially slip and fall lawyers.

There’s the call to action signs (go here now!)

Then there are signs geared toward simply raising awareness of a service or product

>> No.54256916
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>> No.54256936

>intelligent brick/mortar business owners

no you need to find stupid ones. ones stupid enough to think anyone pays attention to whats on a stupid sign

>> No.54256972
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If I only had $1,000 and knew I wanted to do something with ad signage I would fabricate a couple elegant looking frames, download photoshop, and find restaurant or bar owners who would allow me to run ads in their bathrooms

Insurance isn’t that bad, $100 a month maybe depending on the sign. Surprisingly very few incidents of vandalism.

>> No.54257011
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I love this attitude. Means my little niche keeps flying under the radar while I sell advertising to successful business owners and fast food franchisees. Easy as all get out too.

>> No.54257175

not advocating doing it, just pointng out how pants on head retarded the comment was

>> No.54257198

Do you know anything about retail/restaurant ad budgets? These establishments literally lose money if they aren’t on signs leading up to their exit.

>> No.54257285

How so I cope with living in an area where billboards are illegal?

>> No.54257298

Travel. And digital signs can be operated from anywhere.

>> No.54257312

this. I've never in my life called or did anything a billboard told me too.

>> No.54257327
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Chud states are souless and cultureless. Perfect way to profit of the dumbest most gullible part of the American population. Great thread OP. Also recommend chain restaurants of fast food

>> No.54257350

Billboards are too expensive and it's almost impossible to get the city to give you zoning rights to build a new one. They are only good if it comes with the property of a commercial building so you have a way of making extra income

>> No.54257450


>> No.54257496


I always wondered, for traditional billboards, how do you update the ad? Are there crews that specialize in putting up the new paper? How is the paper held in place, is it glued on?

>> No.54257548

They’re vinyl. Can be stretched to a 14x48 frame that’s the standard. Any crew of two or more can do it. But yes each market will typically have one or two contractors specializing in this and repair. Looking at about $500 a throw for the install

>> No.54257637

where do you find billboards for sale? is there a site?

>> No.54257682

There are listings yes. Just google and I’ll be one of the results lmao. Might have better success just spotting signs in states of obvious disrepair. 99/100 times they’re owned by some 90 year old guy who built it back in the 70s. Their families are typically clueless and eager to sell.

>> No.54257702
File: 2.84 MB, 4000x2252, pipkin pippa billboard smokies 1678769185674391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtuber simps

>> No.54257750


>> No.54257870


>> No.54257943

what the fuck are vtuber services?

>> No.54258153


>> No.54258184
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Trucks are better

>> No.54258357

No, I only know about retarded MBAs on my marketing teams who blew our budget on billboards (S-tier US city) that never converted (as far as they were able to tell, but again: retarded MBAs)

but I'm happy for you if this is what you're passionate about and it makes you a living

I like this one >>54257011 is this your collection of personal favorites?
How far out are you usually booked for a given billboard?
What are the usual payment terms?

Do you ever commision your own non-sequitor messages for your billboards for fun even though it has an opportunity cost?

>> No.54258389
File: 130 KB, 1521x840, F64F8950-8326-4688-99D9-DFAF4CBC0E6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What industry? Hospitals by any chance?

Just wanted something grabby

I perm out all my static signs

I try to hire local artists to make cool ad copy

>> No.54258398

They’re lucky to make a tenth of what a digital 14x48 does

>> No.54258399

How do you identify the owners of signs you spot?

>> No.54258431

Just in time for nobody to give a fuck about billboards anymore. I actually see empty ones with for rent ads on them pretty frequently in my area nowadays, much like your pic related.

>> No.54258442

There is usually a license plate sized state tag on the bottom of the apron or somewhere on the structure. Or I’ll just remember where it was and look it up at a state website later. That’s for independent operators. National/regional firms put their name plate on the bottom

>> No.54258922

>Sweet home Alabama!!

>> No.54258952

>Only (((richfags))) have the power to convince a city
Makes sense why we see goyslop and propaganda on them now. Identify the city cucks in charge and lynch them

>> No.54259075

The guy has no idea what he’s talking about. You don’t need to “get approval” from anyone. It’s just subject to the laws and local ordinances where and what you can build. Shall issue from there

>> No.54259308


Thx for answering

>> No.54259344

Boomers destroyed billboards. Total lack of creativity. Unnecessarily acrimonious relationships with local governments. Sleazy negotiation tactics. Backward corporate culture. Ugly beaten down signs…

Some of us young bucks In the industry are going to change that over the next 30 years god willing

>> No.54259497

>paid $200k for one.
>get $5k a month
Damn I'm buying a billboard. Thanks OP.

>> No.54261018

interesting insight into an area ive never considered thx OP

>> No.54262508
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