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54218451 No.54218451 [Reply] [Original]

thank you for your sacrifice lmao

>> No.54218536

Ah shit, that sucks


>> No.54218640

Fuck you i lost 72k euros

>> No.54218663

What's that in real money?

>> No.54218776

And just like that, people start to realise BTC is the only un-fuckable asset.

>> No.54218796

that means the CDS pays out?

>> No.54218809


>> No.54218860

Anon, the bank is shit because they're pulling what they accuse Tether of doing. They're paying out Cefi (centralized finance) tokens with people's deposits. They're literally doing the same thing FTX did.

>> No.54218892

Fuck off with your glownigger scam. The only unfuckable assets with zero counterparty risk are gold and silver. Period.
You will shart galons of blood once bitcorn goes to zero, meanwhile rockchads will buy Mcmansions for few oz.

>> No.54218934

Executive order 6102.

You were saying, retard?

>> No.54218961

Based retard caveman shiny rock collector. You could have a solid currency not privy to the faults of jews printing; yet your simpleton brain prefers shiny rocks that never increase in value, and always, at best, devalues a tiny bit with inflation.

>> No.54218969
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You have an entire fucking world of real industries to invest in and you decided on a fucking bank.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.54218976

Good luck trying to sell it if they make hoarding it illegal.
Good luck trying to move it across borders, it weighs a shit ton.
Good luck trying to send it over the internet.

Fuck you retards should have been born in medieval period, you're completely unfit for modern society.

>> No.54218990

Usury is super profitable. Once and a while you destroy a currency, but your goyim always bail you out.

>> No.54218995

bro did you buy their shitty bonds half a year ago? what was the yield?

>> No.54219017

modern society puts their money in FTX because ''LE TOM BRADY'' made an ad about it, sneed

>> No.54219049

What has any of that got to do with BTC?

I never mentioned FTX at all? Did your mother drink alcohol while you were in the womb?

>> No.54219054

You mean the order that most people with a brain ignored back in the day? Lol. That was a failure, its as likely to happen again as its likely for alcohol to be banned.

>> No.54219065

People ignored it so how would they use it to buy anything? Considering the US actually still has some of that "ignored" gold that people cashed in, it clearly worked wonders.

>> No.54219081

>Trying to go to buy groceries at Walmart
>Sorry sir but gold is forbidden to be traded by individuals

>> No.54219092

ITT gold fags get butthurt their shiny rocks have barely moved while BTC keeps ripping to new highs.

>> No.54219174

imagine buying registered gold bars lmao, that's just asking to get fucked
im hoarding old coins that i bought paid for cash

>> No.54219194

interesting that the bondholders were below shareholders in the capital structure

guess you have to do your research and not just use common knowledge

>> No.54219466

>tether is more backed than fiat
what a weird timeline

>> No.54219714

If any baggies are here, do tell. But it's probably poorfags and pension funds. I swear pension funds are just dumping grounds for the jew, and everyone in finance knows it. That includes (Your) pension too, anons.

>> No.54219755

of course they are. the entire pension system is a scam to steward an absurd amount of wealth under the control of some faggots on wall street who pump their own bags

>> No.54219811

bout tree fiddy

>> No.54219822

please tell me Blackrock and JP Morgan and all these kike banks lost a lot of money there.

>> No.54219840

You seem really upset over a friendly suggestion.

>> No.54219913

are you LARPing or did you really buy bonds in the midst of global rate hikes ???????????????????
even BOJ hiked bro

>> No.54219929

tether is back by fiat deposits (that buy bonds) and bonds they bought themselves
granted, they're mostly short term, but still USTs
all junk

>> No.54219963

>Trying to go to buy groceries at Walmart
>Sorry sir but bihgoin is forbidden to be traded by individuals unless from muh government approve wallet with KYC.
>ty, now wait 1 hour for the transaction to process, also your transaction tax is more than what you purchased. WOW, amazing!!!

>> No.54219975

Yea a solid currency that's fully trackable and unusable without electricity and a free internet. Lol, truly the future.

>> No.54220067

What were the grades of those bonds by the rating agencies?

>> No.54220699
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the same modern society that brought us here?

