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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54186242 No.54186242 [Reply] [Original]

Not even $10. You got your staking, you got your cute little cosplay conventions where you all wear plaid shirts. You got Eric Schmidt and the coffee boy at SWIFT. And yet, you're a middle of the pack shitcoin after 6 years? What happened?

>Used to shill all the 'advisors' Sergey hired with your money
>Swore CCIP would be delivered
>Thought Arbitrum would use LINK for gas
>Then thought Arbitrum would use Chainlink BUILD/SCALE and airdrop you a bunch of tokens
>Thought Baseline and Provide would deliver enterprise
>Thought DECO, Mixicles, Town Crier and a bunch of vaporware would bring SHIB level gains
>Thought $20 in Aug 2020 was just the beginning
>Thought the first in-person SmartCon would mean $1000
>Thought SIBOS meant something
>Believed Google would pump your bags
>Swore that staking would cause a token scarcity event
>Thought LINK would have an ETH run

Wrong wrong and more wrong. You were wrong each and every time you created a new crumb to generate excitement. You thought market cap 3 was a given. What went wrong?

>> No.54186279

It’s up like 100x from six years ago what the fuck are you talking about? You should cope for not buying. Even if you bought at around a dollar you outperformed the fuck out of most traditional markets get real

>> No.54186290

>Unironically, LINK.
- Uncle Oldfag

>> No.54186303

Other projects DREAM of having deranged fudders pay 24 hour attention to their project.
Only Chainlink gets this honor, only Chainlink is that important.

>> No.54186462
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Is that something to be proud of, when DOGE went from $0.00001 to $0.70? What a retard you are, talk about real cope

He told it like it was

Not at all, the universe needs balance for all you shills. Chainlink and everything associated with it is a scam. Pic very related

>> No.54186830

Comparing a forgotten dogshit coin vs developing ultility coin is the most retarded nigger thing, also fuck you Thomas

>> No.54186892

Imagine believing all of this marketing. Literally just buy an ad bro

>> No.54186916

>Swore that staking would cause a token scarcity event
This one is hilarious. To ensure there wouldn't be any scarcity at all, the team dumped 50m link into an already heavily shorted market (by celsius and nexos) as if to offset any sort of price gain that staking would cause.
Any now they wonder why sentiment is so negative. Cheer up and provide liquidity, long term holders. The next bullmarket needs your subsidies.

>> No.54186929

>I’m so not obsessed with chainlink that I obsess over it for literally no lesser reason than to bring harmony to the universe
Fucking hell lmao

>> No.54186969
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It's truly incredible how dense these people are. Every part of the project was touched by a scammer.
>Sam Bankman
>Lady luck
>Oracle (Fernando)

>> No.54187017

Buy an ad support the site if you want to advertise here

>> No.54187123

>Reverse psychology

Ineffective, shill

>> No.54187139

>advertising the post
buy an ad if you want to advertise

>> No.54187179

chainshitters are the new XRP baggies

>> No.54187190

>marketing two cryptos
dude just buy an ad lmao

>> No.54187281
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>He thinks this is effective deflection
>He thinks spamming "buy an ad" will distract people from Chainlink being a scam

Nice try but that's not gonna work. Maybe you can shill the blue dot thing again

>> No.54187287
File: 530 KB, 360x203, B6371B26-73E3-4A5E-B684-B5A0C9064EE9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE

It’s fucking OVER

>> No.54187289

everyone knows you fud as part of your marketing campaign to gain traction. all cryptos are scams.

just buy an ad bro

>> No.54187295

>more paid marketing
this is going to rile you up but buy an ad bro seriously

>> No.54187303

Dog coins has more use case than chainshit. When was the last time u use chainlonk?

>> No.54187309

>we "use" crypto
bro stop lying none of you use crypto not even the exchanges do its just a scam that serves zero purpose everyone knows this. buy an ad

>> No.54187357

anyone got a link to this podcast that everyone says is terrible?

>> No.54187372

>tech illiterate doesn't know how to use google
what a sad state this site is nothing but paid marketers

>> No.54187385

Last I saw was some google space with CLG. Did that shit actually manage to go that?

>> No.54187430

sounds like marketing to me bro are you here to advertise? buy an ad

>> No.54187532
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>>marketing two cryptos
how am i "marketing" (also what other tokens am i marketing?) a token when i making fun/laughing at baggies and their shitty tokens?

kys chaishitter schizo..
again, no different than XRP baggies with their cult and their delusional stuff

>Le buy an ad
same, if chainshitters just stayed in their containment threads, nobody would hate on them

INB4 DIfferent id:
/K/trannies banned me for a meme they didn't like

whatever, i'm moving to the next thread


>> No.54187595

I have no idea what you are talking about but it sounds like marketing to me maybe buy an ad?

>> No.54187643

Lashing out at fud hasn’t exactly been a good look either. Kinda makes it seem like the marketers themselves aren’t confident in the project as they think they are.

>> No.54187667

its all marketing though. just buy an ad its easy theres a link at the bottom of the page

>> No.54188756

>higher mcap than link

>> No.54188811

Dogecoin has a higher ROI compared to Link since 2017 while also dumping less from its 2021 peak.

>> No.54188827
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>> No.54188888

This, they piss in your face and wonder "why are you angry"? I bet they're starting to sweat because there are a lot of deranged american schizos (with guns) in their community who feel legit betrayed over the lies of the past 2 years and have nothing to lose at this point, which is why they made this podcast with more pie in the sky bullshit from sergey. It's throwing a bone and trying yo gaslight everyone.

>> No.54188901


>> No.54188920

>everyone pointing the reality is discord bulgarian tranny fudder
Meanwhile Chainlink has literal PAID SHILLS posting here and on twitter

>> No.54189087

I think Chainlink is a good project

>> No.54189091
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Fucking CHECKED we are all, quite simply, every one of us, down to the last man, going to MAKE IT.
FUCK YES what are the odds literal retarded NEETS beat the whole world to the lynchpin of the 4IR, this timeline is fucking crazy i'm so happy to be on this ride with you bros.

>> No.54189117

>there are a lot of deranged american schizos (with guns)
checked I hope those deranged all american schizos with guns dont go full incel like chainlinkgod

>> No.54189178

crap this means i have to sell my 1k stacklet at market open

>> No.54189237

>I think Chainlink is a good project

its a worthless shitcoin with no utility though

>> No.54189263
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>> No.54189279

buy an ad

>> No.54189295

why pay for something i can do for free?

>> No.54189299

what incentive would you have to do something for free anon?

>> No.54189304
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I just like hanging out with my LINK bros in the place where we all uncovered LINK all those years ago.

>> No.54189498

>uncovered LINK
>we did that
Did we? I remember a lot of heroes with trips educating anons about chainlink and the future. later on I found out that I was still poor and crypto is a much bigger lie than I originally believed. at least I know about oracles now i wish i didnt but there it is

>> No.54189514

Never pay any attention to people with names/trips anon, that's rule number one.

>> No.54189672

> later on I found out that I was still poor
How? Did you buy after 2018?

>> No.54189687

look either chainlink can fail and go to 0 or they can pump my bags when they give up on the delusion that I will ever sell. it's that simple and either outcome is fine with me. I hate chainlink, thats why i hold and stake it.

>> No.54189697

kys dataminer

>> No.54189762

>listening to trips
rookie mistake

>> No.54190191

We all know fudders are paid by chainlink labs ambassadors to advertise link. Chainlink community advocates also come here to shill and fud.

Just buy an ad bro.

>> No.54190236

Schizo retard poorfag, enjoy living in your potato sack while you still can