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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54175969 No.54175969 [Reply] [Original]

>fell for the college is a meme meme

>> No.54176012


I'm too low iq and risk averse to go to school, however I was able to succeed despite that. You can make it too.

>> No.54176040

I remember some retard crying about how he listened to people and didn't enrolled in college LOL

>> No.54176049
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Life is but a meme.

>> No.54176115
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It's how you take it

>> No.54176136

depends on what you study

>> No.54176138

>fell for the college is a meme meme is a meme is a meme is a meme meme

>> No.54176158
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That cat is a lot like me: being made a clown of, but still I take it to live in a comfortable space.

>> No.54176212

How are you successful? What do you do? That combo seems like the worst possible one to have.

>> No.54176242

be skilful in anything that can be sold and youll make good money

>> No.54176268

>Low IQ
>Risk averse
What skills can you gain with these traits that make good money? High IQ and risk tolerant is usually what makes good money.

>> No.54176304

Holy fuuuck look at that little guy!!! Cutest cot ever.

>> No.54176338

you should get a college degree. that doesnt mean you need to go to the most expensive college for more than 4 years and go on spring break to mexico and max your credit card. just get the degree from the cheapest college and get in and get out and then go to work.

>> No.54176363

Most people here are larping NEETs either intentionally giving bad advice or pretending they have a satisfactory career to feel smug against those better educated and connected than them
It’s a sad truth but having a degree is one of the most basic expectations for jobs, especially decent ones, these days. They won’t get you far in and of themselves but you’ll need one to get in the door most anywhere
the issue is taking advice or listening to stories from posters here and taking it at face value

>> No.54176366

people attach far too much value to what kind of work you do. a job is a job, it's a means to an ends.

>> No.54176377

The only ones with a use are ones that require lots of math. So if you think college is a meme you probably wouldn't make it anyway

>> No.54176500

It’s not too late.

>> No.54176638

Is this not the business board? Waging best practices don't belong here.

>> No.54176661

I regret ever going. Just saying. You're better off working a shit low paying job and buying assets while living at home. I'd have been retired by now

>> No.54176903

I went to Uni for 3 years and get paid 5-6 x a low paying job. That means I can buy 5-6 x more assets than you.

>> No.54177015
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drifting on a meme, a meme

>> No.54177387

You were in uni while tradies entered the work force right out of high school. They've have a head start on you and there's a 99% chance your 3 year degree will not have you earning 5-6x a tradesman who's been at it 5-10 years and not even 30 years old yet. You're unironically retarded and should probably go back to school.

>> No.54177857

The truth is that college is well worth it as long as you do the following
>do your first 2 years at county school
>don't go out of state
>don't go to a private school unless you are getting a free ride

>> No.54177999

so just go to the cheapest and best state school you can?

>> No.54178055
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Oh look, another “redpilled welder” bragging how much he makes. The trades are absolute fucking garbage.

>> No.54178098

well you have to attach a lot of value to it, you're going to be spending your lifeforce laboring there for money so you better maximize what you get out of it, there aren't many things more important.

>> No.54178373

Starting to doubt this. If you're going to major in some STEM and you excel then sure, college is good. If not, trades are fine. Now with gpt, there's no space for midwits because it can basically do anything that's not actual rocket science. You're just paying the social signaling tax and getting nothing out of it.

>> No.54178380

there is some truth to this anon, but how do you explain the IRL situations where people can't get a job that they worked for (degree wise) when they were in college? A lot of my friends complain that they can't get the job they learned the skills for

>> No.54178390

that's what i did. retired at 42. also master excel

>> No.54178404
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The only thing I didn't consider, that perhaps I should have when I was 18 and deciding not to go to university, was that "careers" are important for social status. It will be important for your own well-being, and it will also be important for your friends, family, and potential mates. Forgoing college, your friend pool will be limited to a lot of low-IQ losers, mentally ill people, and immigrants. When your parents are asked about their children, they want to say "my son is a [career]er", not "my son works at [company]". Contrary to popular belief, women do not want guys "with a lot of money", they would much rather take the guy who makes $105k/year as an accountant than the NEET who has $1.2million in the bank because he "invested".

I thought I didn't care about this stuff, but over time it feels less like you're skipping the rat race and more like you're forced to watch it from the sidelines without looking away.

>> No.54178415
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>OK so I don't exactly make 150k a year but I do make $30/hr and if I work 80hr weeks that's 120k a year which is basically 150k if you round upwards

>> No.54178449

Lmao tradies

I made $240k last year. Only have a bachelor's in CS.

>> No.54178464
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I'm a tradie but I'm planning on going back to college when I has moar money.