>> No.54220712

farmers markets exist and they love shiny rocks

>> No.54220803

Doesn't matter if it's registered or not, it will be confiscated if you're caught with it. Good luck trying to confiscate my BTC tho.
BTC can be traded P2P, gold is much harder to find a buyer for and gold can be stolen or confiscated easily.


>> No.54220836
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ITT goldfags want you to be as poor as them.

>> No.54220977

>tulips bro

>> No.54221040
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>currency of the future is the same as plant bulbs

>> No.54221045
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I apologize for discussing the actual topic of the thread but can some one explain to me why and by what reasoning these bonds are not being honored?
If you buy a company don't you gain both its assets and its debts?

>> No.54221057

you idiots will believe anything

>> No.54221074

based 1920s proto bitcoin

>> No.54221077
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What's your metal profit / loss looking like?

>> No.54221128

i dont buy it with the intent to sell. gold and silver are money. lemme know how those charts work out for you tho i bet you check them often. i open my safe and my rocks are still there

>> No.54221172
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This post is like bagholder cope bingo
>I'm not selling!
>I'm holding for utility not profit!
>I can hold my investment even if it's never going to make me rich
I know you don't watch charts, because there's no point in PM bagholders checking charts because they never move.

>> No.54221186

>Using a bubble that happened over 1 year, based on something that can be created by anyone (growing plants) and comparing that to an asset which has grown consistently and will have a finite limit.

You retards really have no financial literacy.

>> No.54221232

>pulls the plug
nothing personnel kid

>> No.54221239

Until someone breaks into your house and blows the safe open, try that with BTC and you'll likely damage the paper/ledger it's stored on.

NOBODY can take your BTC if those words are in your head. Doesn't matter if you break into the safe with a ledger, you ain't getting it without the pin. Meanwhile gold can be taken from you quite easily.

Also, any realistic BTC holder doesn't care about the price except it costs more to stack it. We don't have to "sit over the chart", we know what it's doing, consistently.

>> No.54221250
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>pulls the plug
Oh look here's another retard who thinks BTC can be stopped.

Have fun staying poor little faggot.

>> No.54221277
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why would i sell retard?
its a store of wealth as i do not intend to accept fiat currency or bitcoin or anything else that idiots claim is money.
silver and gold are money and i intend to use them as such should the need arise
sorry youre so poor you have to gamble with every cent you save for the future
the point stands. its a fad and its funny you dumbasses are too dumb to see it and so ass blasted that other people like me wont accept it because it reveals the intristic value of zero
wont happen. i glad youre worried about my safety anon. i leave my doors unlocked and my keys in the truck. dont lose any sleep over worrying for us stackers

>> No.54221286

thanks for playing

>> No.54221298

You get fucking taxed when moving it across boarders, and they'll provably confiscate it too if you don't have all the receipts

>> No.54221355

>its a fad
Stay poor loser.

>> No.54221357
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>will have a finite limit
Don't forget all the lost keys from the early days when people didn't think BTC would go anywhere, and all the people that have / will die without leaving their family info on how to access the coins. BTC is not only finite, it's unintentionally deflationary. Who knows how many tons of unregistered gold is out there in the hands of the usual sorts of people you'd expect to have such a thing, or how much of the gold in the US and Chinese governments' vaults are fake or even non existent. Gold's day has passed.

>store of wealth
Yeah and the part you /pmg/ retards never tell anyone is that you have to have wealth worth storing first. If you have 5 figures you're unironically better off just buying BTC because you might at least get a 2x in the coming years, gold is never going to $4k unless the USD goes to stupid lows, at which point nobody will take gold or silver because your average normie is too retarded to understand value, so when you say "this tiny coin is worth $2000", the majority will just laugh and tell you you can't eat gold.

>> No.54221379

Impossible to quantify because LINK is diluted so frequently.

>> No.54221393

Is there only one major Swiss bank now? That would kind of suck for their market dynamics

>> No.54221394

>bonds wiped out
>stocks bailed out
Has this ever happened in history before?

>> No.54221413

>silver and gold are money and i intend to use them as such should the need arise
How will you use them to pay online you retard? Going to be sending IOUs? That's worse than fiat. You're supposed to use gold for offline and btc for online.

