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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 636x1080, FpzQuQRWIAI6zJ0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54256271 No.54256271 [Reply] [Original]

Lower. Your. Tone.

>> No.54256281

he's sexy as fuck

>> No.54256300

What a fag

>> No.54256460

What if I start with a lower tone? Do I have to double-lower? How low can I go before only tortoises and whales can hear me?

>> No.54256501


>> No.54256522

>proud of working for what is essentially a black company
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.54256530

Frequency != amplitude

>> No.54256532

That asshole is gonna die in an accident caused by sleep deprivation.

>> No.54256545

Imagine being a slave to globohomo for 100 hours a week. No thanks.

>> No.54256552

Black company? Lol were?

>> No.54256577

I make more money than that guy working 20 hours a week.
He became a slave because someone like me told him it made him a good person or some shit.

>> No.54256707

This guy is so hot. He did well for himself going into oil while still being in his prime. Does anyone have a source on him? From what I heard he got into an accident with his girlfriend.

>> No.54256721

He fucked his own wife and had a baby… cucked

>> No.54256811


>> No.54256842
File: 116 KB, 960x960, 1639900480093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold DEXT and UNI hoping I'll get airdrops in order to not kill myself, lower your tone when talking to me.

>> No.54256849

airdrops are for poor people.

>> No.54256859

You know this is a joke tiktok right you stupid braindead seething waggies

>> No.54256862

got like 300 dollars on arbi just for using it lol stay angry

>> No.54256880

I work 30 hours a week drawing porn and make twice as much as a tradie wagie now clean my shoes

>> No.54257015

Are you really able to make over 80k-100k selling porn compared this oil worker? To be fair his job is contract based so he has to move to site to site to keep the flow of work.

Second question is are you able to make any profit at all? From a causal look at the porn scene it looks very competitive as there are so many people doing it.

Third how did you build the skill to create art?

Source for this claim please.

>> No.54257055

>white hard hat
This faggot drives around in a truck watching other people that watch mexicans work

>> No.54257105

>Are you really able to make over 80k-100k selling porn
>are you able to make any profit at all?
Uhhhh yes?
>how did you build the skill
Self taught since childhood then doubled my commission prices after art uni now that my name has letters behind it


>> No.54257190

1. How do you actually get noticed?

2. Why would a potential client choose you rather than all the other artists competing in the same space?

3. Do you have a niche or specialty?

4. Do you get requests for custom content? If so do you ever struggle with what the client wants you to make vs what you like to make?

>> No.54257265

Can I make a commission? If link baggies win one day I will pay you 35 LINK to draw 'domination loss' pornography featuring Nico Yazawa

>> No.54257266

this is why you can't have some empathy towards wagies

>> No.54257349

So you are actually an out of work deviant art fag coping on the internet?

>> No.54257415

How much for a 1/1 original oil on canvas, a homage to The Last Supper but with
>Satoshi (can use Minister You Satoshi man)
>But he is like Janus, and his other head is Jesus
>Sharting all over the face of Janet Yellen
>Offering up Bitcoin to the people
>Jim Cramer wearing a diaper, fapping
>Bezos and Musk sucking each other off
>Nayib Bukele eating shrimp
>Lagarde crying
>The rest of the disciples are bankers sitting around eating freshly printed dollar bills
>Mumu is there too
This sounds like a joke post lol but I am deadly serious. I will pay good money, and might as well go to a /biz/ bro

>> No.54257527

Connections and buzzwords

See above


Yes but I unapologetically charge steep for degenerate shit

Retired for mental health reasons (drawing too much degenerate shit)

>> No.54257609

I'll talk to you however I want you little bitch. Now get back to destroying your body for Jews before I smack that gay little hardhat off your twink head.

>> No.54257830


>> No.54257836

Also he's correct

>> No.54257988

What if I clocked out with 99 hours 59 minutes. Will he still bully me?

>> No.54258102
File: 6 KB, 220x229, 213478454782632781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't go any lower, Boss.

>> No.54258160

Alright Nick, calm down

>> No.54258181


>> No.54258229

It's starts out nice and you think your fetish is mild, and next thing you know you're an ntr or guro fag lol, screaming at normal people that they are vanilla fags.

>> No.54258244

What if I'm his boss and decide how much he works?

>> No.54258259

>I make more money than that guy working 20 hours a week
A lot of people do, my dear Pajeet-ESL-Streetshitmesh

>> No.54258277

>less then

>> No.54258327
File: 197 KB, 643x480, 1656776521094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you work less,
>Then 100 hours a week!
>Lower your tone when talking to me.

>> No.54258508

He won't be for long if he's destroying himself like that.

>> No.54258555
File: 25 KB, 670x424, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't earn at least 150K while doing next to nothing in a WFH job don't even breathe air in the same room I'm in.

>> No.54258751

As if I would demean myself by speaking to a wage slave

>> No.54258983

Rig pigs make an impressive wage anon. Extremely dangerous work but they are usually rich even after blowing their money on RAMS,boats,dirt bikes, and a house

>> No.54258996

Working 100 hours a week on a rig? He probably makes bank. Most of time people will only do that 6 months a year though.

