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54210682 No.54210682 [Reply] [Original]

How is this sustainable? What is the end game? This is NH btw.

>> No.54210712

It's not the price of housing going up -It's the value of the dollar going down.

>> No.54210755

Its not the guns that kill you, its the bullets...unless the nagger whacks you real hard over your head with the gun.

>> No.54210779

I never thought of it like that....

>> No.54210794
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hoomer baggie thread?

>> No.54210818


>> No.54210830

I was looking for a place in Portsmouth but the prices are ridic.
Why is the market like that?
Bostonians working remote and dodging state income tax?

>> No.54210840

Waterville valley, that's a ski/hiking town. Most dwellings there are second homes/vacation/retirement for rich people from Boston. That price is an anomaly, among the highest $/ft^2 in the state outside of the seacoast.

>> No.54210856

USD is hyperinflating anon

>> No.54210871


Hello fellow Portsmouth home buyer.

Now's the time to get in before everything goes to shit and the cities are uninhabitable.

Prices in Portsmouth are not going to crash that much even if there's a recession, as it's a very wealthy, insulated city -- think a couple of levels below Nantucket / Martha's Vineyard.

Let me know if you get one, we can get a beer.

>> No.54210876
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>> No.54210883
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>> No.54210906

looks like a really pretty house though from just those 4 pictures

>> No.54210958
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you left out the best part of this house

>> No.54210977

W*man hands typed this post

>> No.54210984
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I was looking at this exposed brick meme
Looks like it closed
I wonder if they got asking price or not

>> No.54211013

600k inEastern Europe
with 1k average monthly pre tax salary
Clouds are darkening for you burgers, but you are are still in paradise

>> No.54211033


I mean it sold in mid-2021 so I bet it went over asking.

I'm buying soon and planning on going 15-20% under asking

>> No.54211041

Out of touch with reality boomers.

>> No.54211064


>> No.54211071

Like, you think that but it’s probably going to sell for more than that.

>> No.54211099

I think they haven’t updated the listing yet. It was for sale about a month ago.
Where are you looking?
I was staying on pleasant street for a while and I’m not sure if downtown is the play or right on the edge of town

>> No.54211204

Consider the following:

>I) Currently, there is a shortage of small homes in highly populated areas. Boomers are also peak consoomer, not wanting to vacate their "hard earned" McMansions. The result is a glut of boomer hoomers occupying houses greatly outside their empty nest needs. Many of these boomers are also entering their mid 60's, too, though

>II) Millenials and zoomers are doing fucking awful saving money. Savings in these generations increased significantly, during the pandemic, but savings rates have once again crated. Zoollenials do not know how to manage money and would rather spend $2k per month on Uber Eats and Amazon, then save even a fraction of their income, or pay down their debts. Many have also bought houses on completely unstustainable mortgages, given their existing debts and income.

>III) +10 years. Boomers are in their 70's, and retirement savings are running thin, due to poor planning and overleveraged mortagages with underleveraged income generating assets. Zoomers and millenials are also in their mid 40s and mid 30s, but far, far behind on retriement savings, still largely not home owners. They are also still drowing in college and poorly planned mortgage debt.

End result, those 10 years pass, boomers are dying, social security is drying, and mass boomer housing supply hits the market. Millenials and zoomers are also still far, far behind on savings, drowning in debt, and do not want to live in worn down suburbs, still. Birth rates are also at a historic low for America. Boomers are selling their houses en masse and dying in masse. Zoollenials do not want the suburb houses, and are also reselling their inherited houses en mass, to try and get some savings for themselves and pay down their hyper interest grown debts. Housing supply is high, buyers are low. This is the time to buy. Now is still bubble mode. Timing is everything, as usual. Wait for the coming dump.

>> No.54211257
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this place also cozy af but I'm capping my search at $500k

>> No.54211306


Oh weird - it says last sold in 2021, but it seems like they removed the listing a month ago. I wonder if they gave up on selling it for now.