>> No.54221415

ive never seen anyone get their jimmies as rustled as crytofurries do about their little ponzi schemes. i dont care what you do with your money. but you guys get rectum raped about what everyone else does with theirs. what gives?
you dont wanna be on the ponzi scheme alone do you? im sure youll intimidate suckers into your little fad.
have fun watching that line everyday. im sure its riveting

>> No.54221429

I don't get it, why are the bonds wiped out? Credit Sus could still collapse in the near future even with this deal except this time it will bring down Switzerland and maybe the global economy.
And what about the UBS bonds?

>> No.54221441


> 10% fee to buy and sell
> underperforms vs the dollar
> robbers, swatters can take your shiny rocks
> can't send gold over the internet
> doesn't appreciate in price at all

Fuck you boomer kys

>> No.54221447

so what, that's like a dollar meal and a drink?

>> No.54221452

why would i need to spend my gold and silver for useless shit from china bought over the internet?
thats silly

>> No.54221474

Hebrew nonsense.

>> No.54221483

This is the way. But for day to day trantactions you're better off with silver unless you want to deal with people shaving off gold flakes for a bunch of eggs. Gold backing isn't the solution, either. We had that and look how it went. Don't accept derivative tokens that rely on someone promising he has the gold. Get the real deal. Get non derivative money. Gold, silver, BTC, XMR.

>> No.54221517
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I don't generally care what other people do with their money, but the way PM fags act is no different from a ponzi. You buy something then encourage others to buy it in the hope that you'll get rich as an "early" (you're actually a few thousand years late) investor in something you believe will become the next system of currency. How is that different from what you're saying BTC holders are doing? Difference is gold and silver are no longer currency. I can pay for my groceries in crypto, I can buy goods in BTC from people who provide entirely legal goods or services but for whatever reason have been denied access to traditional payment and banking services, I can even buy gold directly with crypto. I can't pay for shit with gold and silver, except from a small group of schizo PM boomers.

You call crypto a fad when gold is a fad that's been and passed. The funny part it I actually own some metal just in case society collapses, even if I believe the idea that societal collapse will immediately transition smoothly into a non-violent system of barter and trade is retarded. I literally never said at any point "don't buy metal". If you're poor and you buy metal, you're going to stay poor, but if you're rich and you buy metal, you're far more likely to stay rich.

>> No.54221562
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>We had that and look how it wen
operated fairly well until governments got increasingly involved
>the way PM fags act is no different from a ponzi
yeah im sure your mooncoin threads are full of rock collecting autists trying to get you all wrapped up in a six thousand year old silver ponzi scheme

>> No.54221603
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>> No.54221648

Unless you're an anarchist, government will get increasingly involved. Fuck, even if you are it will. They will convince the goyim it's necessary to save his job and income and the goyim will accept their slavery gladly.

>> No.54221684
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>all of crypto is a scam because pajeets create dogshit coins
Shitcoins =/= BTC

>> No.54221715

i am an anarchist so thats expected. having a parallel economy not unlike a black market will be impossible to stop or regulate, even to monitor. they gonna start taking down little old ladies at the farmers market or cletus at the gun show? i hope they try it and start putting grannies in jail for selling eggs and fresh baked pies. lets accelerate while the getting is good
glad to hear that. ill be rooting for you and that green line anon

>> No.54221725

>uses logarithmic scale to call someone poor

>> No.54221795
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its a subtle way for them to cope with their tulip fadcoin

>> No.54221977
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>still comparing revolutionary stored energy currency to plants anyone can produce with little effort

>> No.54221994

I get that. If they ban PMs they're only choking supply, but people will want it all the same or even more. If they ban it that's actually super bullish. Illegal products tend to be more expensive except when gov regulates and taxes the legal product to hell and back which they aren't doing. VAT on silver is the worst you have to deal with of you're unlucky.

>> No.54222029
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>> No.54222073

Bitcoin stores as much energy as gold does. Energy used for mining either is SPENT. It's not stored. It's gone. Or technically, the energy gets converted into exhaust and heat. At best you could maybe say it stores the value of that energy at the time it was spent.

>> No.54222136

There is no physical process by which a bitcoin can be converted back into energy. Tulip bulbs are at least edible.

>> No.54222162
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>There is no physical process by which a bitcoin can be converted back into energy.
I can buy gas or pay my utility bill with bitcoin, what now?

>> No.54222267

The energy used to mine that bitcoin is still gone. New energy has to be pumped into the system to process the transaction before the gas station will give you more new energy which was never part of the system at all. You're playing with definitions in an attempt to escape thermodynamic reality.