>> No.54259021

All these outrageous claims only reveal people's level of stupidity. I find it highly doubtful that there is anyone working over 70hrs a week and 70hrs would be extreme outliers and only for short periods of time

>> No.54259041

>2 new trucks, 4 wheeler, and house
>0 hours per year of free time to spend with any of it
>Take his 4 day vacation allowed per year
>Die drunk driving

>> No.54259080

I worked 2 projects at the same time for a month and a half last year. It was only 80 hours a week total and it took me several months to recover from it (while being back on 40 hours a week). I had extreme motivation because i was making 100 euros per hour but even then it was extremely extremely hard and i only slept a few hours between day and night shifts. It nearly destroyed my marriage too because i was extremely impatient when my wife did not have food ready when i walked through the door.

All of this was only 6 weeks and 80 hrs a week.

So yeah excuse me for calling major league bullshit on these 100hrs a week claims

>> No.54259102

if you get paid for downtime, it's easy. but i wouldn't call that work

>> No.54259112

I was really present on those projects working 80hrs and not counting commute of one hour and a half total a day or so. It was just working, commuting, eating, sleeping 4 hours or so, shitting/showering and repeat

Tough and only for 6 weeks but I am proud looking back

>> No.54259146

yeah, i don't doubt you. what qualifies as "work" is highly subjective. if you get paid for sleeping on an oil rig, that's not work, even if you get compensated for it

>> No.54259159

I hold my BBC when ya mom was slobberin and oozin all over it with that twisting vortex dome

>> No.54259179

Only if you want me to sound like Morpheus when I explain to you that it doesn't matter if you work 100 hours a week if you're making less money than me when I'm only working 20 hours a week.

>> No.54259617

Prottie countries in general have this cuck mentality where working is seen as something positive and to be proud of. Us catholic and orthodox europe understand that work is shitty, unglorified but necessary.

>> No.54259631

kek this does seem to happen a lot to them

>> No.54259637

>40 hours a week
Not even factory workers work that much in Europe. You're still working too much retard.

>> No.54261596

The worst part is jobs like that are unironically good ways to save money except jobs like this require long hours and have a lot of health hazards. oil drilling. Mining. Wilderness research and such. You're removed from society and globohomo, arent subject to advertising and you dont have anywhere to spend your money.

They dont have to require long hours. But the people in charge exploit the workers and pressure them into working longer hours because you cant go out and run errands. And you cant go out for a date on an oil rig.

They are real fucks about it too. They dont ask you to work more hours right away. Because youd leave right. They pay fortnightly and ask you to work extra hours on day 13... also good luck finding the union leader ;)

>> No.54261615

>Because youd leave
Or rather you wouldnt accept the position

>> No.54261833

>Lower. Your. Tone.

it's all badass until you cripple yourself for big business. Using your body to make a living in our jewified financial system is a blunderous mis-step.

>> No.54261847

I work zero hours a week be quiet wagie go do your work where I can't hear it I'm trying to read

>> No.54261900

this. i would be polite to him certainly. but in construction, anyone over 30 is hooked on painkillers because they wear their body down.

>> No.54261978

he's not wrong. only two things are going to matter in the future:
- physical labor
- real assets
the middle is getting carved out by ai assisted work offshoring, work from home, and an incessant desire for knowledge workers to automate, mostly automating themselves out of the picture.

in reality though, he's the one having to keep his voice down when talking to the ones bankrolling him.

>> No.54262187

>works 100+ hours/week
>has time/energy to post cringe like this

>> No.54262626

>Be retard failing at studies and working for guys in suits that make bank om his labor
>B-but y-you l-lower y-your to-tone s-suit g-guy
Cringe and gay. Menial jobs have been for disgusting plebs since forever.
Nobility were willing to risk their lives in gruesome battles just so they wouldn't have to engage in litteral farming animal fashion.
t.lawyer coming from nobility
I treat everyone that does their job well, but this gay self entitlement is too much. Especially now when the social hierarchy isn't locked anymore. I have colleagues coming from pleb families because they worked hard and were smart.
Being a retarded grug is not something that commends respect.

>> No.54262674

Shhh keep your brain out of that mess.

>> No.54262719

holy 262626, checked

>> No.54262796

You work for the money you're given.

>> No.54262817

It's not like he can hear after 100 hour shifts

>> No.54262836

amount of letters in the christo-latin alphabet as well as macd long length

>> No.54262884
File: 96 KB, 768x1024, 1673133270247999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less then
Yeah, cool story. Now get back to work.

>> No.54263079

Oil paint fag here, I would be interested in painting this masterpiece.
Price depends on size, what size would you like?

>> No.54263233

If you wanna work for that long and pay that much tax for trannies and joggers gibs thats your problem chump.

>> No.54263292

>I'm a proud slave

>> No.54263628

Also my birthday btw.
It means I'm right I guess.

>> No.54263709

I would do it too. For 1000€ or the equivalent in your funny money.
You would have to pay for shipment.
I decide on the artistic direction, size and colors.
I like doing things by trust, you can pay me 100€ now for buying the canvas and show you're legit, the rest after reception.

>> No.54263873

Best I can do is 50 hours if I feel like coming in on my day off but I usually don't. No rent no mortgage no car payment Holy trinity .