Yeah I saw that place, totally out of my price range too. Might be worth seeing if rates rise and prices collapse later in the year

There are a handful <=500k, but none of them were all that nice or in a great location.

>> No.54211604

Good in theory but "Just Wait(TM) another 10-15 years" isn't really a viable strategy. I don't exactly want to be living with mommy and daddy when I'm 40 years old just biding time to get a cheaper house. Meanwhile inflation keeps wreaking havoc and no matter how much I try saving, it just gets whittled down to nothing anyway.

Houses near me are expensive as fuck. But it's also a good area free of niggers, and I like being 5 minutes away from my job. Hopefully another year of saving will be enough. And from there I'm just riding on my six-figure-hell crypto portfolio for the next bullrun.

>> No.54211684

It’s not. Most people will get rekt

>> No.54211899

Two things about your theory.

1) it's going to happen faster than you think. My parents are late boomers (1962 and 1964 respectively) and they've already downsized once. I say 3-5 years is our timeframe here. The baby boom was 1946-1964, so the earliest boomers are already in their mid/late 70s. By this measure, the youngest of the boomers is just about to turn 59 this year.

2) There's a lot of housing stock that, in my opinion, will be totally worthless. Boomers were a massive generation and they built a lot of fart boxes all over the country. Things like large houses (think 4-6 bedrooms in random suburbs) will find themselves without interested buyers. Families were bigger back then, and there was a much larger push for people to live in car-centric suburbs. If interest rates stay elevated as well, people won't want to buy better housing stock when boomers liquidate it in half a decade or so. The majority of mortgages in this country are under 4% still, so even if someone lives in a vinyl-sided shitbox, they might not want to buy a nice ranch on the market since their monthly payments would be higher.

TL;DR: The great housing shift is coming sooner as you think, boomers are already starting to downsize or outright die. Look at the Case-Shiller and realize that we're not 5-10 years away from a crash, we're starting a crash right now and we're 3-5 years from the bottom, most likely.

>> No.54211956

Not even $30,000. They're literally trying to get you to pay to cover their ass.
+2% realtor fee
+closing costs (5-6k)
+paying taxes on gains (441-413.5 x 30% = 8.25k)
If they so much as breathed inside that house, they're making less than $10k. We should be thanking these chumps, they're single-handedly trying to deflate the US dollar by removing 20k from circulation.

>> No.54212055

Retarded post desu. I buy 6 bedrooms in Mass and convert them to 3 units all the time. The towns literally slurps my cum begging me to do it too, planning boards literally suck me dry. Dumbass retarded post

>> No.54212103

Lmao the US is such a shithole. This basic bitch house in the middle of nowhere nothing state of New Hampshire selling for close to a million dollars. This shit is worth 150k TOPS, and thats being extremely generous.

>> No.54212143
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All the more case then to capitalize on the current bear market (stocks and crypto/options to a lesser extent. due to increased risk) and still existing opportunities for super high income. [Image] is my personal savings, after a couple years as a software dev, previously a $14k income per year poorfag, not getting into dev until my 30's. I now have $54k set aside to buy the next stock dip, which I think will be the last (-30% to -39% ATH S&P ending), plus already have $54k in stocks, too, mostly in index funds, as well as $9k in USDT. Due to high income and low expenses, I'm also investing an additonal $2,300 per bi-monthly check, too.

Now is the chance for a new era of generational wealth. With high income, low expense, and good timing of entries, one can buy the big dip, with high capital. They can then ride that up, until the housing market starts to collapse, 5-10 years from now. And then, while most zoollenials are still drowning in old debt and overspending, and trying to unload their dead parents' houses, at the same time the remaining boomers are deseperately trying to downsize and sell, the ones who saved now, and bought the dip here, then rode the next bull up will be there to buy.

