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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54234967 No.54234967 [Reply] [Original]

It does get better. BTC has been an infinitely comfier hold. This isn't a showboat thread, just to fling shit back in the faces of people who told me I made a huge mistake.

Holding LINK is proving to be a fool's errand. I saw Chainlinkgod and friends trying to calm down the "community" because of all the fud. I also see the hype died down real quick with ISO20022 and CCIP. As predicted, they will continue telling people that things are coming and that it's fud to question that


>> No.54235004

Yup, LINK failed.
I've still got my stack but completely gave up on it and I'm buying other crypto, anyone still buying LINK now is a complete retard.

>> No.54235064

Good luck anon. I am out for good. Sergey burned everyone by kicking the can down the road with CCIP not releasing and now putting out this Functions shit. A distracted, remote team with no shared space or focus.

>> No.54235092

The fucking paid shill posts that started appearing in the last couple weeks pushed me over the edge.

There's no finished product, there's no partnerships, there's no institutional interest, it was all pie in the sky bullshit with the team constantly stringing everyone along.
There's nothing there and now the community is gone as well, they've fucked it up royally.

>> No.54235093

Can someone explain to me what is happening with ccip? Did the fatfuck just gave up and went to some new shit?

>> No.54235125

They're hoping everyone will forget about it once they realized out that nobody actually cares about it.
Hence the pivot to more fucking tacked on shit and shilling by the twitter faggots here.

They have no fucking product and are just pivoting to whatever is trending currently to string bagholders along.
They still haven't delivered fucking real staking for fuck's sake, 6 years later.

>> No.54235128

Indeed my fellow OG ICO Chainlinkers, I also am fearful, uncertain and doubtful of my investment and I will be shortly heading to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange to market sell all of my Chainlink (ticker: LINK) there because I've made such a bad investment and I urge every other OG ICO Chainlink (ticker: LINK) investor to do the same because I, an anonymous poster, care deeply about your financial well-being.

We've held for so long, but in all honesty it's time to stop the cope and just market sell our Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens immediately. I'm just so tired. You tired too? Let's sell together

>> No.54235141

just buy an ad guys, just make a big banner that says chainlink bad

>> No.54235149

Fuck off back to twitter chainshit cocksucker.

>> No.54235180

Someone from AAVE tweeted in early 2022 that it was about to release. This was after Sergey's video. Nothing about it since then. Just a bunch of blogs and tweets

Once I saw CLG, run the juels and oracle doing damage control, I figured sentiment would be bad here. It's bad when they're doing damage control and asking why people are "fudding". Would people be fudding if the price was even $25?

I regret so much, especially not selling a few years ago back when ETH was $180. BNB was single digits. My hope is Sergey finds himself in a SBF situation soon, he's burned too many people

>> No.54235189

23k links? Wheres the proof? In that warosu thread there is only a screenshot of 2k links being sold at 7.6

>> No.54235209

jesus christ can you guys just buy an ad

>> No.54235222

>early LUNA

So many fucking coins consistently shilled on /biz/ before they pumped, all of them performed magnitudes better than chainlink.
The 2021 run was Chainlink's chance. Instead Sergay fucked us all by killing any buying pressure and completely ruined the project.
Enjoy your fucking hiding strategy you fat faggot, can't hide when you're the laughingstock of the entire crypto world.
Imagine fucking up so badly that /biz/, which was an unironic link board for years turns against you and starts calling you out on your buillshit.

>> No.54235248

look at this top buying post 2020 newfag phoneposter crying lmao

also checked

>> No.54235259

Funny thing is there are still many new projects with high potential eg grail, dopey etc. sergay will continue to strings his bagholder along

>> No.54235261

Been unloading slowly since Smart Con 2022. I met a couple anons at the Ice Cream Museum afterparty and we talked about the lack of fireworks during the SWIFT talk. Everything seems like a replay of 2020 and 2021, they invite these big companies to speak and nothing material comes from it.

