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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54204667 No.54204667 [Reply] [Original]

BREAKING: Switzerland now considering partial or full nationalization of Credit Suisse after bank rejects $1b acquisition offer from competitor UBS

>> No.54204701

How does this affect cryptos?

>> No.54204730

Sauce me my guy

>> No.54204742

it's everywhere anon

>> No.54204754
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I am an retarded

>> No.54204761

Holy fuck

>> No.54204765
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more details will come out in a few hours to beat the asian markets

>> No.54204768

When is the next CNBC special show?

>> No.54204770
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Based, comfy collapse inbound :)

>> No.54204771

btc will pump

>> No.54204792

Don't call it capitalism if you ban bankruptcy.

>> No.54204805
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>> No.54204832


>> No.54204854
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dont worry wagie can still go bankrupt just not anyone on team esg. enjoy (((capitalism))).

>> No.54204865

Feminist must be proud.

>> No.54204918

Bankers keep getting bailed out, when do I get my bailout?

>> No.54204951

You got the Corona bonus

>> No.54204970

severely undervalued meme

>> No.54205003

Leftypol sisters we won. Fractional reserve banking will be over and global banking sector will be completely state-run. This is why China is winning.

Next up: total ban on crypto

>> No.54205014

They won't be running anything, they'll just gut it. There's no coming back from this

>> No.54205046

>dont worry wagie can still go bankrupt just not anyone on team esg. enjoy (((capitalism))).
this is why they are going to lose their slaves and already are. no one wants to work for a rigged system and once you see it. you never unsee it.

i hope greed realm crumbles. sadly i've seen enough ufos to know that we are slaves and the tech masters are in full control.

>> No.54205048

They'll nationalize, then restructure and then re-privatize a part of it while the government keeps a golden share. All large German banks except for DB are now partially state-owned since 2009 because of nationalizations.

>> No.54205064

How will this effect the Euro?

>> No.54205087

>banks will be state run
Other way around, been that way since 2008

>> No.54205097


>> No.54205098
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The Pope knew in September last year:

"The Secretariat of State is known to have had accounts in Swiss financial institutions, including Credit Suisse"

>> No.54205154

>but it's not REAL capitalism
every fucking time

>> No.54205155

Swiss franc *

>> No.54205160

It's in red so you know it's bad

>> No.54205276
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Chernobyl, right? Been a while since I saw that scene. How's it relate to this situation?
also take a meme as tribute

>> No.54205329

Im getting unironically depressed from all the shit going on.

>> No.54205368

>team esg
I wish you niggers would stop. This clearly have nothing to do with protecting leftist policies. MAYBE liberal politicians.

>> No.54205390

why? cryptobros will make it thanks to all of this

>> No.54205415
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>Meanwhile, GME holders who saw this coming 2 years ago

>> No.54205455

Stick a fork in it. You wanna talk about contagion? Tomorrow is gonna be fucking lit. BTC goes up at least another 20% this week

>> No.54205472

Nationalizing Credit Suisse could bankrupt the country. its actually too big to save

>> No.54205507
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but not the Saudis

Saudi National Bank (“SNB") (1180.SR [1180.sr]) announced on October 26, 2022, that it was entering into a financial investment in Credit Suisse Group AG (CSGN.SW) (“Credit Suisse") for a consideration of up to $1.50 billion representing up to a 9.9% stake.


>> No.54205521

We'll be eating bugz and live in pods if the radiation poisoning didn't get us first

>> No.54205527

You chuds keep on losing.

You will have to wait another couple of decades for your desired collapse.

>> No.54205531

Oh you mean like how they banned drugs and hookers? I sincerely hope they ban it. It will set off the greatest crypto bullrun in history. If you can't understand that western leaders currently in power have lost any and all credibility, then you are genuinely retarded.

