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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 620x465, emin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54244127 No.54244127 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that once this guy speaks to the CFTC it's officially over.
>every other alt but AVAX WILL be labeled as a security
>Avalanche's ecosystem will be permanently secured, becoming the most legally compliant cryptocurrency
>in order to avoid getting classified as a security, any shitcoin around will have to become an Avalanche subnet
>the alternative: getting legally raped to death
It's a win-win at the end of the day though:
>your favorite shitcoin will perform better thanks to Avalanche's technology (sub-seconds finality, low fees, decentralized, secure, scalable, available for mainstream usage)
>crypto will finally find its way into the legal system, fully available for normies to use, with AVAX at the front
Indeed there's going to be a vaporware genocide, but after that, the golden bullrun will finally be right in front of us. Prepare accordingly.

>> No.54244164

Who? Whoever he is he ain't even white.

>> No.54244201

isnt hoping every other cryptocurrency is labelled a security originally BSVs path to victory?

>> No.54244202

So whens that supposed to happen?

>> No.54244244



>> No.54244327

You really fell for the "HELOOOO NIGGERS I HOLD AVAX"?

>> No.54244570

first he will shut down ICP and Polygon.
all promoters of these scams will be hunted with the full force of the US justice system.

>> No.54244822

He will advise them that everything secured by a multi-sig, with centralized sequencers, without fraud-proofs, with voting rights or with a low validator count is a security.

>> No.54244952
File: 463 KB, 1536x2048, 1676571578622578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invented the first virtual p2p decentralized currency in 2003 (way before Bitcoin) + Highest H-Index all over crypto just behind Vitalik.
Lurk moar
that's the thing anon
I'm not *hoping* for this to happen, this *is* happening
First meeting starts tomorrow, and it'll last until march 2025
AVAX is meant for long-term holding (hence DCAing remains the best strat), if this is not suitable for you you're free to sell your hard-earned $1k in AVAX and go balls-deep in some mooning shitcoin. Godspeed anon.

>> No.54245115

Cringe jeet trying to be white in a thread, stfu nigger, you don't even have more than 1MB in your third-world internet.

>> No.54245127

I’ll just float a memorandum upchannel labelling avalanche a threat to national security with extremely loose ties to supporting islamic terrorism abroad.
>t. Actual glowie

>> No.54245321
File: 35 KB, 397x383, Oh rochie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the slowest package they got in my area (western Europe). You roaches get so mad so easily, trying to insult others calling them niggers and third worlders and that's exactly who you are.
I still wonder how do you even got a connection after that earthquake.

>> No.54245327

I thought everyone was in on the joke but some of you actually bought? The fact that it needs to be shilled non-stop because there’s no organic demand should tell you it’s essentially worthless.

>> No.54245353

I'm i watching paid content over here?

>> No.54245409
File: 18 KB, 306x306, 1647306163160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. actual glowie
also digits confirm you're a faggot
I just came up with a great copypasta why are you faggots trying to ruin it
Go back to your Telegram group

>> No.54245789

gotcha nigger

>> No.54246179

The only part I agree is in AVAX success, but things like Marlin Protocol can't be labeled under a single chain mein nigger, and realistically speaking, I don't think this will happen

>> No.54246261

Avax will be $1000+

>> No.54246640

Emin gun sirer is a member of:
Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FATO)

Try again faggot. Avax will be labelled a threat to national security.

>> No.54246766

OP is literally just trolling, there's no future where AVAX achieves that

>> No.54246772

your shitcoin is also not sneeded

>> No.54246784

Delusional as fuck kek

>> No.54246793

POND is also not needed faggot, they've been bragging about how fast networks and dapps can be using that tech but I still don't see a damn shit out

>> No.54246806

>Nigger faggot comes to shill his currycoin
You either die a hero or live enough to see yourself become a pajeet

>> No.54246836

Tokenizing the worlds assets is the primary objective, funding international terrorism is a secondary concern.

>> No.54246878

this is the biggest sper-out on Biz I've seen since last week. Holy cow.

>> No.54247180

This is probably coming from the wagie who bought $100 in AVAX last week. Chill out bro, alts are starting to pump