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File: 888 KB, 3000x2464, buffalo40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54216469 No.54216469 [Reply] [Original]

Buffalo Herd Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://www.jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>54208476

>> No.54216480


>> No.54216502

Now that's a nice stack!

>> No.54216504
File: 125 KB, 776x1000, rockwell-freedom-of-speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate buffalo rounds. They are generally just unattractive and their are far prettier 1oz rounds out there.

>> No.54216512

You follow Michael Oliver?


>> No.54216519

there* FUCK

>> No.54216523
File: 3.83 MB, 1920x7560, pmg collab finalish edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was the last time we had one of the /pmg/ board collage pictures? Last one we had I know of was this over a year ago

>> No.54216530

It's certainly not the best design, but it's not terrible either. Why are they unattractive?

>> No.54216537

>fat boomer with $60k of chug coins
i will never purchase a coin with a nonwhite on it

>> No.54216561

Gold buffalos are beautiful, the silver ones look like shit

>> No.54216566
File: 1.48 MB, 498x248, 9A5E1C02-464E-4F18-9305-FE9A8B1F8D2F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job

>> No.54216567

is there more cringe or aids in that collage?

>> No.54216568

just the dude's blown up face being the entire side of the coin with almost zero negative space. it's similar to hindenberg's giant visage on the reichsmark. almost every other design from that area mogs; standing liberty quarter, walking liberty half, etc

>> No.54216577

my meme is immortalized for eternity

>> No.54216584

Thanks, I spent a lot of time on it and was afraid it would be shit
Fuck you, I spent a lot of time on it and was afraid it would be shit

>> No.54216598

I would take a nonwhite human over a reptilian shapeshifter any day.

>> No.54216601

Made in in the collab

>> No.54216701
File: 104 KB, 600x454, cup and handle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive cup and handle formation

Price objective $3000 plus,

Michael Oliver thinks maybe $8000 coming..

>> No.54216720

that’s a big bar

>> No.54216834

ok, cool. plenty of options. krugers, maples, chink, weiners, ages
what are you getting at?

>> No.54216899

Nicely done!

>is there more cringe
Only in your post, Mr. Reddit.
Welcome to the filter for this thread.

>> No.54216969
File: 497 KB, 2448x3264, F272E0DF-B99F-4C3B-92D2-C6877BB54569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m feeling bullish on real money

>> No.54216986

Gold buffaloes are most kino coin there is

>> No.54217028
File: 210 KB, 960x1200, lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Making it," to use the vulgate of the day, is not about having more goblin maidservants than the other gentlemen.

It's about having more today than you did yesterday.

>> No.54217080

>My Fair Goblin

>> No.54217139
File: 96 KB, 627x563, 1678861433593787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forbidden bread

>> No.54217177

It helps to remember that no matter what trickery they do to try and prolong this game, God's money always accounts for the amount of currency created in the system. It's a law of the universe like gravity.

>> No.54217182

$5 Indians are superior in every way

>> No.54217278

I enjoy its simplicity. Plus buffalo and redskins are cool.

>> No.54217305

God's money is sin
Luckily that shit isn't real lol

>> No.54217309
File: 719 KB, 564x594, chun-li.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me gold

>> No.54217335
File: 2.54 MB, 2813x4032, A35459B6-4AF5-4A41-BF2A-725DB4D5B9B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are an affront to god. jesus would forgive you but I’m not jesus.

>> No.54217346

Will my silver lose value if touch it?

>> No.54217354

only if it's a proof coin

>> No.54217378

I will still accept jesus silver when I resort to whoring myself in the post-apocalyptic wasteland

>> No.54217484

Gold buffs are pure Americana. Rugged, noble, rustic, a little rough and smelly, tough as hand-wrought nails. And pure gold. Beautiful.

>> No.54217500

on the bright side starving in the apocalypse will make it easier for you to keep your colon empty of faeces for when another man wants to stick his penis in your asshole

>> No.54217528

Damn, I would love to just have gigantic crude slabs of silver ngl. The rounds and coins are nice but there's just something about just plain ugly slabs of it that gets me.

>> No.54217535

those are 1000 oz comex bar slices.

>> No.54217546

Based LinkedIn pronouns poster

>> No.54217574

Has anyone found King Chuck Brits locally or are they all online?

>> No.54217589
File: 76 KB, 503x500, 1628181036208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in the US, I should say.

>> No.54217605

Anybody with any wealth worth talking about can not receive any gold or silver because it is impossible to secure due to the size.

I am sorry. You're all poor.

>> No.54217611

I'm buying only these nowadays.

>> No.54217618


>> No.54217629

gold is extremely value dense. What are the alternatives?

>> No.54217634

they are the krugs of the comex

>> No.54217645

being poor

>> No.54217652
File: 1.91 MB, 3432x3656, fondle deez nutz 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are except for being smol. My next gold coin will be another $5 Indian.
This is true. No private mint has ever successfully reproduced the Buffalo nickel design. Most of the time it's flat and lacks detail. An affront to the original.
My merc nation meme is on there. I will look back on this image with fond memories in decades to come as it will remind me of my youth.
The hammered design gives it such a unique look. Other than the krug, they're the only modern mainstream bullion piece that I can say I really like. Britannias are over designed and maples are under designed. And Weiners are just plain ugly.

>> No.54217659
File: 1.37 MB, 876x762, bowl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story. we're still not buying bitchcoin

>> No.54217676

>Britannias are over designed
yeah i kinda agree

>> No.54217678
File: 162 KB, 1126x618, 27 and a half pounds too heavy for soy boy arms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54217680
File: 724 KB, 2357x1414, not my pic I found it on plebbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffalos will go down in history along with the great coins of ancient realms.

>> No.54217687

I think the comment chain somehow got scrambled up lol.

>> No.54217706


>> No.54217731

we were talking about how only poor people can afford gold... I just think that's an absurd thing to say lol.

>> No.54217753
File: 238 KB, 800x799, e9ce4e697ab0be5dbdf68e051f806dc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The older ones look really good however, and I understand why they put all the extra security shit on there. But I'd be a liar if I said it doesn't make it look cluttered. Maybe they should put all the designbloat on the side with king chuck.

