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54182232 No.54182232 [Reply] [Original]

So, is it just gona keep going up now or what?

Seems to have gone way higher than all the TA guys thought

>> No.54182247
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TA is a complete meme and you should feel bad for even considering their opinions.

>> No.54182258

keep buying, mumu. but post your trades and bags so i can laugh

>> No.54182281

Market longed 27500.

>> No.54182287

if 30k is broken, it really is over for bobo retards

>> No.54182326
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It's not bitcoin going up it's fiat currencies going down.

Fucking mentally ill keynsians are saving the banking system that collapsed because they had too much cash and bought shit collateral.

But god forbid you tell them to print bigger cash than the 100 usd and abolish civil forfeiture, because they will call you a money laundering scum.

Meanwhile here we go again to save the bank system for the "once in a century crisis™"

>> No.54182358
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>> No.54182363

How much do you want to bet that China/Russia state actors are pumping price to cause pain for USA?

>> No.54182372

how many fucking weeks in a row will you mumoids not understand that you won't be leaving your village? week after week it's 26k this 27k that and we're back to 20-21k every time

>> No.54182371

30k - next support level. then back to 25k until more banks get bailed out.

>> No.54182384

CZ is pumping the price with $1bn of his shitty stablecoin. Anyone buying now with the intent of "hodling" is a retard, make sure you sell before they nuke the shit out of crypto (it will happen)

>but dude bitcoin is sound money bro banks are failing bro

well done retard you are falling for the narrative being pushed because price is going up in green line. a month ago you niggers were screeching about the soft landing because the sp500 was going up

>> No.54182387

we keep going up until the TA guys stop shorting

>> No.54182391

I knew it was those damn Russians!
*shakes fist*

>> No.54182411

China and Russia are hostile to crypto tough Russia less than china at least to mining.

The truth is that BRICS could deploy their own descentralized ledger to bypass the usd but they are all the economies that like capital controls the most in the planet.

There is a reason why anglos have dominated global finance for centuries, they have the will to empire in their veins or at least had it until they opened their borders.

Being a reserve currency is a sacrifice it makes your internal policies be different than your global policies and usually leads to deindustrialization.

Not seeing brics pulling a bretton woods or offering an alternative besides shit chinese swaps.

>> No.54182437

1 billion is nothing for crypto

>> No.54182460

cause its not about TA. it's now about market psychology

>> No.54182470


it is when you consider market caps vs liquidity. $1bn of buys on binance can easily move the price by about $5-6k, do that and voila the fomo idiots will buy

>> No.54182505

And how exactly would making some random shitcoin ‘bypass’ the USD?

>> No.54182509

delusional idiot

>> No.54182511

Straight to 50k, wagmi

>> No.54182531


cope baggie.

>> No.54182550

Only bullfags hate TA. Because it invalidates their childlike belief that line only ever goes up when it comes to their bags.

>> No.54182776

They can be hostile towards sovereign currency for their citizens , while secretly embracing it for state treasuries and as a tool of economic warfare

>> No.54183906

>So, is it just gona keep going up now or what?
my target is 42k
>Seems to have gone way higher than all the TA guys thought
I'm a TA fag and I violently accumulated last weekend during peak USDC + bank failure FUD. Most people doing bullish TA were keeping it to themselves cuz they wanted optimal entry if the patterns played out correctly (they did)

>> No.54185568
File: 198 KB, 1600x900, jan 16 2023 Tara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this broad was fucking crazy on January 16.

>> No.54185653
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>And how exactly would making some random shitcoin ‘bypass’ the USD?

Bretton woods failed Bancor was the original cryptocurrency it was a proof of stake cryptocurrency with the IMF & World Bank created to act as parts of it's functions.

But it was never created, but in today era it would be as easy as forking bitcoin and using it between them.

It's just that the brics trannies love capital controls so they will never pass as a real currency.

No, they can't this is the reason why Venezuela and Iran failed in using crypto at a state level to bypass sanctinos, in order to have liquidity of crypto you need to let your citzens trade it and you need to trust them with that power which neither country did.

Hence why anglos dominate and capital control cucks seethe.

>> No.54186010

I'm not focused on the price right now because I know in a few years, we will call this a cheap price. My attention right now is on achieving my make-it stack on ETH, FLUX, UTK, and FTM as I value them to deliver good ROI due to their numerous use cases.

>> No.54186138

how does TA take into account world variables? all it does it correlate with past events of a chart and compute that guessing off performances, but even then it's missing gaping variables that would make the TA moot

>> No.54186211

Price ranges between 20-20.5k and 22-22.5k, price breaks out of 20.5k, low order volume, price goes to 22k. It's pretty simple anon. It's literally just a mathematical representation of reality

>> No.54186396

The charts reflect the real world variables. Go back and paper trade any of the charts from 2020 and you'll see they all started to react to covid long before the March 2020 dump, for example.
But yes, even then nobody should ignore world variables or fundamentals regarding the asset they're trading. TA is one piece of analysis, not the end all, be all.
I think anons who totally dismiss TA limit themselves as much as the people who only read the charts do. A good example is one anon who posted earlier today who mentioned that every stock he buys instantly dumps. I asked him to tell me what he invested in and when so I could see what the technicals had to say.
Sure enough, they showed it was a bad trade that he would have avoided with even a very basic understanding of a couple of technical indicators. Even though world events showed that meme stocks were pumping, it didn't apply to the one he chose and it was avoidable if he had been willing to include TA in his toolbox.
A lot of the criticism you hear about TA on here is from guys who tried using TA, found that it couldn't perfectly predict price action, and so they decided it was worthless. That isn't what TA does, realistically. If you do understand what it can and can't do, it is just one more type of analysis that can help you make good decisions. It's not a substitute for all forms of analysis.

>> No.54187413

I was not expecting a well thought response. Thank you for that, I normally grugTA eyeballing it. I haven't got into enough but I'm starting to get better at spotting uptrends, downtrends, and crabbing but after 4 years of watching charts I should be better.

>> No.54188971
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its over