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54240452 No.54240452 [Reply] [Original]



>A mystery permeates the job market: You apply for a job and hear nothing, but the ad stays online for months. If you inquire, the company tells you it isn’t really hiring.
>In a survey of more than 1,000 hiring managers last summer, 27% reported having job postings up for more than four months. Among those who said they advertised job postings that they weren’t actively trying to fill, close to half said they kept the ads up to give the impression the company was growing, [...] One-third of the managers who said they advertised jobs they weren’t trying to fill said they kept the listings up to placate overworked employees.
>Other reasons for keeping jobs up, the hiring managers said: Stocking a pool of ready applicants if an employee quits, or just in case an “irresistible” candidate applied.
>For employers, constantly looking for talent can make sense, says Kelsey Libert, co-founder of Fractl, a digital marketing agency. She says her company keeps ads up for associate positions even when they aren’t hiring, because turnover for those jobs is often higher than other roles.
>An employer that hasn’t been collecting résumés along the way might have fewer people to choose from when jobs open and need to be filled quickly, Ms. Libert adds. Many college seniors look for jobs from April to June, she says, noting that companies don’t want to miss out on that talent just because they didn’t have immediate roles open.

>> No.54240687

Jewish trickery yet again

>> No.54240694

this should be illegal

>> No.54241107

yes, we knew half of the ads on the internet are A.I generated. are you fucking new?

>> No.54241175

>A mystery permeates the job market: You apply for a job and hear nothing, but the ad stays online for months
They double-, triple-, and quadruplepost these ads. Then the BLS asks companies to count their job openings, they just tally up all postings and thus, correspondingly, double-, triple-, and quadruplecount them. In addition, it's often alleged that companies post openings they never intend to fill, partly because they can then say that they "didn't find any American to take the job", which is a requirement for hiring H-1B visa applicants. In addition to that yet, the BLS performs "statistical adjustments" to the raw numbers under demographic and seasonality-assumptions, e.g. "there are 300K less openings, but in winter, companies normally fire 500K people, so we're really 200K above the average for this time of year".
If they want 8M new jobs, then there will be 8M new jobs - at least on paper. It's like that scene in 1984 where the main character is told to correct a newspaper article about 50% less shoes being produced in the country to 50% MORE shoes having been produced, whereupon he remarks that the probably case is that no shoes were produced at all.

>> No.54241200

Shitty click bate articles abound but most are a waste of time

>> No.54241209

Ugh. I’m Jewish. But I agree with you.

When I got laid off I spent 4 fucking months waking up every day applying to jobs for 5 hours a day. I finally got some shitty job - high salary but a shit show company. Been here like a year and realize the company will go under within 6 months so I started job hunting again.

This time I’m just not writing cover letters but each job takes minimally 5m to apply to even without that and I know it decreases my chances by about 5x based on my data last time.

I also discovered last time on my own how many jobs do not exist. Employers would flat out say the job doesn’t exist, or that they’re not actually hiring for it, and the job ad would still be up months later.

This shouldn’t be allowed, honestly. It makes finding a job like 50x harder, no exaggeration. Makes me that much more disillusioned by the corporate ladder. I kind of want to just go back to school and get some like research degree or something and spend all my days in a lab but I would take a pay cut of $120k+ easily. Can’t afford to do that.

>> No.54241224

I honestly find job hunting online insane
The ONLY way I’ve been able to get a job is personally knowing people or going in person to their office and meeting with them when I see they have an opening.

For remote work? I’ve applied to hundreds to no avail.

>> No.54241238

Try being a female next time

>> No.54241250

>This time I’m just not writing cover letters but each job takes minimally 5m to apply to even without that and I know it decreases my chances by about 5x based on my data last time.

try using chat gpt to write a cover letter.

>> No.54241265

oh and i understand where you're coming from. it took me 6 months and hundreds of job applications to get my current job, and i came into this job with ~3.5 years experience so it's not like i was fresh out of school. it's a clown world out there.

>> No.54241289

>The ONLY way I’ve been able to get a job is personally knowing people or going in person to their office and meeting with them when I see they have an opening.
That sounds like the way to go. If you apply online, you're engaging in a different game where your CV is piped through some HR system with all sorts of bullshit criteria. If you're there in person, in front of someone, you've jumped that whole line already, plus people don't want to deal with the hassle of sifting through applicants. Most people can do most jobs, the sifting is largely pointless anyway.

