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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54251359 No.54251359 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they work for FAANG when they can get richer starting their own business? They are clearly smart enough to.

>> No.54251393

managing a company is a different skillset than being a code monkey

>> No.54251411

Why do ameriniggers always want start muh own companies?
Just get a cushy job at a large firm like in Europe

>> No.54251424

Because you need money & contacts

>> No.54251428

Waging under goldberg is always ass in every context

>> No.54251451
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weird how the country's industry full of the brightest and most entrepreneurial was subverted by so many left leaning massive corporations running on VC funding for a decade lulling in everyone with lucrative impossible to beat salaries to do jack shit for the world

>> No.54251494

The success rate for startups is like 1% or less

>> No.54251534

Yeah better dig a bigger and bigger hole to find more "right-wing" oil
>Hey Joe did you finish your research project to improve our oil output?
>Yeah, after 2 years of intense research my results indicate that we must dig deeper
>AWESOME, thx Joe

>> No.54251582
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i know a good bit about all aspects of running an app by myself (frontend&backend development, database management, devops and cloud services, security), but i need business ideas and don't have any sales skills, i couldn't sell a bottle of water to a thirsty man in the desert

>> No.54251932

"Smartness" is a rough proxy for quick-wittedness, education, and an interest in "smart" topics (like literature). That is not nothing, but it doesn't translate into solving any particular real-world problem efficiently.
Every problem requires a specific skillset; one can't just sit down with zero knowledge and perform the task by virtue of being "smart".
People also don't realize that they themselves are part of the system and that specific kinds of behavior might be required of them. If one is a CEO, it is part of his job to listen to people, for instance. If he has the personality trait of ignoring them and thinking that he's the smartest and doesn't need to hear anything from anyone, then a central part of the company isn't functioning, but because we don't really perceive our personality defects, this is hard to discover in oneself. And while one can get by with not listening to others as a programmer (it's still not good, but it's possible), the deleterious effect becomes more pronounced in the CEO-role.

>> No.54252026

And what if, everything is just chaos and you just need to be at the right place at the right time? Just some brownian movement, and you get to hear about X being successful, but it could just as well be Y if he had followed the same random motion?

>> No.54252325

No, you're just an NPC who can't think for itself. Or let me rephrase it: bark bark. Got it?

>> No.54252400
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somebody PLEASE give me a SaaS business idea so i can finally have my own thing

>> No.54252492
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It is very simple: problem difficulty.
The truth is, for any other employer (including yourself), your problems are generally not that difficult and fairly small scale.
I am a code monkey. I have always been a nerd. I like having complicated problems to solve. I may start my own thing, too, but I will not quit until it is as intellectually challenging as my current job.