>> No.54222306
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Ok now convert gold back into the energy it took to mine and refine it. Who cares if you can do alchemy with it, it's currency that requires work to produce (proof of work) and can't be forged or diluted. Bitcoin standard makes more sense than a gold standard because you can't accidentally heavily dilute the BTC supply when you accidentally find a massive BTC deposit in the ground somewhere.

>> No.54222326

>still not recognizing a fad because it was memed in way he couldnt understand it
>stored energy
so its quantifyable in those units? how many watts or amps or btu's or ft/lbs of torque or calories etc can i expect to get from one bitcoin? do i just plug it into my home and use it as electricity?
how to recover the energy from it? energy is quite usefull and i wasnt aware it was a potential replacement for batteries
>exhaust and heat.
so its value is just blowing hot air?
gold has real world usefulness that would require you to go prospect, mine, refine, etc to be able to use in various industries across the manufacturing sector.
imagine if you owned all the btc in the world. it would be worthless because its easily replaced and therefore elastic. gold has physical properties that make it difficult to substitute and is therefore less elastic.

>> No.54222351

You buy batteries with the BTC retard,

>> No.54222359

Ooof a Bail in actually happened.

>> No.54222469

>moving the goalposts from "its an energy storage" to "yeah but gold can't turn into energy either"
gold can't be hacked or lost forever if you fail to remember a phrase, or simply becomes worthless once energy supply becomes unreliable

>> No.54222564

Gold, once extracted, exists with no input of energy and can be exchanged with no input of energy. Bitcoin exists inside a digital network that can only function with a constant inflow of energy. It's not hard to understand unless your "investment" depends on you not understanding it.

>> No.54222572

>if you can do alchemy with it
projection perfected
mining is difficult, rigorous, dangerous and requires work in the field, even underground. bitcoin is mined in air conditioned rooms by neck beards and coding pajeets or chinks. tell me the last time there was a bitcoin mining disaster.
all work is not equal and its downright shameful to call it mining at all. you are the one praying for alchemy here as you struggle to convince people that it will replace gold. thats the very definition of alchemy
so its value is purely speculative and requires an exchange to extract its value? gold and silver are useful without an exchange to extract its value as you would simply use it yourself where gold or silver were required and substitutions unavailable, more expensive or difficult to use, etc
i can use metals without exchanging them but bitcoin has no tangible value or usefulness outside of speculation

>> No.54222612
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The value doesn't depend on the energy required to extract it. Otherwise a gold nugget you found by accident in a river or whatever would be worthless. No energy was used to get it out of the ground. No. Gold is valuable because it's rare, durable, pretty, chemically stable, etc. Gold is not money because it is valuable. Quite the opposite. Gold is valuable because it is money. Or rather it has all the properties money requires. Its intrinsic value comes from its usefulness as monetary metal. If it didn't have those properties no one would care about it. The energy to extract it is just a cost. You have to pay for it and it's part of the price but it't not really what makes gold valuable, for the same reason a bitcoin isn't valuable because someone spent energy to mine it. It't the same argument and wrong for the same reason.

>> No.54222623
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I hear you Anon. And it could happen again to be sure. But it would be largely ignored I should think. (((They))) don’t have the political capital to get away with it. If anything it might spark a civil war.

I can’t see anyone in the right mind giving the government Jack shit these days.

>> No.54222640
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Based. All these haters are soon to be living in tent cities or dead in a gutter like the Darwinian flotsam they are.

Gold is Money. Everything else is Credit.

>> No.54222658

>Buy non equity exchange AT1 / CoCo designated to be written down contingent on this exact event

>> No.54222686

this. yuros better pray shareholders are rich enough to float this sinking ship, otherwise their pensions are next

>> No.54222724

True, but as long as you do have energy and an Internet connection buttcoin will be way more liquid than any physical thing that has to be shipped around. You can also cross borders without risking someone finding your stack of gold in your ass. When the lights go out? Yeah, better have some gold and silver. It's a different set of trade offs. I'm mostly in silver because I believe in the COMEX squeeze, but I have some BTC, too. Overall I prefer Monero but it's not moving.

>> No.54222737
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Faggot. A hundred grand worth of gold is around 1kg.