In the meantime, we should be focusing on income maxing and stock/crypto dips maxing, instead of house maxing. It sucks to not own a house until you're in your 40s or late 30s, but better to income max, then buy the right markets, during their own dips in the right order, for the better ending richness, than get property early on, I'd say.

>> No.54212150

The timeless issue of the thirty-something-year-old flipper. Doesn't matter whether it's houses or used video games on ebay, or whatever else.

>> No.54212163

On the plus side, you won't see a nigger for months at a time.

>> No.54212164

Nah women say home, men say house.

>> No.54212201

Is it more expensive to buy a lot and build your own house in America?
I plan on renting until I have enough money to build a house actually suited for me

>> No.54212214

>but the hustle and bustle!

>> No.54212238

Housing ponzi scheme is holding up the pension ponzi scheme so you should expect there to be a huge fight before anything productive or sensible actually happens.

>> No.54212280
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Housing is literally the only thing western countries have left that's actually worth anything
Even though it's paper mache and popsicle stick wood

There's this weird perception that people will just take it up the ass no matter how much the price is raised, but as a zoom zoom I've realized that immigration actually works both ways

Sorry but I'm not willing to put down half a mil for a fucking shitbox
I'd rather just leave the country
What's so great about living in South Africa 2.0 anyways?

>> No.54212313

If youve ever traveled overseas, you would know you can have nice cities with high culture and arts, and without forced diversity or crime. This is literally only an issue in the US and maybe London, so you have to pay million dollars to live in a shithole shoebox in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do, no money to be made and surrounded by boring methead hicks with no culture. You idiots are hadicapping yourselves and the potential of this country, which is exactly why countries like China are surpassing us. You think the Chinese move to the sticks to live "muh simple life"? No, they move to the megacities and get their asses to work and build shit.

>> No.54212347

>only an issue in london
and paris
and amsterdam
and rome
and berlin

>> No.54212414

>countries like China are surpassing us.
I'd rather not be lumped in with the globohomo hegemony, thanks.

>> No.54212464

I'm a little older than you, but dont wait for this shithole cardboard shack sprawl of a housing market to collapse. Get out now, buy a condo overseas, get a proper long term visa to go with it. I thought the housing market couldnt get any worse than 2018 or so, then two years later you had retards FOMOing their entire life savings on new million dollar asking prices for cardboard homes in a fucking shithole like PHOENIX. Fucking Phoenix and fucking Las Vegas. People here are retarded and they never travel and see how good other countries have it, and so they will continue to FOMO on cardboard stucco shacks being price at millions of dollars in some shithole "up and coming" city in the US or some hick hell hole like New Hampshire thinking they "got a good deal". Not knowing there are no "good deals" in the US, the entire country is a shithole and gigantic SCAM- yes, scam- these prices are legit scams and a huge ponzi scheme.

>> No.54212468

Pensions largely stopped with boomers, as did mass home ownership. Once boomers start kicking the bucket at increased rates, which will likely be soon, given typical boomer health, pensions will die off and housing supply will surplus. It will then be down to three groups:

>rich zoollenials, previously poor from out of control spending habits and massive debt, who have inherited high wealth from their parents, but will quickly devour their inheritance, too, paying off debt and continuing overspending
>self made zoollenialls, who got the right degrees, then got into the right fields, and saved and invested their money hard, living frugally and gaining bigly, now decently off from 5-15 years of good investment growth on high principal
>hardcore poorfags, who never had a chance, and have never know anything but poverty

The inheritors will not be savy enough to capitalize on the collapsing housing market. The poorfriends will not have the option to do so. The self made folk, with years of experience investing hard, sacrificing to save, and buying low, who have the capital, will the be the ones to capitalize.

You're thinking too short term, Anon. Instead of thinking about housing in the now (doomed), you should be thinking about housing in the future, and how to capitalize best in the now, to be best prepared to make profit on the coming future housing collapse.

