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File: 5 KB, 275x183, goldbar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54243935 No.54243935 [Reply] [Original]

To all you preppers holding gold coins/bars, what is your plan if society actually collapses? What are you going to do with that lump of metal? Do you really think you're going to be able to convince someone to trade you their bowl of soup for a piece of shiny rock?

>> No.54243972

you exchange it for the new currency at a favorable rate once things stabilize

>> No.54243984

You think they’ll take dollars you fucking retard?

And not the most sought after metal since ever?

>dude acting like owning gold is being a doomsday prepped

>> No.54243987

Shut up, anon, that makes sense.

>> No.54243994

While most think they're prepared for that scenario most aren't.
The time it would take from the point of collapse to the time where things settle down enough to warrant trading with currency again could be year's if ever.

>> No.54244001

In not angry because you're too retarded to understand

> me want eggs
> farmer grug have eggs
> farmer grug want wood for new chicken coop
> me no have wood, me have corn, mmmm good corn
> me use gold as medium of exchange so that me can give grug the fucking gold, grug gives me the fucking eggs, grug uses the gold to buy the fucking wood he wants from someone else

>> No.54244014

I take it you are not ready lol

>> No.54244034

Get a months worth of blowies off your mom for a 1g shekel.
Oh you said gold not silver.

>> No.54244038

works in Venezuela/Zimbabwe but gold isn’t really a doomsday metal
the federal reserve note is backed by the assets on its balance sheet and that includes certificates for the treasury gold
the Congress has stated that the federal reserve has to maintain assets equal to its liabilities but as the value of treasuries and mortgage securities collapses the gold will be the only asset remaining
gold will then be revalued to match the Feds outstanding liabilities
countries in massive economic distress (turkey for example) purchase large quantities of gold to save their currencies, the Fed and other western central banks will do the same

>> No.54244051
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Hold until a bold new leader takes over

>> No.54244057

The USA will re-open the gold window. It can try other stuff first if it wants, like CBDC or ABCDLGBTQ+++ FEDNOW.COM TECHWOW Currency but it will fail.

>> No.54244062

You stack lead, food, and medicine for the initial collapse. The PMs are for the situation afterwards. Humans cannot abide by anarchy forever, and some semblance of order usually comes quicker than you might expect. Also it’s hardly guaranteed that a huge financial collapse leads to total societal collapse, and PMs will be handy in either scenario.

>> No.54244065

society instantly falls back to the gold standard moron. currencies backed by gold.

>> No.54244066

true. in the desert, thirsty and dying, given a choice you would choose water over all the gold in the world. actual goods like food, water, and guns are better in a collapse scenario; alcohol would probably be a more universally accepted and popular currency

>> No.54244074

>/biz/ questioning whether bartering for shiny rocks like mankind has done since living in caves wouldn't be a thing if the financial system collapsed.
The absolute state

>> No.54244085

You fucking retard. Society collapsed, the gold is useless to anyone. They need food, water, tools etc. the gold can’t be used for anything except cosmetics. You’d need to rebuild civilization for gold to be useful as an exchange of value.

>> No.54244090

I don't live in a fucking desert.

>> No.54244106

Get robbed by the local nigger warlord before being strung up the nearest lamppost. They might let you watch them cut the balls off your son or rape your daughter.
Anything else is a larp fantasy.
>muh guns
Guns they will also have, guns you will need to keep in someone's hand on watch 24/7

>> No.54244109

>dude just carry 35 gallons of moonshine around to pay for your groceries

>> No.54244124

read a book you retard. I don't even own gold outside of jewellery and shit like that but it's not hard to understand how gold would be a useful commodity as per ALL OF KNOWN HISTORY.

>> No.54244140

>the gold is useless to anyone.
it's not useless to anyone it's usefull as a medium of exchange and a store of value just like any currency you mongoloid. Cities will still exist and will likely run on local currencies backed by gold and maybe even crypto.

>> No.54244150

I don't doubt the staying power of precious metals.
Rather, just the timeframe in which it would take for them to be relevant in this scenario.
If society did truly fall it would be pretty wild out there for at least 6 months.
In which time the government would have probably called in the army to re-establish some semblance of order, at least in the cities.

>> No.54244184

I have 1.5 years of food. We are going to have big political trouble on this one, massive theft will occur (and has occurred) because of this fucking ponzi scheme.
The last official act of any government is to raid the treasury.

>> No.54244190

This is why you stockpile seeds, ammo, tools, fuel, building supplies, physical books.

>> No.54244199

Bribes. Ransom payment. Tributes, etc.

Im gambling for a partial collapse like "grapes of wrath" style. Not "the road" style

>> No.54244207

No, anon. The internet will turn off for a week and everyone will forget how money works. Cannibal raiders will barter with kegs of Jack Daniels while they try to kill you to claim your worthless metal that you can't defend because you only stacked PMs instead of food and ammo.

>> No.54244361

Because society didn't exist before the internet, the car, roads, even fucking wind powered ships.

Anyone who seriously engages the retarded argument that gold will ever be worth nothing is ignoring all of human history.

