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54233550 No.54233550 [Reply] [Original]

Someone explain to me how a person can unironically be a NEET

How exactly are they not homeless? How do they make money? How do they live with themselves? Are they not constantly afraid?

>> No.54233629
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Basically some combination of living with parents and getting NEETbuxx.
It's not any more precarious a position than depending on waging for your rent or mortgage income.

>> No.54233643

>It's not any more precarious a position than depending on waging for your rent or mortgage income.

>> No.54233673

because the government gives me $1,050 a month just for existing

>> No.54233685

What's NEETbuxx?
The government gives people money for not working? Really

>> No.54233731

Just inherit some money and live in a cheap place. Simple, anyone can do it

>> No.54233758

invest unemployment checks into dividend stocks
literal infinite money glitch
and the libs dont want it patched

>> No.54233769

If you live in The West™ they do, it's pretty wild.

>> No.54233783

>The government gives people money for not working? Really
The government gives other people your money to not work.

>> No.54233788

how much do they get a month thats crazy

>> No.54233812

And that inflation makes my crypto go up.

>> No.54233843

I'm UK and get NEETbux for mental elf. I get my rent paid on a 2 bed flat (I have to make it up by £80 because of the extra bedroom I use as an office/hobby space/ workshop) then collect £1320pm which is paid into my bank account, I don't have to pay council tax saving me over £1000 a year and I get £140 every winter to help with my fuel costs. Last lear and this year I got and extra £1600 towards the cost of living (inflation) and another £50 towards winter heating costs. I've got 5 figures in crypto, 4 figures in PMs and about 5 figures in Antiques and collectibles, all paid for out of these benefits over the last 6 years after I was divorce raped and left with nothing.
I'm perfectly capable of working, I just choose not to after being shown what working for 25 years is worth once a woman gets bored of you. Fuck this fake and gay world, I'm stacking free money and enjoying my hobbies.
Obviously being the UK I have 0 healthcare costs.

>> No.54233868

>after I was divorce raped and left with nothing.
At least you had a life before

>> No.54233900

>working for 25 years
Wait are you like 50? Bro you're not a NEET relying on NEETbux, you're a retired man relying on a pension

>> No.54233977

I'm nearly 50 yes, can't get pension until 68 I think.Pension is a LOT less than NEETbux.

>> No.54234040

Still, you should see it as a retirement rather than NEETdom at that point. Better mental image

>> No.54234045

Kinda based. Whats ur mental disability?

>> No.54234073

my ex bf lives off of disability checks and food stamps. never worked a day in his life

>> No.54234075


>> No.54234082

Every year I get drunk and take a handful of Pregabalin then go to hospital and vomit them back up. They've diagnosed me with depression and anxiety and I act out personality disorder symptoms for them. They can't refuse me the money but I'm perfectly fine.

>> No.54234139

I get neetbux for having OCD that prevents me from having a job or going to school. Being diagnosed at a young age(12) basically guaranteed me free money right after graduating highschool. I've been improving my OCD through exposure therapy but I pretend to still have it lmao

>> No.54234187

To get enough NEETbux to live off you have to get diagnosed with something serious usually, I’m assuming it’s easier in European countries, in America it’s actually pretty fucking hard to get on disability.

>> No.54234237
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I feign insanity/antisocial personality disorder, so I get 1,2k a month in welfare. My costs are very low, about 500 dollar/month. And I have a 450k inheritance. There's no incentive for me to work in this nightmarish hellscape. I have plenty of stuff to do that is more important than being some workoid: Working on a youtube project, listening to 80s music, and learning more about TA so I can do some trading.


>> No.54235791

What's your YT project?

Also anyone have any tips about getting on welfare while hiding crypto wealth? Like if I report zero income will that work?

>> No.54236026
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First you get diagnosed with a bullshit condition, like autism, that "prevents" you from working full time. Many doctors specialize in this, in free clinics across the US. Its free Medicare dollars for them after all. You get SSI - thats $900/mo. Then you get onto a section 8 housing queue, which in some areas can take years, but then you only pay about $50/mo (sometimes all bills paid btw) for a house or apartment. Often you will be at the front of the line if you are "disabled". Then you get food stamps - about $120/mo for an individual. But you don't actually use them, you sell them for half of their value to pay your rent and just go to food banks which literally can not hand out enough food; most of it rots away.