Remember when Baseline said they were going to start using Chainlink to track Coke bottling? Or Felten using Fair Sequencing in Arbitrum? Remember Fernando Ribeiro and Ian Keane? Or when ISDA and BIS would be announcing a partnership? Or Fidelity being invited to Smart Con? Remember Thomas Gonser being hired from Docusign? Remember Sergey having Facebook slides on his Mac?

I'm more angry at myself for believing this elaborate scheme than for browsing /biz/ all these years

>> No.54235268

>likes cocks
lol I know where you belong, just buy an ad and tell the world how much you don’t like chainlink

>> No.54235281

Checked. Selling 3 years ago for any of these would have me in a beach villa right now. Hoping that BTC has another giga run in it

>> No.54235284

Why do so many fudders know what chainlinkgod is up to lmao literally all you have to do is not use Twitter and you literally never come across him.
I wouldn’t even know he existed if it wasn’t for fudfags on /biz/ whining about him constantly.
If you have a gripe with Twitter faggots, that you keep choosing to pay attention to, why don’t you go and discuss it on Twitter?

>> No.54235287

Your opportunity cost would have been massive regardless of when you bought.
You're also never gonna see $1000. Or $100. Or even $50 again.
You fucking blew it holding the worst token of the bullrun.

Die chainigger, back to twitter.

>> No.54235306

>0.02 rupee has been deposited into your account
lol try harder, just tell your boss to buy an ad so we don’t have to read your blog kiddo

>> No.54235315

If you bought BTC after selling you should be up big. Congrats on being one of the first intelligent people from that cult. I swear you’re going to see a documentary one day, the fattie who ate his followers

>> No.54235368

I am up, just DCA into ETH now. If I did this 3 years ago I would be much happier.

>> No.54235464


I'm literally just not selling. I've already made up my mind its either goes to zero or they capture value and it trends upwards for decades being the standard premiere decentralized oracle network for Web 3.

No one actually said that CCIP was going to launch. Today was just the day that SWIFT is going live with their test phase for CBDCs

FUD niggers just make random shit up constantly and then try to demoralize when the date they made up doesn't come to fruition.

Honestly almost everyone but OGs has already sold there is no more water to wring out of the towel.

Of course /biz/ OGs are the only ones they care about getting to sell since they have more than the rest of retail put together kek

As far as mine go, you can just remove them from the total supply. Off the market

>> No.54235505

Once I saw the staking metrics, I noped the fuck out. So lock my tokens up for 4.75% when inflation is 7%, not sure when unlock is, and the price has dropped below where it launched. BTC, otoh, has gained 40% since staking launched.

So basic math says, it would take years and years just to breakeven with what BTC has done in 3-4 months since staking launched. I'd like an intelligent anon to explain to me why they would prefer LINK in that instance

>> No.54235521
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This anon gets it, only token needed.

>> No.54235535

all fud aside avax looks like the most promising as far as utility.

>> No.54235569
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It is so over link chuds

>> No.54235593

>why don’t you go and discuss it on Twitter?

Because /biz/ investors own the overwhelming majority of LINK compared to other retail and the homosexuals that are paid to make these threads are told to focus their efforts accordingly. 80% of the results come from 20% of the efforts. So they focus /biz/ instead of reddit, twitter, and other crypto forums because we hold the most.

The object is to make OG's sell and keep new potential buyers from finding and becoming accumulators. Institutions and other whales have been accumulating in the $5-9 range (ironically around a $6.66 average) for months now and don't want to compete with anyone else.

>> No.54235619

Back to twitter to damage control chainshit shill.

>> No.54235622

>Once I saw the staking metrics, I noped the fuck out. So lock my tokens up for 4.75% when inflation is 7%, not sure when unlock is, and the price has dropped below where it launched. BTC, otoh, has gained 40% since staking launched.

