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54212020 No.54212020 [Reply] [Original]

millennial bros who dont own homes yet, is it over for us? 35yo rentoid here, gonna be unemployed by the end of the year due to this kiked financial crisis. the greatest depression is probably going to last at least 10 years. by the time i get back to work inflation and blackrock will have made housing 100x more expensive. so from age 45 to 55 ill be working just to save up enough for a downpayment for a house. then ill have to work forever because the mortages by then will be 100 year non transferrable to heirs. if i somehow can afford a kid at 75 i wont even be able to leave him 1/4th of my house and then he will have to start all over again like me.

do we have a plan for this shit?

>> No.54212074

move to Appalachia, sell your shoes, buy a banjo, buy a couple chickens and relax

>> No.54212093


wait, are you still living in the US?
if you are white and poor, you should leave the US asap.

>> No.54212235

and go where?? africa?

>> No.54212978

north africa (europe)

>> No.54214217

I'm 32 and still living with my parents, I have no idea what to do with myself

>> No.54214339

ive been giving my mom 60 a month and she doesn't get on my case. im gonna milk it til btc reaches $1mm then ill leave her with $50k and bounce.

>> No.54214395

This shit is giving me a nervous breakdown too.

>> No.54214473

I went all in on alts and got JUSTed, don't even have enough money to buy btc anymore, I'm so fucked

>> No.54214508

honestly im just gonna pay off my student loans. im not gonna mess around trying to make it anymore. i have 20k now. i just need a 2.5x to be comfy. a 3x to pay off my private loan, a 6x to pay off everything.

>> No.54215761

same bro. do you think we will ever find something interesting we want to do?

>> No.54215780

yo if our tax dollars are bailing out oprah and foreign chink millionaires and the governor of californias 3 mutlimillion dollar wineries why arent our shitty $10,000 student loans getting bailed out? how is it fair that us poorfags are paying inflation tax to bail out these rich faggots?

>> No.54215801

>do we have a plan for this shit?
yeah we all just stopped reproducing

>> No.54215812

I rent land from my parents, built my own urban homestead and i rent the land to support their retirement until they die then i'll inherit the land. Feels good being able to help my parents live good lives in their older years and still be able to build my own house. Much better than paying some greek fuck to live in a house with no AC and a pest problem. Some girls think it's unnattractive but i have the most freedom of anyone i know and pay 1/10th of the rent.

>> No.54215814

Don’t pay off your loans until after hyper inflation. Your debt will be worth nothing. Credit max now and pay everything off when debt is worthless

>> No.54215825

>$250k in crypto + metals + cash
RIP I blew it and didn't gamble enough during the bull run

>> No.54215827

You went from le cool edgy 18 year old hip awesome guy who was in the know, to being that 75 year old greeter at Walmart begging the deli to let you take home the rotten food instead of throwing it out. And it all happened so fast. Think of this, you always have the void to look forward to. At least the suffering will be over when you step into eternal darkness.

>> No.54215829

i wish but i can't wait for that shit anymore. im a literal slave because of this shit.

think so? just had this stupid debt hangin over me for so long i hate it.

>> No.54215881

Here's a secret nobody wants to admit because they know deep down it's true:

> The only way you're going to make a massive amount of money quickly is by timing the market aka gambling

Yes, I'm saying HODL was a meme all along. It was a psyop by the rich to convince people that they need to be patient. The truth is that they (the rich) use those suckers as exit liquidity to make themselves even richer while the suckers who fell for HODL continue bagholding in absolute depression and despair.

Pay attention to the macro narratives in the news. If the narrative is Powell continuing with the rate hikes, it'll be bearish. If he starts to go dovish, then that's bullish. That's your queue to go all in on an alt and just hope you'll make it.

>> No.54215983

I'm basically doing the same except I'm 26. I have a good relationship with my parents and I love our dog too. I can still fuck tinder whores here but I think I'm past that phase of my life.

>> No.54216030

It's unironically over for our generation.

Our society is too onions to do anything about it but sure let's take a knee or change our profile pictures to a rainbow.

