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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 106 KB, 959x663, dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54226461 No.54226461 [Reply] [Original]

How much longer does it have?

>> No.54227007

10 years if it’s lucky

>> No.54227026

10-15 years

>> No.54227050
File: 83 KB, 640x764, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks.

>> No.54227105

(most baby boomers will be dead by 2034, around 1 billion people, and this is actually true)

>> No.54227106

They have 10 years to start (and win) WW3. Otherwise, it'll be over for them in less than 2 decades.

>> No.54227840

Decades, probably more than 50 years. The only time a reserve currency is ditched is if there's a potent new rival on the block that has surpassed the reserve holding nation, and that rival has decades of stellar growth ahead. The Chinese yuan is not that. It's not a very open economy and capital isn't flocking there and it faces very real demographic decline.

If there was a reserve currency alternative to the dollar, then DXY wouldnt be high and capital would be fleeing the States.
What we see now is capital fleeing the rest of the world and pumping into US equities and countries crying out for dollars.

The DXY is high and the percentage of global trade settled in dollars is stable. The dollar works very well for the US empire and it's arguably the US greatest geopolitical weapon. So they're not going to voluntarily switch to some Crypto meme either.

>> No.54227923
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>> No.54228008

back to antiwork

>> No.54228036
File: 558 KB, 1088x680, DXY composition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The DXY is high
Gee, I wonder why the dxy is "high"

>> No.54228154

The number of working people in china has fallen by 40 million in 3 years. This is happening now and is accelerating.
This isnt a bump in the road, this is an exact rerun of what Japan did, but perhaps worse.
Tell me, how is china going to overtake the US when it's losing millions of workers every year? It isn't.

>> No.54228243
File: 73 KB, 1106x1280, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can China overtake-
Past Tense.

>> No.54228564

Yet the dollar is still the reserve currency.
Why aren't countries holding Yuan? Look at the top banks, central banks, companies, the cash in their balance sheet is mostly USD.
Who is buying Chinese stocks right now? Nobody, all cash is fleeing to the states.
Why did Europe request USD swap lines and not Yuan? Because you can't buy anything with Yuan.

>> No.54228632

Probably XSG

>> No.54228635
File: 191 KB, 720x630, israel dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers take a long time to initiate change
>All cash is fleeing to the states
What states? There's a call for a bank run every other day on /pol/

Who gives a shit about a cucked continent that produces nothing?
They're a vassal state
Nobody is foaming at the mouth to invest into France or Germany or """"The UK"""

>> No.54228757

Calm down and take a laxative. I get it, we all want the states and the dollar to collapse. The US has been a very bad man and should get what's coming to it.
Unfortunately we don't live in a such a just world.
The way I see it, dollar dominance is under no serious threat. Europe is moving factories over to the states, china is lowering rates to stimulate the lacklustre growth and Russia is running a big deficit and has run out of steam in the war.
Where does this dollar alternative come from? I just don't see a potent threat on the horizon that the US won't be able to deal with.

>> No.54228840
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>Russia is running a big deficit and has run out of steam in the war.
What is this? Opposite day?

>> No.54228883

I'm in my 40's and ever since I started paying serious attention to my finances at 16, I've been hearing the dollar's impending demise. I'll take my chances that it'll be here for a lot longer than I will.

>> No.54228886
File: 894 KB, 1080x1951, Screenshot_20230321-061637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh look at what is going on around the world. Only 1 thing keeping the petrodollar alive.

>> No.54229250

>2022 article
Yeah, Russia *WAS* doing ok, but it's not 2022 anymore. D2tax

>> No.54229307

>Saudi Arabia is open to discuss oil for other currencies
>Open to

And open to having a threesome with 3 college girls. Isn't happening any time soon. Call me when they're actually giving their oil away for worthless Yuans. Go try and buy basedbeans or wheat on the international market and see what it gets you. Those Yuans are only good for Plastic consumer goods. All vital commodities trade in dollars.

>> No.54229437
File: 71 KB, 747x786, russia oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, you've been running on nothing but cope

>> No.54229473

90 days. Then silver will boom.

>> No.54229528

Not coping, just being unbiased and unemotional. I'm European, I don't even have a dog in this fight. Doesn't matter to me whether USA or CHINA/Russia win. Infact, i would honestly prefer Russia and china win. US just spreads debt and faggotry. But the US is in much better shape than either, so that's where I'm investing.
If things change and China/Russia pull off an epic 3d chess move, then I'll certainly change my investments.

>> No.54229589
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As an argentinean i saw this happen, i would say it has 6 years at most but Dmitri Medvedev shitpost on twitter a few months ago about "ending bretton woods", now gives an entirely different vibe.