Anyway you got food, $900/mo and hopefully an apartment (or at least a room with some roommates from that $900). Now you go work a bullshit McJob for literally two days out of the year then quit. Congrats, you now qualify for the earned income tax credit - an extra $2000/yr payout every year (up to $6000/yr max). Want some extra cash? Go back to that doctor that gave you "autism" and tell them you have trouble focusing on day to day tasks. Now you have "ADHD", which means you can go to the local drug store and buy speed for pennies through Medicare. Sell them to your roommates/friends in section 8 for another $500/mo to buy a gaming computer and pay your internet. Which just so happens to also be subsided by the state - up to $50/mo is paid, plus you even get a free smart phone.

So now you have food, a home, a monthly income, enough cash for a shitty used car each year, free magical productivity drugs, a computer, and a cell phone - you are now wealthier than 99% of EVERYONE that has ever possibly existed on Earth. And remember, these are JUST federal programs. I'm not even counting the numerous state ones you can game as well. The world is your NEET oyster frens.

>> No.54236154

Dear god you are a menace

>> No.54236203
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dear god.

>> No.54236269
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>ion and anxiety and I act out personality disorder symptoms for them.
Thank you for giving insight anons. I legit have these, but I keep it bottled up and tell no one. It's heavily stigmatized where I am. So I just suffer, I power through, larping as normal but... can't be a normie. And it's stopping me from making career progress.

>> No.54236315

Taxes? Also, your income levels will get high enough to disqualify your neetbux but not high enough to cover your expenses. It's why niggresses don't work too much and still pop out kids.

>> No.54236356

Holy fucking based. Wow, anon. You did it. You broke the game. Just be careful with the dosages...even if you vomit some of that shit is still gonna be in your system.

>> No.54236847

Only sell when you need them. Preferably a year out to avoid STCG tax.

>> No.54238052

They have parents that enable their lifestyle

>> No.54239651
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Almost every muslim or nigger does not have a job and get like between $1k-2k per month.

>> No.54239673



>> No.54239699

and as soon as your parents die and wont be able to pay your rent, you'll be homeless.

>> No.54239749

and as soon as you lose your job and wont be able to pay your rent, you'll be homeless.
One cannot escape this fate. All you have can one day be lost, but this possibility does not invalidate the days you have lived in happiness. it only casts shade on these in which you did not. Fear is a mind killer, Anon.

>> No.54239760

we need another hitler.

>> No.54239794

No it fucking isn't lmfao
>my depression makes it hard to hold a job
Repeat this line to a therapist and a lawyer and boom welcome to neetville

>> No.54239837

Youre too retarded to be convinced otherwise. As if poor whites don't leech off bennies either you /pol/ sycophant

>> No.54239941

wagesisters... how do we cope with this one?

>> No.54240501

You should take pride in your work. Remember, cleaning toilets for minimum wage makes you an essential worker. You’re practically a hero.

>> No.54240618

i have a friend from high school who is a 33 year old NEET. he realized NEETdom by means of schizophrenia. it took 3-4 years of medical records (pills, electroconvulsive treatments, therapy, voluntary commitment to psych wards, etc.) to build a case with a case worker, at which point his lawyer plead a case before a disability judge. he now collects a whopping $1200/month from SSI disability and another few hundred bucks a month in food stamps. in exchange his mother has (as a condition of his disability) control over his bank accounts, and he's capped at a few thousand bucks in assets or he's kicked off the program.

>> No.54240626

wew lad

you call this living?