>> No.54205549

Two more weeks finally happened
Did not crash crypto hahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.54205598

Kek @ the Swiss govt becoming baggies

>> No.54205661

pamp eet

>> No.54205681
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Bad organizations deserve to fail and disappear. But that's not allowed in poor wittle america because without Daddy Government's support none of these shitheap companies would be able to compete with Foreign Chads. The auto industry is a great example.

America sucks. That's it. All the whining about muh capitalism and muh socialism is just a distraction from the core point: america sucks and it cannot compete on an even playing field.

>> No.54205682

Why is /biz/ so obsessed with this crossdresser? There's one transvestite at a company with tens of thousands of employees, so what?

>> No.54205702

It's a mental illness. It's just used by the rulers to divide society and fight the nuclear family.

>> No.54205767

Every conservative accusation is a confession. Case-in-point: >>54205702

>> No.54205773
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Blackrock reacts, crypto makes meme offer

>> No.54205792
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>> No.54205806
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publicity stunts like this would be a sell sign to me if i were a Tron bagholder

>> No.54205829

It fits the pol narrative that wokeism is destroying the west. But really the idea is bullshit because the tranny was probs a good worker and had nothing to do with the poor functioning of the company. Its collapse is really the result of poor leadership at the very top.

>> No.54205857

>Its collapse is really the result of poor leadership at the very top.
People with integrity don't work for a "woke" company or fight for a "woke" nation. And that's how you destroy civilization from inside.

>> No.54205891

Oh lol. Looks like UBS will be closing out all those debit suisse short bags on GME starting Monday. Lol. To think this started with archegos.

>> No.54205909

I am a tranny who works for a decidedly not woke company. Are you suggesting that allowing trannies to work at all is "woke"? Should I get on neetbux for my gender dysphoria to own the libs?

>> No.54206022

>monke nft profile pic

>> No.54206058

you should just kill yourself and get the inevitable over with

>> No.54206094

kill the parasites making you a faggot and stop wearing dresses. simple as

>> No.54206123

UBS has now acquired Credit Suisse for $2b+, as per Financial Times, more than twice the last reported offer


>> No.54206134

you should just act and dress normally instead of being a fag
everyone that interacts with you is on eggshells and i guarantee most people behind your back are discussing what an abomination you are

>> No.54206150

it will dump as we literally just gave 2 bil to the saudis

switzerland has high crypto adoption crypto will pump

>> No.54206161

and because of the law, they can't discriminate against you but im sure they would love to get rid of you

>> No.54206197

so .50 per share for 1t of toxic debt? based retard, ubs will default tomorrow, kek

>> No.54206198

>Swiss authorities expected to change country’s law to bypass UBS shareholder vote
fuck this gay earth

>> No.54206224

>he doesnt know UBS will default next

>> No.54206269

They must have tortured ubs ceo to buy this shit.

And bypassing shareholders, UBS goes to total shit now

>> No.54206282
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Post hormone lumps

>> No.54206611

UBS caved in. They will pay now 50 cents per share because the SNB offered 100 billion bailout.

>> No.54206633

Its still a ponzi scam longterm

>> No.54206726

Why do journalists become obsessed with them?

>> No.54206875

>States will be bank-run
This sentence is true, but not the way you were thinking

>> No.54206978

looks like that stake is useless now kek

>> No.54206988

he/she doesn't "run" anything, a "director" title means absolutely nothing at these companies

>> No.54207023
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So if I have some put options on Credit Suisse, what happens with this acquisition? Can I still exercise them?

>> No.54207149

Thanks for playing goy!

>> No.54207164

So is switzerland still considered the best place for banking ? I thought it couldn't happen there... where do i put my offshore account now ?

>> No.54207263

Do you see billionaries parking their money in any bank? They all buy bonds and sell when needed to invest in something. Current account should be used for short-term (if possible same day) transactions.

>> No.54207290

Dude he was running the bank

>> No.54208202
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It's actually just a fetish

>> No.54208254

All the government has to do is nothing, the moment it interferes financially it becomes cronyism.

>> No.54208350

Imagine being this clueless.