I didn't stake. I'm just not selling and am accumulating. This iteration was mediocre at best.

Once V1.0 comes out, there is no cap, and the nodes are actual collateralized by LINK then the real tokenomics will be unleashed. You need to know when the stake ends and can't have it up in the air.

>> No.54235638

>So basic math says, it would take years and years just to breakeven with what BTC has done in 3-4 months since staking launched. I'd like an intelligent anon to explain to me why they would prefer LINK in that instance

Because no one can tell the future and how LINK will perform compared to BTC at any specific time frame?

Now if we were to compare LINK to BTC over the next 5 years obviously I believe LINK will drastically out perform it from now until then

>> No.54235670

Bro. I got liquidated on my link long

>> No.54235677

low quality response pajeet. hopefully you aren’t being paid lol

>> No.54235856

here comes the loq iq link twitter niggers to show everyone how much they love eating nastyslob's shit

LOL kill yourselves lmao

>> No.54235910

I’ve always been skeptical of this explanation because if anything the fud makes chainlink more interesting rather than less.
Chainlink holders basically just talk amongst themselves when news comes out, barely anyone on /biz/ is out there actively trying to bring new buyers in, and the constant fud keeps LINK front and centre on /biz/ in a way that the shills dont at all.
If the fudders just blinked out of existence tomorrow you’d see an 80% drop in link discussion of any kind. It would just be another esoteric project with a small group of deluded fanboys.

>> No.54235916


Why would I use Twitter? Its for niggers, kike, trannies, and faggots which honestly does beg the question why are you here and not there anyway?

>> No.54235927

fuck off back to twitter and kill yourself, linknigger loser lmao

>> No.54235981


Did you really just post "No you"? The paid FUD is from legit sub 85 IQ mongoloids that are incapable of having an original thought.

>> No.54235999

it's hilarious to know that your genetic lines ends with you, chainnigger incel KEK

>> No.54236001

Buy an ad chainshit faggot
enjoy Sergay's steamy load on your chesty fag

>> No.54236021

digits don't lie
that twitter linknigger is a 45 year old broke, childless incel that eats sirgay's shit straight out of his ass LMAO

>> No.54236061
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What a time to be alive. Were at the point when saying you sold your chainlink is literally a flex on /biz/.
Imagine telling all those 2017 newfag link marines that in 2023 people would be bragging about selling their link meanwhile every bagholder is objectively seen as a massive loser to everyone else. Lmaooooooo what a crazy timeline.
Based chad OP you won, linkfags just take L after L

>> No.54236086


Repetition of demoralization is the one of the best known ways to elicit emotion in a specific target.

Eliciting negative emotion like fear or doubt is the by and far the best way to get someone to make a decision not based on rationality.

Any OG since 2017-2018 understands the scope of what the Chainlink team is trying to do and the potential value if they succeed.

Short term price action coupled with repetitive demoralization is the only way to temporarily supersede their rational understanding with emotion.

The same goes on the other end though with exuberance. Euphoria when the price is high is reinforced with don't sell it can go even higher so profits aren't taken when they should be while fear and doubt is used when price is low so they sell or don't buy when they should.

In either instance whales are trying to garner exit liquidity or accumulate and want to do so without others competing.

>> No.54236097


There is no instance why one would prefer it. holding it like I'm stuck on a narrow path. How long should I hold it? I'm fucking deluded by those fag hyping the shit out here.

I fucking have mine staked, and I'm regretting the move. I should have sold and converted to other alts; that's prolific.


Instead of rooting for Avax, I prefer to deal with projects like Magic Yearn, Ofero Network, and also EOS, following their $20 million commitment to the development of their ecosystem after EVM launch. So shut the fuck.

>> No.54236098

chainlink is a 20 years long term hold, ok? Just u wait for cci.... i mean chainlink functions

>> No.54236105

didn't read; only shorting
keep coping, reddit spacing linknigger
now fuck off back to twitter and kill yourself =)

>> No.54236112

>6 years of underperforming and dumping
>short time price action

Go eat some more of Sirgay's shit you pathetic link faggot.