>> No.54217758

if poor people can afford to buy gold, people who aren’t poor can afford to buy gold. what you said is that only people who are poor would want to buy gold because it’s too heavy to convert massive amounts of wealth into. you are welcome to hold that opinion. also I dismiss every opinion you have as retarded because of it.

>> No.54217826

are you guys SEEING this
2000 today or what?

>> No.54217835

I'm surprised it recovered during illiquid trading hours. Let's see if the tamp continues during the NYMEX open.

>> No.54217847

Half a million gold easily fits in a .30 cal ammo can, you fail at geometry and math.

>> No.54217863

>I don't get why (back when money wasn't fiat) they'd bother making coins at all if the same weight of the same metal has the same intrinsic value.
a) they need a certain amount of coins to actually have the populace be able to trade so the market has liquidity
b) they may sometimes be in a pinch metals wise and so have to have .5 oz silver in coins instead of 1oz silver in coins so they have enough coins for everyone to market easily.
It was also often the case where foreign currency would be worth "more" because of silver content which lowers usage and thus trust in your own currency.
as a subset of b), remember that back when the US had the gold standard and quarters had silver, even the dimes sure, they still had nickels and pennies that were used w/o the silver, so they had to have their own "worth" somehow.

>> No.54217913

I know this is pure unadulterated copium (my supply of copium has fully replenished after many months away from /biz/), but maybe there's a chance that it's possibly, truly happening this time? IIRC there's a LOT riding on AU not cracking 2k, because if it does it's a psychological indicator for the masses above all else.
they used every kike trick in the book to smack it down from 2k during the Summer of Covid, and the economic retardation unfolding this quarter is a direct result of it. The inevitable consequence of decades of this fake and gay economy.

>> No.54217931

wasn't it literally just 2k a few weeks ago?

>> No.54217950

Just 2k would legit be bearish, we are witnessing the (((enginereed))) collapse of the financial system in live. I'm expecting gold to gain 50 bux on a daily now.
But more important, i want to see silver rise from the ashes. We are at 90 GSR, it went this high only 3 times this past quarter of a century, and all within the last 3 years. Silver is bound to go up hard, or lose it's monetary status completely for the foreseable future. At least in the eyes of the big wigs.
But a gold-only domination would be a tragic mistake.

>> No.54217968


>> No.54217970

if the GSR goes to insane levels i'm just gonna convert my gold to silver, and I'm not alone. this could easily create a rush on physical Ag.

>> No.54217986

are you kidding? look at any of the markets.
silver is what, like 22 an oz right now, but the premiums are like 6 an oz now, pushing real value to near 30. I don't see it going down anytime soon.

>> No.54217999

Did it? If so it was once again for all of five minutes, and then it got smacked down and then a bunch of banks literally collapsed a week later, I guess what I'm getting at is how many more times can they do this when it's gotten this bad

yeah what I mean is that if it hits 2k it's likely not just going to STOP there because it will be headline news for the non stackers. If it hangs out at 2k for more than a day, the excitement will drive it higher.
And silver will surely follow...r-right?

>> No.54218000
File: 1.10 MB, 4624x3468, wjnOrcO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had mine polished. It's delightfully chonky.

>> No.54218011
File: 790 KB, 686x690, mintanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. im very bullish Ag. I think the GSR will go down soon

>> No.54218012

The rush is already occuring, the fact silver bullion now outpaced industrial demand for the first time in 60 years is a clear indicator of that, but my concern is more about the power that be. Will they allow silver to sit at the big boi table?
Because it's so much easier (and cheaper) for (((them))) to rig silver spot. Maybe they will allow gold to run free but keep silver on a leash.
Only time will tell..

>> No.54218017

why will a bank give me a mortage for a house but not this?

>> No.54218035

with credit suisse now officially kill, does anyone else have the urge to buy some cs silver or gold just to have a piece of history before it's no longer minted?

>> No.54218048

Is that a 1000oz silver bar in the OP’s pic?

>> No.54218068

Holy trips, looking good sirs.

>> No.54218076

Yes, total value of the products is about ~120k or a tad lower

>> No.54218093

>And silver will surely follow...r-right?
purity checked
On a fundamentals basis? It's inevitable, silver is so insanely cheap it's beyond retarded. But in full blown talmudic clownworld, we have to abandon all logic and reason.
Anyway, a run on gold is automatically a good news for silver.
A piece of data we never get but i would find most interesting is the purchase ratio of G:S on major bullion dealers websites. It would give us a T° check on how behave the crowd and at what inflexion point they prefer one or the other.

>> No.54218339

It may not be as valuable a sample but I can always ask my local coin shop their local traffic on gold buyers or silver buyers in a day or two.

>> No.54218403

Checked, but unfortunately anon, solver and other precious metals typically devalue at the start of an economic crash. This is counterintuitive, but the reason is that people’s debts are denominated in fiat dollars and need to be repaid in such. The problem is that nobody has dollars anymore (because far more debt exists in the system than dollars, by design) so there’s a liquidity crisis and people can’t repay debts. So while their currency is simultaneously devaluing people still want it so that they can avoid larger pain, such as foreclosure on a house or bankruptcy of a business. Long-term if you’re able to hold on to your assets you’ll come out the other side ok, but short-term you won’t be living like a king while others beg you to trade your silver & gold for their goods. This doesn’t necessarily apply the same in a hyper inflationary environment, but I think we’re still 2-5 years out from hyperinflation and first the Jew tries to take every hard asset from the people before hyperinflation destroys the currency scheme.

>> No.54218427

>tfw three of my pics made it
>mfw my current stack mogs those
guess i'll buy another tube to celebrate.

>> No.54218439
File: 9 KB, 255x198, 1666905959726141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's it, the cheapies have gone.

>> No.54218442

Just got a delivery of a few silver buffalos and a silver krug. Very happy with the purchase. I also received a few new books to read!
Don't forget to stock up on a different PM(lead), anons.