>> No.54244388

Not to mention I have a tribe almost 100 strong all with body armor, enough ammunition to supply the entire ww2 western front and the guns to use them with.

God damn you are stupid.

>> No.54244412

>Anyone who seriously engages
I don't think you picked up on it, but I was being facetious.

>> No.54244434

wait... you're saying no cannibalism?

>> No.54244451

Holy mother of God how dense can you be. I explained the utility of a medium of exchange in the simplest possible language and you STILL failed to understand. What part of Africa are you from? How many goats does your tribe have?

>> No.54244461
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>hey guys
>I know we stopped using PM currency for a generation or two
>and that for the preceding 50,000 years using metal coins was the common practice
>but guys
>what would you really do if we had no more fake Jewish paper money?

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.54244524

>meta worth as much as walmart
Peak clownworld.

>> No.54244558

Unironically the only non-retard in here.

Network with your neighbors. Form a community of prepared individuals willing to work together in the event of crisis.

Faggots stacking boxes of anything alone in their basements with zero social connections will just get robbed immediately.

>> No.54244576

you have to survive the collapse first .

>> No.54244597

I hope I find fellows like you out there. I got food and stuff but no group I can trust.

>> No.54244600

Gold is only useful if we lose the internet and electricity. And in that situation you want Guns and Ammo.

Of course, that situation won’t happen, Zimbabwe and Venezuela still have Electricity and the Internet.

For the coming economic collapse, you’re going to want a money with no counterparty risk that can be transferred across infinite space and time.

And that ain’t gold.

>> No.54244633

Kek so true

On the other hand, people today are so terribly ignorant and stupid. It doesn't help that there hasn't been silver in coins in 60 years and 90 years for gold. Hell, my own mother looked at some old cents and absent-mindedly called them gold. She was alive when there were silver coins.

>> No.54244682

>store all your wealth in internet money
>dollar collapses, new dollar introduced
>i would like to trade my internet money for new dollar, it is worth $37K old dollar
>best I can do is $5.

>> No.54244724

In her defense, a $5 gold coin is about the size of a nickel.

>> No.54244741

I doubt it. The world's a stage and the politicians have the lead role, they say the emotions of the masses to and fro,but ultimately nothing will ever really happen.
The troubles of yesteryear are behind us, the only true problem we all face is the slow descent into authoritarianism.
Which will occur across generations to keep its spread as hidden as possible

>> No.54244804

you faggots act like the collapse will be some mad max scenario, it's already happened in US history and literally no one even did anything kek, they will just slow boil collapse like they did in the 60s-70s

>> No.54244885

I don't live by niggers

>> No.54244955

>hello shopkeeper, I’d like to buy an apple.
>would you prefer a government controlled money that automatically taxes you
>would you prefer an internet token that is also a bearer asset that cannot be controlled by the government and can’t be arbitrarily inflated away
>would you like 0.006g of Gold

Now imagine this conversation taking place over the internet with a merchant hundreds of kilometres away.

Gold lost to fiat because it wasn’t transferable enough, and that was when the steam train and the telegram were the highest form of transport and communication.

>> No.54245008

>cannot be controlled by the government

>> No.54245064
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Shiney rocks have been used as a medium of exchange for far longer than magic paper with faces on

>> No.54245081

These threads are dominated by people who have no clue what an actual collapse will be like. They are privelidged faggots who never have set foot outside the US and have grown up on the internet.

I've been to several countries with collapsed currencies in Latin America like Argentina. Gold and silver luteal hold their value and not only that but increase in value during times of currency collapse.

This mad max shit will never happen, unless you live in a liberal shithole city and it's peak collapse.

Shit will just get really hard and you're going to wish you had gold and silver.

>> No.54245083

That's a problem even today. Selling gold or silver is a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.54245090

If you got gold, you are the type to be drowning in soup options from the beginning.

>> No.54245098

collapse of currency doesn't lead to collapse of society. look at the history of fiat currencies and note that we're still here

>> No.54245099

Letters have been used as a medium of communication for far longer than the internet. Doesn't mean they still serve a purpose once the boomers are dead.

>> No.54245104
File: 1.04 MB, 1107x618, Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 12.05.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>would you like 0.006g of Gold

>> No.54245128

>Guys it's impossible to buy gold and survival supplies at the same time
>You're going to starve to death because you can't eat gold, there's no possible way you could use some of your money to buy gold and some of it to buy guns and canned food
>That's literally physically impossible, you either have gold or have supplies there are no people who stock up on both
>So don't even think about gold, buy dogfartrocketcum token and flip the 10x into Bitcoin, yeah the LP isn't locked and the dev is an anonymous Vietnamese teenager but there's no way you'll be caught on the losing end of that trade
>Just whatever you do don't buy the thing that's been used as money in every human civilian since the beginning of recorded history

>> No.54245156

Explain to me in great detail how Bitcoin or Monero can be controlled by the government.

Because unless you do I’m just going to assume you’re Peter Schiff coping about missing out on Bitcoin when it was a dollar.