>> No.54241320

Welcome to the world your kind created
Glad you got a taste of it

>> No.54241346
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>said they kept the listings up to placate overworked employees.

>> No.54241424

I have 25 years of experience, anon.

I spent most of my life chasing a dream of being a musician. Well at this point I guess I’ve been in corporate long enough that it’s probably like 50%. But I still make music. If you think I’m some corporate troon that’s just erroneous. But life doesn’t always go exactly to plan, anon.

>> No.54241531

Glad you at least enjoy arts, sorry it never worked out
Seen so much nepotism and greed with jews that it’s just the norm

>> No.54241557

Nobody wants to work anymore! :(

>> No.54241626

My issue is trying to get into a new industry I don’t have personal connection in or direct experience even though I do have many years of similar experience plus independent work.

>> No.54241629

I remember reading this same exact "news" on ZionHedge ~10 years ago
/pol/-tier thread

>> No.54241761

I don't have any good advice to give you (you already knew that), but as gay as it sounds, networking is probably a good idea. Not in the sense of walking up to someone at some conference and shilling yourself incessantly, but, you know... get to know people and become a drinking buddy or going hiking with someone, depending on what people are into. You can even say (later on): "hey, I have zero connections, I'm interested in working in suchandsuch field" and leave it at that, without asking for a job. I think people react positively to that sort of candor. But I realize this is also trite advice.

>> No.54241861

Not all jews are part of "the club"
I think it's the more traditional ones. Same as it goes for just about any other religion, the most extreme cases are typically the most traditional ones. Those who have "modernized" are no longer part of, or have any chance of being, in the inner circles of whatever religion they are in.

>> No.54242220

Problem is you don’t see Mormons running international banking or lobbying billions for Utah

>> No.54242370
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That's alright. All of my job applications are fake.

>> No.54242602
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I'm average by every metric and got a good job (and girlfriends) through a very active social life (being outgoing, setting up activities with coworkers/friends/family, having many hobbies, etc.)
downside is I now drink too often and probably should quit.

>> No.54242654

>part time job counted as full job
>Obama : I created gorillion jobs
>job is fake
>Biden : I created gorillion jobs
Welcome to Democrat party
Burgers need a full blown revolution next 'election'

>> No.54242731

That's why I've been lying on my resume and been a job hopper 5 years now. Don't have any of the coding or cybersec skills I mention on my cv and I never stay more than 1.5 years anywhere. Basically just collect all the benefits and bonuses I can get my hands on, cause as little damage as possible but push all the work I can to colleagues who've been rotting there for years and then leave.
It's a merchant world out there.

>> No.54242742

Hey OP, just came here to say thank you. I've been looking for job for a while now, I guess I'll become a carpenter or a crypto degen.

>> No.54242757

Ask for a referral on blind next time.

>> No.54242938
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>try sending online appications to different jobs
>all of them ghost
>go find jobs in person
>one of them hires me on the spot and has me working the same day
and people are excited for the new wave of ai when bullshit when modern hr/recruiting practice and algorithms already exist ahahaha

>> No.54243168
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You can't hire foreigners unless you attempt to fill the position with Americans first. Half assed listings and turning everyone down is all it takes.

>> No.54243215

Its not as much fun making fun of people when theyre around. Please leave, you're ruining my antisemetic fun

>> No.54243239

You can't ask your uncle Moishe for a job in Hollywood?

>> No.54243300

if you have 25 years of experience, you probably should have made your own business by now

>> No.54243338

Maybe it's my own bias growing up in a middle income household and being in the same dead-end shit world all of you are in at the end of the day, but I see a lot more than just Jews in positions of power acting like corrupt pieces of shit. I've been on /pol/. I've seen the infographs. I've also gone ahead and researched from there and found way more non-Jews are involved in the same shit. We might be disproportionately involved - I have no idea really.. there are not many of us, so I get the optics. But from my perspective I just see evil people, good people, and mostly people somewhere in between. Killing me isn't going to solve any of your problems, and nor is killing all the Jews. Believe me, there are plenty of people to fill the evil Jews' shoes.

