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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54225711 No.54225711 [Reply] [Original]

Is the banking sector going to collapse due to debt contagion?
Or is the Federal Reserve just going to continue backstopping any and all failed business enterprises run by their cronies until the rest of the world realizes that America is a zombie economy and loses faith in the dollar, causing hyperinflation?

Seems like it's one or the other at this point.

>> No.54225749


I'm getting really tired of posting relevant shit here and having it ignored every time.

>> No.54225773

Maybe you should try in your containment zone?

>> No.54225778
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What a chad.

>> No.54225806

Probably gonna protect big banks and let the small ones fail. We’re fucked no matter what they decide to do though.

>> No.54225827


Far more relevant to business and finance than it is to politics.

>> No.54225833

They'll kick the can and plug as many cracks in the dam as possible until a Republican gets suckered into the presidency

>> No.54225847

You forgot the part where the Jews send zogbots to rape and pillage any country that doesn’t let them do the same to theirs.

>> No.54225849


>We're fucked
Can you elaborate?

>> No.54225903


This argument is a scarecrow.
From literally every source of information available, the US is running out of not only people fit for enlistment and service, but those with the technological and engineering proficiency to develop, build, and service equipment necessary to wage such a war.

>> No.54225915
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We either enter the Great Depression 2 or we get hyperinflation. Bitcoin might save you but nothing is certain. There’s also a good chance that we’ll be sent to die on a battlefield in Eastern Europe before the end of the decade.

>> No.54225939


>A republican gets suckered into the presidency
If law and order and the material supply chain in the US collapses, how do you suppose that pinning this on the opposing political party would do anything to consolidate "their" continued power?

>> No.54225958


Well I won't, I'm too old lol.

>> No.54226013

biz has been getting astroturfed hard by glowies since the SVB thing started. People are'nt ignoring your post they just don't see it.

Im of the opinion that keeping USD as world reserve is the #1 priority of the fed and it's owners. What that takes likely won't make the general pop or western allies happy. That's why there's this impression out there that the Fed is acting against itself, because both sides have an argument that the Fed is on their side. We're going to see hyperinflation though at some point, it's happened to literally every fiat currency ever

>> No.54226084
File: 36 KB, 500x647, 21313840-ADDE-4EC4-B32C-4763678BFA5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn’t Vietnam. It’s a world war and our countries survival is at stake. Men 18-65 will be drafted. Same thing Ukraine did. There will be no tolerance for dodging the draft. You will be shoved against a wall and shot for cowardice like many countries did in the last two world wars if you refuse. And you can’t run to Canada as they’ll be drafting their own citizens too.

I was infantry. I did my time and it’s illegal for them to call me back to service. But in the case of world war 3, that shit gets thrown out the window. I’ll see you in the trenches.

>> No.54226139

Depends on the republican, if they're a lifer business as usual then yeah, but if we get another populist- not even like Trump just a different populist that's not beholden to any outside lobbiest then I think things could turn out a lot better than expected. Just remember there was a global recession right after the Cheeto in Chief was elected that the US didn't experience because of his decisions.
Hyperinflation IS Great Depression 2. Plus we're more likely to be in central Asia as the Chinese try to free themselves from being an economic vassal to the US.

>> No.54226146

Try not posting image more interesting than your text

>> No.54226161
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Make images and then just repost the images

>> No.54226349

>Or is the Federal Reserve just going to continue backstopping any and all failed business enterprises run by their cronies until the rest of the world realizes that America is a zombie economy and loses faith in the dollar
Your premise is flawed here, as everyone already knows but their economies are tied to the petrol dollar and they have to keep the grift going.

>> No.54226633


How many people do you suppose will be willing to do the shooting, as opposed to the ones getting shot?
How many people in the modern world will view participation in a world war as justified?

>> No.54226679

it's funny because the US military went woke

>> No.54226731

>I'm getting really tired of posting relevant shit here and having it ignored every time.

i answered someones question in their post about economics and mine ended up being the third and last post on the thread.

not many posters here it seems.