>> No.54245171

Oh no they won't stay in one place, roving gangs will be the norm.
It won't be as civilised as people here think.
A lot of history was brutal just to get to the point of being semi-socialised and trading.
You will have to repeat that unfortunately.

>> No.54245190

>Doesn't mean they still serve a purpose once the boomers are dead.
You're the type of NPC that would say this right after emptying his mail box of all the bills notices and flyers that are still being sent to this day. If it were not an effective means of communication you would not be getting them because the companies wouldn't bother to print them. And no it's not just for boomers

Anyway this all comes down to the fact that you actually need to have decent money to buy gold. You can buy $50 of Bitcoin easily, gold not so much. So next time you see an anti-gold thread remember it's literal poor retard cope

>> No.54245201

If society collapses I'll have much bigger problems than worrying about who will accept my boomer rocks

>> No.54245245

Yeah man, after we enter hyperinflation because of the actions of governments and banks, people are definitely going to trust governments and banks to issue coupons that’ll be 100% redeemable for gold.

>> No.54245248

>liberal shithole city
So every major metropolitan area in the us?

>> No.54245266

>the third most conductive element which is also used in tons of consumer electronics is only useful if we lose electricity

>> No.54245285

Society won’t collapse, you’re just going to slowly get poorer.

I blame Hollywood and it’s zombie movies for convincing people that Economic Collapse = Mad Max

>> No.54245302

In your greentext nobody wanted to trade any gold except you.
Why would a guy that wants wood and a guy that wants eggs waste time with your gold and you as an intermediary (in a hyper-low trust society situation no less) instead of just trading eachother directly?

>> No.54245303

golden bullets?

>> No.54245352

I only hodl shiny brass. Notable in sizes of 5.56 and lung blowing 9mm. If I need shiny rock, I’ll just take it. Simple as

>> No.54245368

No I don't. I'll never exchange my gold for anything.
And I WILL be buried with it!

>> No.54245379

As a monetary good, yes.

Either gold is too expensive (because of its monetary/jewellery uses) to be a useful industrial good or it’s too useful (in an industrial sense) to have its price inflated by being used as a store of value.

You can’t have it both ways.

Gold is either money, in which case it’s only superior in a Medieval-esque society. Or it’s an industrial good, in which case it needs to be devalued by 90%.

Pretending that your snarky comment is actually smart is just a cope by someone who’s backed the wrong horse because they were convinced by a conniving Jew (Peter Schiff).

>> No.54245401

You're making a lot of posts for a retard that doesn't even know what a goldback is

>> No.54245411

Is a medium of exchange that hard to comprehend?
If people barter in the current status quo they can do so without being taxed on selling goods and yet the usd is still wildly more popular than a barter system.

>> No.54245440

>I'll just take it
How're you gonna do that when I see you coming for my shiny rocks and literally blow your head off your shoulders with my shiny brass in .300 size?

>> No.54245453

Sounds like a good case for silver
>backed the wrong horse
I dont get tribal about my investments. I have allocations in every asset class, with crypto being the largest.

>> No.54245455
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This is why you become the nigger.
That it is anon!

>> No.54245476

>in Wiener marks

i had to im sorry.

>> No.54245481

>To all you preppers holding gold coins/bars, what is your plan if society actually collapses? What are you going to do with that lump of metal? Do you really think you're going to be able to convince someone to trade you their bowl of soup for a piece of shiny rock?
with a mouth like that, you won't survive enough to find out. somebody will surely put a bullet in your head, or order it done, and then pay the guy in gold. you better start reading and catch up quick.

>> No.54245490

>Is a medium of exchange that hard to comprehend?
I know just fine what a medium of exchange is.
Are you going to give a TED talk about what a medium of exchange to the egg guy that wants wood and the wood guy that wants eggs?
Do you really believe that if shit actually went south and turned Mad Max you will be able to easily go around trading people gold nuggets for food cans and water? Are you people really this deluded?

>> No.54245504

Why would I care about some non-currency in a state in country I’ve never been to?

For Gold to actually work in commerce in a society that isn’t made up of subsistence level farmers, it requires a trusted third party (ie. a Bank and/or a government).

It’s quite apparent now to everyone that banks and governments cannot be trusted with money.

So, tell me how this coupon is actually useful in the 21st century?

>> No.54245521

all this chart shows is that gold needs to crash by alot

>> No.54245551

Sieg Heil

>> No.54245572

As an industrial good, silver is very good.

Problem with it is it’s way overvalued because people who refuse to learn history but it because they don’t understand what demonetisation is.

>> No.54245578

Because you're a moron that can't even be arsed to look up the fact that goldbacks CONTAIN PHYSICAL GOLD
Also are you reddit spacing to deliberately piss me off or is this just a feature of GPT4?
>For Gold to actually work in commerce in a society that isn’t made up of subsistence level farmers
Well there's your problem now, isn't it

>> No.54245607

So we’re going back to subsistence-level farming?

If that’s the case it’s more sense to stock on seeds and shovels than gold.

>> No.54245638

kek you can’t shoot what you cannot see.

