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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54249114 No.54249114 [Reply] [Original]

Which Arbitrum coins are the most likely to experience a pump after the airdrop in two days?
Come here and shill them.

>> No.54249152

Im not ARB expert, but i think xGrail and Grail

>> No.54249205


>> No.54249227

Grail is the bluechip I guess, keep an eye on aEGGS, LOTTO, PRY as well

Honestly there's quite a few shitcoins that you can make a good case for why they're gonna pump.

>> No.54249228

>pump after the airdrop
everyone is already buying in anticipation of that to then dump after the airdrop

in reality the majority of the buy volume will happen now and until the airdrop happens, so sell the coins right before the airdrop not after

>> No.54249524

two arb tokens i was in pumped right after i sold for a lost im fucking infuriated

>> No.54250184

wait what? as in... Total Nigger Death???

>> No.54250229

any chance for Arbidoge? I have that piece of shit

>> No.54250231

but some of airdrop cash is probably gonna land into arb tokens?

>> No.54250379

No. Arbiinu is the standard now for arbitrum dog coins

>> No.54250530

RIP me

>> No.54251988

Just buy GMX.
V2 release soon

Easily 3x from here, especially if comparing to uni market cap

>> No.54252136
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get your socks faggots

>> No.54252643
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Thoughts on RAM?

>> No.54253487


>> No.54253559

All of them will crash. The airdrop will be massively dumped.

>> No.54254902


>> No.54254947

How much? Where?

>> No.54254992


I think the idea was the airdrops will be dumped into various Arbitrum shitcoins which I think is likely

>> No.54254998



>> No.54255024


>> No.54256486

Aurobeum you autist

>> No.54256674

420000$ in bribes+fees rn, and epoch 1 hasn't even started.

>> No.54256720

if GMX 3x then VELA 30x

>> No.54256726

Arbkita just stealth launched. The good news about shitcoining with low gas fees means you can afford to throw a relatively low amount at it and not have gas costs forcing you to jeet it.

>> No.54256899

.50 cents eow

>> No.54256978

Harambitrum, 10k market cap at time of posting.
(website up at harambitrum . rip)

The ones with the smallest market caps will pump the most.

>> No.54257012

take a look at tigris.trade

>> No.54257228

I recommend using a different address for these particular shitcoins. You can at any time enable a contract that drains your whole wallet.

>> No.54257856

How is that possible? All your tokens or just eth? Where do I have to read to prevent this

>> No.54257979

It's basically Yearn but you can create strategies without code.

>> No.54257984

There's certain features in a contract especially staking ones that can drain your whole wallet, often times the analyzer doesn't recognize it because the contract is just a proxy that enables a bigger conteact to reinterpret your approval from just eth and the token in question to ALL your tokens until you revoke the contract's approval, but ofteb times it's too late. The bot or even the contract itself does it instantly.

Wallet drainers are often found in randomly airdropped tokens that send you to a website to approve thei contract or even worse directly on OpenSea when you try to interact with the NFT to approve it for selling or moving to another address.
ERC20s are more dangerous than basic bitcoin dust attacks.

>> No.54258057

Don't give me hope

>> No.54258074

I'm about to split .5 eth into a few low caps on Arbitrum. Should I be bridging to Arbitrum One or Nova?

>> No.54258076

Thanks for the Info. Days ago I bought a shitcoin in sushiswap and when I added the token to the metamask, all my tokens went to 0 so I got scared as fuck. Minutes later everything went normal again and all the tokens were still there. So I was searching if that would be possible, to be careful from now on.

>> No.54258086

Make sure to double check the token address on sushi. There's fuckton of fake listings there.