No but there are plenty of documented accounts of Mormons doing like pedophilia child rape rings and fucked up shit like that. My point above stands. Antisemitic shit is a psyop I think. Obviously biased because I know I'm a good human and don't embody MOST of the Jewish stereotypes spread here, but there is a lot of fucked up shit in the world... pointing a finger at Jews over everything is ignoring the bigger picture.

Well fuck I don't really want to turn this thread into a Jew defense club, but you anons seem somewhat rational so just wanted to further the discourse. Cheers.

>> No.54243417


Everything the media reports is fake. This story probably too

>> No.54243461

The reality is that in order to import foreigners to take the job for peanuts they have to advertise the position to show that no locals are interested in the job. They just report no one replied to the ad. It's all a fraud and a scam.

>> No.54243479

I know there are many kind of jews. Most of the browner jews don't fit the stereotype at all.

>> No.54243702

But how do you survive the interviews? Specially the technical ones. How do you survive the day to day work without the knowledge when doing tasks? Or other co-workers etc finding out you know Jack shit? Legit question anon. Well done

>> No.54244083

This is true
Fake economy, fake jobs
HR people will book calls just to fill their schedule with no intention of hiring

>> No.54244161

Americans ARE the foreigners.

>> No.54244436

t. underageb&. Anyone who's been on the job market has known the article is true for years now.

>> No.54245058

I spent a year and a half applying first for jobs in my field, then jobs adjacent to my field, then minimum wage jobs. I got 3 interviews and 0 callbacks. Then the pandemic hit. I gave up and went to law school, this is my last term.

>> No.54245066

NO SHIT. I've been telling you retards that for years

>> No.54245076

Who's the fuck benefits from taunting goyim this way?

>> No.54245247

If you're doing anything in tech you need to build a web-hosted portfolio that your resume links to showing the projects you've worked on.

In tech these are the people winning all the jobs. It doesn't matter how novel or well executed the project is either. It doesn't even matter if it's original work. It just has to look polished and well presented.

Boomers are fucking braindead. They have literally zero clue how to tell if something is original work or if you followed a youtube series that guided you through it step by step. As long as they see it presented with a polished look, and a bunch of them, they think you're a genius superstar.

For example, youtube or google 'MIT maker portfolios'. All of these are highschool kids applying to MIT and all of their projects are simple integrations of projects they made by following shit like instructables. None of these kids have any understanding of how to code from scratch a 6-axis robotic manipulator but there they are presenting these projects as if they did. This is who you are competing against in tech.

>> No.54245926

>Believe me, there are plenty of people to fill the evil Jews' shoes.
Evil doesn't stick to anyone in the sense of being an inherent property, so if there's a system that rewards evil behavior, anyone can fill those shoes. Even if one were to prove that, say, some gene that makes money-grubbing behavior more likely (just to go with the stereotype) is disproportionately present in some group, there's not a straight line from that to "evil". We all have rage, hate, greed, etc. in us to varying degrees. Saying that "everything is the fault of the Jews" is, in the end, just the false certainty of a convenient explanation.

>> No.54246656

shits fucked yo

>> No.54246938

>go under within 6
What were the signs this go around?
2:1 employees to managers?

>> No.54247127

>>For employers, constantly looking for talent can make sense, says Kelsey Libert, co-founder of Fractl, a digital marketing agency. She says her company keeps ads up for associate positions even when they aren’t hiring, because turnover for those jobs is often higher than other roles.
>>An employer that hasn’t been collecting résumés along the way might have fewer people to choose from when jobs open and need to be filled quickly
This part is bullshit because the hiring process is always at least a month from app submission to first day, even for chickenpoop retail gigs, and 99% of the "resumes kept on file" are for people who get jobs in the interim and LITERALLY laugh in the face (or over the phone) of recruiters who reach out half a year or more later.

>> No.54247461

Schizos were right once again kek
Always do the opposite of the mainstream narrative

>> No.54247882

>HR roasties putting up fluff to justify their own non essential position
Haven't we already been talking about this on /biz/ for the past few years?

>> No.54248206

Yea it has, data = money.

>> No.54249630

I just went into a field where I was legaly guaranteed a job after graduation for 2 years - 3 years.

No interview but lots of paper work.

And here I am. I will leave at the end of this year.

>> No.54249893
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This has happened to me twice, one with wagie job and another with tech job years later.