>> No.54245690

You can just use gold certificates to handle online transactions

>> No.54245736

The new currency will be silver.

>> No.54245783

Then why go through gold first when I could just buy Bitcoin now?

>> No.54245832


As in, how can I, as a merchant, verify that the certificate I’m receiving online, is fully backed by and redeemable for gold without having to trust a bank?

>> No.54245904
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ummmm, once all the niggers, spics and crackas are killed (they will not reproduce, or at least their kids will not follow their steps (not for long)), all the roving will stop.

Frankly, a smart Hwhite man will be able to set them up against each other and they will kill each other.

Whites are destined.

>> No.54245936

You would have to trust a bank. Gold being money doesn't kill banking, it just makes the industry revolve around gold instead of funny money

>> No.54246009

you need a 0.5mm by 0.01mm strip of gold, which can be the thinnest sheet of any metal, with an overall weight in the hundreds of thousands of an ounce. Electronics need a minuscule amount of gold, and its not the production bottleneck.

It can be both.

>> No.54246034

I hold silver and my plan is to purify water with it

>> No.54246072

Is demonetization the phenomenon where the demand of silver goes down as it is no longer used as a currency?

If so, what evidence do you have that we will not go back to that?

>> No.54246125

>b-b-but what will you do with your shiny boomer rocks in an apocalpyse!!!!
This is such a shitty strawman.

>he thinks things will collapse into pure apocalypse overnight
That hasn't even happened in Venezeula bro. Things will get bad, but there won't be an full blown apocalypse, outside of some sort of war or nuclear war on domestic soil. Gold will go up in value and you trade it in under the new system.

>> No.54246177

So going back to gold fixes nothing.

The problem is that banks/governments control money, if they still control the money on a nominal gold standard your banking system is still Fake and Gay and Jewish.

Thank you for reinforcing my belief in Bitcoin.

>> No.54246183

I hoarding my wealth for use in Valhalla you fucking casual.

>> No.54246237
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I think gold/silver is the most pragmatic fallback in the event that the dollar collapses or hyperinflates. Gold and silver have an incredible spread throughout the entire world, and even most people who never owned a single coin may still manage to scrounge up SOME amount of silver that is used in electronics, jewelry, silverware, etc. Enough to survive for a few weeks more so they're not completely dead in the water on day one.

The fact that it IS the best solution is why it would be a complete failure.
>if the dollar collapses, people will do the rational thing!
Did everyone forget that when the pandemic hit, and there was a real fear in this country that food shortages would occur and catching COVID could be a death sentence, that people were buying PERISHABLES instead of rice and flour and canned foods? And they were spraying themselves with Lysol, and buying 100 rolls of fucking TOILET PAPER? If the dollar collapses who the fuck even knows what most of these retards are going to buy in a panic. Probably a bunch of preloaded gift cards or coupons or something.

>> No.54246269

It was demonised by Gold because gold is a superior form of money (scarcer, more chemically stable etc). It won’t go back up because the properties that make gold better are permanent.

If everyone collectively decided to go back to a Precious Metal standard, either gold wins eventually or people read history and there’s not even a debate.

Of course I posit that gold wouldn’t win if the USD hyperinflates because it is an inferior form of money to Bitcoin.

>> No.54246306

>you exchange it for the new currency at a favorable rate once things stabilize
Which is the boomerish solution of "having shit in the garage".
Only way to survive in the wilderness with nothing is via knowledge, which cannot be bought and takes years of sitting in the same place to really accrue.

Everything else is just ghetto wars with heavily armed gangs and minor governmental entities fighting for food and water. Your best bet at surviving an apocalypse is to become expert at surviving somewhere completely shit, like a mosquito hatching ground.

>> No.54246506

You can get some hambeasts to be your slaves if you buy a ton of high-fructose corn syrup, and then paying them in soda to do tasks.

>> No.54246599

>Only way to survive in the wilderness with nothing is via knowledge
Literally nobody is going this way, even the most hardcore survivalist have their garage filled with modern Era equipment for surviving, "collapses" usually mean going back a hundred years or two, not going back to fucking stone age

>> No.54246612
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I personally disagree, you bring up the points that Gold is a better form of money, however gold is too scarce for day-day purchases. Roman pay was. 1/10 Oz. Ag per day's labour, had the denarius been a gold coin, the worker would've been paid two coins each month (assuming 15:1 GSR)

Additionally I misunderstood what you were implying by saying there is not even a debate, after people read history, as you argue that gold is a better form of money but we used bimetallism for almost all of humanity.

Could you posit that? Faggot.

>> No.54246633

And yeah that's all you deserve, no explanation or evidence to support. You're too retarded anyways.

>> No.54246671

guns, ammo and food are for a total collapse. precious metals are what you use when it begins to stabilize again.

>> No.54246700

All informed preppers understand that PMs are only one piece of the portfolio.

>> No.54246716

Gold is dumb, even doomsayers know to buy ammo instead

>> No.54246718

>no retort
I accept your concession.