There’s no arguing with these ones, Anon. They are the “White Negroes” - mentally terraformed by generations of Jewish propaganda to disconnect from the milennia-old reality of precious metals based money. It’s tragic how in the space of just a few human lives, they made the children forget about so many intrinsic aspects of being Human.

And now they flail and thrash and catterwall like the bewildered half-people they are. It’s sad. And when the collapse happens they will be lining the streets with their dead.

>> No.54222756

>depends on you not understanding it.
thats why theyre so defensive and cultish. its a faith based system that would collapse if they questioned it for more than six seconds
notice how they have to resort to flights of fantasy to fud PMs?
>raiding parties looking for worthless gold and silver willing to kill for it
>somehow btc holders will simply hop on the next flight out and away from danger ezpz
>"theyll kill you for your gold but not my btc
so their grand plan is to simply avoid the fallout by virtue of owning btc because its so accepted and portable theyll just moonwalk passed those marauding gangs and arrive at the airport to buy a flight that somehow didnt get the memo about the collapse with their btc and live happily ever after
>they wont get my btc as its password protected haha
if theyll kill me for worthless rocks theyll torture for that code
>i wont give it to them
ok so youll be tortured to death over that password. damn you sure showed me....

>> No.54222776
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>as long as your dependence on a supply chain requiring tens of thousands of people collaborating, millions of miles of infrastructure, and massive power generation on continental scales holds up, you’ll be just fine!

>> No.54222784

i think you tagged the wrong post

>> No.54222828

>financial collapse
>gonna leave the fucking country
shiggy diggy my niggy

>> No.54222835
File: 80 KB, 501x501, DBE5098B-F975-465A-A9BA-1F50A58EDCA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>worthless gold and silver

Humans valued gold and silver when we were wearing raw animals skins and using stone tools. It’s not going to go away. Get that through your head. It’s more than an objective valuation of these materials for their properties; it is built into the very universe that they are valuable, useful for industry and functional as money. Implicit to reality.

If the dinosaurs - or some other race - evolved to intelligence and dominance over this world; they would value gold and silver just as we do. Probably more because hopefully they wouldnt have Jews.

>> No.54222875

i think you sarcasm detector is broken anon

>> No.54222905

You could say the same about anything. Some of the cheapest shit you can buy requires international supply chains to get produced.
No, I replied to your post. You quoted me in the secoed half. That's what I was replying to.
Try leaving the country with kilobars right now. Don't they steal half your shit if they even let you if you don't have some proof it's yours. Maybe US is different. I already had problems flying widh just a 250g bar of silver I took with me as a joke.

>> No.54222993

>cheapest shit you can buy
i wouldnt consider that a safe store of wealth so not so dissimilar than btc

>> No.54223004

Who said my jimmies were rustled? Dumb ass.

>> No.54223023

i did because they are

>> No.54223043

I agree that there are genuine uses for crypto, all I'm saying is that "store of energy" isn't one of them. Anyone who uses bitcoin or monero now would still use them if the network didn't consume any energy at all, and people who say otherwise aren't actually using them but are just holding them in the hope of one day getting rich.

>> No.54223058

It's funny because I'm actually bullish on BTC. I hate how Jews took over and use shitcoins to fool the goyim out of their precious fiat but long-term that shit will burn just like the banks are doing now. In the world I dream of people use gold/silver for day to day shopping like groceries or coffees or whatever and some crypto like BTC (or better XMR) for sending money over the Internet. To me it's all good as long as the banking Jew gets cut out of the deal.

>> No.54223060

Yeah that makes no sense at all, waiting for the real deets myself

>> No.54223064
File: 48 KB, 720x400, 1678755563406180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realise that logarithmic scale was the only choice of the website right?
You realise that logarithmic scale shows you could buy 34 gold bars for 1 BTC after you purchased 1 BTC for 0.0001 gold bar, right?
You realise that showing this on a normal scale is not normal, right?

Fuck another retard.

>> No.54223105

so youre saying this is the best time to buy gold with it?
not a bad idea before the music stops and you dont hav a chair

>> No.54223108

too high-iq for the average retard itt

>> No.54223115

That looks nothing like BTC on linear scale. Trying to compare something growable shows you are the most financially illiterate retard. That's why you buy gold.