>> No.54236113

i don't quite understand your reasoning for not staking a singular coin, it sort of makes you seem like a complete retard after being involved in link for so long. thanks for putting what you had to say out here though, for your much appreciated opinions on what to do with my finances. post another thread in a few years and we can catch up!

>> No.54236142


Bro I'm 32 and 9% BF my life is fucking amazing as a result. Being in shape is probably the single most ridiculous cheat code in life.

The Halo Effect is real. People always think you are telling the truth, more willing to listen to your opinion, think you are more moral, more intelligent than other people simply because you are attractive.

>> No.54236165


My guy it went from an ICO of $0.09 to $54

>> No.54236172

nope, still not reading
kill yourself twitter linknigger, do it =^)

>> No.54236182

That's pathetic returns for crypto.
It also shat the bed during the 2021 bullrun.

Just kill yourself already chainshitter.

>> No.54236194

>and I'm regretting the move

Yeah but no point mulling over it since you did and you can't do anything

I should have sold and converted to other alts

Maybe but just as likely you fucked up and they went to zero kek

>> No.54236209

kill yourself, retarded linknigger faggot =)

>> No.54236211


Yes a 500x plus is terrible. Most go straight to fucking zero what are you going on about?

>> No.54236229

>Just kill yourself already chainshitter.
why are you like this?

>> No.54236248
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back to twitter and buy an ad already you fucking parasite
go eat some more of sirgay's shit

>> No.54236261

we all know you're both too broke to buy an ad, so fuck off back to twitter and kill yourselves =)

>> No.54236265


They are paid my guy. Insults and attacks are the norm since they don't have anything of substance to use

They want the thread to devolve into nothing and ensure no real discussion takes place.

Its why I don't respond to the obvious insults because they'd prefer the entire thread be that

>> No.54236282

literal bullshit, it must hurt to have to cope. Who needs to fud something that isn't even keeping up with pre-staking price when BTC is up $12k a coin?

>> No.54236295

What would u like to discuss? Sergay inability to deliver, or the part where he made up lies to string his investors?

>> No.54236300

look at this massive cope from this broke linknigger
jesus christ this is hilarious

>> No.54236330

Where is it now? X35 if you bought day one and never averaged up.
-50% due to usd inflation between 2017-now
-40% your share of the supply due to sergeys dumps

6 long years lmao

>> No.54236359

What another totally organic thread by real people with honest intentions where the main topic is Chainlink. Certainly faggot ass shills wouldn’t FUD their own coin to market it during a bear market

>> No.54236363

Of course it's a replay of previous years, don't people realize that PoC projects take years to complete and usually end up with the company who ran it not implementing the product? Its cool to see Oracle, SWIFT etc showing interest in Chainlink but any testnet that a legacy company runs takes YEARS, locks up a ton of your dev team and usually doesn't pay even seven figures to the partner start up (probably why Chainlink still has to rely on token dumps to keep the lights on).

Chainlink isn't a scam but even Sergey himself has admitted that without other projects solving issues like on chain identity their project won't go anywhere in terms of further growth. They spent a lot of WP 2.0 talking about identity as integral to their entire product but no one paid any attention to it because they were too busy jerking off about CCIP. Most of the shill retards on twitter don't understand this at all which is why they're broken records when it comes to explaining why Chainlink is such a shit asset to hold at the moment (DECO is not identity btw, it's just a super encrypted credential sharing mechanism). Identity in particular is pretty hard to do properly because of regulations so it's not gonna be something Chainlink can do itself, until that happens stinkers are just going to have to baghold.

>> No.54236368
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no (you)

>> No.54236371

Seriously anyone normal can see this shit as clear as day. They are deranged. Normal people don't act this way.