>> No.54246727

Roman workers were paid in bronze and copper coins, not gold. The gold was kept by the emperor to ensure he maintained power over the politicians.

>> No.54246753

Can't stack gold AND ammo, after all.

>> No.54246763

and once you have enough ammo, food and guns? you purchase metals that have retained value as money for thousands of years.

>> No.54246853

Mankind never lived in caves and prehistoric man did not barter except between tribes. The situation in >>54244001 never happened in day to day life

>> No.54246948
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How about having crypto, food, ammo and pm? Has anybody done something so crazy?

>> No.54246951

Once precious metals became to
Cumbersome to use because of advances in technology (see: Industrial Revolution), everyone on earth switched to paper certificates backed by precious metals (the birth of fiat). Within a few decades every country on earth had switched to a 100% gold standard (the last one being Germany in 1871), because of gold’s superiority as a monetary good, which is to say Silver was totally demonetised. Within a few decades of that governments and banks realised they didn’t need to back their fiat with gold and gold became totally demonetised by fiat.

A bimetallic standard only makes sense in a world of medieval technology. Thats not going to happen, if your investment plan relies on Mad Max becoming a reality, you’re a moron.

>> No.54246977

How are you going to use crypto without electricity?

>> No.54247006

Why are we losing electricity?

>> No.54247138

Why am I a moron?

What proof do you have that the reason we used notes backed by gold was not to set us up to what we are using today? And today we are using useless fiat.

Progress doesn't necessarily mean it is natural, we can always go back.

>> No.54247187

sell it at a pawn shop of cash4gold kiosk where they'll give bottom dollar

>> No.54247205
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>> No.54247242
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Because retarded zoomers dont know that diesel generators exist and you can use any rendered fat, or vegetable oil to run them

>> No.54247254

your pic is probably mostly accurate. which is why it's important for a man to hold his own resources so as not to need the government.

>> No.54247277

to all you retards who dont prep, whats your plan for when society returns to normal? what are you going to do with that pile of nothing you saved? do you really think a collapse will last forever?

>> No.54247278

I agree. Gold is so cumbersome for trade that the US has to invade any country that tries to trade oil for gold because otherwise they would be too encumbered by the gold. It's for their own good.

>> No.54247368
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To sum up my above posts, because I’m sick of arguing.

>an economic collapse does not mean a societal collapse
>hyperinflation will not result in Mad Max
>the electricity, the internet and indoor plumbing will all remain functional (enough)
>hyperinflation will however lead to a loss of confidence in banks and governments to manage financial and economic matters
>commerce will be conducted with a money that doesn’t require a trusted third party to make it functional
>Gold, Silver and Cash (all bearer assets) can only be used for in person transactions because to use them with a merchant in a different physical location requires a third party (ie. a Bank) to facilitate the trade.
>this leaves Bitcoin as the only Money that can be used in a system of 21st century technology AND zero trust in the Banking system.

>> No.54247383

Be killed and eaten by a pack of feral niggers, why do you ask?

>> No.54247401

Money is
>a store of value
Chickens and wood (and every other commodity) do not check off all of the above boxes. What if the man with chickens wants 10 cords of wood but the woodman only has one? Does he just buy one cord and continue searching? What if it's not the type of wood he wants? Does he carry his chickens around all day with him at the market?
The questions involved in a barter economy are endless.

>> No.54247408

>need bowl of soup
>only have a bullet
roam the eart looking for someone who wants to sell a bowl of soup and ALSO wants to buy a bullet
sigh if only there was a solution to this. some kind of medium of exchange that retained value

>> No.54247427

>jewish hands typed this post

>> No.54247431

>society instantly falls back to the gold standard moron. currencies backed by gold.
Almost instantly, it will take a while before the gold/silver bugs get over the fact that a pallet of bic lighters is worth ten times more than their stack.

>> No.54247485

With enough moonshine, you'll never have to worry about groceries

>> No.54247497

>can’t trust the banks
>can trust the anonymous creator of bitcoin
>trust me bro
>just trust me

>> No.54247554

I love you retards. It’s like you think there’s a law against buying food and ammo if you buy gold or if you buy gold it’s illegal to also buy food and ammo

>> No.54247604

The primary function of money is to measure value. Money is a barometer to measure value and nothing measures value better than gold

>> No.54247652

I have nothing against real preppers, but the priority for prepping is a compound inna wood with frens. Once that's stocked up, then it's time for gold.

Personally I think I'll just go for suicide.

>> No.54247684

We went to Gold backed notes because paying for an Apple with 0.006g of gold was annoying and travelling across vast distances with a pile of gold bars was dangerous.

>Gold demonetised Silver because it’s a better store of value.
>Gold Certificates demonetised real Gold because they’re more divisible and easier to transact with (that is to say, a better medium of exchange)
>Fiat Demonetised Gold Certificates because the government said so and gold certificates required a trusted third party (the bank) which would always do exactly what the government tells it to do.
>Bitcoin will demonetise fiat because it’s a better store of value, it’s a better medium of exchange, and unlike Gold Certificates it can’t be censored by the government and unlike gold it can’t be confiscated by the government.

