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54173500 No.54173500 [Reply] [Original]

He said “thanks to the fed for interest rates”

Is he about to get fucked lol? Did he buy the top?

>> No.54173560

If it's fixed, no
If it's variable, maybe.

>> No.54173710

He bought the top at high interest rates
You have to be retarded to be a buyer right now

>> No.54173736

>Did he buy the top?
He wouldn't care if he did, chud.

>> No.54173760
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>buying this chart

>> No.54173803

there wont be a bubble

>> No.54174006

I'm in the process of buying my first home right now
I understand that chart, but i also understand the money supply just recently 5x'd

>> No.54174074

Imagine thinking high interest rate is worse than high purchase price

>> No.54174096


I can see the logic of you gambling on money printer going brrrrrr again. Best of luck.

>> No.54174148

isn't it the same result?
> my savings still dead

>> No.54174182

no, you can always refi

>> No.54174228

it depends. if you're paying an inflated price only because of recent insanity and it's not reflected in any renovation or work on the house prior to listing, then yeah high purchase price is worse.

>> No.54174248


Well two scenarios:

>rates go up and you have a lower than current rate
>rates go down and you refi

Price is probably the biggest factor in this market

>> No.54174363

It literally doesn’t matter unless you’re buying houses to flip and re-sell. Anyone who buys a house and intends to live there for 5+ years can’t lose whether they buy the top or bottom of a market.

The people who makes these threads are at best filthy rentoids paying for their chad landlords mortgage every month, or at worst living in mommy’s basement unironically, seething that there are people with more independence and privacy than them.

>> No.54174480

like buying in 2007

>> No.54174678


yeah some niggas were underwater for a decade

>> No.54174709

wages are going to drop 90%
doesn't matter if your payments are fixed or variable at that point

>> No.54174759

wrong. priced in for the goycattle too. see you in July

>> No.54175029

Does the chart account for the US money supply 3Xing in the last three years?

>> No.54175191

This Hoovers can't lose

FED raises rates
>Glad I got locked in when I did
FED lowers rates
>Looks like it is time to refi at a lower rate

>> No.54175208

At this time you have BOTH, the worst possible time

>> No.54175252

Prices are still at ATH for almost every property on the market. If not at ATH some Boomer is still trying to get atleast 2x what they paid.

>> No.54175310

In theory the money supply would affect wages and home prices equally, no? Meaning the chart is money supply agnostic

>> No.54175316

Yes. You see that “income” part? That’s indicative of what the average person can afford.

>> No.54175491

>no response at all
Seething rentoids and basement dwellers eternally btfo

>> No.54175516

>If it's fixed, no
Have you seen the IR on 30yr mortgage rates lately?

>> No.54175532

Exactly this lmfaoo.
Fixed/simple or variable, it doesn't matter. This is literally the top.

>> No.54175547


kek here's your pity (you)

>> No.54175587

>Anyone who buys a house and intends to live there for 5+ years can’t lose whether they buy the top or bottom of a market.
Ok. Now explain what happened in 08, incorporating this exact statement of yours.

>> No.54175608

depends where he bought it, if he keeps a steady income, god there are so many factors it's not worth looking into
who cares?

>> No.54175865

What happens to mortgages and other outstanding goy debts when the US treasury announces a public debt default later this year?

I'm thinking Argentina-level inflation but banks will rewrite the debt contacts to adjust your payments, because they can.

>> No.54175878

In 2008 people who bought houses they couldn’t afford (retards) missed mortgage payments and got foreclosed on, because banks were giving 500k loans to people making 30k a year. Do you think that happened in the most recent run-up? If so do you have any proof to back up the claim?

Anyone who bought a house that they could afford in 2008 just kept living there, probably refinanced for an EVEN LOWER PAYMENT, and then proceeded to make a fat stack when they sold their house in 2020 for 3x it’s 2008 value.

Seething rentoids/basement dwellers hate home owners so bad that their pure jealousy makes them blind to logic, facts, and reason. It’s a disease worse than no-coiners

>> No.54175892

>thinks 50 year mortgages aren't in the near future for US homebuyers
Ha. Haha.

>> No.54175906
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Lower principal is always preferable, but right now principal hasn't budged with like 6% rates. It's the dumbest time of all to buy right now.

>> No.54175916

>banks will magically rewrite debt contracts and magically avoid the terms of the iron-clad contracts they’ve already signed
Tell me how I know you know absolutely NOTHING about contract law lmfao. “Duh banx will juz chang da roolz!!!!” Drooling retard get absolutely fucked by your lack of equity and net worth. Rentoids stay seething

>> No.54175919

What’s his IG

>> No.54175944

Prices have appreciated on average 10% in my area, even with interest rates doubling. There is barely anything available in the market that isn’t a slum house needing a tear down. A house payment for these houses would’ve been almost half if purchased a year ago

>> No.54175975
File: 42 KB, 640x425, hasnt even begun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you, if I may ask, anon? The ride hasn't even begun.