Most people just filter the catalog or avoid threads about topics they don't like or assets they aren't invested in.

They are incentivized to be here. Look how much they seethe when I mention how to get around them.

It gets to the point to where if you ignore them completely they just spam entire paragraphs about 5G or just the word "NIGGER" in order to disrupt conversation

Again they really aren't sending their best. If you ignore them their only option left is spam which is counter productive because while it does disrupt conversation flow it 100% outs that they are paid to be here.

>> No.54236395
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Seems to be about a team of 5 or 6. But anyways, its hilarious watching them scramble from thread to thread.

>> No.54236422

Have you ever considered you spent literally YEARS shitting up the board with “link solves this” and other stupid ass shitposts about your coin and that it has had real consequences for the perception of people who browse here

>> No.54236446
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Your point being?

>> No.54236449
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>> No.54236464
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Hope your having a good day anon.

>> No.54236501

look at how fucking retarded these twitter linkniggers are
this board thought the original chainshitters were just late losers but these newfag, esl twitter shills are something else entirely

>> No.54236526
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Be careful friend, i have magical powers.

>> No.54236534
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Same and I always am

>> No.54236567

>linknigger twitter fags need to resort back to their gay 2015 /pol/ cartoons like a binkie and blanky

LOL kill yourselves =)

>> No.54236579

His point being that it refutes your gay post. I’ve held link for 5 FUCKING YEARS and don’t even have a 2x on my 4$ avg. Let me guess you bought the ICO and don’t care you got surpassed by every Reddit coin while serg keeps working with scammers and prostitutes while delivering almost nothing he’s promised. Plenty of anons are sick of the linky hubris and false hope.
>team of 5 or 6

>> No.54236581

The opportunity cost the past 3 years is bigger than that return. How many days was LINK over $50 btw?

If I sold in 2020, life would be much different. Fuck Sergey for life

>> No.54236586

lol pajeets spend their entire day fudding chainlink

>> No.54236600

a successful technology standard and a household name

5G is fucking based and everything that shitty wannabee middleware chainlink is not.

People curse 5G daily for ruining their lives but only a small dying minority even know chainlink exists.

You fags better pump those numbers if you want to achieve the holy grail of NASA tier psyop
Classic example of fudfags scrambling to cash their paychecks while the Blue Helmets move in to rape murder and pillage

Buy a fucking ad bro srs

>> No.54236645
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c'est la vie

>> No.54236667
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It's never going to zero. The dev can't shit on us like they did way back. Nevertheless, I have others to augment my profit if this one fails to perform. Delusions are inconsequential because they are never going to zero.

I still believe in other alts, which is why diversification is key in the crypto industry.

>> No.54236681
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>> No.54236688

>hello yes operator id like to phone into the chainlink thread
>can you please tell everyone that token bad
>thank you many moons, please charge my calling card many rupees

>> No.54236697

I believe BTC has been co-opted by the chinks. You know those chinks fake the numbers on consumption. They mine and support BTC because it goes along with their agenda simple as. Mining pools might be decentralized but nothing really mattresses because energy consumption targets can be met through BTC

This entire industry is a fucking scam going to zero when the Blue Helmets turn off the energy grids you better have a tight ass to sell those transexuals with guns homo

>> No.54236719

checked. great idea for an ad anon

>> No.54236723

OP is based and you're a seething loser kek
rage more for me paypiggie LOL

>> No.54236747
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Can OP tell me the exact time this year he sold. I may want to open a salt mine later this year.

>> No.54236763

hodl marines, this is a 7 year long term next eth

>> No.54236768

that idea already backfired on you considering you're the salty one
now fuck off back to twitter, chainnigger loser

>> No.54236795

I have a 10k stack with 7k staked. I am debating selling the 3k I have remaining and just going forward with the 7k staked.

There has been a constant trickle of "two more weeks" ever since I bought LINK. There's always the next shiny thing to wait for and then it drops and its nothing.

