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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54181705 No.54181705 [Reply] [Original]

The global economic system is crashing and you all are buying imaginary money

You CAN'T be this retarded.

>> No.54181745

shut up you fat jew

>> No.54181752

Go back to /pol/ and leave the money making to the big boys

>> No.54181774
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My monopoly money be bussin doe

>> No.54181809

>the system is crashing
>pls keep your wealth into that system sirs

>> No.54181851

stay poor glowie

>> No.54181906

check gold price action. Same as bitcoin. People are fleeing dollars

>> No.54181916

read up on what happend in weimar republic just before peak of hyperinflation hit

>> No.54181972

Fucking idiots. I'm a C-level executive at a bank in Brazil. The word from the big boys is that if people start moving their funds to crypto we need to crackdown the ramps. You will end locked with your monopoly money and won't be able to cashout.

>> No.54182011

how are you going to crackdown the ramps when its all pix based? can a bank block pix transactions?

>> No.54182028

sometimes the retarded choice is the right one

>> No.54182031

the global economic system is built upon the imaginary money dude. the scam is what we use now.

>> No.54182076
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>> No.54182103

yeah no thats never going to happen. you cant "just close every offramp" are you retarded? thats not possible and thats not even a good idea even if you could pull it off in theory. people transact OTC anyways

>> No.54182141

>in Brazil
dilate, tranny.

>> No.54182201

we don't want to cashout moron, your money is worth negative value, people like you will pay dearly what we got way ahead

>> No.54182250
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se mate macaco

>> No.54182360

>we dont want to cash out, we dont care about fiat
>but we do celebrate and get euphoric everytime our shitcoin goes up in USD value
youre not fooling anymore desperate poorfag. you'll rid those bags down all the way to your suicide

>> No.54182405

I'm not cashing out anytime this decade. As long as there's ONE just ONE place on the planet where I can cash out, I can cash out because bitfucks can be moved across any border freely

>> No.54182462

>heh you use a certain metric to represent value that means you really really want to own units of that metric
Yes it's not a big house I want it's the square meters I'm desperately addicted to. I don't need a fast car, I need kilometers and hours. Otherwise why would I measure the quality of the house in meters and that of a car in km/h?

>> No.54182494
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This is pathetic

>> No.54182564

>buying imaginary money

That's the Boomer legacy financial system. It's over for you fiat niggers.

>> No.54182566
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And which rundown shack do you hail from oh mighty bank manager?

>> No.54182609


>> No.54182625

what happened?

>> No.54182655

tell me genius, how do you measure the value of bitcoin without using another asset? measuring bitcoin value with bitcoin, that's it? answer me loser

>> No.54182666

OP is probably a LARPER but he's right

If they close fiat ramps it's over, Bitcoin will collapse. Bitcoin is a temporary hedge, when faith in banks is restored everybody will buy fiat

>> No.54182715
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I stack a fair amount of gold and silver. Might be wise to diversify. Dedollarization is the ultimate goal and it can take various forms.

>> No.54182725

Nope. Peer to peer will always be possible. Exchanges aren’t needed.

>> No.54182730

>imaginary money

That’s basically what fiat is

>> No.54182746

You are such a little goy lol.

>> No.54182802
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>Fucking idiots. I'm a C-level executive at a bank in Brazil.

Which means you wear leaves on your feet and get intermittent electricity. Fuck off back to your favela monkey bro, go hijack and shoot someone for worthless government printed asswipe being diluted to hell.

>> No.54182811

Nice ad hominem

>> No.54182857

You still not addressed his argument

>> No.54182952

answer me monkey, now

>> No.54182962
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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. It’s regrettable that the clown financial regulators have no moral standing to attack the clown crypto currencies but this charade will cause a lot of pain soon.

>> No.54182998

lol if you're going to talk shit you should at least try to refute the guy

>> No.54184176

Fleeing to crypto is more likely bizfag, seeing as you have full custody of your assets. I took the initiative long ago and moved my Btc, Mana, Ride and Crt to my ledger for security.

>> No.54185121

Read BTC's whitepaper

no You since low effort post

>> No.54185153

the only thing imaginary is the deposits inside your bank, fiatcel

>> No.54185171

kek please be a troll

>> No.54185185
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bitcoin peaked at the height of COVID pandemic. Bitcoin thrives at doomsday

>> No.54185190

I don’t trust the bank
So I bought this picture of a seal
Feel perfectly safe

>> No.54185216

burro feito uma mula, seu filho da puta sem cerebro, fiatcel retardado
todos os titulos de banco no negativo e tu ai achando que alguém vai querer trocar UTXO por nota promissória de judeu?
pede desculpas pro /biz/ inteiro ou tua mãe vai ser estuprada numa favela por 50 neginho ao mesmo tempo, fiatcel de merda cagalhão puto

>> No.54185715
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It's a smart move to consider using it and also bag some of it for good ROI and if you don't see the opportunity here, then perhaps you're missing out on a chance to improve your life like a moron. I recently used your so-called imaginary money to make online payment on Sauy and Trivala. Stop acting like a faggot and embrace the trend.

>> No.54185759

So many replies. So much seething. Comfy.

