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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54225925 No.54225925 [Reply] [Original]

>CLG retweeted this
The team is already in damage control because SWIFT is a big fat nothingburger, isn't it?

>> No.54225992

oh no no no linkieees

>> No.54225993

>fud fags create false narrative
>get mad when the team points out it's fake
you're not fooling anyone

>> No.54226042

lol at CLG and Muh oracle cuck becoming the most hilariously bad "community ambassadors" link could have ever hoped for. This is a colossal failure by ambassadors and chainlink itself, to capitalize on a hypetrain that built for 5 fucking years. Everyone involved should be ashamed, and there is nothing you can do to stop the "community" of baggies from fudding the optics of this shit to oblivion, no one will want to touch something that has a literal army of stock-bashers working for FREE

Hence, chainlink is trying to pivot to "gaming", another venture that will yield no significant or sustainable value capture, chain "tokenomics" are literally just a ponzi to prop up the poor bastards running nodes

>> No.54226080

Are you mentally retarded? It literally says that ISO20022 has nothing to do with Link and LINKxSWIFT will be a gay side project from Link rather from SWIFT, at best. And all of this comes right from the mouth of a team member, can you read?

>> No.54226106

have some empathy anon, these people have been psyop'd by both their enemies and "friends" into an unironic state of mental delusion

>> No.54226134

>Can you read?
Can you read?

>> No.54226160

hey how can i get paid to fud link like you all do

>> No.54226162
File: 237 KB, 1527x410, fudfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tweet is a reply to a literal fud fag, as I'm sure you already know this. but pic related is for lurkers to not fall for fud fags hyping this fake thing.

>> No.54226212

how are you going to reduce years of circle jerking over SWIFT and ISO20022 to a single post by some cheeky literal who?

>> No.54226219

So we're still scheduled to dump tonight right?

>> No.54226253

ChudFinance is that you?

>> No.54226297

Interoperability with the fiat banking system is way more bullish than a worthless partnership with SWIFT. That would be a monumental shift in blockchain technology.

>> No.54226641

>Interoperability with the fiat banking system
Fuck banks

>> No.54226812

No, I've been holding Link since ethdelta days and have resisted the blackpill until this CLG shit and it somehow feels like we are accelerating toward ever worse confirmations of a HARD landing for Chainlink. Sergey said he's excited for traditional banking in the podcast, so where the fuck is the sauce?

>> No.54226875

I'm very glad no one from Chainlink did anything to throw water on those rumors.
Anyone with a grain of common sense knew that this had nothing to do with Link....except for the baggies


>> No.54226923

Completely agree anon. It’s why I just sold all of my 50k linkies and I suggest you do the same

>> No.54226930

Why are they back-pedaling so hard now? For years we've heard ISO20022 = Link and on the day it goes live they're frantically out there saying "no no no that's not what we meant"? Sounds like some absolutely mammoth damage control.

>> No.54227006

just stop
you know that iso20022 was always just said here on biz and twitter
no official source ever said anything about this
linkies were always delusional with breadcrumbs etc

>> No.54227223

The hard truth, fellow anon link marine based OG truth poster. I sold 100k

>> No.54228076

Ah yes, and not a single tx was posted. I too sold 1 million link tokens.

>> No.54228126

he just did, deal with it loo

>> No.54228461

This. Why did they never say anything about ISO20022 not having anything to do with Chainlink at any point in the last 5 years?

>> No.54228526
File: 934 KB, 1222x1250, chainlinkfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archive this shit.

>> No.54228600

It's strange isn't it. It must be difficult to deal with a community when you have two choices. 1. having the og community which is high IQ people who seem very racist and offensive to at least everyone outside 4chan. 2. Have conformist, egoist, non-critical thinkers and disappoint 1.

Seems like they've chosen 2 which is making 1 increasingly irritated to the point where they'd rather autistically destroy their own golden ticket than have it realized with 1 being celebrated as important.

Sergey should probably completely stop communicating with the community. Another thing is crypto is just boring at this point. The thrill is gone and the people who want to ride the absolute frontier are elsewhere.

>> No.54228621

lol u fucking dipshit this doesn't say iso20022 is designed explicitly as a chainlink messaging service, it is an API service and Chainlink happens to have been preparing their network provide a seamless interop connector with iso20022

you truly are a trench brain if you aren't joking right now, besides the fact that you can't tell we're joking

>> No.54228670
File: 612 KB, 112x112, 1650768279287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So iso20022 has nothing to do with blockchain or Chainlink can connect to it? Which is?

>> No.54228761

not that anon but my understanding is that ISO20022 is a messaging standard for intercommunication by banks being pushed by SWIFT who is working with Chainlink.

>> No.54228798

ahahahah brainlets think they’re going to capture an industry they know nothing about.

>> No.54228827

ISOwhatever is an open messaging standard. Anyone can use it. Chainlink is planning to build an abstraction layer for using the standard for blockchain shit

>> No.54229327

was there really anyone who really thought that swift would use link directly as the source of its messaging standard
it was always that link would be able to connect to for anyone who wants to use it to communicate to the blockchain
but we really did expect some form of mention of link, this is rather depressing ngl

>> No.54229396
File: 116 KB, 1222x452, chainlinkfag2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54229463

is everyone here literally retarted?

>> No.54229544

That's why I'm going to copy and paste some shitcoin code and mint a billion shitcoins
Airdrop 50% of them, burn the rest, then laugh as the value sinks to 0
May as well just do it for comedy

>> No.54229820

>billions of API calls already using ISO20022
Oh, so the industry is already transitioned and working fine on ISO20022 XML standards without using chainlinks vaporware? Kek baggies

>> No.54230373

retard ISO 20022 was never going to use LINK, LINK connects to it

>> No.54230422

Yeah I’m aware. It’s a messaging standard. It’s about as exciting as the yearly military audiovisual archival standard update.

Yet linkies have sworn up and down for years it provides a clear cut NEED for the chainlink network. So I say again, K E K B A G G I E S

>> No.54230539

It allows chainlink to connect banking system to smart contracts, sounds bullish to me

>> No.54230622

Which they would want to use why?

>> No.54230741
File: 231 KB, 1699x1920, pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which they would want to use why?
When did this board get so fucking stupid?

>> No.54230750

banks will never use email, we have perfectly good and functional faxes right now
just imagine trying to sell the idea to upper management that they would need to start using a computer and handle a mouse
anyone that tries would get fired on the spot

>> No.54230757
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>> No.54230786

Automation within financial contracts already exists. Sorry, you got played

>> No.54230799
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>> No.54230817


>never upgrade my pc hardware, my pc still works

>> No.54230831

It’s not an upgrade if it’s more expensive and solves no problems.

>> No.54230832


>> No.54230856

buy an ad

>> No.54230885
File: 216 KB, 1796x811, 123456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54230962

moving the goalposts simply out of the field: from why would anyone want to use this
to they already use a version of this