>Home depot job posting: Garden associate
>Get to interview
>Interviewer says "I see you applied to be a cashier"
>I respond with "actually it was for garden..."
>Oh, we dont have any positions for that, just cashiers...

I worked there for a few years, then when I was about to graduate appleid to a job with IBM

>Job location: Charlotte NC
>Near where I live so its perfect
>Get to interview
>Interviewer says "So the job requires relocation to DC"
>I respond with "What? The one I applied to said it was in Charlotte..."
>Oh no, this position you applied for is never offered in Charlotte, only DC"

Thanks for wasting my time.

>> No.54250700

This happened to me so many fucking times
>Apply SPECIFICALLY for remote job. Ch check job description and everything
>Zoom interview
>"Uhhh just so you know this job is in [other side of the country, not remote], are you okay with relocating?"
>Leave immediately
Tons also lie and jew their advertised salary numbers.
>posting says $50k-$70k
>"Umm actually it's $40-60k"
These frauds can at least update their fake job postings

>> No.54250734

the numbers the government uses to take measurements are spoofed. the problem is much worse on the ground than in the sky

>> No.54250756
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>> No.54250820
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>> No.54251121

Yuro here, is lying about salaries legal?

>> No.54251182
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>> No.54251349

It is in a sense good cover for freemasons/Jesuits/real elite, they are just "Jewish" for the benefits. /x/ is better to understand this rather than /pol/

>> No.54251572

Worse than the fake job is the real but fake job

>Apply to engineering job, aerospace, comfy place, nice salary
>Get an interview
>It's actually in P*ris, shitty part of the town on top of that
>actually it's just dimensioning pipes, barely aerospace at all
>Oh and it's basically minimum wage + 200€

I have many other examples like that, glad I'm independent now.

>> No.54251574

Yeah, non-retards realized this was class warfare a long time ago. Need I remind people the whole race warfare in media began after OWS became too big and caused the elite to lose their shit.
It's always been class warfare, race is just a proxy.

>> No.54251666

Of course. Is there an easy way make fake applications to flood them?

>> No.54251996

Lived long enough that the firm handshake meme became fucking reality.

>> No.54252057

Not his fault.

>> No.54252067


Actually anon...the Mormons do this shit they take tithe money and have it in a super scummy investment bank.

>> No.54253073

Instead of applying for jobs create linkedin posts so that recruiters find you?

>> No.54253718

Hopefully not
If he supports open borders and multiculturalism along with the devaluation of labor then it is
There are exceptions to every statistic, but it’s still a statistic

>> No.54253801

The other way to view it is that racial issues became big again after the first black president was elected on an implicit promise of racial harmony, which didn't materialize primarily because American whites responded by promising to be extra racist, punctuated by a child being murdered who this same president said looked like his hypothetical son. This is less batshit than your supposition because it doesn't require a conspiracy theory, just media chasing a fear-based high-view-rate story that repeats predictably.

>> No.54253841

Ah yes, I too remember when whites were so extra racist that black on white crime went 50 to 1, we sure went full Klan on them
And I too remember when that mexican shot that hoodlum, whites win!

>> No.54253941

Sorry, but jews won't let us stop the others, who they control. Jews and their children all have to die first before we can deal with the others. There's something in your DNA, that gives you a chance of producing offspring that feels compelled to subvert its host nation. None can, or will be spared.

>> No.54253992

I knew it

>> No.54253995


>> No.54254084

The real answer is they are looking for diversity hires. I worked for a chemical company and have witnessed many positions that never get filled. They might get 50 people a week apply for a position for months but the only thing that triggers the alert to HR for a possible candidate/interview is when it is a black or latino woman. Unfortunately, in some fields, this will not get filled because where I live there is a very limited supply of chemical engineers that fit some of these diversity requirements. Finding one pays for itself because the more diversity hiring the more stock blackrock and other investment firms will buy.

>> No.54254223


>> No.54254228

I'm not even white

>> No.54254288

Me neither. Which is why I'm calling bullshit on >>54254084. God, I wish it were true, though. I went to an HBCU and none of these DEI-thirsty companies came by or maintained contact with the career development center.