>> No.54223135

And a hundred grand of BTC weighs nothing.
A million of BTC weighs nothing.
A billion of BTC weighs nothing.
A trillion of BTC weighs nothing.

>> No.54223157

And how did you work that one out? I'm quite comfy, especially knowing your gold bags are barely moving.

There is never a good time to buy a useless asset like gold. Gold is OLD and heavy and slow. We live in 21st cent

>> No.54223215

Same goes for some of the most expensive shit you can buy. But I think I misunderstood in that you meant that infrastructure isn't required if you already have PMs. Which is true, yes. I don't think we're headed into anything that bad but I'm not telling anyone to dump it all into shitcoins, either. I'm also hedging my bets. Mostly silver.
Of course. I'm with you. I'm trying to argue that the store-of-energy argument is retarded and that goes for both gold and bitcoin and for the same reasons. It's just funny because both gold boomers nd crypto zoomers use the same arguments while shitting on each other and both are wrong in the same way.

>> No.54223261

impossible to give an estimate
inflation so intense nobody knows

some say it can buy a pack of gum, idk

>> No.54223272

you understand the tulip craze as much as you understand btc. im sure your internet money will make you rich one day and itll become digital gold. ill just keep putting PMs away in my safe for a rainy day and you can watch your line feverishly like a permabull carnival barker watches a crowd for suckers. at the end of the day you MUST exchange your coins to extract value. gold and silver have value that doesnt require exchange just knowledge of how to use them
so its weight is directly tied to its value?

>> No.54223314

You keep referring to the tulip craze shows how little you understand about technology or financials.

>> No.54223374

i dont intend to move them. im so butthurt about holding literal bags of silver and gold, whatever shall i do?
if that were true you wouldnt be so adamant about its validity as your chosen investment. PMs have historical validity spanning thousands of years so im not concerned at all about owning them or fretting over the valuation in fiat
you still think they were simply gowing tulips and somehow the price ran away which indicates you know nothing about currency or history
good luck with those financials and that technology tho im sure itll be great

>> No.54223376

>so its weight is directly tied to its value?
See, this just proves you are an idiot.

Tungsten weighs slightly more than gold, yet is ridiculously cheap.

>> No.54223394

Tulips are also neither rare, nor divisible, nor do they store well for an extended period of time. They literally grow on shit. You might say
>but what about all the shitcoins?
Same goes for fiat currencies. Most are shitcoins. Same is also true for gold. Just because iron exist doesn't mean gold is less valuable.
>you MUST exchange your coins to extract value
Same for gold. No one gives you shit for free just because you own gold. You have to give some of it up to get thote eggs. Or that land. Or whatever.

>> No.54223400

I'm not going to reply to your retardedness any more. The fact you're expending this much energy trying to "convince" someone that your shiny rocks are worth selling BTC for shows how desperate you are and how much you seethe you didn't buy it when you could have had it much cheaper.

Think how much gold you COULD have bought....

>> No.54223499

>May 2021

>> No.54223621

they were not growing the tulps you dumb bitch.
>because iron exist doesn't mean gold is less valuable.
do you know what elasticity is baka chan?
>Same for gold. No one gives you shit for free
i dont have to exchange gold to capture its value. i could simply use it as it has been used and is used today.
>you're expending this much energy trying to "convince" someone
im laughing at you. i dont really want you to buy shiny rocks. i want you to get what you deserve
> you didn't buy it when you could have had it much cheaper.
ive been buying silver since it was nine dollars. never sold one oz. gave some away to friends and family tho. currently i have about 2k oz of silver that i dont even think about. its that fucking comfy to own. dont you go buying any shiny rocks anon you stick to those numbers on that screen and pray for green dildos while you shop for lambos. im sure you didnt buy high and are currently in the red. if it were red im sure you wouldnt concern about it at all since its obvious the line will climb to the moon in two more weeks

>> No.54223632

theres an infinite amount of gold and silver tho...

>> No.54223714

then why is it so valuable? if theres that much of it then it should be the same value as everything else that is also infinite?

>> No.54223746
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I also have more in crypto than everyone else in this thread put together. Gold is nice and comfy for when you're already rich. And, admittedly, better than just holding cash - if that's the only alternative.