>> No.54240627
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Neet here, it's called buying bitcoin

>> No.54240666

Top kek this faggot is 100% correct. To be fair section 8 que is a meme unless you're a single mom

>> No.54240765

Thats some retarded logic. Due to my work i aquired skill that are worth quite a bit to any employer in my employment sector. If i lose my job, i'll be able to get another one.
Also, due to me working, i have a constant income and therefore a constant stream of cash i can convert into assets that I'll be able to use incase the worst happens. You with your small amount of neetbucks wont be able to afford a living in case a crisis hits

>> No.54240770

>work 40+h / week
>gubmint takes 70%+ and gives it to subhumans
>chill at home
>gov pays rent, however much it may be
>gov pays for heating, water, electricity, phone, interwebs, health insurance etc.
>gov. pays for your appliances if you have a 'need' (inc. gaming pc and tv)
>get food stamps, access to food banks etc.
>monthly allowance of 850+€, going up with inflation
hard choice tbqh

>> No.54240908

lol, you reatar. Max income taxrate within europe is 55,9 (France and Austria). in general its more like 45% (still much) but if you aren't a retarded neet, you know of ways to keep it below that

>> No.54241165

>taxrate within europe is 55 (France and Austria). in general its more like 45%

+19% VAT, +mandatory welfare shit, +special taxes on top for a lot of stuff, +various 'service fees' that welfare recipients don't have to pay

And at the end most normies get a pension that is less than welfare, so they have to apply anyway

>> No.54241193

>this retarded normiewagie subhuman thinks he'll "have a job" if a crisis hit

kek nigger

>> No.54241202
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As soon as my parents die I inherit their paid-off house, nice try though wage-shill.

>> No.54241204

Fucking based madman

>> No.54241286

absolute lol, in a crisis like a depression (you know the one that is about to happen)
the safest thing to have is gov bennies and secured housing
your precious job and skills that you think gives you security are rugpulled harder than a jeet coin, because you now have the conditions of many employers laying off the same class of wagies all at once while at the same time the new hires arent happening
and then as the real cherry on top of the cake in a few years when the business cycle kicks up again you have a gap or very shitty employment on your resume and are thus insta filtered by hr while every year there is a new and way too large batch of new graduates coming in willing to work for less

this whole cycle repeats and repeats as a preconceived way to depress wage negotiating powers for the wagies, you sound like someone who didnt live through 2008

as for me i live in a country with defacto ubi, that doesnt count assets only income
so i am chilling in gov housing with enough bennies to live the same lifestyle as a medium tier wagie cause no mortgage while i have a high 6 figure crypto stack
and come 2025 i will piss off to a no tax country first on 'vacancy' as this is allowed and then as resident to cash out tax free
but do keep on waging i need some to clean up on aisle 4

>> No.54241326

Gigabased, how can wagecels even cope at this point.

>> No.54241374
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I am 31 years old, have lived with my parents for almost a year and have not worked in about 2. I enjoy some of the aspects of neetdom but a lot of it is kind of soul crushing as well. work is equally if not more soul crushing, but at least you have money.

>> No.54241413

Someone do a UK version. Probably the same in principal but different methods.

>> No.54241416

it's the slave mindset of people who have never experienced freedom. I was the same until rona, then I quit and never looked back, never been happier

>> No.54241549

The secret to neetbux is that even if you live with someone, as long as they do not claim you on their taxes, or are married, they are not part of your household, which significantly lowers your income and let's you qualify easier. So you could imagine if you have 2 or 3 welfare kings and queens living together it would actually be pretty easy to afford an apartment without working. Same thing with EBT.

>> No.54241596

some people are simply not made to enjoy freedom they need to be told what to do to be happy, its best not to disturb them and let them do what they think makes them happy after all we need someone to produce the goods we freely consume

it was same for me with the rona i unexpectedly got freedom enjoyed it and never looked back
i dont get anyone that says they dont know what to do with their time or how neetdom is somehow depressing
when i go and be out during working hours the only other people i meet are happily retired boomers or other very happy neets unhindered by a slave master

>> No.54241733

I lived on neetbux and got like 1k a month, they found an apartment for me to rent also. I saved a few hundreds each month and bought link and my stack was worth 1 mil at the top, but I lost most of it and didn't cash out so my networth is barely 70k now. Sucks but oh well, never have to work anyway.