>> No.54247709

They can just turn off your internet.

>> No.54247737

>he doesn't know you can broadcast bitcoin transactions over HAM radio

>> No.54247764

What do you think people are going to do with trillions of dollars that lose value every day... buy bowls of soup? It has to be parked in something that will hold value. Demand for gold would be so high that you'd be lucky to find it anywhere.

>> No.54247786


>> No.54247787

They won’t.

They need the internet (see: Netflix, Pornhub, TikTok) to keeps the masses preoccupied and pacified.

>> No.54247811

I don’t know about you all... but because of the of Corona this is the first time since college that I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for something like this to happen for 5 years. The point where things get so bad that 1 silver merc dime will buy me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.

Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered into conversation about Corona with a roastie milf that had a ring on her finger in the water aisle... and I said this is all a cover for trump to bring us back on a gold standard. She started looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me

>> No.54247856

Yeah you trade it for soup anon. First you pay the literal price of gold and save it to trade for a cup of noodles during Armageddon.
You can also use a gold bar as a paperweight.

>> No.54247965

It's a long-term wealth stabilizer. Like others have said, the idea is to use it convert into the new dominant currency or to fight against hyper-inflation. If I buy 1g of gold now at $2000, and that buys 2 months worth of groceries, it's probably a safe bet that the same amount of gold will still buy a month's worth of groceries when 1g is $20,000 in weimerica.

And yes I do believe I will be able to convert gold into food if things go into apocalyptic survival situation. My local economy is really rural and won't be as affected, so people will still want it.

>> No.54248180

>What if the man with chickens wants 10 cords of wood but the woodman only has one? Does he just buy one cord and continue searching?
If the chicken guy wants 10 cords of wood and the wood guy only has 1 cord of wood and some gold, he won't buy 1 cord of wood and some gold because he doesn't need some gold that he may not be able to use as payment for the next wood guy that shows up/he finds that has 9 cords of wood and wants chickens that he no longer has. Rinse and repeat.
Your problem is that you keep looking at this issue from a theoretical point of view because, yes, it makes some sense to use gold as money because of its specific qualities (which could be argued too but that's a different issue entirely). But in practice and in a specific shtf context it simply wouldn't work because gold as money only works in a high-trust working economy and people wouldn't take a risk except in the most extreme situations.

>> No.54248921

Whats next? Bitcoin payment via pigeon? Via smoke signal?

The reality is that the government can track everything you do through a computer.

Can the government check the pockets of every single person walking down the street, I think not!

>> No.54248974

damn bro, that's so interesting!

Here's my email, id like to talk to you for hours. Here: shutupfag@6969669.cum

>> No.54249007

It literally happened every day retard

>> No.54249047

>can’t be confiscated by the government.
Anon, I

>> No.54249088

Sucks we're still going to have an inflationary cbdc and you will still suck jewish cock

>> No.54249203
File: 155 KB, 362x259, 1673838676355036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To all you investors holding crypto, what is your plan if society actually collapses? What are you going to do with that worthless internet money? Do you really think you're going to be able to convince someone to trade you their bowl of soup for a usb stick, computer chip, or written IOU if power ever comes back?

>> No.54249246

Yes. People need to trade and will use whatever as money. Including gold.

>> No.54249312

I am not prepping, just saving money.

>> No.54249563

that’s because you’re weak and you have little chance of procreating

>> No.54249675

Why would the medium of exchange default to phyiscal gold? Because you want it to be?
It’s far more likely to be ammo or cigarettes than gold

>> No.54249714

do you think i'll trade my bowl of soup for a shiny boomer rock that you bought for too much money and are too small to get a good price on

>> No.54249989

>t. too poor to own gold, land and physical goods so he's staking his hope on $500 worth of online chuck e cheese token
>>the electricity, the internet and indoor plumbing will all remain functional (enough)
If you say so, I'd check out those rolling blackouts in countries like Venezuela

>> No.54250124

Why do retards assume that if anything exceptionally bad happens we will immediately go back to bartering like Hunter gatherers instead of using a much more efficient medium of exchange?

>> No.54250152

Ammo is not fungible, cigarettes are not durable

>> No.54250154

>wait until society returns
>sell for NWO Central Bank Digital Currency
>buy stocks

>> No.54250177

>It’s far more likely to be ammo or cigarettes than gold.
If lockdowns taught us anything is was that toilet paper will be currency in the future.

>> No.54250196
File: 624 KB, 1053x1389, Central Banks Buying Gold 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another fud thread over 1 little old metal that only has 1 general for it vs the 20+ crypto threads.

>> No.54252993

EB tucker was pressed with this question on kitco news recently, and he couldn't come up with a rational answer after being pressed several times

he ended up saying something like "hey at least i have it and give it to my grandchildren" or something. the gold logic is completely flawed

>> No.54253106

>Society collapses
You literally have thousands of years of history to study what happened to gold when society collapses.

Pro tip. It stays valuable.

