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54251098 No.54251098 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54251120


>> No.54251130

translation : Print

thats all these cunts care about

>> No.54251141

The fed won't bend, crash this plane with no survivors.

>> No.54251201

>My portfolio will suffer, god damnit
>Who cares about the 60% of the population living paycheck to paycheck who will be unable to afford basic necessities if inflation remains high for years?

>> No.54251223
File: 2.99 MB, 480x480, 996A6BF4-C157-4AA1-88B2-7F4AD0D47052.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imma raise that rate take that poors
>powel dealing with banks in the exact same moment;


enjoy next months “surprise” inflation data the experts never saw it coming.

>> No.54251231

daddy elon is always so cool

>> No.54251235

Well, the alternative is the annihilation of way more banks

>> No.54251266

Would be a good thing all things considered

>> No.54251307

Most population is in debt. Inflation gets rid of their debt

>> No.54251394

base point increases increase the interest they are paying on their debt and every single hour worked by wagies returns less value and equity. bad deal.

>> No.54251514

Elon needs a lot of cheap capital in the markets to keep all of his plates spinning because Biden doesn't like him too much so the government funding faucet has dried up for Elon's companies.

>> No.54251529
File: 81 KB, 794x1678, FedPivot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most population is in debt. Inflation gets rid of their debt
>$2000 on their credit cards is now the purchasing equivalent of $1000
>They still get paid $10/h
>Their wage purchasing power is now half
>Food is now 15-20% higher than when they started at $10/h
>Rent has now increased
But yeah man, rent.
The Fed's dual mandate is to stabilize pricing, and keep unemployment between 4-5%. Tomorrow is going to be interesting as hell because we'll find out whether the Fed is truly following the dual mandate: focusing on Americans.
If the Fed pivots, or pauses, this will be a significant turning point for the government as not only did they bail out banks in 2008, but they'll do it again in 2023.
What does this mean?
The US is no longer pretending to not be a corporate-ocracy. Which is significant.
If the Fed raises rates, there can at least be a semblance of serving the people.

>> No.54251554
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>> No.54251592

The only thing keeping Tesla going is it's status as a speculative stock. If Tesla was to be priced at true value then the company probably goes poof and with it a Elons status le epic based tech guru.

>> No.54251743

Yep, also SpaceX & Starlink and the rest of his companies. They need super cheap funding because profitability is years away.

>> No.54252260

He'd be hitting up Grimes for beer money

>> No.54252289

Billionaires are the biggest welfare queens of all.

>> No.54252324

I hope powell kick's elon's jewish face in

>> No.54252351

Not unless you restrict them from taking on new debt, which elon would also be against.

>> No.54252386
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>techoids engineer a bankrun in order to crash their own banks and force the fed to stop hiking rates

>> No.54252454

Wagies, banks, and hedgies buying too much shit with their credit cards made inflation what it is today. Take an extreme example like Toronto, Canada. Even a 0.5% interest hike would nuke like 25% of those shitbox homes pajeet paid $1.5m for with his $60k salary. Inflation "gets rid of debt" in the sense that creditcucks all default and roll over on their loans and declare bankruptcy.
Not an alternative, but an inevitability at this point.

Start stacking cash niggers. Indexes, crypto, housing, everything is help up on helium canisters with the dial set to 12/10.

>> No.54252468

Ackman is pretty disgusting. He bought the banks and lobbied for infinite bank QE. Said it would be "good for America" but it is only good for pumping his bags.

>> No.54252501

He also promoted COVID lockdowns at the start of the pandemic hysteria in March 2020 so his Credit Default Swaps could print.

>> No.54252506

Fuck kikes

>> No.54252531

The worse things are, the better things actually are because then the Fed and government will intervene!

>> No.54252547

>Start stacking cash niggers.

I don't use banks anymore. I deposit my paycheck directly into a brokerage, where it gets automatically converted to 1month t-bills and crypto. The banking system as a business is so fake and gay. Unless you hold your USD in a wallet or in a safe, some banker somewhere is speculating with it. This is how you stop them them, by directly owning securities they can't play with.

>> No.54252593


If the fed pauses or pivots, it'll show that the government does not give one shit about the poors. All they care about is the kikes. I'll be selling all my puts immediately and going into xrp

>> No.54252622
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>> No.54252666

>under inflationary pressures people already in debt accomplish the miraculous feat of not having to go into debt any longer to make ends meet
you're an imbecile.

>> No.54252746
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>people go nuts into hyperinflation

>> No.54252777

That's the funny part, is that the 2 options for the fed are
>crash the economy so we can reset and start rebuilding
>keep rates low and money print (Weimar mode)

We get to enjoy a shitshow no matter the direction they take. Good times

>> No.54253749

trips of truth
it makes a lot more sense right now for them to turn on the money printer than for the market to crash

>> No.54253871

Inflationary environments promote risky rent seeking faggotry from investors.

>> No.54254089

ultimately there's nothing that can be done to constrain inflation short term. Very gradual ratcheting up of the interest rate will be able to tame it over 5 years. But this idea that we'll break its back with a few months is asinine. Almost as asinine as the idea that you give up and just go back to brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Of course Elon wants brrrrrrrr because most of his net worth is built on it.

>> No.54254133

Fed is still behind by a lot.