>> No.54178485

This board will short you if you've got any potential and are kind of hot shit compared to these incels
Make a thread on /lgbt/ asking trans women what kind of career they do, you'll get two dozen replies from women making as much as you do

>> No.54178533

im a college graduate and working at UPS lol except you have 0 debt and im chained to the brown jew

>> No.54178540

sounds like big city folk problems

>> No.54178627

>tfw finishing my masters in may hopefully
>can possibly get a job at a city college with a starting salary at 60k
>if I behave and act good, my salary can increase to 100k
Maybe this isn’t such a bad idea

>> No.54178650
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nice anon. I only make 170k full salary, not TC (total cope). but I live in the cheap midwest. Just bought 150 acres of land :)

>> No.54178661

>they would much rather take the guy who makes $105k/year as an accountant than the NEET who has $1.2million in the bank because he "invested".

all the NEET has to do is open a small business and problem solved.

>> No.54178682

Nice, nothing you said was true here lemme fix it
>I make 18k a year off schizophrenia disability because I told my psychologist my waifu was made by a Japanese coomer
>Also my mom has 10 acres in Arkansas worth nothing
Hi Nu ChrisChan

>> No.54178708

You niggers are stupid. One doesn’t know how overtime works, and the other is doing the same “I make a 100k over BLS median” larp as tradies.

>> No.54178713

Didn’t read after the smug comment. You sound like an angry kike that whites aren’t paying your taxes for your loans.

>> No.54178732

well I am not claiming to be anything special but at the age of 30 I realized I had no skills at all and no career path, going to school for 4 years seemed daunting so I decided I would do the welding meme, simply because it was a funny meme
with just under a year's experience in the workforce I was able to get to the point of making 58 CAD /hr
to give some perspective last year I worked for 6 months in a job that paid 26/hr then found a different job offering 36/hr which I worked for 4 months then landed the final job which paid 58/hr (but that was an adjusted rate because it was up north doing 14 days straight of 10-12 hr shifts so they didn't pay overtime unless working over 10 hrs per day)
So yeah, made 80k last year with 1 years experience.

>> No.54178734
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That's a rabbit

>> No.54178752

>go to work
Nah I rather invest with my student loans,
Jews are doing it so it must work.

>> No.54178767

>just work 80 hour weeks bro

>> No.54178794

I also would not recommend this to anyone, it fucking sucks. I wish I went to school for CS or Engineering or something, I had the grades in highschool but I am terribly lazy and have no sense of urgency whatsoever.

>> No.54178798

Retarded. Unless you're going to an elite school which is going to hook you up with
industry connections and alumni networks there's literally no point in going. I went to an elite school and dropped out, and I feel like I'm doing better than most of my peers. Pretty much every workplace I've been in has multiple college grads making the same wage for the same job. College is a fun place to party, make friends, and have sex. But ultimately you're paying for the experience, and there's nothing more pathetic than those kids who spend their twenties indefinitely extending their education while LARPing as scientists/doctors/lawyers despite not actually earning a wage from any of these activities.

>> No.54178817

Dude schools are so bad all the retards get a free pass to come study

>> No.54178877

why not just come up with a better title??
Call yourself an investment strategist or some shit.

>> No.54178892

Surrounding yourself with teenagers who all believe that they're the next Sagan or Faucci and who all suck each other off for years in a bizarre dick measuring contest while their parents finance their parasitic lifestyle is its own kind of psychological torture. Just stop caring so much and start trying to actually build meaningful things in your life.

>> No.54179203
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>> No.54179215

>he didn’t apply to a diploma mill to get past the filters

>> No.54179267
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>> No.54180466
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>fell for the drop out of uni in the last year meme

>> No.54180507
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College is a meme but America's education system is so bad that the average high schooler has no clue about what things cost or whether a career is feasible.
>t. multiple time career changer

>> No.54180541


>> No.54180636

It’s only a meme if you went for a meme degree. You gotta take averages into consideration nigga.

>there are successful people who never went to college
But the average person with a degree is waaaaay better off than the average person without one. Comparing yourself to outliers gets yourself nowhere

>I’m not average though
Even if you’re an above average person you’d be at a higher starting point. If you had an income distribution for the educated and uneducated population, the educated bell curve would be to the right of the uneducated bell curve since the mean income is higher.

>bill gates and Steve Jobs were college dropouts
They’re outliers and they dropped out of Harvard and Stanford.

>> No.54180703

Most college degrees are a meme though. Its better to not go to college if you are not going to get a useful degree from a reputable institution.

>> No.54181090

It’s easier to get a high gpa in community college. I transferred to ucla with a 3.9 gpa and came out with very little debt. Only had to take out loans for summer classes.

>> No.54181230

>make $101k a year and an accountant
im gonna make it, aren't i?