>> No.54241751

>Someone explain to me how a person can unironically be a NEET
>How exactly are they not homeless?
live in my parents' house
>How do they make money?
I don't
>How do they live with themselves?
better than most people, judging by most people's deranged and neurotic behavior
>Are they not constantly afraid?
afraid of what?
I mean, this beats being homeless and risking starvation and freezing to death, but in the long run the latter is always a risk for anyone, even for people with jobs and money, you never know when something might happen
ultimately there is no certainty, and everything is always changing, so might as well just flow with it

>> No.54241766

lmao, if that happens I sell the house and travel the world for decades, then settle down in the equatorial tropics
can't wait

>> No.54241850

do you really think the government will stil give you you benefits if they spend all of their money on bailing out bankers? thats some top fucking kek.

In addition, i have enough assets in gold silver and crypto, to get by for the next 3-4 years while you will have to pray to daddy government to pay you. I hope you know that once the government stops paying you your gibs, you'll get kicked out by your landlord within a couple of weeks lmao

Also, are you really retarded enough to think that everyone will lose their jobs out of the blue? you know there are essential areas of employment that will still survive the upcoming depression. Are you really that much of a wellfare nigger that you believe that unemployment will hit 100% incase of a crisis?

I can see you have never payed a tax dollar in your life, otherwise you'd know how retarded you sound. have fun living your entire life on the internet

>> No.54241961

pure cope
for starters i dont have a landlord i live in government housing i cant be kicked out as clearly mentioned
also yes gibs will be paid to the last because the underclasses will riot unlike the wagies as has been demonstrated time and time again
right now here pension benefits and labor conditions are getting fucked by the government and wagies take it up the ass while the bennies program gets expanded with inflation adjustments
get this through your thick slave skull bennies will be paid until the end of fiat as they are the lower part of what creates your shackles
and did you read my posts i can get by a whole lot longer than 3-4 years, the part that you brag that your accumulated assets will only give you 4 years of living expenses at best is really depressing anon

also very low iq take on the black and white 100% unemployment line
its about risks and probabilities, i was obviously implied in the case of you being amongst the fired nice reddit spacing too you should go back there you'll like it a lot more

>> No.54242050

imagine living in your moms basement 24/7 shitposting on 4chinz all day thinking thats freedom. Thats nigger cattle behaviour.

>> No.54242069

Sad! I couldn’t even read this cause I can’t read

>> No.54242086

he doesnt know how ids work here
you really have to go back

>> No.54242093

yes, imagine being free instead of a slave, sounds awful
what a cope
enjoy the cagie, wagie, almost halfway through the week of slavery now

>> No.54242156

Kek well played

>> No.54242317
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I have some ideas I'm writing down. Currently learning music theory because I need to create some music. Basically, I'm going to do some stupid, retarded videos with some stupid humor and "funny" background music. Either it works or it doesn't. It's worth a shot or 10. Seeing stupid crap like this is inspiring:


>> No.54242646

the government imported 2m+ 'refugees', e.g. males between 18 and 30 who burn down their gov provided housing if their free meal is not to their taste. Now imagine what would happen if they wouldn't pay gibs anymore. lol lmao even. There will be gibs as long as they can print money

>> No.54242696
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my application for SSD was denied even though I'm more disabled than any of you LARPers

>> No.54243603

Most people like to brag, even when anonymous.
Of all the bragging anons, only one offered concrete info.
Several non-bragging anons showed that they couldn't get on disability income or that the deal was too weak or constraining.
Conclusion: NEETism is a meme.

>> No.54243691

I'm waiting on an arthritis diagnosis combined with crohns. I'm done working. Whatcha got?