But metalfags have to recognise that they're doing it because they can't be bothered to learn how to invest properly, or don't want to spend the time/energy on that kind of thing, which is perfectly acceptable. But it does mean they don't really have grounds for criticising more active investors who are trying (and often succeeding) to make actual gains.

Buy silver if you want. You can dab on cashfags, but that's about it. Cryptochads are attempting something entirely different to what silverfags are doing.

>> No.54223827

why would you call metals an investment? cant i just own something of value without expectations to profit by trading it for fiat? i dont want fiat thats why i bought metals. i wouldnt accept fiat for my shiny rocks. nor crypto. maybe land or some rifles. something else thats useful like metals

>> No.54224118

>that book
a novel that has a theory pushing ecological accountability is a mask for something else, most likely communism and central planning

>> No.54224166

What does "capturing value" even mean?
>i dont really want you to buy shiny rocks
You can't stop me from doing it. And I am doing it. You're like those fags who say you can only either have silver or ammo.

>> No.54224227
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>gold and silver
>rocketman bad
>support trans rights

>> No.54224244

using it. btc has no value outside of speculation and exchange. itll never be transformed from its state into anyting useful so it has no value beyond speculation and exchange.
>youre like X
thanks for letting me know who i am. it helps

>> No.54224248

No, cryptofags are trying to get rid of the banking Jew, same as silverfags. Just the mechanism is more modern and doesn't appeal to most boomers, same as silver doesn't appeal to most zoomers. Millenials win again and go full retard with both. Either way, we just can't lose this.

>> No.54224376

>ty, now wait 1 hour for the transaction to process, also your transaction tax is more than what you purchased. WOW, amazing!!!
"What is the lightning network?"
You fucking retard.

>> No.54224386

yes both are trying to prepare for a parallel economy. but both the bankers and the cryptofags need silver as an industrial metal to operate. we will have the last laugh

>> No.54224403
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>not your database row, not your coins

>> No.54224460

>using it
So it has nothing to do with "capturing value" and everything with how easy it is to spend on stuff. Or you know, how easy it is to use as money. If you want you can live on crypto alone in most countries. Some like Switzerland or El Salvador even let you pay taxes in crypto directly. I don't think you can do this with gold, anywhere. The closest is getting a gold debit card, which work similarly to crypto debit cards. I don't care what you do, I'm just trying to say that everything that moves us away from traditional banking is based. Doesn't matter if it's gold, silver, bitcoin, shells or whatever. I agree that the current crypto space is infested with fraud and retardation. People give litesal bank-mans their money. I also hope this comes crashing down. Just like I want COMEX to blow up.

>> No.54224547

>lighening network
>2nd layer
>somehow faster despite having yet another party involved in the exchange
what could go wrong? clearly btc doesnt have to abide the same laws of physics as the rest of the universe. everyone else would be hindered in some way to add another party to the transaction if only the risks and costs associated with adding moving parts and layers of complexity that come with increased work. truly magical stuff

>> No.54224569

a bit over 39 oz

>> No.54224613

no. using it means to use it as something other than money. metal has demand due to their physical properties. you know that things are made of stuff right? well gold and silver are stuff to make things. that is capturing the value is to employ it as a metal, well beyond mere exchange and speculation. no crypto can achieve this

>> No.54224713

Silver mining also requires other things. Might as well say invest in oil or lithium.
Besides, you also need a way to send money wherever you want. Shipping via mail is slow and risky. Metals are great for local markets and they work when the light goes out. I would even agree if you said it's more important stack metals first (if you want crypto at all, you don't and that's fine). Crypto is indeed more risky. It depends on how bad things are going to get. But it's also way easier to move around as long as the lights are on. I think diversifying is a good idea, but if you got a large stack it doesn't really matter.
There's a huge black market running on crypto already. Mostly BTC and Monero. Gold doesn't really have this, yet.

>> No.54224747

Trivial answer, would he have compensated the employees if the valued had dropped instead?

If there was no other clause to the deal other than the payment to being made in crypto instead of dollars then, after the payment is made, this is it. Further payments however could be subjected to new deals, be it a smaller amount of crypto or dollars instead, which would be reasonable.