>> No.54254242

Anyone who thinks we're getting anything less than 0.25 tomorrow is a fucking idiot

>> No.54254253

I am still perplexed as to why we are still getting high inflation number prints. Surely by now they would have changed the inflation calculation formula to indicate a steady 2% inflation regardless of underlying factors. Why are they not placating the normies with imaginary inflation numbers?

>> No.54254257


>> No.54254299

Why can't they just stop printing all together?

>people need inflation to get rid of their heckin debt

Thats their fault for being smelly groids and getting into debt in the first place by living beyond their means

>it increases money in circulation which can help consumer spending and boost output

don't care. the goal is to lower inflation, ergo, stop printing fucking money.

>> No.54254333

they can't stop, look what happened in the 70's and early 80's. They'll crash the economy slowly over the next 8 years, throw us balls deep into a recession. Jpow will get fired but he's old as as shit so he doesn't care, and really it's just part of the plan. They'll bring in some hard ass and he'll raise rates another 10% just like Volcker had to.

>> No.54254340

Do like they did in the 80s and yank this band aid off. Crank rates to ~20% and pick up the pieces after.

>> No.54254476

Here's a thing people calling for a pause to rate hikes don't get. What took out SVB and other banks were leveraging themselves too much in bonds, and then the fed rates exceeding the bond rates. The only way to save these companies now would be to drop the Fed's rate back to like 2%, stop issuing any bonds for 10 years, then pick up the rate hikes again.
That's not going to happen. Anyone who overleveraged in bonds expecting rates to never go back up again was a moron, and it would benefit society if they could never be involved in investing again.
At this point, rates are already too high to save banks that are overextended. Powell can't have the entire economy tanking to save a couple of poorly managed banks.

>> No.54254488

Elon musk is richer and smarter than all of us. Checkm8

>> No.54254592

because if they start lying that blatantly, they won’t be trusted by anyone ever again. right now they can still feign incompetence to the masses. there’s only so far they can go tho. this isn’t africa where people just eat people as a way of life. gotta boil the frog to death slowly or he hops out

>> No.54254597

Inflation causes deflation because it affects goods with inelastic demand. The demand is inelastic because the good is necessary for economic activity. When it cannot be purchased, the economic activity ceases, and credit default occur. This depresses long-term yields, but the short-term interest rate isn't relevant to this.

>> No.54254646
File: 13 KB, 496x442, Cpi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah dudes, just trust us, prices aren't going up anymore. That's always been what food has been at. We got things under control.

>> No.54254677
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must is not any better. they're both horrible cunts

>> No.54255003

What will inflation be at by the end of the year?

>> No.54255087

>he thinks his equity is safe in the hands of a brokerage
Oh no no no

>> No.54255127

Retard take. Starlink is a massive money printer. Massive. I have $50k invested in SpaceX. And Tesla will be ushering in the robotaxi revolution.

>> No.54255136

The consequences will never be the same

>> No.54255839

Maybe it’s just where I’m at but that chart is bullshit. But I feel like that’s redundant to say on this board

>> No.54255907

Once food becomes a certain percentage of average consumer earnings revolt is inevitable.
If you lie about inflation companies will use it as an excuse to slash labor price. Which will make food relatively more expensive.
The kikes are facing anuddah shoah and don't know what to do. These are the kind of long term mistakes they make because they believe they are gods or something.

>> No.54256020

You know they won't stop spending until the liquidation is in human lives.
Go down the street and try to tell the retard with a new truck he/she can't afford it.
I guarantee you he'll go 'hurr durr you jus big jealous ob me peepee n truck'. They behave this way because no one beat them as children for being retarded, as adults they were used to loot people who did not fall to such temptation, and now the only way to fix them is bullet to the head.

>> No.54256035

>or else bill ackman will cry again on tv

>> No.54256178

I thought Elon was a fan of Bitcoin and crypto? If he loves fiat money printing so much, what problem does he think crypto is solving?

>> No.54256204


>> No.54256210

And I know who's doin' it too, because I back traced it!

>> No.54256234

the rest of the world is going to dump the shit out of their USD-denominated securities ASAP because otherwise they face a sovereign debt crisis and default on their USD debt
BRICS just won today btw

personally i am hoping Powell mans up and does a nice lil 150-300 bp hike

>> No.54256462

Why haven’t we dropped the S from BRICS yes. Just call it BRIC, or maybe just BRICS to keep the plural. Does anyone still think South Africa has a remote hope of having a big turn around?

>> No.54256535

This is the Schizo Tom Clancy shit I need.

>> No.54256883

Inflation gets rid of government debt, not yours

> hey fellow Goyim, now your $400k mortgage can be paid off in cheaper dollars

> food is $150 a day

See Goyim? Your mortgage is cheaper in real terms goy

>> No.54258268

The problem of making yet more money by manipulating morons who trade on his tweets for some reason.

>> No.54258298

> I have $50k invested in SpaceX
You jeet bootlickers need get the fuck off of /biz/ spacex is not listed on the stock market

>> No.54258546

Space X is a national defense company now, it will live of government gibs indefinitely

>> No.54258559

>The Fed's dual mandate is to stabilize pricing
Literal communism innit

>> No.54259228
File: 82 KB, 739x415, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone still think South Africa has a remote hope of having a big turn around?
Do you think Russian Oligarchs are vacationing in other African countries or the seaside in South Africa?