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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54219662 No.54219662 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone here is chasing money, but do you actually think you'll be better off if you're rich?

>> No.54219679
File: 142 KB, 800x1079, 800px-Artaud_BNF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes because when I have money I'll be able to buy a farmhouse away from this clown world, live off my plot and stop browsing /biz/.

>> No.54219688

Not true , money can buy comfort, women, and distance from losers

>> No.54219696

i was rich last bullrun and it was fucking awesome.

>> No.54219699

This, except i will finally be able to afford to not wageslave 14 hours a day 6 days a week.

>> No.54219720

I don't want to be rich, I just want to be comfortable and be able to provide for myself.

>> No.54219725
File: 545 KB, 1920x1080, 316715873_576864457488954_5132134456938171136_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54219751

Yes, if I get rich then I don't have to interact with normie society anymore

>> No.54219778

I have a big chunk of change some would consider 'rich'.
I live at my mom's house and spend all day and night watching vtubers.
I am drunk more nights than I am not.
Its fucking great.

>> No.54219782
File: 68 KB, 540x558, acd7f61cae627864edaae2cd55234504368bfe282b7ff418e58d31baffb9535d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm accumulating capital for political reasons. Guns and mercenaries won't buy themselves.

>> No.54219825

I know it's true. I know that "one last game" on steam won't make me happy and it's more buying the game than playing it that I'm obsessed with.

But when you don't have anything going in your life, you're tempted to "treat" yourself to ease the pain. But it's all temporary.

I don't know how you can find the exit of this deadend.

>> No.54219841

Get checked I can buy a lot of Ws

>> No.54220117

1 btc = 1 btc

>> No.54220158

It's still better to be rich and sad then poor and sad.

>> No.54220219

yes, I will finally be able to afford medicine to treat my constant pains without having to skip meals for half the month

>> No.54221360

How does buying a game that doesn't make you happy make you feel good? Treat yourself to drugs or some worthwhile vice. You should feel buyers remorse and refund shit games on steam.

>> No.54221418

If the person who placed that sticker believed it, he would be a mendicant ascetic, but he's actually just some faggot middle class kid.

>> No.54221443

Yes, but only because I'm already happy. I have a beautiful wife, baby, family, large house, and a decent vehicle. I grow beautiful flowers in my garden and I live in a cosy trad village in the mountains. I have everything I ever wanted but - I have to work to maintain this lifestyle. I like my job, sometimes it's fun even (I work in crypto), but would I rather be in my garden tending my vegetables? Of course. So no, if you're a depressed loser who doesn't know what it's like to work for and earn your perfect life, having a lump sum of cash won't enrich your life whatsoever. But if you've worked hard for over a decade to build up happiness and prosperity, a lump sum of cash can let you relax and enjoy it - safe in the knowledge you weren't handed it, you were only handed the means to enjoy what you built.

>> No.54221465

poor person cope

>> No.54221490

Why do people assume doing this whole crypto things means we wanna get rich and buy lambos and bullshit like that

I just dont want to be a wageslave for life to afford a roof over my head is all.

>> No.54221506

Yes, I'll be able to spend more time watching Tic-Tac UAP vids instead of being in a wage cage 10 hours a day.

>> No.54221514

Yes. Wife and kids cost money.

>> No.54221553

Absolutely. I've noticed that I'm more affectionate and better at fucking my gf when crypto is up. I'm noticeably depressed when my NW drops below $1.2 mil. My real life will begin after the next bitcoin halving and I'll stop working full time.

>> No.54221584

>and stop browsing /biz/
kek, we'll see you tomorrow anyway

>> No.54221641


>> No.54221660

I will be able to spend that money on someone and give them a chance. Hopefully they will be able to help me help another and so on.

Same thing rich people do but I don't care for the pie. As long as I can eat and have a fun I'm not worried about the future.

>> No.54221728

Based. 9, 5.56 and 7.62 NATO are still relatively cheap. If you learn to 3d print right, you can make all sorts of things from pistol frames to pccs to rifle lowers. Might not save money but avoids buying through a store and signing a 4473.
It’s still legal to make your own funs, so why not do so now? You learn a bunch and it might even be fun.

>> No.54221763

I don't want to be rich. I want to spend all my money on my future wife, kids and help out people.

I just want my own house and a way to provide for and protect those I love.

>> No.54221811

I'm a simple man, I just need a fully paid off house in a non-nigger area. The rest I can work out.
If I have to live with my parents going into my 40s I will just rope.

>> No.54221860

Lmao future divorce rape in ur future beta boy

>> No.54221877

The only thing I actually want is my own apartment. I never even learned to properly drive a car because I never had enough money to own one. I am truly poor.

I dislike living with roommates. I also dislike living with dogs and cats, they are loud and often pee, poop or vomit. I'm poor and everyone has a dog, so I'm stuck living with people I don't like who have dogs.

So to answer your question, yes, money would in fact increase my quality of life by providing me with housing. I live in a pretty decently sized room and have some nice things, but my roommate can hear every single fucking thing that I do, and they always have these weird requests about the dishes or some shit that just does not matter but now we are arguing about it because people are bad at channeling their frustration and decide to start arguments over petty things.

I don't like being lorded over for no good reason and I don't like being a waste collector for some animal.

>> No.54222067

Christian message

>> No.54222151

You sound like my GF but she likes cats.

>> No.54222228

It's a paradox. You need it to spare you from things not having it will cause you, while not chasing after it or said things.

>> No.54222494

It's possible, but I'm not afraid of that. I want to experience what it's like to become a great husband and father.

>> No.54222715

What if I buy a shovel?

>> No.54222740

What's hilarious is that all wealthy people know this anyway, and most live fulfilling lives. Poorfags really do believe that rich people are all secretly unhappy or evil... It's Christian/Envious cope from spiteful muties.

>> No.54224105

>childish escapism while living of the system
We are all connected, sadly

>> No.54224703

with a lot of money, i will still have struggles, but i won't have to
a. watch the decline of western civilization literally from my window.
b. put up with fucking wagies, i get it, we all have to work, but these people act like contently doing the right thing for a mega billion corporation is noble.
c. live someplace i can actually relax and forget about things.

>> No.54225052

Anticonsumption is cope for being a poorfag right?

>> No.54225074


>> No.54225141


>> No.54225211

Cryptofags are truly pathetic.

>> No.54225214

Well at least I don't have to worry about money everyday

>> No.54225218

>posted on reddit
Oxymoron at its finest

>> No.54225236


>> No.54225583


>> No.54225619

I just need enough money to move to South America and retire.

>> No.54225628

At a certain point money becomes meaningless, but money can make your life considerably better if you are poor.

>> No.54225660

Hitler's compound in Bariloche? You're aiming pretty high. Maybe look at something more affordable.