>> No.54212469

>black forest
Funny that he chose this as an example. South-west Germany - Baden and Württenberg, the Swabian region - has had a rural middle class that owned their own plots of land for centuries. Their are the opposite of the image of a destitute european peasant working for someone aristocrat's land - which was the rule for most of Europe. To this day, Swabia is still quite strong with an affluent rural middle class.
In any case, the common poor urban worker is indeed in a bad situation. He definitely works more than a peasant.

>> No.54212497

Chinese birth rate is 0.7
Let's not do that

>> No.54212507

that looks like a yeoman's freehold

>> No.54212568

The US is literally not even much better. This is an issue with all developing countries.

>> No.54212590

developed countries*

>> No.54212601
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I’m also looking for a place in Portsmouth. I live up in Lebanon, NH currently, near Dartmouth. I’m taking a job in Portsmouth that pays $600K starting in August 2024, and I’m just casually browsing the real estate market now. I’m gonna have like $150K for a down payment. Any tips for a buyer in that area? I would be happy living in adjacent towns like Rye as well. My dream property would be oceanfront or on the same block as the ocean. That’s probably not realistic though.

>> No.54212679

I'm 39 and I made $450k last year and I gotta ask, what job in portsmouth NH pays $600k?
I didn't notice a ton of industry there. It reminded me of a college town desu.
If I were you making that sort of money, get a place in town for ~$700k like >>54211257 so you have a foothold in the housing market and save up for your oceanfront home.
Those start at ~$1.5M so a few years from now you an sell your $750k place and put the equity into something bigger.
What are all these anons doing in portsmouth? you guys wanna do a /biz/ meetup?
I feel like theres no one in the whole town who could creep me out. It's not like NYC or DC there

>> No.54212751

Supposedly it's becoming a tech hub, but I don't have a source for that and it may be total bullshit.

I mean I'm M24 with a $150K job so you're asking the wrong person on that front. My hard budget is like 500K and even that's pushing it.

You may want to grab the property the other guy linked and offer $600K -- I think that one is waterfront?

Also check out Exeter - great food, Catcher in the Rye vibes, very rich, and with a train station directly into Boston.

>> No.54212761

what part of you will own nothing and you will be happy do you not understand?

>> No.54212832

The problem with the whole "once the boomers die off" thing is that it's going to take a long LONG time. Modern medicine is pretty shit-tier in terms of actually keeping people healthy, but it's really effective at keeping fat unhealthy fucks barely scraping by and hanging on to life. So even though boomers are all a bunch of fat unhealthy diabetic retards shoveling goyslop down their gullets 24/7, they'll still mostly live into their mid 80s, potentially even 90s.

>> No.54213304

We'll see. Whenenever you read some health study on some high red meat and sugar diet, it always says shit like "greatly increased risk of heart attack, diabetes, stroke, etc." Inversely, when you read about plant based + lean meat diets, you see, "10+ years longer lifespan," etc.. If that is the case, despite medical care, the boomers are in for early deaths. Medical treatment can only give so many bypasses.

>> No.54213619

It's all a game, anon. It's all a game. Buy a house that you never truly own. Buy a car that you never truly own. Nowadays you barely own the technology that you buy. Lately I've been considering joining so-called "intentional community" or an off-grid community. I genuinely believe that modern society is the complete antithesis to what humans were meant to live in. We weren't made for it. Historically, humans lived in tribes of 150 people. I was talking to my mom about this, but the tribes in the Amazon were some of the happiest people on Earth. You know, until corporations started destroying the fuck out of it. I'd imagine the natives in Northern Canada are also quite happy. People are always like, "Well it's always a fight to survive. And what if you break a leg?" I'm starting to think a short and fulfilling life is better than a long and soulless one. I don't know anons. Maybe I'm just a 23 yr old who doesn't know anything. I do believe that humans have caused most of our own suffering though.

>> No.54213687
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I don't think you understand wagie.

I own a house, I all doing well. I need you to do poorly so inflation goes down.