>> No.54218444

All I'm hearing is

>> No.54218457

GOLD 2000

>> No.54218463
File: 148 KB, 858x912, 1678889558232417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kate hikes so much its unreal. You nigs told me the kikes would keep pms down for much longer. YOU LIED TO ME! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

>> No.54218475
File: 284 KB, 1283x1743, 167876611969616096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me each time hold was at 2000

>> No.54218476
File: 227 KB, 1080x1080, 1678765318719371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it stop!

>> No.54218487

Lads I have some gold near some copper tins that hold whiskey. Will the gold react with the cooper? I already know to have my silver and gold separate but I couldn’t find any resources on gold and copper

>> No.54218499
File: 820 KB, 800x800, goldwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54218508
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x681, 5AF045CA-0BBE-4A8D-B633-5641E3BBA3F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We poooomping

>> No.54218523
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x3024, pres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheapies. gone.

>> No.54218529
File: 50 KB, 627x605, FphppEXWAAcxBB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold over 2k

my only regret is that I only have half my yearly paycheck in it

>> No.54218550
File: 68 KB, 1366x595, Gold Price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed gold.

>> No.54218583

>this is the highest gold has been in 2 years
Oh nelly!

>> No.54218595
File: 45 KB, 546x526, 1678711785547288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54218616

I’m just saying, don’t overextend yourself. I think they’ve pushed it too far for once, but this is the boom/bust cycle they take advantage of to engineer wealth transfer. I saw the same shit in 2008. Even people who knew about it and were aware of the world get blindsided (ie. If you run a successful business but all your customers go bankrupt, how much of your silver/gold would you have to sell cheaply to pay for food & bills until things recover?)

>> No.54218617

You should have stacked on Mora Raidiot, you had like eternity

>> No.54218627
File: 62 KB, 969x788, Gold Price History UK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be for yours, but it isn't for my currency. It is now the highest ever.

>> No.54218650

I've put in literally everything I had, not everything, but more than 60% of my portfolio is in pms right now. I've not hit 1000ozt in silver yet, that's what pains me.

>> No.54218735
File: 200 KB, 750x750, 1676901790168155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 60% cash right now and gold and bitcoin keep mooning fml

>> No.54218775
File: 2.01 MB, 2372x3161, 8A8A0372-19DD-4E9C-9BE4-6065B9C5CA61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clear for launch

>> No.54218839
File: 10 KB, 489x102, mooning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just broke $2000 for gold.

It's coming, lads.

>> No.54218853

>have to keep gold and silver separate
Huh? Fuck, I've had mine together for about half a year, granted, each in their plastic capsules. Will the capsules protect them?

>> No.54218884
File: 2.97 MB, 306x205, 1626216369497.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54218902

No you're fine, Gold will not react with copper. Part of the reason why gold is so valuable is because it does not tarnish, it's nonreactive.

>> No.54218933

I'm like 4% in cash. Don't worry too much anon, what goes up must come down, I was hoping to save some cash to buy the dip, but I could never hold cash.

>> No.54218993

I wanted to buy silver in bulk recently back when it was still 19€ per ounce, but now it jumped to 21€ do you think I can wait for the price to go lower or will it only increase from this point ?

>> No.54219002

I just want to finally have sex, and get a wife. You anons promised me that by stacking gold, and silver I could do this. So I continue to stack and await the day that I can buy 1 woman for 1 oz of silver like /pmg/ has foretold.

>> No.54219030

DCA is your answer, not FOMO.

>> No.54219031
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1670876132596449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We /2k/ now gold bros

>> No.54219033

I want enslave kate, and make her my breeding wife. Please tell me anons that when we get hyperinflation woman rights will be abolished.

>> No.54219060

Can’t DCA since I’m buying in bulk with big shipping fees

>> No.54219066
File: 265 KB, 1536x1410, 5B370D7B-F0D5-4BFF-897F-B3F6F7AE5401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver is healing

>> No.54219073

Even (((they))) know to respect RNH

>> No.54219080

Feels good to have 3oz gold

>> No.54219111

>keep gold and silver apart

>yfw when you're two years too late

>> No.54219116
File: 88 KB, 1366x631, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads. Remember the days that you could get gold for £1,420 instead of £1,640? It was only four months ago.

>> No.54219139

Just buy a few ounces to scratch the itch, set up a budget and scheduled time to purchase. Most do every month just to make it simple and that will help insulate from price flucuations and buyers remorse. This will also help you build a relationship with your local shops. For instance, say you buy a 1/4 ounce BU every month and now they are out, but since you're a regular they give you a graded coin for the same price.

>> No.54219147
File: 674 KB, 474x498, comfydancingapu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54219158

Is an anagram for gingers.

>> No.54219163
File: 1.89 MB, 2741x3525, IMG_20230320_084052_edit_136112799255271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54219164

> They are generally just unattractive and their are far prettier 1oz rounds out there.
This. Whenever I order
>random, cheapest generic round
It’s always fucking buffaloes. Silver is silver, but still.
But I Switched to gold now, much more low premium options there Without having to settle for fucking buffaloes.

>> No.54219168

whats /makeit/ stack for upcoming collapse? how much gold and silver? Jealous af of those custom made silver rounds btw.

>> No.54219223

im going for 12 ounces of gold, 365 ounces of silver.
i hit that goal and am working to double that silver. sitting around 600oz and thinking to add at least 25 today.

>> No.54219321

What's your cash to metal ratio? How long you been stacking? Been stacking for a year and now like 250Ag/3Au

>> No.54219421

i usually keep about 2 months worth of pay saved up but i dont think im going to be doing that anymore.
i've been stacking since the scam hit.
i was about the same my first year, i started off with 1 ounce of gold and one stack of maples.
i loved the ability to see and hold my wealth that numbers on a screen couldnt match.

>> No.54219468

I might reduce my cash then, I'm about 8 months pay atm - not sure whether to buy silver or gold. Not sure if the days of gold cheapies is over

>> No.54219480

are* not is

>> No.54219508

Didn't some lady millionaire from Texas buy 50 million in gold and silver last year?

>> No.54219522

Why not just buy one of those $3000 bulk silver eagle boxes when they're on sale? Is slow stacking really the way to go these days? I'm still pretty new to hoarding shiny things.

>> No.54219528

>Didn't some lady millionaire from Texas
Billionaire Texas lady.