If the rusky chinese axis that somehow managed to keep india close wants they have a small gate opening to do a killing blow on the post bretton woods system that they never had before.

The usa can revert this but all paths to success in stoping the system collapsing to it's own entropy require freedom (like printing higher denomination cash), otherwise you will end with crazies like elizabeth warren wanting to do wealth taxes once inflation get's out of control in a year and half.

This will trigger something very similar to the roman crisis of the third century.

>inb4 you argentineans have 100% of inflation and nothing happens

yes but we are a cash economy were nobody leaves a cent in the bank, which means in the back end everyone hedges on crypto, physical usd, gold or goods.

Once this happens in the usa you faggots lack the culture to do this, you will end in the situation were minimum wage will be paying income tax because the politicians refuse to update the taxes for inflation.

And due to lack of a cash economy tax evasion will be low which will actually make things worse since there will be nothing forcing crazy politicians to be reasonable.

>> No.54229604
File: 7 KB, 317x291, 1679255095272262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever Saudi Arabia starts selling petrol in anything other than USD will be the moment the dollar will go directly to 0.
Do not pass go, do not collect 300 shekels.

>> No.54229623


they are probably just terrified of getting ZOGGED
imagine if they made some shit coin and said they'd only settle in that, kek

>> No.54229632
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Seething bug

>> No.54229641
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>But the US is in much better shape than either, so that's where I'm investing.
Please do. Boomers need exit liquidity and only eurogoy retards are dumb enough to bail them out

>> No.54229670
File: 50 KB, 600x512, china will collapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts another 500 videos of saying Chyna will collapse in 2 weeks
Where is the 3 gorges dam general?

>> No.54229712

It's good that such a thing isn't going to happen in the foreseeable future. How does Saudi Arabia buy imports without dollars? How does it maintain US security guarantees? How does it pay interest on its loans?
The Saudis are putting on a song and dance with china to try and get better treatment from the Americans. It's all theatre and stops short of actually doing the deed.

>> No.54229809

Five years.

>> No.54229848
File: 499 KB, 759x1101, saudia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How does Saudi Arabia buy imports without dollars?
Why would they need dollars to buy imports when they have unilateral deals with other countries of trading oil for goods and services
They could pay in fucking gold, bullions, or Shitcoins if they need to

>How does it maintain US security guarantees
What guarantees? Their military issues stem from Iran and Israel

>Muh loans
It's going to sell it's US treasuries since they're worth dogshit now
There's a reason why Senators are suddenly calling for
in the past week

They're going to try a coup on the princes as if America doesn't have enough enemies

>> No.54230145

>They could pay in fucking gold, bullions, or Shitcoins if they need to

That may work in your head, but in real life the international trade system settles in dollars. Even *if* they traded for bullion, that bullion would only get sold for dollars anyway. Because these countries are suffering dollar shortages at the moment. All their debts are mostly in dollars. Try leaving Chinese customs with a few thousand USD in your pocket. They will forcefully get you to convert it before you leave.

Saudi Arabia benefits massively from US military support. They get security guarantees for the regime, military equipment, American air defence systems etc etc. The moment they start trading oil for anything other than USD, the CIA will get to work on the Saudi civil war.

>> No.54230403

>were minimum wage will be paying income tax because the politicians refuse to update the taxes for inflation.
This already happens in the US. I was making min wage a few years back and the government was taking 28% from me

>> No.54230537

Youtube normies are just repeating what informed observers have known for decade. !-child policy was an utterly retarded idea that will jackknife China for decades to come. See Japan's 30-year stretch of basically 0 economic growth for an example of what an old population does to a nation.

>> No.54230607

>They're going to try a coup on the princes as if America doesn't have enough enemies
That would imply the possibility of failure. It would be stupidly easy to purge the house of Saud and install one the the Hashemites as monarch.

>> No.54230811

Economic stagnation is a natural process because the line cannot keep going up forever. Both Japan and China did the right thing by preserving decent living standards for the few people they have, rather than having huge population growth with an exponential decrease in living standards.

>> No.54230929

Yes but it's going to get extremly worse until nobody can work anymore.

When that happens normally you would see tax evasion and hillariously economic growth because of this.

But in a digitalized ecoonmy it's going to be stagflation.

>> No.54231387

we already are in ww3. this is it.

>> No.54231698

All china/russia need to do is suck up enough participants that the dollar isn't the reserve currency anymore. This would cause catastrophic pervasive effects, like very very bad inflation. The Yuan does not HAVE to take over the dollar. It has to have enough participants in chinaswift that the dollar's usage drops below 50% or something worldwide and shatters the equilibrium currently held in place

>> No.54232030
File: 13 KB, 200x300, main-qimg-3b449de526899904d7cbf77716d9721d-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And open to having a threesome with 3 college girls.