>> No.54244040

>The glass shard dildo is only....55.9.... percent in

>> No.54244105

Can some1 screenshot or save this post

>> No.54244582

a classic combination. In my country they'd force you to get an office job. No disabilities even if you got an artificial shitter, just tax rebates. The solution would be to just not work and claim jobless gibs, which are unconditional lol
t. got crohns and part of my intestine removed. as soon as I was out of hospital it was back to the office goy, have a 4% tax cut lol I said fuck it since I was claiming unemployment a few months before

>> No.54244884

lol here goes

born with crippled leg, had 2 surgeries, ended up more crippled than before, was bedbound, then wheelchair-bound, then cane / walker, insurance cut my rehab when I could still couldn't even walk 1 block
got permanent nerve damage, blood vessel damage, joint damage, soft tissue damage, got a post-operative infection that could have cost me my entire foot
half my foot/ankle/lower leg is still basically numb, pins and needles, to this day and hurts almost all the time
and familial spinal problems since childhood
diagnosed multiple arthritis by age 20
3 organs malfunctioned, one was removed and now I can never eat normally again and have chronic IBS, food intolerances that I never had before, etc.; other one fucks with my sex hormones, had a surgery for it but that one failed too; and the last one messes with my blood and bone calcium levels and nerve (calcium channel) signalling
there's plenty more minor things, all my joints just grew wrong to put it simply

I'd suggest trying a low-protein vegetarian diet for the Crohn's
I had a friend who could manage his Crohn's if he strictly avoided all dairy products, so like if he had like a glass of milk he'd be unable to even get out of bed the next day
the autoimmune and infectious hypotheses are both false, Crohn's is really a retard-strength food intolerance, you have to figure out which foods/substances are triggering it

>intestinal resection
worst thing you could possibly do
literally the modern equivalent of bloodletting

>> No.54244890

did you try goin before a judge to say it impacts yor daily routine?

>> No.54244992

I kneel

>> No.54245125

not for nothin, but it sounds a bit absurd for you to dismiss the widely accepted causes for crohns (autoimmune inflammation) but also use the term IBS. irritable bowel syndrome is a bullshit term, doctors use irritable bowel disease. the syndrome is like if you eat too much indian food

>> No.54245358

>worst thing you could possibly do
had no choice, was an emergency procedure since it was leaking. It was either cut or die

bro I really hope you get better if possible

fortunately there is no impact except a scar. I explored my options, it's either continue working, if you have a job that has access to a nearby toilet (office) or, if you work construction or something, gov school for an office job so you can be near a toilet. this country is really desperate for workers, now that the boomers are about to retire and the whole world came here for gibs. so it's either unemployment or get fucked goy

>> No.54245595

so go on long duration unemployment then, especially if you are in an unconditional country
its what i am doing, i have to go to 4 job interviews a year, i just pretend to be autistic and no company will touch you
so if you go into a job interview saying what you have there is no way a legit company will hire you
and if they hire you against all odds do go there and shit yourself completely in the middle of the office, after that say you got a depression and anxiety from the experience and simply being in the office triggers you cry to your manager about how suicidal this all makes you

when dealing with these job offices its important to remember its all a humiliation ritual meant to separate the real neverworks from the normies
tips to accomplish this is always cry to your job office roastie how hard your life is whenever you get called in, dont ever let her steer the conversation whatever her question is always whine about how hard you are having it right now use them like a free psych session, and definitely add my depression makes it all so hard and rejection after rejection makes it harder etc
after you went into the mandatory job office consultation go to your gp or whatever and complain about depression because of the event
he will give zero fucks and prescribe some happy pills (get them from the pharmacy is recorded but dont take them) but most importantly he will make a medical file entry, its this thing that will lead you to permanent neet status after a while

>> No.54245750

In the past I needed to send 4 applications per month and go to mandatory interviews. It's no problem if you act like a tard or antisocial outcast, I just had to make suree to cry and complain to the roastie in charge so she would think twice about sending me anywhere. luckily since this year they scrapped all requirements because some roasties got shanked by unhappy immigrants kek

>> No.54245977

>luckily since this year they scrapped all requirements
so perfect, milk the system for as long as possible then

>> No.54246063

Step 1 is be white
Step 2 is be white

>> No.54246086

Good stuff bizfag, BTC is building momentum for more pumps. And I can't wait for more greens on it alongside Bnb, Crt and Ride which are my alts for the long term

>> No.54248457

The women I know who do it go something like:
- car paid for by parents in H.S. and is still running
- insurance for car/healthcare under parents
- phone paid for by parents in H.S. and they keep that going
- food is made by parents, with some meals here and there paid for through dates (food for sex), money from parents
- no rent because they live with parents
- pets that are "theirs" are actually family pets and thus, paid for by parents
- vacations paid for via sex with men taking them on vacations
- school paid for by parents or loans, "school" being some totally mindless degree that they spend 6 years getting, then "get their masters" for another 4 years, studying abroad (paid for by parents or loans)

I know at least 3 women aged 21-25 that live like this, and I'm dating one currently. Don't know any actual NEET men.