>> No.54224840

the goal is to destroy globalism so not being able to send it instantly anywhere in the world is, to me, yet another thorn in the side of the beast

>> No.54224850

What uses does gold have other than as money? Jewelry is just money that women wear to show off. Same goes for gold teeth or whatever. There is little actual industrial use for gold. A little is used to plate electronic contacts but not much else. You seem to think industrial use is a good thing for a monetary metal but I'm not so sure. It just means you use up your money eventually. That means money supply is not stable. Value goes up. I agree that buying silver is a no brainer. It's the most undervalued thing you can buy right now. But that's also why I'm hoarding it instead of spending it. That makes it less desirable as money even if it means I get to buy more FWTDHAHQADs.

>> No.54224934
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Probably larping but this is /biz/ so you never know

>> No.54224952

>little industrial uses
Approximately 11 percent of all gold produced is used in industry. Because of its inherent properties, gold is used in the medical, electronics, automotive, defense and aerospace industries. It is also increasingly used as a catalyst in many industrial processes.
is this your first time on the internet anon?
why do they use it on molars then?
>use up your money
deflation and competing currencies are a good thing

>> No.54224958

I'm not convinced that free trade is actually a problem once the Jew question is resolved, but I can see your point. I'm going to stop at this point. I think I made my points clear. I tried to explain, not to convice. I'm sure you'll be happy with your silver. I will be with mine. So anyway, good luck, fren. See you in /pmg/, as I'm sure you're a regular.

>> No.54224982

>dude bonds are so safe
>bonds have never not been paid come on

>> No.54224996

That is Basel the most Jewish city in the world

>> No.54225015

god speed desu

>> No.54225030

As opposed to >50% for silver... That means it's mostly bars, coins and jewelry. Sitting in a vault. Waiting to be used as money again. Like I said.

>> No.54225046

Nvm it is actually Zurich.

>> No.54225072

gold and silver = jewish fuel

>> No.54225106

i never claimed it was greater or lesser than anything anon. simply that 1/9th of it is used by industry
then why did we stop using them as currency?

>> No.54225125

At the point where gold and silver become viable currency, arguably the more important assets are weaponry and friends. Let's hope we don't get there.

>> No.54225516

>BTC is the only un-fuckable asset
If an equal or even better altcoin gains the same popularity it's pretty fucked?

>> No.54226025

I lost good money on BASF when the orcs invaded Ukraine

>> No.54226365

pms are for after that other part, who knows how long between the two tho

>> No.54226577

No they don't

>> No.54226665

sorry to hear that you dont have one nearby
i m thinking to set up one next door to our post office on saturdays once it gets warmer. id love to see some old boomers pay with shiny

>> No.54226682

> when the orcs invaded Ukraine

Actually when your faggot government sanctioned and all but declared war on its biggest energy partner just to suck anglo and polish dick, killing energivorous german industry

>> No.54226800

>not using log scale
because an increase from 1$ to 11$ is the same as 201$ to 211$, right?

>> No.54228012

Seeeething russoid

>> No.54229537

>decides he has the right to steal property from every american and give it to banks with a fucking executive order
Was FDR the most evil person in history?

>> No.54229610

thanks for playing.

>> No.54229700

In a hypothetical world where the every last jew has been raptured away, I would be be okay experimentally dipping my toe into globalism just to see if humanity is able to make it work without that particular parasitic overclass.

>> No.54229812

This is all so incredible. Think about it bros. The biggest rug pull of all time and it takes all these years to actualize.

>> No.54230944

Even if they somehow manage to go through this smoothly, the credibility of Swiss banks is forever tainted now.

>> No.54231131

Isnt that like $400 in silver? Kek

>> No.54231637
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>it weighs nothing
>and it's worth _______

>> No.54231786

gold isn't digital, it's worth 1% of its actual value (the industrial use)

>> No.54231803

you gambled on state currencies, you got what you deserved

>> No.54232215
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stfu retard
there are literally tonnes of stones sitting in bank safes and warehouses that the bank claims are gold and silver and then can hand out paper certificates for it to be traded on the stock market, thus inflating the supply

>stones in bags

>> No.54233609
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Not your government, not your bonds

>> No.54233632

>Fuck a guy in ass.
>Get upset when people call you gay.
Sadly it was probably pension funds, who seem to be run by morons.

>> No.54233711

go get it then

>> No.54234192

they are legally covered too, because it's in the fine print. either way, since this is a Swiss federal council decision with emergency law there is almost no prospect anyone will be able to sue.