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54188452 No.54188452 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one on this site that thinks /a/ is the worst board on this site? Its literally all “Generals” and coomer shit. The general threads are just the same schizos posting their ships while the threads always get derailed by porn and gore. The coomer threads have no discussion and might as well be the fucking hentai board. All the interesting discussion threads die in 30 posts and the rest are just shonenshit shitflinging which sadly are somehow the better threads

How do i profit from this?

>> No.54188457
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Wow an iphone tranny

>> No.54188464


I don't go to any other boards except:


There really isn't a use for any other boards.

>> No.54188480

/a/ is smarter than this shithole so it’s automatically better.

>> No.54188490

> /sp/ and /tv/ not on the list

>> No.54188495
File: 69 KB, 350x350, bcjy84ppzzk11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your containment boards niggers.

>> No.54188512


Never heard of those 2

>> No.54188521

every board is worse than the others

>> No.54188556

ur right op only /ck/ /Biz/ and /r9k/ are useable but r9k is mostly shit. everything else is a meme like you said /a/ doesnt discuss anime well /mu/ doesnt discuss music outside of a few crappy musicians.

pol is just shit too much useless crap to read too many boomerschizos that board has like 60 iq level

>> No.54188562

i forgot to include /v/ and /vr/ those are some of the only boards worth visiting on this shit site

especially /v/

/vr/ is very repetetive

/vg/ is just generals where noone actually talks to eachother or discuss a game they just dump art of their waifus its so gay

>> No.54188566

the best are /v/, Biz/, /tv/.....sp is only good for heem threads.

>> No.54188572

Mosy of the troons are from /a/, so yes, it is the worst board.

>> No.54188592

Full of incel faggots all making threads about no gf or teenagers crying about their ex.

>Biz no actual discussion of business, most people don't have any financial intelligence, just shilling of altcoins no one knows or cares about by people who want a get rich quick sceme
Full of lookism threads and telling manlets to commit suicide.


Mostly just schizo's who think they can talk to god.


Eh, some good threads.

All in all 4chan is shit. Mostly go on here for special interest generals.

>> No.54188612

/r9k/ was awesome like 10 years ago. Been shit ever since it became the tranny board rather than for neckbeards

>> No.54188615
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the one piece generals are comfy though

>> No.54188621

The only troons on /a/ are the jannies say one negative thing about their axe wounds and they drop the ban hammer it's honestly pathetic

>> No.54188746

>heem threads.
Based, please do come for some /knuck/ and /box/ action.

>> No.54188841
File: 275 KB, 1500x761, nm0emt0h5o611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bet you're no older than 25. If you have a brain, you'll think /r9k/ and /pol/ are cringe by the time you're 30. Then again you like /x/ so maybe you don't have a brain.


>> No.54188868

why is /a/ unironically always trying to make every anime character gay ?

>> No.54188941

Ah.... a man of good taste
Some hilarious stuff on those; svseeker alone provides more lols than most boards

If you like computer generated waifu porn, tech has a near constant supply of stable diffusion generated images hosted by some very dedicated spergery. They even start making more general while the first is still up and another's just been set up. They're keen.

>> No.54188959

>Eh, some good threads
It's mainly a bunch of guys living in imagination land thinking they're actually some supreme commander general that will, one day, win heart and mind of the common man, as they lead the boog. Ironically, a lot of them would probably get wiped out in minutes in an actual situation because they'd be too busy arguing over very specific details about which countries have tanks with the best track change over time.

>> No.54188986

> There is banner quoting the tenno saying "/a/ was a mistake".

>> No.54188998


Lol, you actually take this site seriously? Fuck off loser. Imagine admitting you're over 30 years old and still hangout on a site filled with teenagers making memes and shitposting. Don't you have a wife and kids to take care of? Don't you have friends to go fishing with? Don't you have a lawn to mow, or something?

>> No.54189002

/v/ is the main battleground with the worst mods, janitors and shitposters.
It has all the downsides of /pol/, /g/, /biz/, /int/, /b/, /tv/, /a/ and other boards but with non of the benefits.
And a huge chunk of advertisers and active bots.

>> No.54189031

/pol/ has been voted worst board of the website 5 years in a row now.

>> No.54189241

we're all chatgpt bots. 4chan is inhabited by bots, feds and a single origami enthusiast that is blissfully unaware.

dead internet theory is real motherfucker