Remember Arbitrum will pump the price of LINK? And now CCP and ISO20022? Both false promises and I'm sure another one is coming. "Don't sell bro just wait for <next shiny thing that turns out to be bullshit>. Nah I'm done.

>> No.54236804
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Thats a spicy meatball

>> No.54236820

t.salty linknigger

>> No.54236830

lol pajeets skill keep posting to fud LINK

>> No.54236843
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Say it ain't so.

>> No.54236848

This is why we need flags in /biz/

>> No.54236851

Dang i hope he waited and bought a lil more sub $10

>> No.54236860

I kind of wish it was whitey holding link, so I can make fun of them

>> No.54236876

I'd just go bitcoin, i remember for each of the last two runs bitcoin pumps and then alts pump days after

>> No.54236884

Fuck. He was the real smart one

>> No.54236888

Good Job OP. You know you made the right call considering that all these esl chainshit shills wanted you to stay poor with them. Also, grats on the impotent chainshitter rage your post has induced, chianlink really is the high estrogen token.

>> No.54236905

I hate LINK so much. I want to get rid of it so badly. I just can't. Every time I try to sell I have a nightmarish vision that Sergey somehow delivers on 1% of his promises and it moons.

You have no idea how jealous I am.

>> No.54236919

lol pajeets skill keep bumping a fud thread

>> No.54236935

No one has ever provided proof these “institutional players” who are accumulating. Should be very easy to show on chain. Why would any institution accumulate Chainlink except for Grayscale? And they don’t use it.

>> No.54236943

check my digits >>54236888 and cry more, chainnigger loser KEK

>> No.54236951


>> No.54236954

I have proof but im not showing.

>> No.54236988

Chainlink asked one of my friends in 2022 who works on the institutional sales team to either move to the defi segment (aka literal who node providers) or get let go because they were shutting down their b2b enterprise segment due to lack of demand. It was clear to me that the bear market decimated their plans.

>> No.54236991

>goes to 1 million
>goes to zero

These are self evident truths

>> No.54237009

everest is a scam lol

no wonder why there’s so many pajeets here

>> No.54237014

Ok, well enjoy your bags

>> No.54237028

I will, thanks.

>> No.54237076
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there are no legitimate institutions accumulating link. I can guarantee you. I worked with the top legitimate ones.

>> No.54237079

OP won, ESL chaincucks like you continue to lose
here's another bump, now rage more for me, loser

>> No.54237081

thanks rakeesh lol

>> No.54237121

>2020: Arbitrum's token is link
>2023: Arbitrum launches ARB governance token

I followed LINK since the 2017 ICO. Any ogs will know about CLC group. Squirrel and Oatmeal anon. Teemo Hastings. Radio silence from the 2017 telegram (Bignutz and Tyler Durden moderators). I went through all the phases up until 2021 when I sold.

Link is a dead project.

>> No.54237125

Yeah. Said in the other thread but repeated here: Encourage you and all anons to re-read this thread: https://archived.moe/biz/thread/21557620/#21557620

>> No.54237149
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He wasn't 100% right. Stocks would continue to rally as well, but his plan to buy up cheap traditional assets was executed fucking perfectly.

>> No.54237188
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>My guy it went from an ICO of $0.09 to $54
But it didn't stay at $54, did it?
In fact, it dropped from there. Let's check the current price. Seems to be a lot lower to $54 to me.

>> No.54237194

>know about CLC group
i remember dave and that pajeet midhav starting apu2 and thinking they were stupid for not sticking with chainlink, turns out they made the right call and as for timo, he's always been a massive faggot and is always wrong, great countertrade signals

>> No.54237396

huh no I didn't turn against anyone, I still unironically like LINK and Sergey

>> No.54237444

ok so if someone sells their LINK

why are they still posting about it all the time? shouldn't they go do something else?