>> No.54254395

>my own bias growing up in a middle income household and being in the same dead-end shit world all of you are in at the end of the day, but I see a lot more than just Jews in positions of power acting like corrupt pieces of shit. I've been on /pol/. I've seen the infographs. I've also gone ahead and researched from there and found way more non-Jews are involved in the same shit.
God, same. Another thing I've noticed is that it's simply critically country-dependent. In canada and france you will have trouble even finding one (1) jew in power (despite rothschilds being popular in france, actually 1/3 of people in power are mudslimes and 1/3 are christian whites; in canada, 99.99999% of people in power are white boomers and there isn't a single powerful jewish family) whereas it's genuinely true that jews are everywhere in the US. I looked thoroughly through jewish news and forums to see if they had an idea what that was about and it seems pretty clear to me that everyone in the world, not just "goyim", hate new york jews, they're not even considered real jews by any other jew.
t. non-practicing jew from sephardic background
My conclusion is that we're just attracted to highly technical and/or highly public positions (e.g. news, politics, entertainment and fintech, but also tech and academia in general), which simply makes jews stand out in the anglo world because those are "evil positions" in angloland (but not anywhere else).

>> No.54254461

While chasing through the /x/ or /pol/-tier "small elite group controling the world" narrative, I found that the most likely common denominator would be sabbateans. Jesuits, free masons and satanists are all sabbateans, for example. Sabbateans have also been a curse upon judaism since 1666. In addition, american jews seem to follow sabbatean narratives (among others, I distinctly remember the unnatural "abortion is a jewish religious custom" fucked up twitter post narrative following US states starting to reverse abortion freedom laws -- in fact, abortion is illegal in judaism unless the mother's life is in danger or similar serious issues may result).

>> No.54254512


The town I grew up in was 10% Jewish. You're people just like anyone else. And like >>54251574 says, it's class, not race/ethnicity.

>> No.54254563
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Yes, can confirm. When I was working at M$ years ago in a newly-formed org, the first order we were given regarding hiring is that we didn't have enough d*versity so we had to fix it through hiring. We were interviewing 0 white men because our org was ~90% white men. Note that graduates at the time were 95% white men so technically we were very diverse compared to the workforce already.

>> No.54254607
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>> No.54255079

I can't relate to all these people who can't find jobs. I'm a 25 year old white man with 8 years of work experience and without a degree. I just landed a $58k salary in the midwest where rents are low. I'm aware it's nothing special but it's a living, and it took me 2 weeks of dedicated job hunting. I still have recruiters calling me.

>> No.54255105

Anyone can get a job at mcdonald's, that's not what people call "jobs" around here.

>> No.54255148

Mcdonalds pays 400 a week. 58k is 1200 a week. Again, I'm not saying this is some kind of executive position. I'm saying that if you're not a complete fuckup you can find work. People in this thread are talking about getting curved by fucking Home Depot.

>> No.54255207

Nice larp, Yes, I'll take fries with that.

>> No.54255255

>making 30 an hour is unrealistic to 4channers
sad man, your average dickhead plumber in a van makes that

>> No.54255302

You see, the unrealistic part is not "making so much as $30 an hour", but rather "making so little". An important distinction a burger flipper like you couldn't possibly grasp on your own, as you have just demonstrated. By the way, you forgot to give me some of those ketchup packets with my order. Better get to it.

>> No.54255306

Back to your containment board.

>> No.54255364

It took me a few years of wage slaving in fairly specific industries at 30-40k before I landed a decent job paying 45k plus bonuses of 10-20% salary yearly. Granted, I started wage slaving before inflation mania kicked off so 30-40k was livable

>> No.54256646
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>I’m Jewish.

>> No.54256774

Self employed labor guy here, you idiots can rake leaves for $50 an hour go figure it out. The covid excuse made labor go up quite a bit. My bad days I make $60-70. Good days I make $130/hr. Low skill biz too. Learn the type you talk most confidently to if you’re not a salesman. For me it was middle aged women, for whatever reason they love me. Bust your ass too or you’ll look fake

>> No.54256782


>> No.54257165

>there are some underageb& retards who unironically believe this

>> No.54257222

>faggot spacing
checks out

>> No.54257292
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lmao next they should make fake listings for affordable housing
poorfags can't catch a break huh

>> No.54259492

The HR cunts are actually destroying society. If people keep applying for things and nothing works out over and over we get a totally demoralised unemployed workforce filled with learned helplessness. These people are actual Satanists.