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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54251653 No.54251653 [Reply] [Original]

and he ends inflation tomorrow. its so simple. it could all be over tomorrow with 100 bepis. just do it

>> No.54251698

700 at the beginning would have been better.

He needs to do at least 200 or its just 'priced in'

>> No.54251706

All central banks have to do to kill inflation is to set the interest rates above the inflation rate, simple as
the interest rate is below the inflation rate therefor inflation will live until he gets the job done

>> No.54251765

The real inflation rate is around 100%. Good luck. Maybe this is their plan and the Trump arrest is the distraction.

>> No.54251943

Nah, they want more jobless, so that they have mo control

>> No.54252035

i remember a year ago absolutely beside myself with rage that they did 0.25

>> No.54252078

What are you on about? The higher interest rates go the higher unemployment goes with it.

>> No.54252102


true but the market behavior leading into the meeting is giving him the opportunity to send a massive shock with (only) 100bps. it would have a bigger effect than it should just because of expectations. but he's a pussy and wont take advantage of it

>> No.54252143

What would happen if Powell increase rates by 9500 basis points?

>> No.54252232

I'd like to see rates like we had in the 1980s. Cash will be king. CD chats will be laughing at crypto fags as their link crashes and their bitcoin sizzles.

>> No.54252255
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He's a massive pussy and will continue with ticky tack 0.75 Bepis raises because biden has a barrel to his head and no president wants to be the guy who pops the bubble. This guy must hate his life after he was forced to brrrr the money printer last weekend kek

>> No.54252655

Do it, Jerome. Hurt them, will feel good.

>> No.54252714

based. fuck stinkers

>> No.54252793

Everything crashes and my cash is suddenly worth something again

>> No.54252843
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continued inflation is good. why the fuck would you want to stop that? assets and real estate pump. debt becomes cheaper. wages go up. it is a win win for quite literally everyone.

>> No.54252875

Unless you’re working class, because working class jobs wages usually don’t increase with inflation

If you’re a c suite richfag inflation is great though

>> No.54252888

Gregori manarino is predicting 50bepiss

>> No.54252904

what part of soft landing was hard for you to understand

>> No.54252931

I'd love to see how we soft land 80% of USD being printed in a couple years. I guess biden will go on TV and announce the minimum wage is $50/hr now, which is what people would need to scrape by with the current cost of living