>> No.54226748

They can blame the white people party and by proxy, white people. It's how they operate.

>> No.54226756

Polturds are so tiresome, just ignore and report all their whiny incel threads

>> No.54226755

I'm sorry to tell you that it would work because the electorate is legitimately that retarded. If it wasn't, Congressmen would have been getting dragged out onto the street by their hair decades ago.

>> No.54226772

Yes, this strategy is practically full proof. America fully understands how to keep the goyim in line.

>> No.54226799

Have you just been asleep the past three years?

>> No.54226802

>until the rest of the world realizes that America is a zombie economy and loses faith in the dollar
We know, we are trying to figurate a way to drop the dollar without America throwing a tantrum and nuking the world out of rage quit, that's the hard part

>> No.54226819

>Is the banking sector going to collapse due to debt contagion?

Collapse? No. Consolidate? Yes.
The bigger banks are not in the same situation as the smaller ones that are going under. They diversify and have risk assessors that forecast more than a year out. These banks will scoop up these smaller banks when the Fed puts them up for sale.

>> No.54226847

>And you can’t run to Canada as they’ll be drafting their own citizens too.
lol, the CAF can't even supply itself with sidearms or build a ship ,and their air force procurement gets stalled because environmentalists piss and moan about carbon emissions from new planes.
Running to Canada won't work, but it won't work because their retarded, sanctimonious, self-important population unironically believes that having an inferiority complex is a sound defense strategy and they'll get tag-teamed between China and the US the moment things hit the fan in the way you describe.

>> No.54226891

The second one.

>> No.54227013

This board is being flooded with slide threads so take from that what you will OP.
I think we are going to have hyperinflation that has deflationary bullwhip shocks over the next 7 year period that ends in the 2030 Great Reset and a Shmita. Along the way we may have WW3 as an intentional crisis to ease us into totalitarianism.

>> No.54227141

Ever consider resisting to free yourself and others from a tyrannical government?
Guess not, you’re dumb enough to “just follow orders”.

>> No.54227215

People are easily manipulated in the face of trauma. That’s why the reaction to 9/11 and Covid was so crazy. If you tell people we are in a fight for survival and nukes will probably fly, you’ll have people lining up for the chance to shoot people for the state. Like all the insane pro vaccine/mask/lockdown people. There’s far too many people who are eager to be enforcers of the state.

>> No.54227268

Ah yes, me, one person, will bring the fight to the government and take them down lmao. That’ll work out well I’m sure.

>> No.54227819

You already admitted you would let them draft you again, that makes you a pawn for zog.
No backbone.

>> No.54228867
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Dying for ZOG is based.

>> No.54229080

Question for burgers: are these signing bonuses real or just a “trust me bro” thing?

>> No.54229149

Die for Israel goys, it's patriotic

>> No.54229314

If any anons want a laugh go look at /meg/ on /k/ recruitoors are getting desperate and are dropping their facade of confidence.

>> No.54229364
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fed is consolidating control entrapping everyone into the dollar debt, there's no free money, it's all loan that when you default on then the fed own all your possession
with the bank emergency loans fed seize control of banks, with the swap lines fed seizes control of other first world country central banks, through IMF and world bank (which are the arms of US govt for 3rd world countries economic conquest) fed seizes control of the rest of the developing world
what's the endgame?
so far the banks can print their own dollar and loan them out and manage it all, other central banks print their currencies and loan them out to their respective government, the result as we see is banks and central banks are going bankrupt
the endgame is this, once fed has absolute control on all of them fed will say "you all fuckups have dun enough goof'd up, you don't deserve to control your own currency, from now on i and only i print the currency and you simply have account on me"
that's called CBDC

>> No.54231061

>mall watch poster

>> No.54233028

>its a WORLD WAR

fuck off bootlicker I bet you were the faggot they stuck in a supply connex

>> No.54233056

Both, why not?