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File: 76 KB, 1200x915, FrgzTdeWwAEH7li.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54201194 No.54201194 [Reply] [Original]

How insulting, the brutal dictator that literally just threw thousands of political prisoners into concentration camps and has completely destroyed the economy, is now bragging about wasting his peoples money on fake internet money.

>> No.54201213

>his people’s money
don’t recall him being american…

>> No.54201214

He's a genius and the most loved president in the western hemisphere.

>> No.54201217
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 1662896466236953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter screenshot thread
>and even saved from twitter

>> No.54201226


>> No.54201233

>just threw thousands of political prisoners into concentration camps and has completely destroyed the economy, is now bragging about wasting his peoples money on fake internet money.
that tweet was from november, bait post

>> No.54201235

>literally just threw thousands of political prisoners into concentration camps
kek those were gangbanger niggers you retard

>> No.54201263

He didn't waste his people's money he secured his people's future if he dollar cost averaged correctly.

The south American countries are poor because of American imperialism, and by American I mean Zionist occupied government of America.

>> No.54201286

What sort of country has anti boycott laws that prevent people from doing business with any company that boycotts Israel.

Imagine it America forces the world to do business with Israel, the country that is actively engaged in the ethnic cleansing of people from their own home.

The American people are forced at gun point to hand over money to a genocidal dictatorship that right now drops bombs on children.

>> No.54201370

you know how disgusting those people are, right? No, not the Jews, I'm sure you know enough about them if you can find us here. No I'm talking the so-called Palestinians, the ass-backwards goat-fucker people that use children as human shields one floor above their military targets. Jews aren't 'the good guys', they've been involved in all sorts of disgusting behavior. Arabs in general are arguably as bad.

>> No.54201425

Israel is an illegal nation that stole the lands from the Palestinian people.

They've been able to hold fake elections and claim it's a democratic nation, it's not.
It's a genocidal dictatorship, no excuse for bombing children.

>> No.54202120

That describes literally every North and South American country + Australia and a few other places, when are they gonna pay reperayshuns? Oh never? You're just an antisemite?

>> No.54202226

>the brutal dictator
>thousands of political prisoners into concentration camps
>bragging about wasting his peoples money
>has completely destroyed the economy
Joe Biden?

>> No.54202484

what a fucking chad, timed the generational bottom and started DCA'ing

>> No.54202873
File: 53 KB, 803x580, 1656577871167678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54204871

Any chance you could show us a picture of your nose?
Standard, routine physiognomy check.

>> No.54205436
File: 148 KB, 858x912, 1677794870440109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right though, arabs and jews are both disgusting semitic subhumans

>> No.54205470

>national wallet gets hacked
oopsy, future of finance is ur money gone, kek

>> No.54205914

>Hamas represents all of Palestine

Retard alert

>> No.54206142

I have yet to see a picture of the nose.
I'd like to see your nose as well Anon. No worries just the usual physiognomy check.

>> No.54206297

Based knower

>> No.54207368

Israel for the first few decades of its existence was literally NS Germany but if they somehow got america to pay for everything and the whole world to support them. Jews really are the master race.