What will happen is we'll get the great reset. Many will lose their jobs, their homes, families and even lives to this event.

The rich get richer, the boomers will laugh and say "pull yourself by the bootstraps" and that's that.

Succinct way of putting it. I've lost all hope. No job, no gf, no kids, no anything. 30 KHV and life is honestly over for me

Based and wishing the best for you and your family. Not a lot families think this far ahead in life. It's get married and pop off kids without thinking how to provide into old age. Also thotties are beyond fucking stupid. Hope you find yourself a good woman to enjoy life with. We all deserve at least that.

>> No.54216103
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I'm a mediocre programmer bored with the field learning to draw coom and sfw illustrations to hopefully jump ship once I have enough money saved but with the way AI is progressing I'm probably going to lose both my prospective careers.

>> No.54216135

just turned 40. same situation. bro, we're just poor. that's how it is, how it always has been.

>> No.54216187

There is no fair winning anymore, going on 3 financial disasters and the boomers make out like bandits dragging the ship down with them, at least zoomers don't get turbo depressed over jaded memories of what it was like before clown world fully set in. You know as well as I do that gambling on crypto is our last hail mary to just stay alive, never mind the poor souls that'll truly end up with nothing when its said and done. They want to crush crypto not only as a threat to fiat banking, but its gives us a real shot at financial mobility that isn't possible anymore by design, and that's something they cannot allow.

>> No.54216203

This is actually really comfy. Only negative is your entire family won't come and they'll think you're stupid. Oh well, I own a house, car, shed, chickens and land. Worth it.

>> No.54216266

you vill, and you vill be happy

>> No.54216459

Just did my taxes today...
>Do you own a home? [ ]yes [x]no
Very easy question, Turbotax.
>Did you sell crypto? [ ]yes [x]no
*rubs hands*

>> No.54216663

Crypto is pretty much our only hope for owning a home or even possibly retiring at some point. Sadly it seems more likely we’ll be drafted to die in Eastern Europe before the decade is over.

So yeah there’s kinda no plan other than do your best and try to survive.

>> No.54216766 [DELETED] 


>> No.54216836

You're my age and you haven't figured it out yet? Dude. We're the fucked and I'm not even being a doomer. Just accept and plan around it instead. We literally can't do what people before and after us can.
(I actually have a personal theory on this but it's kind of schitzo since it boils down to us being a "marker" group that had our childhoods end right at the turn of the millinium. If tptb had chosen the 1990 kids it would have too obvious)

>> No.54216852

1985-1995 was born to support the boomers. Literally. There was a screenshot with the law changes and everything a whole back but I can't find it anymore.

>> No.54216981

i'm 40 next month. plopped 35% of my money in an apartment overseas.
rest is mainly stables with 1 btc (sidelineoooorred)
steady cash flow, i'm good. i plan to live 6 months abroad and 6 months with my parents or maybe my ex if she finds a new place

>> No.54216998

Where did you go?

>> No.54217083

Reported to the irs. I’m glad us millennials turned out in 2020 to elect Biden so he could hire 80k irs agents to deal with such evasion

>> No.54217253


kind of scared the currency will crash without the property appreciating. but still have a home in the city. might consider a homestead if i had more hands on skills

mexico and argentina also worth looking into

>> No.54217399
File: 140 KB, 1200x948, AF07624D-7177-44D5-B28D-36B92FB6BAE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 about to have my first born
My landlord just put up the rent 10% but the vacancy rate is so low it's nearly impossible to get a place this good

I'm pretty much pinning my hopes on this bull working out
I'm already making good gains and taking profit

All I want is enough to buy a moderate 3 bedroom home with a garage and yard
I can make enough from my own business to sustain my family, I just want to escape the rentcuckery but also not be a mortgage til death cucknigger

>> No.54217461

We’re all in the same boat. Either make it through crypto, be lucky enough to inherit wealth when we’re 40-50 however by that time it might be too late, or remain poorfag with no wife, no kids, working until we die or until UBI. Best thing is to be nice to our fellow peers.

>> No.54217514

If you're at 35 and haven't figured it out after a 10 year bull run then yes, it's over for you.