>> No.54237455

Your thread is gay, but anyways looking at link/usd its coming to a head soon, 2 year downtrend and 3 year support at 5.50ish intersect in June, expect breakout or capitulation at that time (not even shilling capitulation is just as likely, at that point you'll likely see $3 link).

>> No.54237516

link/btc has similar structure with one false breakout to upside in nov/dec last year, also looking to end around June, if it breaks down look for 15k sats next bottom.

>> No.54237628

>why are they still posting about it all the time? shouldn't they go do something else?
checked they should just buy a fucking ad holy fuck

>> No.54237663

bro you sold and it's still living in your head rent free
move on

>> No.54237672

and they indeed fired their entire institutional sales team it’s in an article

Link would be $15 minimum if any of them bought

>> No.54237686

OP is living rent free in your vaccant head
post more salt, linknigger cuck

>> No.54237695
File: 409 KB, 635x470, B-TWbYYIgAASDs7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sensing some butthurt here

>> No.54237710


>> No.54237711

>more chainnigger salt
yes, just like that KEK

>> No.54237720

thanks for the free bump, linknigger cuck
waiting for another one from you while you seethe about OP outperforming you lmao

>> No.54237777

I'm either going down with the ship or making it from link. No inbetweens. I buy everytime it drops close to $6. I know the crypto cycle and know it takes balls to stick to your plan when the sentiment gets this bad. The ride down is slow and painful as fuck and it feels like buying is throwing money in the bin. The ride up is quick and euthoric but feels like it will last forever. Our time will return linkies.

>> No.54237794

This guy is still here, he lost like $800k longing the top of the ETH merge rallly last year.

>> No.54237857

checked srs bro just buy an ad

>> No.54237896

Checked and based quad 7’s
As I said looking at the chart its probably going to break hard either to the upside or downside by June, possibly sooner. Will be really fucking bleak if down, but if up, could be interesting.

>> No.54237903

how about you spend your wagie paycheck on ad

>> No.54237912

>it could go up or down
lmao lol even source?

>> No.54237999

I sold too my link and linkpool stack in december.
My life has been much comfier.
I genuinely feel sad for the delusioned linkies. They will defend it with their lives to the end. Just like that sceen in the matrix where neo walks with morpheus and looks at the women with the red dress. Thats fucking chainlink and every chainlink holder has turned into agent smith.

>> No.54238016

lol pajeet stop trying

>> No.54238028

yes, keep this thread bumped
salty linknigger LOL

>> No.54238030
File: 1.03 MB, 1439x798, bizguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful quads.
imagine trying to explain how divine numerology held you become a hundred millionaire

>> No.54238045

>/biz/, which was an unironic link board for years turns against you
All you faggots can stop speaking on my behalf, pls and thank you, you faggots.

>> No.54238054

Buy an ad chainshit shill.

>> No.54238055

Just pointing out a likely date for the price to finally move out of the $5-9 range. May/June. Yeah I know
>2 more months

>> No.54238062

I love PAJEET fud lol

>> No.54238067

gee thats an organic one

>> No.54238126

buy an ad, broke losers

>> No.54238163

I'm an OG buyer @$0.17. How does licking Sergeys asshole taste like?

>> No.54238231

lol okay rakeesh

>> No.54238251

linksters coming to the realization that it's a failed to launch semi functional piece of trash that no longer has any fomo narratives and that it's off to the graveyard like all "finished products"

>> No.54238263

Desperate posting lol

>> No.54238279

>14 cope posts
yikies dude I'd say wait until the nchain lawsuit but the chain won't exist in 5 years.

>> No.54238296

K thanks street shitter lol

>> No.54238302


>> No.54238320

16? Lol.

>> No.54238327

Oh my lololol

>> No.54238387

I am never ever selling. It's all or nothing. I've spent 15 hours a day on this board for 7 years now and I can never be fudded out of my bags kek.