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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54219531 No.54219531 [Reply] [Original]

a lot of people talk smack on the driving apps here, but I think they're great, I worked 7 days straight a week ago, and then 1 day this week

there is no boss telling me I didn't work enough, I had time to rest and work on my business, and next week I'll be able to go out and be a driver again, why are you mad son, beats being a wagie, I don't care if you're a software engineer making 300k a year starting, you still have to show up to work mr. wagie

>> No.54219556

>8 days
report back in 6 months ryan

>> No.54219570

when I'm driving the time actually goes by pretty fast, it's pretty simple and since I have a business I'm running I can't be a gay wagie

>> No.54219605

What's average of rides/miles/earnings per day you made this week?

>> No.54219618

yeah but you can't shitpost while you're working, i think you will burn out from driving 24/7

>> No.54219629

$120 7 hours 17 trips

I only worked one weekday

>> No.54219634

oh yea I got an 8 dollar cash tip as well
it's way better than standing on a factory floor

>> No.54219641

120 dollars for 7 hours of driving?? what about the gas? if you deduct it from that you're left with 0 dollars

>> No.54219653

admittedly I make an hour commute to get to a metro area, out here everything costs less

I do about 40 dollars of gas a day, yes it is a low wage, but it's still better than being a wagie

>> No.54219664

better hope thats mom or dads car

>> No.54219675

it's actually your mom's

>> No.54219756

Once you get to do it regularly, it doesn't feel much different to being a wagie. At least you can take a break or work when you want to.

>t. Ngl kinda drained out by making 3k trips in a year in medium-sized town in a 2nd world country

>> No.54219766

Dude, your decisions are economically unsound. Not FED level retarded, but close.

>> No.54219787

it's the best decision I can make, I run a business, my local area is rural and you can't make money here driving, and lol at trying to get a job right now, impossible

>> No.54219799

>$120 7 hours 17 trips
Jesus, that's probably below minimum wage after subtracting gas and car wear & tear.

>> No.54219843

Sorry but my WFH job still sounds better than that

>> No.54219851

AI will overtake your WFH job IT scum, say goodbye to your job soon

>> No.54219859

Don't work in IT, stay mad driving your car and legs into the ground

>> No.54219876

You will have to get a wagie job after your job is done for, you lack reading comprehension from being on the computer all day you prolactin brained coomfag. suffering will come your way, just wait! i will be laughing in the end

>> No.54219888

So rude I'm never ordering anything from an app again.

>> No.54219892

how shit are your legs that walking and driving will ruin your legs, you literally sit in your car over 50 percent of the day

>> No.54219907

it's basically right at minimum wage, personally I live in a rural area so I make a commute, but if I didn't have to do that it would be like 15 an hour probably, I know some drivers in very active cities can make much more than that but it is what it is

>> No.54219915

you don't run a business. you're an employee, but the pozzed silicon valley taxi service you work for has managed to keep you classified as a contractor for tax purposes.

>> No.54219927

does the income actually outpace wear and tear (equity loss) on your vehicle?

>> No.54219933

>You literally sit In your car 50 percent of the day

You getting mixed up there lad?

>> No.54219960

I do run a business, currently small but it will be bigger within a year

I'm saying as a driver, you're a retard, being a driver is very low tax on your body, you're sitting in a chair

100 percent, even with a 1 hour commute

>> No.54219996
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I do all my work in about four hours then I go for a run or to the gym. You're stuck in your car all day.

You've made this thread looking for justification and you haven't got it so you're lahsing out. Probably just mad you don't get tipped delivering pizzas.

>> No.54220033

you're a wagie, I'm a free man, just a difference in lifestyle

>> No.54220066

Let's do napkin math. Let's ignore major repairs and assume, with minimal upkeep, you can drive a car for 150,000 miles.

Let's assume you drive 150 miles per day in those 7 hours. That's ~21 mph constant, so maybe mix of highway and suburban travel. Let's assume you work 200 days per year to survive.

150 miles per day = 1,000 days of driving before you need a new car. 200 days of work per year = five year lifespan of the car. What does a used car cost for you? Another used car that will last for 150,000 more miles without any repairs in a dream scenario? $20,000 every five years?

If you work 200 days at $120 per day, that's $24,000 per year. A fresh car is basically a 20% hit on your labor - you'll ultimately be paying that much either for immediate quality or through repairs due to lack of quality. Maybe you can scrounge up a reliable, dependable vehicle somewhere, but don't count on it.

Add in 30 mpg fuel efficiency at $3 per gallon, 150 miles per day, and that's $15 per day * 200 = $3000. HOLY SHIT. That's for gas yearly. Now you're down to how much? Is this income taxed? I'd be very interested in exactly how far you travel per day to see if this is right.

>> No.54220092
File: 437 KB, 1500x2000, 1666321622202503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think people who can budget and do math drive uber?

>> No.54220105

We'll agree to disagree but I wish you the best anyway. Take care x

>> No.54220167

There is something to be said about being your own boss, but you are making sub minimum wage dude, your car will need a repair

>> No.54220177

you're retarded, a lot of cars can go far longer than 150k, even 250k

a few things to consider, I run a business which at the moment is small scale but soon it will be much larger scale, so when I'm not making income from that I'm driving, or when I don't have to do anything with my business

>> No.54220181

if you like working for pennies sure

>> No.54220280

self driving cars will also be a thing morron
tell me more about your business what does it do? ecommerce?

>> No.54220289

Is Doordash paying for your gas? Are they paying for the wear and tear on your vehicle? The inevitable new tires, oil changes, belts, struts, etc.? Are they paying for your higher car insurance premiums because you're on the road more? If you'd be driving this distance anyway it's no big deal, but if you're putting your own mileage and money into $17/hour work before taxes, the math isn't pretty. Doordash is pushing off those costs to you because their business model doesn't even work otherwise.

>> No.54220467

still better than being a wagie

>> No.54220493

it's a farm, I only have to be there a few days like every 2 weeks to do a few things

>> No.54221509

The mileage will chew up your car and you won't be able to afford the repairs. Such work is good to 'get by' for a month or two, but it doesn't pay enough to cover the damage to your vehicle.

I left after doing it for a few months because it was unsustainable. Try getting a medical certification & working at a hospital if you want easy work.

>> No.54221597

the math isn't complicated, you'll make money no matter what

when you're starting a business you can't have a fulltime job, because they want you to be the undying slave for them every week