>> No.54253346

gold and silver have a world market that transcends national borders, politics, religions, and race. you may not like someone's religion, but you'll his gold...

you don't buy gold to get rich, you buy gold to stay rich. I personally use AurusX to get tokenized gold rewards and then redeem them every month. Been buying more Ax in the Aurus Wallet and I keep buying every month to stake more and get more rewards. people will exchange for that shiny rock my guy, just look at gold against any other currency/purchasing power

>> No.54253349

I'm not saying don't buy PMs or ammo or food, but BTC is pretty fucking resilient and short of straight up madmax scenarios, having a stable, finite, weightless, proven currency will be valuable post melt-down.

>> No.54253453

You don't understand. Gold is money, they are comparing all these companies to how much real money is out there

>> No.54253482

>what is silver

>> No.54253491

>what is your plan if society actually collapses
an economic crisis is not the same as society collapsing, I will get my entire families worth of prostitutes just as knowers did in 1920s germany

>> No.54253530

> Within a few decades every country on earth had switched to a 100% gold standard (the last one being Germany in 1871), because of gold’s superiority as a monetary good, which is to say Silver was totally demonetised.

Huh? Anon, both the US and Canada issued silver coins into the 1960s, and a few outliers like Switzerland and South Africa did so into the 1970s.

>> No.54253888


>> No.54253944

>guys why don’t you want to keep using pretend money after the collapse of the pretend money system
>this is different pretend money
it’s weightless for a reason, bucko

>> No.54253968

Not enough to go around. Same goes for gold,

>> No.54253974

Historically, gold was tortured out of people who held it before the new market moved to socialism or communism... I personally happen to like my balls...

>> No.54254029

The monetary metals will be good for a short time and then it’s back to fiat orrrr a good crypto can actually fill the role that metals played in the past. Sincerely, Don’t know which one that could be the though. The divisibility in crypto is very nice.

>> No.54254099
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Have you ever read personal stories of collapse? Depending on the location and how disconnected they were from the beast it either becomes a quick horror or a slow burn but controllable with the right community with a good head on their shoulders.

Small stories of what can happen is Katrina I think the one that hit Orleans how the niggers became feral in a short time and whites had to defend neighborhoods another war can't remember the name we all should have read that by now the one where how it explains lighters having high value and lodging up in houses that looked ravaged and keeping lights out at night in fear.

Just think of this depending where you're located I would say cities are going to be death traps rural will be the safest and suburbs depending on how stupid the people treat it is a toss up a good idea that you're very screwed is a housing authority. Now PM are not going to be first used that would be stupid what is going to happen first is prison rules.

Most of you are fucking dumb in wondering what that means but it's pretty much everyone smart will default race first whites for whites blacks for blacks etc. Everyone will pool in resources at first but the smart will understand you're either raiding or building.

Not going to go deeper into this but if you haven't establish a trust yet with your tribe offering your services will be a good idea merc work in combat or the arts aka trade skills the metals won't play a part yet until brought up and won't see effect until everyone has learned their new roles.

That's if it happens of course.....

>> No.54254117

whites just need to do what they always did; move to where it’s cold.

>> No.54254204

>he couldn't come up with a rational answer
How could you because it's admitting the scary truth that history has proven time and time again for every civilization that collapsed it will hold value.

Ask yourself this if your family told you the value of gold/silver, land, and weapons and with that knowledge passed these 3 to you to pass on would you be better off? I would have loved to own a great amount of land or that my family had gold and silver to pass on to me.

Everything I do now is insurance against history which with iron rule say if you lack these three things, you're no better then the slaves because those with anyone of these three had power enough to defend their way of life so their blood made it this far.

>> No.54254516
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>> No.54254535
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>> No.54254571
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>> No.54255131
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I would like to but a farm and orchard

>> No.54255190

You're a complete midwit if you believe in some Hollywood "collapse" the decline we will all see will be more akin to South Africa or in extreme cases countries like Burkina Faso.

>> No.54255223

>Ammo is not fungible
Yes it is
>cigarettes are not durable
Not much less durable than paper bills if stored correctly

>> No.54255407

>tribe of 100 strong
>no one has called bullshit yet

You are either majorly cucking by having that many people in your group (nonwhites, race mixers, homosexuals, drug users / other forms of degenerates) and no amount of preparation will save you because you will be smited by God for it; or you’re lying.

>> No.54255435
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>> No.54255730

Stay mad fucker. My family is all white and united under a common creed.

>> No.54255765

>he doesn't have silver bullets
shoot em, trade em, good for werewolves

>> No.54256640

I don't think society will collapse, it's just better than holding fiat and it looks/feels cool. I hold stocks and crypto too

>> No.54258669

Holding crypto is good cause web3 is the future. We have financial freedom where we can pay for anything and everything with it from any part of the world fast and cheap.

>> No.54258686

Click the milkers, end the Fed

>> No.54258737

I will dig you up and molest your corpse. finding your gold will be a nice bonus.

>> No.54258743

to all you tight fisted greedy metal holders, why do you continue to fight reality? Just invest your wealth in banks. It is the logical choice, and if you resist then you are a nazi.