>> No.54217631

The median house price (~400k) over the course of 30 years, you will pay ~820k at the end of the loan
not considering taxes that will also fuck you.

Basically with the money, you are losing to the bank on the interest,
(because it costs you effectively $14,000 per year of just money going to the bank)
you would need to be paying 1200 or more per month on rent
for it to be worth buying a house anyway

>> No.54217692

>you would need to be paying 1200 or more per month on rent
>for it to be worth buying a house anyway
Show me the equation I wanna do some math

>> No.54217775

lmao you crypto cucks are just pathetic

>> No.54217929

i mean all the social security bullshit updates say it all. we lose 6.2% literally every paycheck on boomersupport alone. we wont ever get that shit back

>> No.54217959

you know that sounds like clever reasoning at first glance until you account for inflation and realize locking in a fixed rent rate for 30 years is a million times better than being a rentoid whos landlord kike keeps raising rent every year to account for inflation. redo your calculations because that 820k at the end of the loan in 2050 dollars will be worth less than 400k in todays dollars.

>> No.54217991

interest rate ~ 7.277% annually
30 years
using time value of money ->
monthly payment
* 12 months
*30 years
-> total paid $984,960
loss to interest is
$984,960 - $400,000 = $584,960
(($584,960/ 30 years)/12 months) = $1625 monthly loss in 2023 dollars without accounting for inflation or anything
re did the math it is actually even worse lmao

>> No.54218503

Sounds comfy, I wish I could do that.
I could fit 3 detached homes in my parents backyard, I'd just want to build a cozy granny flat back there and my parents said they would be cool with it, could probably do it for 200k, but it's against the city's bylaws.
It's such bullshit, I'm in southern ontario and any houses close enough to my work start at 800k, I'm paying $1600/month to rent a shitty apartment, but it's only that low because of rent control. Nowadays they start rent at $2200/month.

I've looked at vacant land and what it would take to buy and build on them, trailers on rented lots, condos, even tiny homes, it's all absurdly expensive. $300k for an empty plot of land outside the city, or if you're willing to drive 2 hours away only 200k for a small plot. Then you see lot fees and condo fees that approach my rent cost alone.
With interest rates at 5% a 800k home with a 300k down payment is still $2900/month. Holy shit talk about being house poor, hope you literally need 0 repairs for the next 5 years, and better hope home prices don't fall and you don't lose your job and interest rates don't go up, otherwise you get to be extra fucked.

Boomers shit on younger generations for not willing to do the hard work but fuck man, I'm trying to work around their shitty system that made homes retardedly expensive and it's a completely different game, they didn't have to deal with laws that didn't exist 60 years ago when they bought a home for $2k.
I have 300k in investments and every day I think about saying fuck it, quitting my job, moving to thailand or some other cheap country, leaving all my parents and grandparents and siblings, and living off $1k/month, just work on my own gamedev hobby projects and not worry about making a living off them.

>> No.54219703



>> No.54219884

Baggie cope

>> No.54219909

Everything is completely and utterly fucked. People will rent into retirement and their pensions won't be good enough. You'll work till you die or become homeless. Governments don't give a fuck about it either. I'm 36 and own my house so am lucky but I feel bad for my generation and the next.

>> No.54219986
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>Abloo bloo bloo, I can't afford a house
>Get a job transporting chemicals where I get paid 2k a week.
>A year passes by
>Buy a house without ever stepping foot into a Bank
>Rent it out while I save up for a duplex
You people suck at making money.

>> No.54220048

It was over before it began. Most Millennials and even more zoomers are destined to have nothing, not even a family or companion, and live into their 90s.

>> No.54220110

>Best thing is to be nice to our fellow peers.
Kill yourself nigger.

>> No.54220876

You might just own a soul try to remember that and care for it.

