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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54206657 No.54206657 [Reply] [Original]

So... are we in a bull market yet?

>> No.54206697


>> No.54206715
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>> No.54206730
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Not yet but we are going to 45k.

>> No.54206765

if you want a serious answer, probably not yet. we're absolutely on that path though and BTC/ETH have been steadily rising from intense buy pressure ever since the SVB collapse a week or two ago

>> No.54206781

please PLEASE SERENA give me some RUCHANIE
financially speaking

>> No.54206801

Based and Polish pilled

>> No.54206827

Im really tempted to dump all my alts into btc but im afraid theyre gonna pump when btc starts crabbing

>> No.54206840

I'm tempted to dump my entire load inside her vag

>> No.54206868

Bull market isn't offcial until ~30k holds. After that though 100k will come quick.

>> No.54206891


>> No.54206920

Still could reject hard at 30K. After 30K is breached and maintained above for a few days, the bottom is probably in and we're starting a new run.

>> No.54206965

Not until the ukraine war ends. Doesn't really matter who wins but it has to end. The longest bear markets in history have been during the vietnam war and iraq war. The bounceback after ukraine will be huge unless china collapses

>> No.54206984

Daily reminder that it's her manager posting these threads to build up hype for her blacked.com debute on April 12th

>> No.54207028

>blacked.com debute on April 12th

You really think that would make anons to stop simping for her?
OP is probably an incel so-yboi anyway
only incels keep spamming this board with that mutt whore

>> No.54207039

we're talking about bitcoin, I don't give a shit about your boomer stocks

>> No.54207135

I'd put my bull in her market, if you know what I mean

>> No.54207220

holy shit i can visualize my dick in her mouth, this is so hot

>> No.54207523

btc follows the boomer market

>> No.54207587


>> No.54207589

Why is she doing that?

>> No.54207636

She’s in a bull market, If you know what I mean.

>> No.54207663


>> No.54207759


BTC follows the stock market, since it's basically just a speculative asset now. Shouldn't have let big money and institutions get to it.

>> No.54207765

Simps and orbiters should be tied to pallets and thrown on bonfires.

>> No.54207871

because shes a whore

>> No.54207918

I don't get it, why do people keep posting this particular girl?

>> No.54207935

it’s a meme you dip

>> No.54208064
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Bitcoin will be $1m within 90 days, so I'd say so

>> No.54208101

because even the goyslop girl wants attention

>> No.54208138

Does she even know how popular she is here bros? She has a whole army worshipping her and is probably oblivious

>> No.54208152


*Forced meme for coombrains

i hate simpcels

>> No.54208198
File: 51 KB, 1019x511, Screenshot from 2023-03-19 18-57-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we always were

>> No.54208367

She's definitely not oblivious. She has comments on her IG mentioning it all the time.

>> No.54208398

We're riding a tightrope here, but I've got a solid stack of coins waiting for the market to go bull. Gonna hold onto my RIDE, STG, and OP buys for dear life. If I spot a chance to snag 'em at an even lower price, you bet your sweet ass I'm gonna slurp 'em up.

>> No.54208446

Let me pee in that butt

>> No.54208463

Fuck that's the most retarded shit I've seen on CT in a long while.

>> No.54208499

She can come and bull on this dick while I self custody all my coins on railway wallet.

>> No.54208637

The altseason is yet to come so don't simp for BTC, coz they'll be lots of multiples in low-caps but I'll be in here for the pumps on GNS, Sylo, Hbar, Ngm, and more.

>> No.54208674

have fun missing out lmao

>> No.54208718
File: 438 KB, 1562x896, Screenshot 2023-03-19 at 20.21.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, sorry, just no. This is not going straight up.

But hey, I might be wrong. I think we will test 15k once more at least. Maybe really sharply.

After all, there was zero reason to go 100% up in the past 3 months. Nothing has changed really.

>> No.54208767

No privacy token? ngmi.

>> No.54208814

We are in either a bulltrap and still new lows to be had or 2019 equivalent of this bull cycle

>> No.54208985

>railway wallet.

>> No.54209543

General trust in banks at a 10 year low, semi-hyper inflation and u have the nerve telling me nothing changed.

>> No.54210088

>nose piercing

>> No.54210099
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>Nothing has changed really.

>> No.54210198
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>> No.54210258

Ok Chang

>> No.54210541

What other indication are you waiting for? You can jump oh buddy, it is time for the bulls. SPOOL and OMG are my moon bag.

>> No.54210560

I'm all in btc. Was buying all the way down.

>> No.54210636

Based. People are so short sighted and uninformed. The crashes don't matter. This is a cyclical boom bust cycle within a secular (and exponential) bullish trend.

>> No.54210875

You must be riding up already. I feel like Aritrum projects are going to pump hard that is why I went with spool. RDNT also have been trending hard.

>> No.54210965
File: 242 KB, 1200x800, 3B032A65-4408-4739-BF0E-1E5355D43B73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because she’s very cute and should serve as motivation rather than incel angerporn.
you will make it
you will have sex
you will eat steak

>> No.54211014

She's the /biz/ incel litmus test. We use her to see how many angry comments get generated so we know when /pol/acks are swarming in.
Then we open shorts.

>> No.54211268

OP is a massive porn-addicted loser who does nothing but post this blown-out whore on an anime forum. OP, you are on the MTF pipeline.