Thanks for playing :)

>> No.54215008

WFH NYC/Boston fag getting recalled to the office.

>> No.54215094

It's the location. New Hampshire is flooded with massholes now.

Same goes for many other states with massive in-migration. Californians, New Yorkers, Jerseyites are spreading around the country like locusts you can't stop.

The soil the house sits on + sq ft determines the house price. I always laugh when boomers want to piss away money renovating a property because "it'll increase the home value!" when it turns out the only thing increasing the price of the home is the soil it sits on.

>> No.54216729

waterville valley has a ski resort, and its close to lots of other good ski destinations - thats a good buy

>> No.54216799

It's not. It was entirely propped up by ZIRP and the 30 year fixed. Now all those MBS with low yields are creating massive unrealized losses and liquidity issues for the holders of these notes. So next time the fed needs to brrrrrrr to save the economy, do you really think there's gonna be anyone left willing to buy the "safe" 30 year fixed debt? Press X. And if the 30 year fixed disappears, guess what happens to this clownish housing bubble? Tl;dr all those mortgage fags that post daily bragging about the 3 25% mortgage they have on a $700k house they bought are going to realize they actually own a $300k house because even when ZIRP returns the 30 year fixed isn't.

>> No.54216992

The job is private practice dermatologist. If i work my ass off I can also rack up productivity bonuses and make $1Million.

Thanks for the advice tho. Thats a solid suggestion, to get a foothold and then save up for a better place in a few years. My only concern is that prices might keep going up a lot. Im keeping my $500K house in Lebanon as a rental property. I only put 5% down on it, but I am guessing the bank will make me put more down for the Portsmouth house since it will be my second property, in which case those $1.5 million + homes are out of reach if I have to put down 20%. I could swing 10% tho if I want to debt maxxx

>> No.54217096

this is the price of a 2 bed condo where i live

>> No.54217134

fun fact: niggers will use anything and everything to kill someone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFKWmbOc7ZA

>> No.54217195
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daily reminder

>> No.54217230

>Supposedly it's becoming a tech hub

So a gigantic, fraudulent scam?

>> No.54217263

yeah the housing market in phoenix is fucking insane, anon.
looking at houses in fountain hills, i can't find a single home that hasn't almost doubled since 2020.
phoenix housing market is absolutely cooked, and i think the top was when zillow used their proprietary algo, or whatever, to buy homes at 20% over listing price in 2021, then were immediately underwater.
pic absolutely related btw.

>> No.54217264






>> No.54217272
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oh i guess i didn't attach the pic?

>> No.54217287

Dermatologists have the used car salesman skeeze tier choice vibe … when comparing to other fields of medicine money siphon choices that are avail

Muh copper tone sunblock

>> No.54217297

This is why I'm getting my realtors license in May.

>> No.54217438

>you guys wanna do a /biz/ meetup?
Yes, where and when?

>> No.54217503
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We didn't evolve to be attuned to modern western society. Our neurobiology was wired to address issues as hunter-gatherers, nomads, small tribes, whatever you want to call it. We haven't had enough time to adapt to the technology that is advancing faster than us, and rather, it is being transformed and used (by our fellow (((men))), mind you) to depredate us. We probably would be happier in a simpler life, but our fate is that of clown world. Uncle Ted was right, the fire of technology is undeniable and inexorable, once we accepted the fruit of knowledge from the serpent. At least we get a front row seat to the circus.

>> No.54217553

agree, the crash is already here

go watch more porn, weirdo

>> No.54218764

Do you think the average American has a say in what races of people live in this country? Do you think there are many free Africans in China?

>> No.54218890
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>property in parent's will

>> No.54219728

Well to do Whites have always kept a countryside estate.
Chinks can't even drive long distances outside the city without killing everyone in their car once ever 100 times they trek out to their 'countyside' estates.
Asians are not even comparable to whites and they have no choice but to live in a city.