>> No.54185777

No You because you don't him to see that you quoted him, kek. You're afraid of being replied back. Coward.

>> No.54185796

All money is imaginary

>> No.54185818

cala a boca zuca burro do caralho

>> No.54185823

>I'm a C-level executive at a bank in Brazil.
And? My dad works at Nintendo and he told me crypto and PM’s are going to become exponentially more valuable with fiat money hyperinflating.

>> No.54185849

Basically exactly what is happening in the Western World right now. Degeneracy and everything. Best part is, this time the Jews have nowhere to run and hide to because of the invention called the internet. Their own system of control was the very thing that screwed them over. I love karma

>> No.54185966

If you are a C-level executive at a bank in Brazil, you should be paying attention to Nigeria, and their BTC adoption at the expense of banks and the central government.

>> No.54186003
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I also stack bullets, silver and food, along with XMR and the OG

>> No.54186022
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XMR/BTC is money, everything else is credit.

>> No.54186921

>imaginary money
Imaginary money number go up.
How about yours?
Now who's a dumb fucker?

>> No.54186933

This. I tried telling these stupid trooncoin anons about this, but they are religiously stubborn.
>What is the value of trooncoin without fiat off ramps and shops that accept it?
Nothing, don't be a gay retard, get your gibs out now and put it into gold, before the big exchanges running no reserve scams say no refunds, it may already be too late.

>> No.54186960

You can't honestly be this gay and retarded. PIX isn't for trooncoin.

>> No.54186967

I wasnt talking about degeneracy, that's a given
I'm talking about economic "boom"
people were enthusiastic because they tought they're getting rich, sock market positively explodedjust before people all realized all that money and stocks they have are completly fucking worthless

>> No.54187000

I am kind of worried about my neighbours. They're bound to think I eventually am getting loony when I can't restrain myself from laughing my ass off on an early saturday morning only half-past five.

>> No.54187033

OP is right. Bitcoin is nothing without fiat ramps.

>> No.54187078

>t. invested in the slaver system

>> No.54187256 [DELETED] 

Go buy a coffee

>b-b-but binance card
They're converting Bitcoin to fiat before processing the payment, faggot

>> No.54187265

Go buy coffee with Bitcoin

>b-b-but binance card
They're converting Bitcoin to fiat before processing the payment, faggot

>> No.54187279

Fiat is a sinking a sinking ship

>> No.54187286

Bitcoin is just the trial phase for CBDCs anyways. Worthless mass surveillance shitcoin.

>> No.54187306

wouldn't fiat on and off ramps just ensure USD hegemony? I don't see EuroT or euroDC, what about RubbleCoin or RupeeCoin? No, that's right nearly the entire market of the entire world is tracked to a synthetic USD derivative. Bitcoin ensures U.S global hegemony and you guys got psyoped, but cheers to the birth of a new asset class. Once kabuki theatre is over, this will be self evident. China is one of the few countries with the soverignty and military might to defend their own digital dollar, but in the end what will they be submissive to? USD capital, and all derivatives globally.

>> No.54187330

>thats not possible
It's very possible. Especially if the fiat system is perceived to be under attack, which would certainly be the case in the envisaged scenario.

>> No.54187356

The only real threat to bitcoin is a CME. fiat can be lit on fire. Bank robbers had it wrong, they should have burned the money, not steal it.

>> No.54187365
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trynna make it before this shit implodes

>> No.54187912

The antiquated fiat system that was already backed by.... nothing! Sanctions dont work when its half the global economy wipes their ass with them.

>> No.54188007
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The USD is the scam.
Bitcoin is solid Austrian economics digital gold.

Also KYS.

>> No.54188013
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>> No.54188014
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>Fucking idiots. I'm a C-level executive at a bank in Brazil. The word from the big boys is that if people start moving their funds to crypto we need to crackdown the ramps. You will end locked with your monopoly money and won't be able to cashout.

Brazuca boludo, here in argentina they tried that and now we can cash in and out without KYC in physical dollar.

They literally pay you to cash in, you give 100 usd and you get 104 usdt.

So fight us we are ready fucker.

>> No.54188019

Everything is in reference to other thing you imbecilic self contained monad

>> No.54188348

That’s the point you literal nigger.

>> No.54188385

Business could choose not to accept bitcoin but what other option do they get if there is no fiat? gold? they don't want to carry that around.

>> No.54188394

You set the price of bread based on how many people can afford bread and how many you want to sell. Surprise.

>> No.54188782

Who cares about the cash out
1 BTC = 1 BTC

>> No.54188807
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>The global economic system is crashing and you are buying lumps of metal and seething at bitcoin chads.
>You CAN'T be this retarded.

>> No.54189062

And you are trusting the collapsing global economic system. Thus, you are the greater retard. QED.

>> No.54189090

>Might be wise to diversify
This is necessary, so you won't loose your sleep over a failed project, i have gold too, some BTC, magic, ride and axs
>I don’t trust the bank
Kek, the only thing I have there is emergency funds

>> No.54189099

Why would I want to cashout to a worthless currency?
You boomers still don't get it do you?
We do not want to use your riggered system, it's not about trust or the lack of it. It's over. 0. Nada.

>> No.54189460
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Wow! A talking macaco!