>> No.54219585

We might not be able to buy the dips accurately. If you have the monies, why not go for a monster box of rounds or lots of kilo bars? IDK if eagles are worth the premium.

>> No.54219615

if gold doesnt settle soon im FOMOing hard

>> No.54219655

i have no clue what's going to happen but i do know it looks real fuckin fishy.
buy gold if you have 8 months saved up. it's easy to buy big when you have that much.
but find an amount you are comfortable with: i figured that with my current living expenses- 1oz could cover nearly 2 months if i lost my job right now. and then i could easily live off of selling an ounce of silver a day.

i just like buying a little here and there.
also i'm fairly close with my LCS and their prices are usually cheaper than online.

eagles are in no way, shape, or form worth the premiums. boomer tier "collectables" at best.

buy, then post stack picks

>> No.54219677

With posts like these I never know if that’s memeing or if you’re serious.
If the latter:
I pity the fool.

>> No.54219693

The last Liz Britannia is still on sale. Are the "don't buy transition period coins" fags just trying to keep people from buying a dip?

>> No.54219702

Lol anon are you new here? I've FOMOed lots of times and regretted it later. Join the club. I can't FOMO now as I've exhausted the budget for the month.

>> No.54219711
File: 332 KB, 1080x600, Screenshot_20230320-023347_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard this line before...

>> No.54219733

>eagles are in no way, shape, or form worth the premiums
I have one (1) silver eagle and I got it st spot for signing up for an SD bullion account

>> No.54219773

already got 8oz lmao. will be getting a small bit of inheritance soon and was wondering about just dumping it all into gold but that set me on the 'what if it doesnt go down by then/at all' slope

>> No.54219795

well we certainly are not in a gold dip right now kek.
but i saw that and didnt care, literally bought one on Saturday and it was $40 cheaper from mentioned LCS that either only dealer.
mind you it was $70 cheaper than that last Tuesday when i decided i wanted that damn coin but also waited until Saturday.

and it's the only one you'll ever need.
is it the stupid "missing reed" eagle? i got a tube or two of 2020s and switched over to maples and brits. cheaper and better security features. the US mint hired some diversity and it's just gone to shit.

sorry for your loss but gz on those gains.
if you already have 8 then you're doing decent
how much silver, guns/ammo, non-perishables, medicines do you have?

>> No.54219812
File: 1.24 MB, 2048x2118, 167892190481721224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phone posting now.
i have outgrown my treasure chest and in need of a new one.
currently browsing for capsules for my gold. i can't believe how fucking hard it is to find a bullion website that carries all the capsules they sell gold for.

>> No.54219824

Buffalo nickels used to be one of my favourites.
but the design has been way over used and I've seen it too many damn times. and now looking at it i find it isn't attractive, appealing or interesting at all anymore.

many other classic design old US coins however, are still very appealing and enjoyable to look at.

>> No.54219897

If you already have 8ozt of gold, you are smarter than 90% of /pmg/. You should be telling us what to do.

>> No.54219925
File: 176 KB, 1000x1333, 4chan88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice yotsuba

>> No.54219945

i just looked at the $3k mini monster boxes at apmex and sdbullion and in both cases the price per round was more that buying individually.
maples and eagles.


>> No.54220195

Retard here, is it too late/worth it to buy silver now? I only have 100k in da bank

>> No.54220230

>Retard here, is it too late/worth it to buy silver now? I only have 100k in da bank
buying 5k to 10k worth of silver bars should be fine anon. Don't you think?

>> No.54220232

Absolutely not - silver is still cheap. I'd still buy gold too

>> No.54220279

And leave the rest for bad actors to pilfer in the coming collapse?

>> No.54220481
File: 1.82 MB, 1280x720, 1677401494323271.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/ sisters we made it! We're not huge faggots anymore!

>> No.54220516
File: 48 KB, 949x800, 1677350183708537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for including us!

>> No.54220590

Buy cheapies in other asset classes? Not sure why he might have that much in cash. Buy some dividend generating companies at rock bottom prices?

>> No.54220635
File: 1.26 MB, 640x480, 1552183033204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea, keep us posted fren

>> No.54220662
File: 339 KB, 713x1192, Peeter 350 years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daaamn Froppy

So i finally found the russian coin thanksto yande translator, beautiful and meaningful but it costs 7 million Roubles and weighs 1000g
Fuck, i'll shill it from time to time but it's out of my league

>> No.54221469

>i just looked at the $3k mini monster boxes at apmex and sdbullion and in both cases the price per round was more that buying individually.
>maples and eagles.
That's because they were probably "mint direct first strike" boxes which means they are super duper way more valuable and higher quality because they were minted in the first month of production
Boomers probably bought all the regular boxes

>> No.54221698
File: 179 KB, 2330x872, Screen Shot 2023-03-20 at 8.37.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Silver is still cheaper than most of the past 5 months. I bought more on Friday.

>> No.54221936
File: 557 KB, 1080x1433, Screenshot_20230131-232603_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to buy and sell besides the big online exchanges? I am extremely skeeved out by the fact that if the UPS man marks your package delivered and there's nothing there they can completely fuck you over with no recourse

>> No.54221993

You could try your local coin store. The closest one to me leans heavy into collectables rather than bullion so their premiums are ridiculous.
There's one about 40 miles away from me that is more of a stacker shop, but it's hard to buy the dip if you have to plan a trip.
Personally, I work from home and have cameras on the porch so I'm not worried about a drop-n-dash delivery

>> No.54222018

cant you get a signature required delivery or something?

>> No.54222132
File: 1.97 MB, 1195x1015, charles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered this beauty

>> No.54222211

i like the 1915 ducat restrikes. I want like 100 of those, they are 'money' in the actual day-day sense.
yeah .11AGW is a lot of money, so you won't obviously spend that 'every day' but I could far more easily see gold as a denomination begin at that quantity for transacting.
Of course everybody thinks everything should be digital now so we can get fucking robbed via taxation etc.

>> No.54222261

You can but a lot of employees will just scribble a signature and mark it delivered anyway

>> No.54222329
File: 667 KB, 1125x879, 6912CAEB-B29B-4A83-86B3-2B44DBE0140D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC keeps going up
>gold collapses
it’s all so tiresome

>> No.54222391
File: 3.41 MB, 3024x4032, USP 45 and PMs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not lump us in with those, things.