>> No.54248622

I am starting to get afraid just seeing the relentless printing thats happening. Might have to wagecuck again.

>> No.54248754

I was thinking this thread would be full of sob stories but instead it's a barrel of laughs.

>> No.54248913

I think you’ve got it half right Anon. If you legitimately think you’re “secure” while relying on government benefits during this decade? You’re an A grade certified retard.

>> No.54250419

School doesn't count, what do you think the second E means

>> No.54252125

just watch, they will not touch bennies in the west
and i said more secure then depending on a job

>> No.54252245

>I don't know what social security is
How young?

>> No.54252269

Literally just live with parents.

>> No.54252323

>work is equally if not more soul crushing
This is something experienced wage slaves will never tell you, either because they're jealous or never experienced NEETdom in the first place.

>> No.54252425

>mom is falling apart
>dad hasn't worked in 10 years and gets a minimal pension
>both need help with health
>if I stop working it is only misery and poverty
>property needs thousands in repair costs
>the girls I meet are lazy and mostly golddiggers with a calculator instead of heart
It is beyond me how neets cope on autism bux alone on top of lacking skills.
What can you even do once you need house repairs that cost as much as 2 yearly neetbux incomes and your parents can't cover it?

>> No.54252511
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I get NEETbux from the government for being a native in Canada. I just need to stay enrolled in a program and have passing grades, and they support my rent and pay my tuition

Well, I guess I'm not technically a NEET because I study, but I'm like 0.5 levels above a NEET you could say. The tradeoff is that my motivation levels are nuked through the floor, because I think paying out of pocket is a pretty motivating factor to pass school

>> No.54252535

I live with minimal unemployment social benefits in my country which are enough to pay for my apartment in a nice part of the city and all my bills, no taxes and free Healthcare, all I have to do is report to a case worker like once a year and tell them I can't work because I have social anxiety, I think I haven't even talked to one since before covid, they tried to get me to see a shrink but I tell them them I can't even go there because I cannot go outside. Meanwhile I go to the gym every day. I also have 6 figures in crypto in case of an emergency. I can't even imagine what 'working' must be like.

>> No.54252711

Living in my gf's mom's basement were some of the best days of my life. Just fucking her pussy and sipping coffee on her balcony when her, her mom, and her sister all took off to go wageslave and I'd have the place to myself. Then she'd get home exactly when my horniness levels began to spike and I'd bust a nice nut before going to bed. I look really young now in my late 20s, and it's 100% from those carefree days just enjoying life. You'll probably look like a wrinkly stressed out sack out nutsack at 30 lmao

>> No.54253552

absolutely fucking based.

>> No.54254118

Then buy and hold non-KYC crypto on top of that.

>> No.54254151
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>> No.54254367

I'm not a neet, but I could easily quit my job to become one:

$3000/month from disability
$550/month child benefit
$1000/month basement rentoid

=$54,500/year tax-free (CAD)

>> No.54254416
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>> No.54255410

>How exactly are they not homeless?
The few NEETs I know mooch off of their rich parents.
>How do they make money?
Typically there's some side hustle going on that makes them just enough to keep buying toys but not enough to live on their own, like being one of the less successful hentai artists on Twitter or selling garbage on Etsy. The smarter NEETs do illegal shit like social engineering or sell drugs.
>How do they live with themselves?
It's pretty easy once you give up on yourself.
>Are they not constantly afraid?
Usually no.

>> No.54255428

i am the beneficiary of a trust fund

>> No.54255444

jesus fucking christ