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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 620x465, emin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54232261 No.54232261 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that once this guy speaks to the CFTC it's officially over.
>every other alt but AVAX WILL be labeled as a security
>Avalanche's ecosystem will be permanently secured, becoming the most legally compliant cryptocurrency
>in order to avoid getting classified as a security, any shitcoin around will have to become an Avalanche subnet
>the alternative: getting legally raped to death
It's a win-win at the end of the day though:
>your favorite shitcoin will perform better thanks to Avalanche's technology (sub-seconds finality, low fees, decentralized, secure, scalable, available for mainstream usage)
>crypto will finally find its way into the legal system, fully available for normies to use, with AVAX at the front
Indeed there's going to be a vaporware genocide, but after that, the golden bullrun will finally be right in front of us. Prepare accordingly.

>> No.54232294
File: 64 KB, 815x570, icpavax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54232356

I have 0 hope for AVAX anymore. It's over. Emin's extreme autistic and scientific boring approach with boring technical marketing killed any kind of hype. Even Söylana has more retail interest than AVAX.

>> No.54232777

Whenever I see a pic of Emin his body is never facing the camera. Pretty weird guy if you ask me, I'd rather buy ICP or HBAR.

>> No.54232799

AVAX EVM speed is shit and it's co-chain architecture is retarded.

>> No.54232839

>Dont buy BTC. Buy AVAX!
>Come get rugpulled with me again anons!



>> No.54232859

Emin is intelligent but a fucking retarded kabapnigger at the same time. AVAX pa is trash.

>> No.54232946

Who? Whoever he is he ain't even white.

>> No.54232960

ty for the bullish alpha anon, i'm confident my chadfolio will be alright
t. link/xmr og

>> No.54233520
File: 271 KB, 400x533, 423423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they all gather, straight outta telegram.

>> No.54233549

I'm a holder and it's absolutely over. I'm waiting out the conference in May. If it's still crabbing around 15-25 I'm dumping my bags.

>> No.54234607
File: 214 KB, 985x1249, 1678916379266320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> EVM speed is shit
Name an EVM network that is better, that actually functions. No reorgs, no chain downtime, no centralized horse shit, no failed TX.