>> No.54222398
File: 404 KB, 762x785, 1657529479033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>gold collapses

>> No.54222425
File: 2.01 MB, 4032x1816, 2022 Britannias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54222452
File: 471 KB, 1345x1345, Coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54222475
File: 2.19 MB, 3024x3024, Jesus cleansing the temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54222480

they are trying to trick you

>> No.54222487

>the gun is worth more than the stupid boomer rocks

>> No.54222554

>is it the stupid "missing reed" eagle? i got a tube or two of 2020s and switched over to maples and brits. cheaper and better security features. the US mint hired some diversity and it's just gone to shit.
just checked it and it is a fully intact 2022

>> No.54222597

wait a cotton picking minute is the eagle supposed to be upside down?

>> No.54222632
File: 3.90 MB, 3024x3024, Marlin and gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worth more
USP w/ light I paid about $850 total (both used) versus easily over $1k spot price in PMs. So close to the untrained eye. I'm building a Wolf Distributors G21L for shooting 45 Super that'll be worth more.

>> No.54222636

just checked online and it is false alarm
what a retarded design choice

>> No.54222869

Check the charts. I think the fed is using $3trillion to manipulate the market. They want a bank run but they want it in gold. This is an attempt to kill btc.

>> No.54222946

bitcoin isn’t a real thing.

>> No.54223044


>> No.54223142
File: 1.94 MB, 4032x1816, Geiger PMs and crypto Ledger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a distributed ledger of information that 1/12 people on the planet accept in addition to large financial institutions now slowly rolling out adoption is worthless
Stacking both is the way to make it.

>> No.54223223

>someone posted about attempts to get the price down before markets even opened
>gold price down over 50 bucks since I last looked
keep going

>> No.54223251

that’s a whole lot of meaningless words for “pretend internet money”

>> No.54223284
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stacking both is the way to waste half your money and wish you bought more PMs

>> No.54223576
File: 920 KB, 2880x2880, 2 5oz Viking bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pay for software? I respect the pirate life if the answer is no, but crypto is essentially paying for ownership of permanent information. NFT "art" is dumb as shit, but crypto is the information solution against fiat. PMs are obviously the physical side of things. >>54223284
My PM value to crypto is like 20:1 easily. But it's absolutely worth holding for future gains.

>> No.54223616
File: 471 KB, 1400x1392, btc tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54223649

Heck yes. Good call. I have one coming my way soon too.

>> No.54223713

Shut your stupid hole and keep buying cheapies you stupid fucking whore.

>> No.54223750

Fun fact: both of the people in this meme are MTF trannies

>> No.54223761

i also dislike them. i have no affinity for the design as they are not nostalgic for me at all so i don't give a shit about them

>> No.54223772


>> No.54223801

pretend internet money.

>> No.54223836


>> No.54223852
File: 591 KB, 1080x765, Screenshot_20230311-090442_Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say cheif.

>> No.54223877

I refuse to own any gold bullion with the word "credit" on it, unless it has Mr. Morgan's face on it.

>> No.54223905

if the concept of the perspective is to replace a fiat currenty with no usefullness outside of speculative exchange then ill stay in my lane and collect shiny rocks that have those qualities as well as others

>> No.54223916

>eagles are in no way, shape, or form worth the premiums. boomer tier "collectables" at best.

Tell me you are poor without telling me you are poor. Eagles are the gold of silver. Just be an honest lad and tell anon you personally are priced out of them.

>> No.54223955

Its pamp gold bars anon, I'd love me some pamp bars, they are really well made. 90% of my gold is from pamp.

>> No.54223977
File: 151 KB, 960x983, D_x-hTuX4AMIzmM.jpeg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original memepasta is titled "HSTS vs AGP" which suggests it is a comparison between an androphile tranny and a transbian

>> No.54224073

permissionless international exchange is pretty useful

>> No.54224084

>Trusting what amounts to RuneScape gp except for the masses
Did you ever wonder why journalists show pictures of BTC as a gold coin?

>> No.54224088


How did we get to this point?

>> No.54224111

I suppose you should get one to commemorate this day. But I wouldn't bother showing it in public.

>> No.54224124

Late to the thread so hope you’re still here fren but what size is that silver heart? 1 oz? Looks bigger in the picture but using that reichmark for comparison I’m assuming 1 oz?

>collects silver hearts

>> No.54224149

wouldnt your purchase have to clear customs to come to you for delivery and that would be the permission?

>> No.54224151

Fact Check: you are a faggot and will never pass, the thread title has is not accurate to the image, the woman is indeed a woman and the tranny is not a woman and never will be, the thread title is comparing trannie freaks to slightly less deranged tranny freak(femboy) behaviour using the image of a tranny interacting with a woman to convey it.

>> No.54224179

Checked. Pamp bars tempt me but I still have concerns about ending up in a situation where it isn't trusted or valued over a coin - not like the coin is much more. Undue concern?
All that said I have been eyeing the Credit Suisse ones all the more ever since what's been happening. I don't even expect a raise in value if they stop being made, it's just the relic aspect.

>> No.54224221


>> No.54224402
File: 3.18 MB, 4576x3432, P_20230207_122703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong. I'll admit while window shopping they don't do much for me. but when you see one in person and hold it in your hand, everything changes.

>> No.54224414

Has anyone posted this yet?

>> No.54224519

You might want to read up on Charles "Charlotte" Clymer. This abomination is the essence of what is wrong in the trans movement.
is a good place to start.
But this isn't /b/.
Back to metals, please.

>> No.54224537

Are the fractional ounces of gold even worth it? Seems like the premiums way above the full 1toz and higher is really bad. I do want some because of how pretty the shiny rock is, but I hate paying even more over spot for the exact same metal.

Also, what are you guys with the really big bars going to do in order to cash them out? I talked to 3 pawn/shops (pawn, estate seller, jeweler, specialty stores) about buying my silver just to get an idea of how the process works and prices. They all said "we will not buy anything bigger than 10ounce bars, and if we already have a stack we may not even buy those".

