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54237195 No.54237195 [Reply] [Original]

>bachelor's in Architecture
>All jobs that require degree only start out at 17$ per hour, 21$ is the absolute MAXIMUM
>majority want 1 year of experience
>CADmonkey jobs meanwhile start of at 20$ an hr minimum
>Only need a certificate from bumkins community college or fuck around autocad for a year to qualify

>> No.54237239
File: 14 KB, 280x259, 96D76BC3-E581-442A-989D-CF273F253B13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the bright side, women rank architect as one of the most attractive professions a man can have. Why? Nobody has a clue, and never will.

>> No.54237276

bitches love saabs

>> No.54237462
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>bachelors in CS
>$125k/yr raw salary
>"up to" 30k/yr bonus
>bonus skipped again last year because of "macroeconomic concerns"
>salary amounts to $5.3k/month after taxes and 401k
>rent is $2.9k/month
>about $1500 left in discretionary spending per month after eating and paying the bills
>used to dump that into an index fund but now it's doing so horribly that i'd rather hold onto the cash and eat the inflation

>> No.54237484

>funding your 401k while the fed announces infinite bailout for infinite banks
Lmfao what the fuck is the purpose

>> No.54237488

employer matches it 1:1

>> No.54237501

Why does speed racer have girl eyelashes but his loli wife has no eyelashes?

>> No.54237561
File: 76 KB, 719x541, backpack on fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double majoring in math and physics
>Have multiple lab reports due for same class
>As well as lab report that I just finished today
>And exam on Friday
>Not counting multiple quizzes, homeworks, labs, etc
>Not even sure if I can get a job with the degrees
>Bought dogecoin at 2 cents 2 years ago and haven't sold it since, even when it went up to 70 cents

I'm fine

>> No.54237595

damn they tax the hell outa you nigga

>> No.54237607

Find a place that sends you on-site

>> No.54237648

>math and physics
pick up classes in something practical (CA and EE) before its too late
t. CS and math major, never used any math in CS career

>> No.54237674

>masters in political science
>teach at community College for a year
>make more money bartending

>> No.54237679

lol my job jewed us on our bonus as well. 4 grand.
they said we only hit 7.4 percent if the target 7.5 percent net profit gain so we werent eligible for anything higher.
so retarded

>> No.54237687

It's already too late, I'm speedrunning the majors already and can't fit anymore classes for the next two semesters. I graduate next year.

>> No.54237697

how much are you dumping into your 401k?? i take home 4900 monthly on 85k with benefits retirement and taxes

>> No.54237716

anddif youre single tgeres no reason why you should be paying 3 grand in rent man. get a roommate, move, or go back to your parents home. thats a ludicrous amount of money to be throwing away

>> No.54237726

>17$ per hour, 21$ is the absolute MAXIMUM
Because nu architects build squareslops, even a civil engineer can replace you

>> No.54237736
File: 69 KB, 1024x1024, 1635445618616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CADmonkey jobs all outsourced to Bangalore and Udder Prajesh

fuck off were full

>> No.54237737
File: 78 KB, 718x403, meIRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could always be worse.
>no degree
>decade of experience managing multimillion dollar accounts in auto parts industry
>unemployed 2.5 years after covid-related layoffs
>can't even get an interview at mcdonalds
>waiting for my parents to die so i can neck without making them sad
Hang in there, kitty.

>> No.54237769

It's slightly average for the area, all things considered. It includes trash and sewage (easily 100+). It'd be $2800 but I'm paying $100 extra for the gated parking space because replacing broken windows every month is more expensive.

>> No.54237916

Live with your parents

>> No.54238013
File: 67 KB, 768x960, 1645512932314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electrical engineer here. Electrical engineering jobs start at $50k CAD which is around $35k freedom bucks.
Jobs are shit because companies either run on paper-thin margins or they are bloated corporations with busy-bodies and endless meetings.
Management consists of boomers. They have houses paid off and are happy with $110k they are making. They will not let you get a raise anywhere near that because that's a "manager's or staff engineer's salary".

Took learn2code pill. Never been happier, WFH around 3-5 a day and go to the gym in the afternoon.

Switch to software or webdev. You will rarely use math, but HR and management think that software engineering kind of requires it. Makes it much easier to land a job coming from STEM compared to bootcamp grads. Kinda wish I started earlier, but I am getting ahead by taking cloud certs like they are going out of style.

People complain about being overworked in startups but it is nowhere close to what you get working in conventional engineering firms (electrical/civil/mech/petrochem).

>> No.54238783

They have no fucking clue what it involves and it doesn't take you traveling or on call and they think you make the big bucks. That's why it's attractive.

>> No.54240091

Women see Friends and think architects are making one bedroom apartment for one money. Even back in the 90's if Ross was realistic he would be as paid as well or even less than a barista

>> No.54240368

degree gets invalidated by HR if you are not using it for more than a year
(might be different where you live but here its an issue)

>> No.54240492

To be fair, we should all love Saabs. Fantastic cars.

>> No.54240563

This answer makes no sense, the question is about architecture, and yet it does make sense.