>> No.54176072

No self doxx sorry, it’s very common for rural areas with good proximity to a mid size non-pozzed city. Commuters and remote workers are still desperate to get out of the city and own some land but don’t want to be more than a 30 minute drive away from a downtown. These areas are a gold mine because the supply is way too low for it to outpace demand anytime soon.

I’m watching the absolute shittiest houses you can imagine get scooped up above asking, albeit the time on market has increased. Nothing is selling same day or within 3 days anymore unless it’s priced crazy competitive which is very rare

>> No.54176109

I see. Well, keep in mind that rural areas tend to feel the end of the "wave" in prices last.

>> No.54176125

Housing is on the way down, he didn't buy the tippy top but still nowhere near the bottom. He'll ragret.

>> No.54176192

For sure, I think rural areas also tend to experience less extreme swings. So probably no 50% crash in value during a recession but rarely are property prices doubling during a bull run either.

Imo, the wild card here is remote workers. Adding a bunch of people with a lot of money to the pool of potential rural home buyers could have really crazy long term consequences. These types of areas have an average income of 50k and usually not great job prospects historically, which naturally suppressed the housing prices in the past

>> No.54176412
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>Do you think that happened in the most recent run-up? If so do you have any proof to back up the claim?
I'm so fucking glad you said this.

>> No.54176429
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>> No.54176450
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>> No.54176465
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>> No.54176479
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>> No.54176493

Why? Can't you just lock in the low home price and refinance next year when rates are lower?

>> No.54176509

poorfags will have to move into homes with friends
actually if you start a harem it's great

>> No.54176514
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>> No.54176539
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>> No.54176568
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>> No.54176589
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>> No.54176590


Stuff like this makes my dick hard. Thanks for posting it.

>> No.54176611
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>> No.54176651
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>> No.54176675
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>> No.54176733

This is interesting, the rest of what you posted was sensationalized faggotry and literal anecdotes of poor people being retarded though
1.3T loss was a 2% drop lmao

Damn it feels good to know my mortgage payment to income ratio is 10%. Get fucked rentfags keep seething and coping

>> No.54176786
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You will be underwater soon.

>> No.54176806
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>> No.54176819

And you will still be a poor, seething, and coping rentoid lmao. Cry more little faggot, I could buy my house for cash outright if I wanted to, but until inflation slows that’s a bad financial calculation

>> No.54176855


>peak of the mountain clown market
>this nigga talking about positive cash flow

>> No.54176871
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>> No.54176892
File: 780 KB, 1080x1676, Screenshot_20230217_084735_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a retard just like him. See anon below.


>> No.54176907

Meant to include retard anon

>> No.54176916

he should have waited. What a retard

>> No.54176950

you all need to shut the fuck up and realize that
they don't even look at the APY or the total principal on loans
jesus get with the times niggers, it's not 1950 anymore

>> No.54177014
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>> No.54177091
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>> No.54177125
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>> No.54177221

You are really retarded, buy a cheap home on high rates then refi when rates come down vs buy same home for double the price at a good rate.

>> No.54177403
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>buy a cheap home on high rates
>cheap home
Lol. Where have you been the last 4 years?

>> No.54177719

But purchase prices are still high, at least in my area. Shit has barely dropped at all while interest rates are almost twice as high.

>> No.54179181
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>> No.54179240

Fucking idiot. Kek. There are no cheap homes. This is literally the top.

>> No.54179340

And the fed is turning on the printer again.

>> No.54179407

>Anyone who buys a house and intends to live there for 5+ years can’t lose whether they buy the top or bottom of a market.
This. I'm buying a house right now, and I don't plan to move until at the earliest 2030. Who the fuck knows what the market will be like in 2030? Who the fuck knows what the COUNTRY will be like in 2030? I've spent the past 3 years preparing for a global crash that just hasn't happened. I'm gonna just live my life, and whatever happens, well I'll deal with it then.

>> No.54179495

>but right now principal hasn't budged with like 6% rates
It won't budge because the demand is still sky-high. The only thing that will bring house prices down is a disastrous recession and people losing their homes and jobs, that will dramatically change the living quality of the country (bad), or building more homes (good). The latter isn't happening fast enough because this country literally stopped building after 2009 and our population has grown by 10% since. Add to that all the homes destroyed in our never-ending natural disasters, and the exploding house prices are a very simple result of not enough fucking supply. Big corpos buying up existing supply certainly hasn't helped, either.

>> No.54179562

Still better today than it was historically.
Zoom out if you haven't.

>> No.54179920

>t. loses everything in coming 2024 financial crisis

>> No.54179941
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So I'll get to enjoy my house for a year and then lose everything in the next crisis, where I was gonna lose everything, anyways. Big whoop.

>> No.54180105

both wrong

>> No.54180186

historical interest rates are irrelevant
they didn't have nearly as much debt back then
today, 6-8% is fucking huge