How are you guys cashing out your 100 or 1000oz bricks when the time comes?

>> No.54224589

>is there more cringe or aids in that collage?
It's spelled COLLEAGUE, you can just say fren, tho.

>> No.54224682

right on time!

>> No.54224800
File: 92 KB, 1108x1478, 20220416_103654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of premium you're willing to pay is up to you. Note though, that fractional gold is popular and can likely be resold with a premium as well. Ask your local shops for details or see what the online bullion dealers are willing to pay. I personally prefer buying 1 oz coins due to their low premium and satisfying size and weight. I use reward points from my credit card to get smaller sizes for free. If you're eyeballing the quarter ounce sizes, many people like sovs and francs due to their low premium. Just note that these aren't as popular in the US, and therefore likely won't fetch you the same price as say a quart AGE when you go to sell. Again, consult your LCSs and the online dealers to learn more about your situation.

Pic related, it's free gold.

>> No.54224843

cute keyboard

>> No.54224852

How long until the stacklets can't even attempt to make it?

>> No.54224863
File: 913 KB, 944x1000, Chiang Kai-Shek coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say no to chink gold.

>> No.54224923

So its like coins of "you pay extra now, and when you resell maybe get most or more of that extra back"? Thats kinda dumb and I hate it but I think I understand.

I understand JMbullion and APMEX will buy the gold but as a first time seller to them it seems like its a "send it to us, we'll verify you're not a dickhead, then pay you". All that extra effort and shipping for a few extra bucks. Pass on that, i'd rather5 just drive to the coin shop, hand over metal and walk out with dollarydoos.

I kinda regret buying PMs, but whatever its not losing money.

>> No.54224943
File: 21 KB, 256x256, king pepe 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I guess it was hopium for it to break through 2k, but we're still in the ballpark. Seems like they'll have to work harder to smack it down out of the high 1900s, otherwise they would have done so already
side note, I stopped checking the headlines/podcasts/youtube talking heads/reddit posts a long, long time ago, because they called for the collapse every single week for years. Is there anywhere outside of 4chan that a guy can go to keep tabs on this stuff, that carries /pmg/ sentiment without huge clickbaity doomer bias?

>> No.54224981

They're meant to store wealth, not make gains quickly. PMs are the slow and steady approach to "make money", but generally hedge against inflation.

>> No.54225069

>They're meant to store wealth, not make gains quickly.
I have no confusion about this and agree with it. Its just a less than great storage of wealth. I'd almost rather just use a land bank and pay property taxes on dirt that stores wealth so much better than gold and silver.

>generally hedge against inflation.
Thats a lie though, with inflation and trillions printed over the last decade PMs have almost no relationship with inflation.

>> No.54225082

>fractional gold is popular and can be sold with premium

tired of hearing this, the LCS doesn't give a FUCK what you paid. if anyone has PROOF that has actually sold their shit for a huge premium back to a shop, then fine, until then i'm not wasting money on premiums unless i have to

>> No.54225088
File: 309 KB, 512x512, 1663568399900245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the make it stack guys? I'm waiting for my next paycheck to get some more silver

>> No.54225102

how ever much you have + 500 ozt

>> No.54225122

Trillions aren't "printed", they just add zeroes on a computer. That's why even cash might be more valuable if the bank runs keep happening.

>> No.54225155
File: 656 KB, 1191x854, china bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intradesting. Chiha and Russia have so much gold already. This will certainly strengthen the BRICS/multi-polar value prop of currencies backed by resources. Ofc it'll make chuds here cope and seethe.

Thanks senpai

Yeah, there isn't a set price or rule. Everyone has their preference and different market needs. I've never sold PMs online, but my LCS is really cool, and I've sold them silver (to buy gold from them). It was a super easy and quick process with them. They go off the spot price and then if you're selling anything unusual, they'll check eBay to see what it goes for and then assess based on their experience and their market.

This complexity is a big reason why many people simply stack their government's coins in a uniform weight. Walking in with a tube of 1 oz ASEs or a tube ¼ oz AGEs will be incredibly straightforward, rather than trying to offload a dozen different things in different weights.

>> No.54225196

might pick one up today - still unsure

>> No.54225198

Tired of you smooth brains thinking everything is the same everywhere. Consult you LCSs and online dealers for details as they pertain you. Simple as.

>> No.54225221

>PMs have almost no relationship with inflation.
No, that just means they're undervalued, especially silver.

>> No.54225245

>side note, I stopped checking the headlines/podcasts/youtube talking heads/reddit posts a long, long time ago, because they called for the collapse every single week for years.
I did this a few months ago. I feel a lot better mentally for it. Not constantly stressed out wondering if what Im doing is enough. Always had some cloud of negativity following me because I believed everything was going to be over any second now. It's much more peaceful to get everything that you need and then just get back to living life the best you can.

>> No.54225250
File: 2.53 MB, 4576x3432, P_20230319_234031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>land as better store of wealth
agreed, ideally one has land as well as PMs. but many people do not have $10k+ to drop on a plot. and some of us [regretfully] live in gay states near gay cities where $50k still won't get you an empty lot.
>PMs have no relation against inflation
gonna disagree there, and most people here will go ape shit at this comment without actually citing reasons for disagreement. in my opinion it's infinitely better than sitting on cash long term.

>> No.54225326

I agree 100%, however when I don't follow the news closely enough I miss important things like dips and rate hikes. I'm trying to find the right balance that will actually help me make better strategic moves - so the constant doomtalkers are even more useless news sources in that regard, because their timeline is always wrong.

>> No.54225360

the problem is , people usually don't sell unless they have to because the spread is too high, so most are in an 'accumulation phase' for their whole lives with no experience selling anything back .

often you won't get premiums back that you paid unless you laboriously and meticulously list everything on Ebay and then fees eat up the premuims you get back

>> No.54225425
File: 108 KB, 765x626, 167867616519694789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold aside, are there reasons NOT to stack silver?

