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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54212437 No.54212437 [Reply] [Original]

Craig wright is need Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin. He has proven this fact beyond a doubt through various cryptographic proofs and technical demonstrations. His contributions to the development of blockchain technology have been groundbreaking, and his vision for the future of finance is set to change the world.

>> No.54212681

> In b4 noobs on this board say he didn't sign.
Clearly you don't understand these things and are having trouble.
Gavin Andresen, and Jon Matonis, among others all received signed messages from block 1. On top of that they have vouched for Craig not only for cryptographic evidence but also social evidence which is arguably a much harder standard to prove.
I have also noticed that so many are clueless about facts and fail to research and just parrot talking point propaganda that they believe the signed message released by Craig in 2018 is the same one given to Gavin and others. It is not. That signature and the signatures given to Gavin and others are completely different events. The second signature event is put up by trolls often to say the Gavin signature event was debunked, which shows their complete lack of understanding. It is known that the second signature event has doubt as csw says, but a message could be revealed later which proves its authenticity.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=421&v=JXsVmwsKV9s&feature=youtu.be
Stefan Matthews, CEO of Taal mining company said that Craig showed him material included in the whitepaper prior to its public release.

>> No.54213224
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Nobody cares

>> No.54213621

This, so much this.

He could sign right now and nobody would fucking care. The narrative window has closed. BTC is Bitcoin for 99.98% of the crypto bros and for that matter for 100% of the normies. That black swan event of suddenly everyone recognizing and bowing down to him will not happen anymore. Keep your 40 dollar BSV if you want and keep hoping, but nothing will happen. 50 million tx a day, an hour, a minute, it doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.54213703

>that so called business card and other image's of his alleged credentials and curriculum vitae

if any of that shit was even half true, he would be in such high demand at such high level critical agency's and applications, he would never no be in demand for his expertise.

but apparently he's broke, jobless and in legal, business and financial and troubles.

>> No.54214090
File: 166 KB, 450x600, 9678110B-0750-4589-B1C0-D9C8BE425EB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le Two Rupee fat fraud defence farce
Needful Express Has Arrived

>> No.54215706
File: 45 KB, 510x489, Csw smokin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54216596


kys scammer

>> No.54216779

No keys, no cheese.

>> No.54217038

Who keeps posting this he is an obvious fraud.

>> No.54217360

no one cares, Calvin, it's over.

>> No.54217369

>Craig wright is need Satoshi Nakamoto
Creg does need Satoshi nakamoto. He's laughing stock of crypto. Do not redeem bsv token sirs. I need to feed my village and track my cows.
Tldr sign the block creg. do it publicly or STFU.

>> No.54217501

You remember those tera Luna fags that lost their huge bags by buying at ATH and then seeing their shitcoin go to 0? Bsv is full of people like them. They got invested into it because a scammer, now that it's heading towards 0 these are either the paid shills or the "true believers". The ones that cannot admit they were wrong and scammed. The bags are heavy and getting heavier by the day and they need to do what they can to lighten them.