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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54254413 No.54254413 [Reply] [Original]

Hire a personal coach or trainer.
Enroll in good courses like Hustler University/CS50x.
Travel the world and acquire foreign knowledge.
Your investment will have a 1000x return.

>> No.54254441

>acquire foreign knowledge
i can wipe my ass with my bare hand without spending money on airfare

>> No.54254478

I can wipe my ass without my hands.

>> No.54254520

here's better free advice, you don't need to travel or listen to some shitskin telling you how to flex wealth

>learn to cook your own meals

>> No.54254576
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>pay someone to teach you how to carry a backpack
>pay someone to learn game
>pay someone to sit in a plane
Sounds beta as fuck. You know how much I paid for this body? $200 milsurp backpack. Load it with rocks. Walk
Stop falling for grifters that promise you gains in exchange for shekels. Read mein kampf and youll run away to the woods too

>> No.54254665

Okay, but I do other things myself to hedge against my own retardation.

>> No.54255031

fix face and you're set

>> No.54255032

Come back op. Post body. I want to see what 6 gorillion in self help books got you

>> No.54255035
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>Enroll in good courses like Hustler University

>> No.54255047
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Cope lol

>> No.54255194

Except you don’t because of genetics. By no fault other than CHANCE, you could have been given a fucked up midget body, a chad body, a beautiful face, a feral alcohol syndrome face, an ugly face, a tall body, a short body, you could be born without any arms, the list goes on.

Nothing is in your control, you’re just coping. It’s okay, there’s nothing to do in this life but cope

>> No.54255769
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as someone with a comfortable and well paid wfh who has traveled to 9 countries in a 2 year period, travel gets boring pretty quickly, at some point all places or at least the cities feel the same, i just imagine getting the enjoyment back traveling to an isolated community in a third world cunt but i prefer to no take the risk also i can't work there

>> No.54255906

Knowledge is more important than physical fitness. Physical ability fades by 40. Knowledge lasts your whole life.

>> No.54255980

Why is a 43 year old guy spamming selfies on a Taiwanese gambling forum? Try /soc/