>> No.54225434

it's antisemetic

>> No.54225440

Our lords and saviours the chosenites adivise against it

>> No.54225491
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 16785338709871108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop I'm already all in on silver, you don't have to sell it more

>> No.54225501
File: 75 KB, 308x247, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54225513

I have just reported you to the JIDF, who will now find your post IP and send officers to your house for hate speech and financial terrorism

>> No.54225523

Silver tarnishes. You don't want a flawed stack, do you? Paper money will stay crisp forever and it doesn't hurt when you make it rain.

>> No.54225533

had 100k saved up and moved 70k into gold, good move?

>> No.54225543

>33 in my ID
born to browse 4chan
force to fedpost

>> No.54225587

Any silver? With 30k$ left in Monopoly money that’s a great rainy day nest egg but I’d definitely start focusing on silber.

>> No.54225603

Such is life for economically insecure and financially illiterate. If this is you, then you probably shouldn't be stacking PMs desu.

>> No.54225618

Gayest reason I've ever heard. Eat bugs goy.

>> No.54225635

what price?
1800 range is good short term as far as i can see
2000 is a risky short term move
according to the voices in my walls anything under 5K is garunteed WAGMI

>> No.54225641

I only buy the milkiest coins I can find

>> No.54225667

nah fuck that the one on the right is a woman
a tranny can't look that good. not happenin

>> No.54225676

the tarnish protects the silver
the scientific method says that we cant rule out that gold tarnishes in a similar way over a longer time but it permeates the whole mass ruining your coin. could be. trust the plausible science

>> No.54225702
File: 3.73 MB, 4032x3024, 40CCC6F0-B9A8-4546-9813-404C47F5337E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up some FWTDHWATQAD today at the flea market. Where my fellow povertystacker chads at?

>> No.54225718

how is it economically illiterate to acknowledge an LCS won't give you high premiums

>> No.54225721

sounds good but i have a feeling you bought 70k of paper gold like a fag

>> No.54225733

Ah, a fellow milker appreciator. I wonder how many coins there are depicting milk?

>> No.54225755

Sounds like you are FOMO. Why, not get trickle of gold here and there. Buy some other assets that are vital for life.

>> No.54225782

post pics when you get the shipment then we will decide

>> No.54225801
File: 36 KB, 768x512, n1V5n4fVOECteKar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this stage, would you buy 1 gram of gold a month or wait a year and buy a whole ounce?

>> No.54225814

>Sounds like you are FOMO
dont forget to "FOMO" into cheap longterm storable foods like rice, beans, canned goods, etc because you wont see the promised land if you starve to death in the transitory period

>> No.54225826

>not researching the sell's market when buying an asset
>having no exist strategy that's profitable
Whew, and I though "buy high, sell low" was just a /biz/ meme, yet here you are...

>> No.54225855

i don't plan on selling any time soon, retard

>> No.54225880

i just assume that when I sell I will get spot for any metal and small premiums for constitutional silver (US, other countries should stack local currency)
anyone with a different opinion is wrong, a tranny, and jewish

>> No.54225884



>> No.54225890
File: 235 KB, 502x500, 1523619301680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait a year
What year would that be??

>> No.54225965
File: 476 KB, 821x1024, 1675734278326982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm asking if you would rather buy 1 gram of gold every month for the next 12 months or wait until March 2024 to buy 1 ounce of gold.

>> No.54225971
File: 240 KB, 305x566, 1679229961478684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spoonfeed the intellectually hungry
>it calls you a retard
That's nice sweetie. I'm sure you'll manage yourself just fine without anymore (you)s from me.

>i just assume
What a sound financial strategy you conceived, anon. The fact that you don't have to DYOR and can just buy poorfag pocket change sounds really convenient!

>> No.54226000

Gee wiz buddy!!!! I had 1 coin now I have 2!!!! Magic!!

>> No.54226005

>No, that just means they're undervalued
I've been hearing this for 10+ years since I got interested in PMs. I simply have to laugh now when "experts" selling gold say it could go to $20,000 by the end of the year! Seems like a grift most of the time since gold and silver are waste products of mining lithium.

>> No.54226007

I'd rather buy silver and then turn it to gold if required. That way you'd eat less of a premium compared to buying 1g gold. No one with a functioning brain buys 1g gold anon.

>> No.54226021

heres a better strategy
>coast off of pantry and cheap goyslop for a couple months
>keep purchases to a minumum
>buy 1/2-1 ozt in a couply months
>if SHTF you get 12x profits
>if shit REALLY hits the fan you have a few months experience of being povertymaxxing like a serf wageslave

>> No.54226039

>but many people do not have $10k+ to drop on a plot.
Yeah even in semi-rural areas expected to expand greatly near me, land went from $3-5k per acre, to in some places its $25k+ per acre. These aren't hip urban cities, just "this city has grown 1400% over the last 5 years, surely it'll continue that trend!". Okay, so I can't even buy empty dirt 20 minutes from me because 20 acres would be prohibitively expensive.

>> No.54226041

Lotta uncomfy people in the thread today. Maybe even shills!

>> No.54226052 [DELETED] 

jewish tranny nigger golem

>> No.54226056

And im telling you no year exists, this shit is coming down now and you ruined my fucking joke, by the way, 1 gram a month is only about a third of an ounce so just buy the ounce.

>> No.54226087
File: 67 KB, 750x394, BE8A6365-2E6C-46BA-9811-BF9FDCAE0443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I start buying hoards of junk silver and sell it to tards individually for 32x face KEK

>> No.54226095

Yo, one ozt is 31.1 grams.

>> No.54226102


>> No.54226144 [DELETED] 

>should I start buying hoards of junk silver
junk silver just spiked in value because of the recent bank criseses
either wait until it settles even more (went from 20x to 30x when SVB crashed and is now at about 25x) or FOMO
whatever feels right for you

>> No.54226173

nigga please you can get it for 18-20x if you shop around

>> No.54226205

I dunno man. I plan on holding on to mine for the long term. I figure there’s no sense in reselling even if I could get 32x the amount in fiat…cause it’s fiat. And eventually you’re gonna need a wheelbarrow of that shit just to get bread. I’d discourage you from reselling until after the economy has totally shit the bed.

>> No.54226203

Look at it this way: you can't prepare for everything. Basically, there are hundreds of things that could kill you no matter what especially when people start competing over resources more.
Just do your best for that day and if that means you gathered enough evidence to comfortably go "I think I can save up for another day to buy X amount of Y" then that's all good.