>> No.54258810

But banks are not reliable anymore desu. It's best to go with crypto we get to take responsibility for our money and it's more convenient too. Payments are fast, cheap and efficient. For instance LuganoPlanB is a great example.

>> No.54258818

>hey that guy has farmer grugs eggs, good corn and was using gold to trade for it, let’s rob and fucking kill him for it all

Gold fags would never survive collapse, and farmers grugs house would’ve been burnt down, chickens stolen/killed and he himself laying dead on his front porch weeks into an actual collapse where people are forced into a world where gold is used to trade for eggs.

>> No.54258831

All wealth is the property of the one true chosen people. All who deny them are anti Semites

>> No.54258912

>it's only valuable if I can eat it


>> No.54258959

Wether you agree or not the truth is that the government and the banks so much control over our hard earned money. I agree with that anon with crypto we get financial freedom and it wise to take advantage of that. If I wanted to buy a house the government and banks impose a tax and do you know where that money is going? It's better off with crypto I just spend some transaction fee and I am done it's alot faster and cheaper too. I will continue to believe in web3 and crypto payments and so will you with time.

>> No.54258985

Doesn't take much to convince people to trade me soup for a piece of worthless paper now, the shiny rock will be even easier.

>> No.54259323

Sounds like you lost your balls a long time ago.

>> No.54259720 [DELETED] 

wrong, gold will remain valuable as a medium of exchange like shown in >>54244001

>> No.54259889

>tribe almost 100 strong
In a collapse situation, I guarantee you that wouldn't last a year. All it takes is for one person in the group to fuck it up, and the more people that are in the group, the higher the chance of that happening. Self sufficiency is the way to go in any situation.

>> No.54261628
File: 36 KB, 580x387, Copper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow before the best doomsday metal

>> No.54261779


>grug beats the shit our of the chud with gold from creating a gang and being chief
>chud remains a virgin with nothing if not dead

>> No.54262079
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, before islam after islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a Muslim neighbourhood, Muslims value gold because monetary religious obligations are defined in terms of gold. I'll be fine God willing

>> No.54262119

If society collapses there is no new currency dog.

>> No.54262222


>> No.54262292

You can’t do it by yourself, but yeah if you have a few good buddies (who have their own women) with skills and supplies, you’re good. That anon is a liar if he really expects us to believe he has 100 doomsday ready friends he can trust. He’d be lucky to have 5

>> No.54263784
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, 22-lr-ammo-pile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is your plan if society actually collapses?
Gold is for financial collapse or instability, hyperinflation.
Brass, food, fuel, and land are for societal collapse, gold still having some limited use but primarily something you accumulate for the time when things stabilize.

We are dealing with different stages of escalation.
Financial collapse being far more likely in most regions.
... Guns and food having use for limited instability, riots etc.

>> No.54264421

>Do you really believe that if shit actually went south and turned Mad Max you will be able to easily go around trading people gold nuggets for food cans and water?
...this is exactly what has happened every single time a fiat currency has collapsed throughout all of history.

>> No.54265280

Checked, begrudgingly. You're such a fuckin waste of quads and I hope you're just some retard bot. Also stack silveerrrrrrr

>> No.54265334

bought more gold today, OP.

>> No.54265351
File: 57 KB, 739x568, 1676959183750577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold is valuable because it is guise
>gold and other pms is used for electronics so it will always have value
what happens if there are no more electronics being produced? What happens when banks are no longer a thing? What happens when you don't actually need gold for anything? How do you survive the decades it will take to rebuild civilization? you won't

>> No.54265389

No, but i can hit him in the head with it and steal the soup.

>> No.54265436
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>And not the most sought after metal since ever?
ammo is more valuable.

>Let me trade you shiny ro-*BANG ACK*

Also how often do you trade with your rife?

>> No.54265440

If you live outside of a major city, have shelter, a way to collect clean water without electricity , and food or something to trade for food, you’ll survive the couple months until things stabilize

>> No.54265445


>> No.54265489

Gotta survive the guns and ammo phase. Naturally, we're stacking those too.

>> No.54265491

You think the guys who stack gold don’t have more guns and ammo than your poorfag ass?

>> No.54265522
File: 11 KB, 265x300, d12f27ff0dea6067306b3727736ccef8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currency collapse means everyone will go back to bartering

>> No.54265551

Gold has been valuable since well before electronics existed.

>> No.54266006

>every single time a fiat currency has collapsed throughout all of history
Fiat currency not backed by gold is a modern invention. NEVER in history has an economy like the one we are living in has failed. The reason gold and silver historically worked even as economies failed was because gold and silver were the standard even when paper notes were around.
When you can't trust that everyone is going to honor a gold/silver based economy (so again, in the context of a shtf) then everyone is going to prioritize bartering necessities for necessities.
Again, this is all under the premise that you even know what the economy looked directly after a collapse (which you don't) because you have no way to prove that bartering and gold trading isn't mixed (which would decrease the value of gold by definition) or that bartering isn't prioritized and gold just reclaimed his spot as money when things stabilized (which isn't what I'm arguing about).