On a wider scale I can see the problem here being worse than we imagined. There aren’t any young men to step up anymore, yes myself included. Too borne down under the yoke. Ruled and governed by 80 year olds. No one to change things for the better, too many rules and restrictions to actually change anything for the better. And with the majority being brainwashed into thinking trans rights and climate change (maybe) are more important than fulfilling the social contract of work for mutual gain.
The only hope really is the generational transfer of wealth as the baby boomers die off. But it seems like they just want to spend it all, because they “earned it”. Maybe invest in luxury nursing homes and healthcare companies.

>> No.54221183

Not everyone deserves a house OP
Just accept it

>> No.54221370

I pay $500 for rent in a two story house I will never buy a home and I don’t give a fuck

>> No.54221397

You can still buy BTC, there's time.

>> No.54221463

this really is the worst timeline when you think about it. major life milestones are pushed out further and further while our lifespans aren't increasing, let alone our productive lifespan -- quality years of life, before we're crippled and bedridden with age-related disabilities.
>education or training until 24 (masters is the new bachelors)
>rentcuckery until early 30s (assuming all goes well)
>marriage and childbirth in late 20s or early 30s (if you're lucky)
compare this to what your parents had
>high school diploma, 17-18 years of age
>rentcuckery until mid/late 20s
>marriage and childbirth in mid/late 20s

>> No.54221540

Dont worry you will be happy

>> No.54221564

happy brain in a jar model is gaining by the day

>> No.54221982

Its completely over.

>> No.54222216
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>There was a screenshot
this one?

>> No.54223104
File: 37 KB, 415x544, 9c9d106834228bb9a651989cd16e31a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do we have a plan for this shit?
This is a long conversation, but I would recommend reading up on r/K selection theory. In short, we're exiting a period of relative abundance and entering into a period of relative scarcity. Things we have in abundance:
An overabundance of this in any species creates a situation where zero investment is put into offspring. There's little to no tribal affiliation. Everyone just eats and fucks, no thought given past the next meal and no memory of the previous one. Silliness is tolerated because it doesn't actually threaten anything.
These things will start drying up, first gradually and then rapidly. At that point, you'll see a few things change:
>Bourgeois ideology gets tossed aside immediately. We're not going to go tit for tat over what bathroom you get to use when a sack of flour costs a week's wages. We're not putting the trans intersectional PoC in the cockpit for diversity points because we cannot afford a plane crash.
>Women naturally return to a traditional status of their own volition. When there are no more jobs making PowerPoint presentations for $60k a year, you think these girls are going to work in a lithium mine?
>Zero tolerance for criminal behavior. Your theft of a shampoo bottle could very well endanger a family's living situation, so into the woodchipper you go.
>Bullshit foreign adventure wars stop. Any conflicts now are strictly for defense or conquest.
That's more or less "the plan." The current system is going to collapse under its own weight. The serious people will survive. The clown people will resort to literal cannibalism and kill themselves.

>> No.54223248
File: 226 KB, 1002x747, Screenshot_20230320_101725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahhhh I can't buy a house on a single income in the most expensive and desirable part of the country

Sounds like system is working as intended.

>> No.54223448

Oy vey rabbi youre making me blush.

>> No.54223894
File: 50 KB, 383x383, fe1c40f828fc0a2a08f89f457654e1c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a 25 year old man with no formal education owns a steel body car, a two story house, and supports a family of five on a truck driver's salary.

>a 35 year old man with an advanced technical degree pretends to be female and sells pictures of his feet online because his job as electrical engineer barely covers the rent for his 1 bedroom apartment he lives in alone.

>the system working as intended

>> No.54223949
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>> No.54223986


>> No.54224174

I don't want to be rude, but what the fuck have you guys been doing the last 15 years?
Especially if youre older than the zoomers, who actually never even had a fair chance. All you had to do, literally, was DCA crypto/metals between 2017 and now and live below your means until you could afford a downpayment on a basic home. thats it. that was your open goal to score. the information was there and all you had to do was delay gratification for a few years, execute, and you could be settled by now. hell, if you just put 75% of the cash you spent on alcohol, drugs, clubbing and eating out into crypto for the last 6 years i bet most of you would be retired by now

>> No.54224529

Except eventually a house loan will be paid off. When does one stop paying rent again?
>Inb4 property tax and maintenance cope