>> No.54226229

you've added nothing to this thread and you never will

>> No.54226246

Wise words. That’s how I feel about buying a lot of gear.
>GEN 0 NVGs are trash, YOU NEED AT LEAST GEN 2
99% of people have nothing more than flashlights.

>> No.54226268
File: 149 KB, 736x1102, 3370d45d0aa72eea2e74e772b917fa86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell better jokes

>> No.54226276

I'm referring to (You). You're getting ripped off buying dimes piecemeal for $3+ each. You really need to save up so your purchases get more bang for the buck

>> No.54226318

Yes, I know. I was trying to be polite and non argumentative because I don’t feel like getting into pissing contests with strangers on the internet.

>> No.54226359
File: 2.85 MB, 1350x1800, 20221028_144631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute when my haters are just seething and malding poorfags who can't even post stacks of anything of any value. They probably can't into ancient coins either. Boorish and dimwitted. Could you imagine the stink of such Cleetuses?

>> No.54226390
File: 29 KB, 428x320, EygIaLkVEAMbrj7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boss blocks 4chan.org on work wifi apparently
>Type "https://boards.4channel.org/biz" into my cellular device's dedicated Uniform Resource Locator field
>I'm in

>> No.54226396

I'm trying to let you know that you're burning money buying dimes one by one. You would be far better off saving up like $100 to buy a full roll instead of pissing away dollars left and right on individually marked up items. How long would it take you to save up for a roll of dimes? Your cost average will thank you in the long run

>> No.54226399

DCA is just FOMO each time you get money.

>> No.54226410

Junk is such a fucking nightmare of a market atm. 25$ per face value is becoming the norm until you start dumping 1,800$ for 100$FV.

>> No.54226424

>Procees to fuck up a greentext
>Say, "Yep, it's 4channing time"
>4chan all over the place

>> No.54226429
File: 110 KB, 957x1300, man-laptop-showing-thumbs-up-29636173-1069061811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a cool guy

>> No.54226447

;-; why God?

>> No.54226449
File: 85 KB, 470x1024, 1679063224253236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol so true, I just spend all my monies by the 10th of the month just buying silver.

>> No.54226453

I suppose concerns like that are why I hear of people forming prepping communities in the hopes of reducing how many people might try to pick at their property IF things ever got bad enough to prompt such greed.

>> No.54226455

I still don't know where you guys are getting these figures from. Even the most marked up prices I see from my sources are 23x. Generic stuff like washington quarters and rosies are going for 18x

>> No.54226459

Long run? I’m burying all my shit this week. This was likely my last purchase.

Well, it’s the best balance for me between looking nice, and being economically feasible. Somehow, having some anime character, or Jesus Christ’s image on a silver round just doesn’t do the same for me.

>> No.54226507

Why are you burying FIVE (5) silver dimes??? Hidung it from who?

>> No.54226515

I dunno if I trust others enough, save for a few neighbors and my family. Also, too many of these preppers are totally failing on the physical fitness front, which really makes me shake my head.

>> No.54226532

Yes. All I have are the five dimes. I am hiding them from the dime fairy.

>> No.54226562

Haha that was a funny post anon, shame if something... happened to it.
This is the way, though the other anon has a point with premiums. Not gonna argue either just consider what he's saying.
Every local shop I've talked to buys at spot.
Just ignore him bro.

>> No.54226582


>> No.54226604

3 dollars plus apiece?
I'll send you slick mercuries at 2.10 ea worth of monero, and even then I feel like a jew

>> No.54226638

Well, I understand and appreciate that he means well. And I suspect that what he says probably has merit. However, I do not appreciate his facetious demeanor. I’m a big boy, I’ll be alright. Besides, I don’t plan to stack indefinitely. Plus, I didn’t have to pay shipping, and I supported a local business.

>> No.54226680
File: 99 KB, 720x960, FrostyPeach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always frosty, always mintstate!

>> No.54226721
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>how much gold is in 400oz of gold?

>> No.54226758
File: 238 KB, 652x541, 1679143307310304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0.9999 pure

quik mafs says that bar is 99% not gold.

>> No.54226762

It sounds retarded, but I think I get what he’s getting at. Think about it, if I have a bar weighing 100g, and it’s, let’s say, .99 Au, then is it’s 100g of Au, and added weight in some other metal, or is it a 100g bar that contains 99g of gold.

>> No.54226773
File: 276 KB, 1536x2048, FrostyMSRare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhh damn some of those lookin real nice, Keep them frosty fren!

>> No.54226838

it's basically just asking about the purity

>> No.54226850
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1640381797097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has unlimited cellular data plan
I'm in.

>> No.54226874

All my cellular IPs are straight up range banned. Pisses me off. Can't post even with a hotspot around here.

>> No.54226894


>> No.54226898

new bread baking, checked

>> No.54227162

Wat? qrd?

>> No.54227247


>> No.54227272
File: 180 KB, 1545x375, 1 post by this ID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based hacker stacker.

Why is this the new normal?

>> No.54227446

Not without a hefty premium. Buffalos are best value for money.

>> No.54227518

>Why is this the new normal?
Because it's supported by the sheep who immediately flock to the new thread instead of ignoring it until the time has come.

>> No.54227615

>he doesn't have unlimited VMs with their own unique IP

>> No.54227680

I bought gold shares you nerds, why would I buy a truck load of actual gold lol, I can offload my entire stash with lower overhead instantaneously than you guys can. I guess the shiny metal fud is true?

>> No.54227697
File: 87 KB, 495x594, 1661390506792189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Individuals die, communities survive. Everyone one is the the plot armor clad superhero in their own story, and believing that story will have a happy ending will get you killed. Find like minded individuals and build strong relationships of dependability and trust.

>> No.54227701

>>he doesn't have unlimited VMs with their own unique IP
how do you set this up

>> No.54227715

>I guess the shiny metal fud is true?
Not sure you fully understand what fud is.
You ARE the fud right now.

>> No.54227749

>how do you set this up
By using a VPN.

>> No.54228182

I would love to only own Christian bullion, but the heathen places charge too much for the pleasure.