>> No.54258110

none, how fucking stupid are you cunts? the RUMOUR happened, the NEWS is out and the EVENT is coming. what do we see happen time and time again? BUY THE RUMOR SELL THE NEWS BUY THE EVENT


>> No.54258540

>applying one rule on all possible situations
stupid faggot
here's timeline:
>few days ago on /biz/: uhh arb anyone?
>yesterday: 2 small threads of "what should i buy on arb?" diluted by several "hey where would you spend airdrop"
>later today: same shit but with few "stealth launched" shitcoins
>tomorrow: entire catalog is "ARB AIRDROP GENERAL" and "ARB X WAITING ROOM"
>next day: "airdrop general", ">he's holding airdropped tokens", "ARB X WAITING ROOM", dozen of shitcoin threads, "<some arb shitcoin> bros WTWTFTWTWT", dozen of "shill me arb gems"
>and then, for the next few weeks, entire catalog would get spammed by arb shitcoin scams
>meanwhile all their shit pumps

>> No.54258592
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>> No.54258623

>people who had no money before get a fat airdrop and now buying bluechips like eth doesnt seem like such a bad idea
>mass exodus of funds from arbitrum as people dump and seek refuge in eth/big alts because the profit doesnt seem so small from a 2x anymore
>arbitrum is a ghost town

>> No.54259892
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real yield is still the best narrative, if you buy dog tokens you don't deserve to make it

>> No.54259906


>> No.54259950

>saying all this after entire bsc/matic/solana mania
>saying all this about people who's gonna receive arb drop after having an example of retards receiving uni airdrop
we are talking about degenerate gamblers, nigger, they wouldn't touch a bluechip until they hit 6 figs, and they'll chase lowcap 10x
even op shitcoins had few weeks of pumpa before settlng in limbo

>> No.54260961


>> No.54261106

$HAMI and $YDF will pump massively. Keep the charts up and cope if you didn't buy. Arbitrum blue chips in the making. Also HAMI is could make a SHIBA type run if you look at the names involved and how they figured out ponzinomics without inflating their own token. Do your homework little boys.

>> No.54262578

TND but ID management cryptos will melt faces soon.

>> No.54262925
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>> No.54262953


>> No.54263013

Won't be carried away by sentiments, I'd rather focus on other based narratives too

>> No.54263259


>> No.54263336

AI, DiD and Prifi, best trio at the moment

>> No.54263341

I made bank on VELA, which I sold and now put my money in PRY. They're partnered with GMX and GNS, should be good.

>> No.54263521

Good options but get ORE as a backup plan

>> No.54264186

I sold some of my VELA for PRY but I feel like it has more gas in the tank and kept most of it. It hasn't even officially launched yet. PRY is cool but also seems too niche to ever be more than a top 300 coin at most.

>> No.54264565


>> No.54264654

So far I bridged in half an ETH and threw it into GMX. Is that a good idea? Should I throw in more into Arbinu or HAMI or LOTTO? Should I even bother with GMX?

>> No.54264701

gmx has already pumped, everything else you mentioned is a scam. read this thread, there are a few good picks

>> No.54264849

Never think of throwing anything into memes, instead just keep the stables through SpoolFi for rewards until you are ready for more GMX or RDNT.

>> No.54264936


Arbinu, clear front runner for the dog coin on the chain and being the #1 dog coin should mean some nice gains in the next month or so

>> No.54265085

>buy LILAI
>it dumps
every time

>> No.54265151

I'm all in RDNT and PLS
PLS has te only pool to get yield on ARB tomorrow so it's set to pump like a motherfucker
RDNT is just an ARB bluechip, cant go wrong there, solid 2x at least

>> No.54265696

Thanks guys

>> No.54266051

Hold on i think I've found a gem that might interest you.

>> No.54266160

It's MCB. Don't buy at once. I'm still researching

>> No.54266197

Based? Cool, thanks, I will look into it as well

>> No.54266371

enough with the obvious trashy shill campaign no ones gonna buy it and no ones is interested in your onlyfans - youll never be a woman kys

>> No.54267158

Why is there no fucking privacy defi dapp on this chain yet? are the devs fucking retarded?

>> No.54267252

Where do i buy this shitcoin, niggers?

>> No.54267318

of course, did you buy for 0.0025 and sell it for 0.05 now? great job bro

>> No.54267835

What are those?

>> No.54267917

So basically you're saying the time to buy Socks is over

>> No.54269629
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CryptoGPT thanks to OpenAI releasing new shit that sets the internet on fire every few days or so.